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Articles of Confederation

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Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation are known to be America's first written constitution in 1788.

It was meant to promote national unity, protect the freedom of every individual, and promote the

common good of every American citizen. The article is referred to as an important entity as it

also showed how the eighteenth-century United States government was supposed to function.

The Articles of Confederation is an important document in US history. This paper highlights the

strengths of the document.

The Articles of Confederation allowed people to sign treaties and negotiate. One of the

major treaties that this article allowed is the Paris Treaty, which helped to end and negotiate the

wars between North America and Great Britain, historically referred to as the revolutionary war.

However, the negotiation of this treaty led to the birth of a new United States that has

international diplomacy among the modern powers and to other nations globally. In addition, it

gave every state in America the right to have their rules and freedom to act under the proposed

mandate. The articles provided each state with the freedom to manage its citizens, communities,

and every other aspect within its borders. This allowed the states to make their laws and even

create policies that would ensure the security and wellbeing of the citizens.

The mandate that the articles of confederation offered to the states brought chaos in

America due to states having more authority than the federal government, making it sound like a

weakness. However, this was a blessing in disguise as it balanced the federal and state

governments' power in favor of the people. The Articles of the Confederation also made gave

power to the congress to establish the armed forces, declare war and also make peace. This

resulted in the Revolutionary War which led to the formation of the United States of America.

The Article of Confederation made it easier for people to be protected and feel secure. The

individual states felt safer and stronger as each state had enough power within its domain and

boundaries to protect itself from different attacks both internally and externally. This helped

maintain security in every state which is a major strength of the articles of confederation.


Political Science 102. (2022). Presentation.

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