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Name: Jhon Jhayrone Q.


Section: ICT 12A

Assessment Task

1. Why should we learn to float in the water?

Answers: Some pool accidents happen if someone falls into the water suddenly. If they don't know
how to float, they'll panic, making the situation much more deadly. The situation is significantly less
perilous when the child knows how to keep themselves safe by floating. If they fall in, they react calm
and relaxedly.

2. What are the benefits of learning the different swimming floatation?

Answers: For first, it trains the kid how to self-rescue if they fall into a pool or other body of water.
The second reason, which is more related to swimming skill, is that floating indicates a knowledge of
float and the ability to manage how to stay on the water's surface.


1. How many things can you see that could be used to reach out to the person in the water?

Answers: Five things I see that can be used to save the person. First is life vest because life vest is an
inflatable sleeveless jacket worn to keep the person afloat so that they do not drown. Second is the
life saver(Salbabida) because it is also similar to the life vest which helps to prevent a person from
drowning while wearing it. Third is the Paddle because it will also help to reach the person to be saved
from drowning. Fourth is the Fishing rod because it is long enough to reach the person and to be
pulled to the ground. And the last thing to help the person from drowning is Kalaykay because it is
also long enough to save the person.

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