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The main reason young adults choose to live with their parents is to save money.
You’ll save on rent, utility bills, grocery bills, and a lot more. Naturally, you will be
contributing to the household expenses (unless you are a complete scrounger!),
but you won’t be spending as much as if you were living alone.
What are your thoughts on this?
Try to use the phrases below in your answer
to be burden to smb to save up money for smth
to live off smb to have money to burn
Living with others, especially parents,
means the chores will be split between
residents. You won’t have to do
everything from cooking, cleaning to
grocery shopping on your own. You might
even be relieved from some tasks like
cooking or doing laundry because, they
are already taken by your mom or dad, or
your parents will excuse you from certain
tasks if you are bad at them.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Try to use the phrases below in your answer

to split the household chores with smb

to focus on core activities
daunting chores
bored to death
After a busy day of lectures from morning to
afternoon or tiring workday, the last thing you
want to do is to go to a market, shop for groceries
and head home to start preparing a meal that you
probably can’t cook. It will be a lot easier and
more convenient to just grab some takeout.
Living with your mom and dad come with the
perk of ready homemade healthy meal and all you
need to do is to answer the calling “Dinner’s
ready” and enjoy the meal. Eating more at home
will save you a lot of money and will keep you

Where do you stand on it?

Try to use the phrases below in your answer

homemade food
pre-prepared food
save money for a rainy day
have a lot on one's plate @katy_teacher

If you just lost your job, or got divorced, you should not to isolate yourself in an empty apartment. If
you don’t have friends to spend time with, or the alone time is too much for you, you’ll probably get
You need emotional support, and family is a good source of that. Your family can care for you. They can
help you get back on your feet and maintain a social life.

What are your thoughts on this?

Try to use the phrases below in your answer

a shoulder to cry on
give sb a helping hand
overcome difficulties/obstacles/problems
get back on the straight and narrow
When your income is not getting cut automatically
by bills, you’ll have more savings which means
you can take more risks. You can focus on what
venture you want to pursue without worrying
about the bills at the end of the month.

What are your thoughts on this?

Try to use the phrases below in your answer

take a risk
live life to the fullest
make the most of smth
nothing ventured nothing gained
liven up smth
1. be burden to smb-something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about
2. live off smb-to use someone or something to provide the money or food that you need to live: All his
life he had lived off his father.
3. have money to burn-to have a lot of money
4. daunting chores-boring household activities like washing, cleaning, etc.
5. have a lot on one`s plate-to be very busy
6. core activities-main activities
7. bored to death-be completely bored
8. save money for a rainy day-to save money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly: Luckily
she had saved some money for a rainy day.
9. a shoulder to cry on-someone who is willing to listen to your problems and give you sympathy,
emotional support, and encouragement: He is my shoulder to cry on.
10. give sb a helping hand-to help someone: These tax cuts will give industry a helping hand.
11. overcome difficulties/obstacles/problems -cope with problems
12. get back on the straight and narrow- you behave in a way that is honest and moral: The threat of a good
beating should keep him on the straight and narrow
13. live life to the fullest-to fully enjoy one's life.
14. make the most of smth-to use or enjoy something as much as possible: We’re only in Paris for a day, so
let’s make the most of it.
15. nothing ventured nothing gained-You have to take a risk in order to get something good.
16. liven up smth-to make something more interesting or attractive: New wallpaper would help to liven up
the kitchen.

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