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International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics.

ISSN 0974-3189 Volume 3, Number 3 (2011), pp. 269-275

© International Research Publication House

An Algorithm for Capacitated n-Index

Transportation Problem

S.C. Sharma and 2Abha Bansal
Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302055, India.
177, Taro ki Kute, Surya Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-302018, India


In this paper an algorithm was introduced for capacitated transportation

problem with n-subscripts.

Many world famous researchers like Dentzing, Hitchcock, Kantorovich and
Savourine have proposed the theoretical and algorithm bases of the classical two-
index transportation problem. Most of the developments are based on linear
programming techniques.
Heley [3] and Junginger [4] introduced the multi-index transportation problem
with out capacities. In fact, the capacities of the transportation paths are
mathematically modeled as additional constraints to express very important real
needs. Obviously, this involves some theoretical and algorithmically compilations
which are often difficult to treat in general context. This justify in part, as most
absence of significant studies related to capacitated transportation problem with an
index greater than two.
In this paper, we focus our attention to the capacitated transportation problem with

Statement of the problem

The capacitated n-index transportation problem (CTP) is formulated as follows:
m n p x
min. Z = ∑ ∑∑
i =1 j =1 k =1
...∑ cijk ...n xijk ...n
n =1
270 S.C. Sharma and Abha Bansal

n p x

∑∑j =1 k =1
...∑ xijk ...n = α i for all i = 1,2,3,..., m
n =1

m p x

∑∑i =1 k =1
...∑ xijk ...n = β j for all j = 1,2,3,..., n
n =1

m n x

∑∑i =1 j =1
...∑ xijk ...n = χ k for all k = 1,2,3,..., p
n =1

m n w

∑∑i =1 j =1
... ∑ xijk ...n = σ n for all n = 1,2,3,..., x
n −1=1

In this problem α i , β j , χ k ,..., σ n , d ijk ...n and c1 jk ..n are given and are such that for
all i,j,k,l,…n we have α i >0, β j >0, χ k >0,…, σ n >0, d ijk ...n >0 and cijk ...n >0.
This problem can be equivalently formulated as the linear program
min. [ c t x : Ax = b, 0 ≤ x ≤ d ]

Where x, c, d ∈ ℜ mnp... x , b ∈ ℜ m+ n + p +...+ x and A is a (m+n+…+x) (mn…x) matrix.

A feasible solution x = xijk ...n of (CTP) is called a program.
A program x is called basic if the columns of the sub matrix Ax obtained from A
by keeping only the columns corresponding to the variables xijk ...n such that
0 < xijk ...n < d ijk ...n

are linearly independent.

A basic program x is said to be degenerate if
rank ( Ax ) = rank (A )

Given a basic program x, the n-tuple ( i,j,…,n ) is called interesting if

0 < xijk ...n < d ijk ...n

We assume that the following feasibility assumption holds

m n p x

∑ α i = ∑ β j = ∑ χ k = ... = ∑ σ n = H
i =1 j =1 k =1 n =1
An Algorithm for Capacitated n-Index Transportation Problem 271

It results that
Rank (A) = (m + n +… + x) – (n-1)

It is useful to present the data of the problem via the following transportation
table. It consists of an array of (m + n + …+x) rows and (mn…x) columns, n-1
additional rows and an additional columns. The entries of column Pij…n of the first,
second, …,n-1 additional rows are for the data of the quantities dijk…n , cijk…n ,…,xijk…n
respectively. The additional columns are for the data of quantities α i , β j , χ k ,..., σ n
respectively. Finally the entry of the array on the line corresponding to α i and the
column Pij…n is 1 if i = i ′ and 0 if not. Same as for β j , χ k ,..., σ n .

The following algorithm shares with the simplex method and the potential methods a
structure consisting in two phases, a finite convergence and the use of the pivot

Phase 1: (It finds a basic program or says that (CTP) is not solvable)

Step 1:
For all (i,j,k,…,n), αˆ i = α i , βˆi = β j , χˆ k = χ k ,…, σˆ n = σ n and bujk ...n = 0 (bijk…n is a
boolean variable equal to 1 if xijk…n has already been determined and 0 if not yet),
E = {(i,j,k,…,n), such that bijk…n = 0}.

While E ≠ φ do
Choose an n-tuple ( i , j , k ,..., n ) ∈ E , such that ci jk ...n = min cijk ...n take
( i , j , k ,...n )∈E

xi jk ...n = min .(αˆ i , βˆ j , χˆ k ,...σˆ n , d i jk ...n ) , and bi jk ...n = 1 (i.e., xi jk ...n is determined), update
αˆ i , βˆ j , χˆ k ,..., σˆ n as follows αˆ i = α i − xi jk ...n , if αˆ i = 0 then take xi jk ...n = 0 for all
( j , k ,..., n) ≠ ( j , k ,..., n ) and bi jk ...n = 1 for all ( j, k ,..., n − 1).
βˆ j = β j − xi jk ...n , if β̂ j =0 then take xijk ...n = 0 for all (i, k ,..., n) ≠ (i , k ,..., n ) and
bijk ...n = 1 for all ( i,k,…,n-1). χˆ k = χ k − xi jk ...n ,
If χ̂ k =0 then take xijk ...n = 0 for all (i, j , l ,..., n) ≠ (i , j , l ,..., n ) and bijk ...n = 1 for all
( i,j,l,…,n-1). and similarly for,
n. σˆ n = σ n − xi jk ...n ,
272 S.C. Sharma and Abha Bansal

If σˆ n = 0 then take xijk ...n = 0 for all ( j , k ,...n − 1) ≠ (i , j , k ,..., n − 1) and bijk ...n = 1
for all ( i, j, k,…,n-1).

Step 2:
m n p x
∈= ∑ ai = ∑ b j = ∑ c k = ... = ∑ u n , such that
i =1 j =1 k =1 n =1

n p x
ai = α i − ∑ ∑ ...∑ xijk ...n with i = 1,2,..., m
j =1 k =1 n =1

m p x
bj = β j − ∑ ∑ ...∑ xijk ...n with j = 1,2,..., n
i =1 k =1 n =1

m n x
ck = χ k − ∑ ∑ ...∑ xijk ...n with k = 1,2,..., p
i =1 j =1 n =1

and for
m n w
un = σ n − ∑ ∑ ... ∑ xijk ...n with n = 1,2,..., x
i =1 j =1 n −1=1

i. If ∈= 0 , then x = (xijk…n) is an initial basic program for the problem

(CTP), we denote it by x ( 0) . Go to Phase 2.
ii. Construct a problem CTP (M ) by the procedure described in (P1) below,
and find an initial basic program x ( 0 ) for the problem CTP (M ) ,as in step

Then, x m( 0+)1, n+1, p +1,..., x +1 = 0

( x ( 0 ) = ( xijk ...n ) , with i = 1,2,…,m+1 , j = 1,2,…,n+1, k = 1,2,…,p+1,…, n =
If x ( 0 ) is optimal then the problem (CTP) is not solvable. Stop.
Improvement of a basic program for CTP (M ) .
Initialization: r = 1,∈> 0 is given,
Determine x ( r ) as in phase 2.
If x m( r+)1, n+1,..., x +1 =∈ , then x ( r ) = ( xijk
(r )
...n ) , with i = 1,2,…,m , j = 1,2,…,n, k =

1,2,…,p,…, n = 1,2,…,x, is an initial basic program for the problem (CTP). Go to

Phase 2.
If x ( r ) is optimal (Phase 2), then the problem (CTP) is not solvable. Stop.
Do r = r+1 and repeat 1), to 3).
Next, we describe the second phase.
An Algorithm for Capacitated n-Index Transportation Problem 273

Phase 2: (Research of an optimal program for (CTP)

When Phase 2 starts, we known an initial basic program x ( 0) . Take r = 0.
Determine the set I (r ) of the interesting n-tuple (i,j,k,…,n).
For all (i, j , k ,..., n) ∈ I ( r ) , solve the linear system
u i( r ) + v (jr ) + wk( r ) + ... + p n( r ) = cijk ...n .

For all (i,j,k,…,n) (i, j , k ,..., n) ∉ I ( r ) take

Δ(ijkr )...n = cijk ...n − (u i( r ) + v (jr ) + ... + p n( r ) )
Γ0( r ) = {Δ(ijkr )...n Such that xijk
(r )
...n = 0} .

Γd( r ) = {Δ(ijkr )...n Such that xijk

(r )
... n = d ujk ...n }.

If the following optimality conditions holds

Δ(ijkr )...n ≥ 0 For all Δ(ijkr )...n ∈ Γ0( r )
Δ(ijkr )...n ≤ 0 For all Δ(ijkr )...n ∈ Γd( r )

Then the program x ( r ) is optimal. Stop.

Δ(ir0 ), j0 ,k 0 ,...,n0 = min .[Δ0ijk( r...) n − Δdujk( r...) n ] Such that

Δ0i ,( rj ,)k ,...n ∈ Γ0( r ) , with Δ0ijk( r...) n < 0 ,

Δdi ,(jr,)k ,...n ∈ Γd( r ) , with Δdijk( r...) n > 0

and specify if Δ(ir0 ), j0 ,k0 ,...,n0 ∈ Γ0( r ) (or ∈ Γd( r ) ) .

Construct via the procedure described in (P2) below, a cycle μ (r ) containing some
interesting n-tuple (i,j,k,…,n) and the non interesting n-tuple (i0,j0,k0,…,n0)
corresponding to Δ(ir0 ), j0 , k0 ,...,n0 .
σ (r ) = {(i,j,k,…,n) such that (i,j,k,…,n) is a n-tuple forcoming the cycle μ (r ) },
σ ( r )− = {(i,j,k,…,n) such that (i,j,k,…,n) ∈ σ ( r ) , with α ijk ...n < 0 },
274 S.C. Sharma and Abha Bansal

σ ( r )+ = {(i,j,k,…,n) such that (i,j,k,…,n) ∈ σ ( r ) , with α ijk ...n > 0 },

If Δ(ir0 ), j0 ,k 0 ,..., n0 ∈ Γ0( r ) , determine

θ 1( r ) = min (r )−
(r )
( x ijk ... n / − α ijk ... n ),
( i , j , k ,..., n )∈ σ

θ 2( r ) = min ( r )+
(d ijk ...n − xijk
(r )
...n / α ijk ...n ) ,
( i , j , k ,..., n )∈σ

θ ( r ) = min(θ1( r ) , θ 2( r ) ) ,

Next, take
x ( r +1) = {xijk ... n + α ijk ... nθ , (i, j , k ,..., n) ∈ σ ( r ) } U {xijk ...n , (i, j , k ,..., n) ∉ σ
(r ) (r ) (r) (r )

else ( Δ(ir0 ), j0 ,k 0 ,...,n0 ∈ Γd( r ) ), determine

θ 1( r ) = min ( r )+
( x ijk( r )... n / α ijk ... n ) ,
( i , j , k ,..., n )∈σ

θ 2( r ) = min (d ijk ...n − xijk

...n / − α ijk ...n ) ,
( i , j , k ,..., n )∈σ ( r ) −

θ ( r ) = min(θ1( r ) , θ 2( r ) )

next, take
x ( r +1) = {xijk ... n − α ijk ...nθ , (i, j , k ,..., n) ∈ σ ( r ) } U {xijk ...n , (i, j , k ,..., n) ∉ σ
(r ) (r) (r) (r )

Do r = r+1 and repeat a), to e) until the optimality condition holds.

The above algorithm makes appeal to the following procedures:

(P1)- Construction of a problem

The problem CTP (M ) is obtained from problem (CTP) by adding four fictitious
points with indices m+1, n+1, p+1,…, x+1 such that:
c m +1, n +1, p +1,..., x +1 = 0, c m +1, jk ... n = c i , n +1, kl ... n = ... = c ijk ... n −1 = M

(where M is a very large number) and there are no limitation on the capacities for the
paths involving a fictitious point.

(P2)- Determination of cycles

A cycle μ (r ) is determined by the solving the linear system
An Algorithm for Capacitated n-Index Transportation Problem 275

∑α ijk ...n
( i , j , k ,..., n )∈I ( r )
Pijk ...n = − Pi0 j0 k0 ...n0

The non null solutions α ijk ...n are called coefficients of the cycle μ (r ) .

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