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Name: Kimberly P.

Course and Year: BSED 1 BLOCK G
Date: October 13, 2021

Explain Kohlberg’s six stage Moral Development Theory in your own words.

Lawrence Kohlberg, an American psychologist, was a pioneer in moral development research.

Based on the original theses of Jean Piaget, Kohlberg presented the theory that people
develop their moral judgments in 6 stages.
Six Stage of Kohlberg Cognitive Moral Development Theory;

 Stage 1: Obedience and punishment

Individuals are likely to act ethically simply to avoid penalty or punishment by authority.
In the case of Nami, she will not cheat even though has intention to cheat because of Luffy, a
senior partner of the firm and a mentor to her, have found the cheat sheets.

 Stage 2: Self-interest orientation

Individuals are motivated to pursue their self-interest by taking actions from those who meet
their own needs.
In the case of Nami, he should not take advantage from time off to study given by Luffy.

 Stage 3: Interpersonal concordance

Individuals feel a strong need to be recognized by others. Morally, right actions are those that
gain social approval meanwhile wrong actions will bring condemnation, embarrassment or
Refer to Nami’s case; she should not sacrifice the trust and acceptance from his mentor, Luffy.
Furthermore, her reputation as an energetic and ambitious junior accountant will be

 Stage 4: Law and order

Upon understanding their duty and responsibilities to community or towards their own
profession, one will compel with rules, regulations or even law in executing their actions.
Nami will automatically obey the examination rules despite afraid being punish by the
examination board. Thus, indirectly she’ll be able to secure the company’s priority in
maintaining her as their trustee employee.
 Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation
At this stage, a person will feel that the rules/law made by the authority is not serving the
community as it should be. This situation will only happen once the individual value the moral
so much when carry out the law.

 Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principal

In this last stage of Kohlberg Theory, a person will have the freedom to choose his/her action,
whether it is ethical or not. They will respect the higher value of doing something ethically,
humanly, and hold strong to their own principle.
Nami will choose to not to cheat in her exam because the appreciation of the examination
rules is valuable. Furthermore, the trust of her employer towards her is more precious for her
career development

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