Jucotan Narrative Essay

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JUCOTAN, Clyde Jean, J.

February 9, 2023
BSED English 2 EL 109 ( Speech & Theater Arts)

My boyfriend and I recently had a miscommunication that resulted in a significant

argument. One night, he told me that he was going out to meet a friend for dinner. I
asked if I could join and he said no. He clearly stated he wanted some time to himself
and needed space. So I decided to give it to him.

For the rest of the night, I assumed he was out having dinner and chosen to not check
in on him. But later I found out he actually left without ever having dinner and instead
had gone to the park to clear his head. In that moment, I felt hurt and angry that he
didn't tell me the truth. I was also worried and anxious about what he was doing and
why he needed space.

To resolve this, I contacted him and explained to him how poor communication can lead
to more issues than what was originally intended. I asked him to tell me his reasons for
wanting space and clarified that I'm always supportive of him and his need for alone
time. I also apologized for not checking in and asked him to always be honest with me
even when things don't seem like they might be the most comfortable thing to say.

We talked the issue out and both of us were able to express our feelings and
understand each other's perspective. In the end, we both were able to have a healthy
conversation about the need for honesty and open communication between partners.
This experience helped us learn to always check in even when it's not the most
comfortable thing to do.
My takeaway from the miscommunication with my boyfriend is to always communicate
openly and honestly. Regardless of how uncomfortable or difficult it may be, it's
important to communicate my feelings and concerns in a respectful manner, and to
listen to what my partner has to say with an open mind. Additionally, I will try to be more
understanding and recognize that miscommunication can happen even with the best of

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