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© Old School Role Playing 2022

What is Old School Role Playing about?

At Old School we are all about the classic version of role playing games that were
popular in the late 1970s to the early 1980s. You know the games. You played them as kids.
They were far better than many of the later versions that came along. At Old School we bring you
high quality adventures and adventure products for gaming at a reasonable price.

The adventures themselves are well thought out. They have a few puzzles, riddles and
other encounters as well as plenty of monster bashing action. Some have been thoroughly play
tested by other gamers. The goal is to provide you the game master adventures to use on the spur
of the moment when players want to play and you do not have the time to prepare something

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This adventure is written by Joseph A. Mohr

Cartography was produced by Dysons Logos. Www.


Cover Page - Beacon Public Domain

Back Cover Page - Planet and Star Public Domain

The planet Sarmahalos III is a non-aligned agricultural world in the Sonora sector. There are no
major industries there other than farming. For thousands of years the people of that world have
wondered at the strange alien spire atop a mountain that overlooks their primary population
center. This spire has a long spiral staircase on the outside of it leading upward. There is no
known way to enter the spire other than by ascending to the top and lowering oneself down into
it. No person who has ever done this has ever returned.

The purpose of the spire is unknown. However, an archeologist who specializes in alien cultures,
believes that he knows the answers. He wants confirmation and is willing to pay for someone to
visit the spire and do the leg work. Archeologist Xia Sokolov, Archeologist, offers CR 100,000
for the travelers to visit the spire and try to activate the beacon that he believes must be present.

It is his hypothesis that this spire is a beacon that will call the ancient aliens who left it to return
home again. He wants the travelers to call these aliens back home.

Archeologist Xia Sokolov 27678A Age 42

6 terms
Skills: Carousing-1, Alien Archeology-5, Ancient Cultures-3, Alien Linguistics-3, Jack-o-T-1,
Mechanical-1, Medical-1

Professor Sokolov teaches archeology at the Sonora Educational Institute. He is currently on

sabbatical as he conducts his research into the alien ruins on several worlds in the sector. He
smokes a pipe and wears a fedora hat when on expeditions. He has a tendency to assume that
everyone is as interested in alien ruins as he is. Once on the subject he tends to ramble for long
periods on the subject.

Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are trademarks of Jason “Flynn” Kemp. I am not affiliated
with Jason “Flynn” Kemp or Samardan Press.

In adventures of this sort there are always complications that make completion of the objective
more difficult. Sometimes patrons lie in order to get travelers to do what they want. Sometimes
patrons do not know all of the relevant facts.

In this adventure the following issues may provide such complications:

1. The aliens who built this spire did so nearly a thousand years ago.
2. They left behind a more primitive culture that they seeded upon this planet.

3. The aliens, known as the Volkeids, were a highly intelligent species. Their kind
developed incredibly high tech.

4. They intended to return one day and see how the primitive culture here developed.

5. They seeded many of the worlds in this sector and one day would return to visit all of
them. But they never did.

6. The primitives here on this world did not survive. Some of those seeded on other worlds
in this sector did. After the original population here died off the world was settled by
humans nearly two hundred years later.

7. The Volkeids left behind this spire as a beacon to be called home again by those other
cultures left behind.

8. A device was left which could active a beacon inside of the spire. This beacon would
release a strange gas from the top of the spire. This gas eventually creates an explosion of
greenish energy which would be detected from a galaxy away.

9. The device which would activate the spire has fallen into pieces. Others have found the
device but did not understand it’s purpose.

10. The device is now scattered in pieces across the mountain that the spire stands upon.

11. If re-assembled the device might, or might not, bring back the Volkeids to investigate.
Should it do so it would take the Volkeids at least two years to travel here from their
home galaxy.

The beacon stands upon a mountain peak overlooking the largest city on Sarmahalos III. A
walkway circles the beacon all the way to the top of it. This walkway is about three feet wide and
gradually rises to the top of the beacon. A walking trail leads up from the valley below to the
peak where the beacon stands.

The human inhabitants of Sarmahalos III have visited the beacon for the hundreds of years since
they landed on this world and began building a community here. For those years they have
wondered at the purpose of this place and have studied every nook and cranny.

1. Walking Trail - This trail leads from the valley below towards the top of the mountain.

2. Fork in the Trail - The trail splits at a large boulder and goes around it.
3. Ridge - This ridge rises slightly higher than the other parts of the mountain peak. It is
about three or four feet higher than the rest at it’s highest point. Careful search of this
area will reveal a piece of the device missing at area 11 on a 6+. Many footprints can be
seen in this area and several campfire rings are also present. It appears that this area was
frequently used for camping and recreation by the inhabitants of the planet who live in the
valley. Lots of empty beverage containers can be seen scattered here.

4. Mountain Side - Villagers who live in the valley below sometimes climb this mountain
peak for sport. It is not unusual to see people climbing the side of the mountain from
here. The cliff is very dangerous looking.

5. Ridge - This ridge is also popular with campers. Beverage containers are scattered
everywhere here.

6. Boulder - A large boulder fell from the mountain and rolled down here long ago. Close
inspection of the boulder will reveal that it can be moved (on a 8+). Below the boulder is
a piece of the mechanism missing at area 11.

7. Walkway - The circular walkway that travels to the top of the spire begins here. Steps that
appear to be human sized begin here.

8. Crack in the Walkway - A crack in the walkway here is the only sign of danger from this
spire. It appears that the age of the structure is now showing. This crack will cause a
structural failure if one walks upon the walkway only on a 12+. This would result in a
short fall and 2D6 damage.

9. Ridge - This area seems less used than the other ridge areas here. There are a few
footprints and a few camp rings but few signs of the trash left in other places here. A
search of the area may reveal another piece of the missing mechanism from area 11 on an

10. The Spire - This is the top of the spire. Looking down into the structure one can see very
little. Should one climb into the spire they will find bones from many others who have
tried this before. The beacon cannot be activated other than by putting the mechanism
back together and replacing it at the base of the beacon.

11. The Spire Base - This is the base of the spire. At the base, it is clear to anyone who
inspects it, that something is missing. A broken piece of the spire shows that some sort of
mechanism once rested against the base of the spire. Perhaps this mechanism is what
controlled it.

Searching for the mechanism is a major part of this adventure. Once the travelers have learned
that something is missing it is natural that they will want to go looking for it. The GM should use
any modifier that seems relevant to help the travelers attempts to find the pieces of the device.
Some suggested skills which might aid the travelers include:

Recon (from the skill description in the srd it includes spotting things out of place)

The mechanism consists of a device in which one places a hand upon an etched four fingered
hand print to activate the beacon. Once this has been done the hand print will begin to glow and
pulse. The device has been separated into three pieces and scattered around the mountaintop. If
placed back together it can be operated again. Successful repair of the device will occur on a 8+
modified by mechanics, electronics and engineering.

Understanding the operation of the device will occur on a 6+ using the same modifiers.

Completion of this mission requires:

Visiting the beacon

Exploring the mountain top
Finding the pieces of the missing mechanism
Placing them back at the base of the spire
Activating the device

Professor Sokolov’s true objective is to find whoever is behind the building of the beacon.
Clearly he wants to call them home again and knows that there must be some way to accomplish
this. Activation of the beacon will satisfy him.

Whether the Volkeids actually return home again is beyond the scope of this adventure. If they
do return (10+) it will take place at least 2-12 years from now in any event.

Should the beacon be activated a strange greenish glow will begin rising from the opening at the
top of the beacon as a strange gas is released from inside of the spire. This gas will erupt in a
greenish explosion from the top of the beacon and will continue burning for several weeks. This
greenish fire can be seen from anyone on this hemisphere of the planet.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of
the Coast, Inc (‘Wizards’).

All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)’Contributors’ means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

High Guard System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Mercenary System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!,
Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy
Collins, and JD Wiker.Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave

T20 - The Traveller’s Handbook Copyright 2002, Quiklink Interactive, Inc. Traveller is a
trademark of Far Future Enterprises and is used under license.

Traveller System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Traveller is © 2008 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller and related logos, character, names, and
distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Far Future Enterprises unless otherwise noted.
All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User.

Cepheus Engine System Reference Document, Copyright © 2016 Samardan Press; Author Jason
"Flynn" Kemp

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