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Module Introduction:

Language and symbols enable us to communicate and express our thoughts and
ideas in the most comfortable way. We also share one language for us to understand
others. We may differ from the locale where we live, but we can share sentiments
through our common language.

In mathematics, language and symbols are very important to arrive at a correct

solution of the problem. We need to understand the mathematical language and
symbols because all topics in math use symbols.

Module Outcomes:

At the end of this chapter, the learners must have:

1. Discussed the language and symbols used in mathematics
2. Explained the nature of mathematics as a language
3. Translated English phrases/sentences into mathematical symbols and vice-versa
4. Performed/evaluated operations on mathematical expressions
5. Explained the two ways of forming sets
6. Discussed set relationships thoroughly
7. Differentiated relations from functions
8. Performed operations and composition on functions

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced Learning

Lesson 2.1. Language and Its Importance

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Identified the symbols commonly used in mathematics
2. Translated English phrases into mathematical symbols
3. Converted English sentences into a mathematical equation

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


What is language?
According to Uttam D. Kharde (2016), language is defined as follows:
- A systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds and conventional
- A system of words in particular discipline
- A set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a
finite set of elements

These definitions described language in terms of the following components:
- A vocabulary of symbols and words
- A grammar consisting of rules of how these symbols may be used
- A syntax or propositional structure, which places these symbols in linear
- A discourse or narrative consisting of strings of syntactic propositions
- A community of people who use and understand these symbols
- A range of meaning that can be communicated with these symbols.
- Mathematical language is the system of words or signs that people used to
express mathematical ideas
- This language consists of natural language using mathematical terms and
symbolic notation for mathematical formulation of equations.

Common Symbols used in Mathematics

Symbol Meaning
Positive/plus sign (+) indicates that the number is greater
+ than zero and it also denotes addition
Negative/minus sign (-) indicates that the number is less
- than zero and it also denotes subtraction
Multiplication (x, *) can also be represented by dot (•) and
X, * , • , ( ) parenthesis ( ). When a series of numbers is not separated by
a plus or minus sign, it is understood that the operation is
Division (÷ ) Obelus can also be represented by a fractional
÷, — , / line/vinculum or a slash ( — , /)
Equality sign (=) means that the quantities on left and right
¿ sides are equal. In an English statement this corresponds to is
or are.
The not equal sign (≠) indicates that the quantities on the
≠ left and right sides of the symbol are not of the same value.
Inequality symbols, less than (<), greater than (>), less than
< or >, ≤ or ≥ or equal (≤) or greater than or equal (≥), indicate that quantities
are not equal, one is less than or greater than the other.
a, b, c, d, … z Letters of the English alphabet in lower case are used as
variables while the upper case letters are used to name the
Ellipses referred to as dot-dot-dot means two things that
… information has been omitted intentionally to save space, and
show that an established pattern continues.

Expressions and Sentences

One of the basic skills we must learn is to be able to translate word problems into
mathematical expressions. Mathematical expression is a combination of numbers and
symbols and operations.

Mathematical sentence/statement can be identified as true or false. Remember
that a sentence has a complete thought while a phrase is just a part of the sentence.
Mathematical sentences are relationships that use the symbol =, < and >. Phrases are
translated into expressions while sentences are translated into equations or inequalities.
The word is or are in a statement uses the symbol =.
Algebraic expression is a mathematical expression which contains numbers,
variables and the four fundamental operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.

Mathematical Equation
A mathematical equation is a statement that two expressions are equal, which
may contain one or more variables.
Illustrative Examples:
a. 20 + 15 = 5 ● 6 + 5 d. 2x + 3y – z = 4x + 3
b. 18 – x = 2x - 12 e. 3x2 + 2x – 4 = 0
c. x – 2y = 6

Mathematical Inequality
Mathematical inequality is a statement that two expressions are not equal, which
may contain one or more variables.
Illustrative Examples:
1.) 3 > 1 2.) -1 < 4 3.) x < 2
4.) x > -5 5.) x + 3 < -5 6.) x2 + 1 > 0

English Phrases that Imply Mathematical Operations

Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
+ - X, *, ( ) ÷ , __, /
Plus Minus Times Divided by
Sum Diminish Multiplied by Quotient
Added to Subtracted from Product Per
Total The difference of Ratio
Increased by Fewer than
__ more than Decreased by
___ Less than

English Phrases and Their Mathematical Expressions
English Phrases Mathematical Expression
The sum of a number n and 10 n + 10
The difference of x and 25 x – 25
Five times a number x 5x
Seventy-five divided by a number z 75
Three-fourths of a number n z

Take into account that the unknowns are represented by any small letter which
we call a variable.
English statements Mathematical equation
8 times a number plus three is 27. 8n + 3 = 27

Ten less than twice a number is 42. 2x – 10 = 42

Six times a certain number plus the

number is equal to 56. 6x + x = 56

Twice a number is 32 less than 4 times 2x = 4x – 32

the number.

The larger of two numbers is ten more x + x + 10 = 42

than the smaller number and their sum is

Twenty is less than x. 20 < x

The difference between one-half a

number and the number is 8. x− x=8

Problem Set 2.1.
Translate the following to mathematical expressions/statements into symbols:
1. Twice the product of two numbers
2. Twice the product of two numbers is 12
3. Five less than a number
4. The sum of three numbers
5. The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 42
6. The sum of a number and twice its reciprocal
7. The product of a number and half another number is less than 5
8. One-half the product of two numbers
9. The product of two consecutive integers is greater than or equal to 42
10. A number decreased by 6 is one-half the number.
11. Three more than twice a number
12. The cube of a number is less than 100
13. The square of a number plus 10
14. The area is one-half the base times the altitude
15. Six less than the quotient of two numbers

Lesson 2.2. Order of Operations

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Explained the different rules in simplifying expressions involving the four
fundamental operations
2. Simplified expressions involving the addition and subtraction operations
3. Simplified expressions involving the multiplication and division operations
4. Simplified expressions involving the four fundamental operations
5. Simplified expressions involving the four fundamental operations and the different
grouping symbols

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced

What are the four fundamental operations?
What are the different grouping symbols used in mathematics?
Review also the operations on integers. How do we add integers? Subtract
integers? Multiply integers? Divide integers?
We usually do operations in two numbers at a time. What will happen if there are
more than two numbers involved and two or more operations are involved?

When we simplify expressions that involved more than one operations, we have
certain rules to follow.

Rule 1: For expressions involving only addition and subtraction, do the operations from
left to right.

Example 1: Simplify −27−−36−35+ – 25−12.

Since the operations involved are addition and subtraction, do the operations
from left to right.
-27 - -36 – 35 + -25 – 12
9 – 35 + -25 – 12
-26 + -25 – 12
-51 – 12 = - 63

Example 2: Simplify 66 – 12 + 18 – 45
66 – 12 + 18 – 45
54 + 18 – 45 = 72 – 45 = 27

Example 3: Simplify 35 + 15 – 12 – 16 + 13
35 + 15 – 12 – 16 + 13
50 – 12 – 16 + 13
38 – 16 + 13 = 22 + 13 = 35

Example 4. Simplify -13 – 10 – (-14) + -18 – (-12)

-13 – 10 – (-14) + -18 – (-12)
-23 – (-14) + -18 – (-12)
9 + -18 – (-12) = -9 – (-12) = 3

Rule 2: For expressions involving only multiplication and division, do the operations in
their order of appearance from left to right.
Example 1: Simplify 27 ÷ 9 x 4 ÷ 2
27 ÷ 9 x 4 ÷ 2
12 ÷ 2 = 6

Example 2: Simplify 8 x 3 ÷ 2 x 4
24 ÷ 2 x 4
12 x 4 = 48

Example 3: Simplify 3(-8) ÷ 12 (-2) (10) ÷ (-5)

3(-8) ÷ 12 (-2) (10) ÷ (-5)
-24 ÷ 12 (-2) (10) ÷ (-5)
-2(-2)(10) ÷ (-5)
4(10) ÷ (-5) = 40 ÷ (-5) = -8

Rule 3: For expressions involving the four fundamental operations,

a. Multiply and/or divide in their order of appearance from left to right.
b. Do addition or subtraction in their order of appearance from left to right

Example 1: Simplify 4 x 8 ÷ 2 – 12
4 x 8 ÷ 2 – 12
32 ÷ 2 – 12
16 -12 = 4

Example 2: Simplify 3 + 2 x 8 + 64 ÷ 4
3 + 2 x 8 + 64 ÷ 4
3 + 16 + 64 ÷ 4
3 + 16 + 16 = 19 + 16 = 35

Example 3: Simplify 27 – 6 ÷ 2 x 3 – 10
27 – 6 ÷ 2 x 3 – 10
27 – 3 x 3 – 10
27 – 9 – 10 = 18 – 10 = 8

Example 4. Simplify -54 ÷ 6 + 20(-2) – 14 ÷ (-2)

-54 ÷ 6 + 20(-2) – 14 ÷ (-2)
-9 + 20(-2) – 14 ÷ (-2)
-9 – 40 – 14 ÷ (-2) = -9 – 40 - -7 = -49 + 7 = -42

Rule 4. For expressions involving the four fundamental operations with grouping
symbols, do the operations in the innermost pair of grouping symbols first. Once you
have performed the operations in a grouping symbol, the grouping symbol is not written
anymore. When there are no more grouping symbols, use rule three in simplifying the

Example 1: Simplify 75 − {-25 − [−5 – (−24 – 15) + 16] − 19}
75 − {-25 − [−5 – (−24 – 15) + 16] − 19}
75 – {-25 – [ -5 - -39 + 16] – 19}
75 – {-25 – [ 34 + 16] – 19}
75 – {-25 – 50 – 19}
75 – {-75 – 19}
75 - -94 = 169

Example 2: [(6 + 8) (3)] [4 – (5 + 6)]

[14(3)] [4 – 11]
42 (-7) = -294

Example 3: [-6 + -8 – {81 ÷ 9 x (2 – 6)} ÷ (-4)]

[-6 + -8 – {81 ÷ 9 x (-4)} ÷ (-4)]
[-6 + -8 – {9 x (-4)} ÷ (-4)]
[-6 + -8 – (-36) ÷ (-4)]
[-6 + -8 – 9] = -14 – 9 = -23

Example 4: [(-28) (5) + 44 (-3) ÷ 6 – 2(5)] – [26 (-4) ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[(-28) (5) + 44 (-3) ÷ 6 – 2(5)] – [26 (-4) ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + 44 (-3) ÷ 6 – 2(5)] – [26 (-4) ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + -132 ÷ 6 – 2(5)] – [26 (-4) ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + -22 – 2(5)] – [26 (-4) ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + -22 – 10] – [26 (-4) ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + -22 – 10] – [-104 ÷ (-8) – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + -22 – 10] – [13 – 3(-6) (-4)]
[-140 + -22 – 10] – [13 – (-18) (-4)]
[-140 + -22 – 10] – [13 – 72]
[-162 – 10] – [13 – 72]
-172 – [13 – 72]
-172 – (-59) = -113


Problem Set 2.2.

I. Simplify the following expressions using the rules in the order of operations. Copy and
answer. Show the process.
1. -45 + (-69) – 86 + 114
2. 4 x 8 ÷ 2 x 3 x 4
3. 48 ÷ (-6) – 72 ÷ (-9) + 36 ÷ (-4)
4. (7 x 10) + [{40 ÷ (20 ÷ 2)} + (7 – 15)] – 49 ÷ 7
5. 6 + [9 – {8 ÷ 4 x (2 + 5)}] + [{7 + (9 – 8)} ÷ 4(2 + 5)]

Lesson 2.3. Polynomials

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
1. Defined polynomial and related terms
2. Explained the conditions when an algebraic expression is not a polynomial
3. Differentiate a numerical coefficient from a literal coefficient
4. Enumerated the kinds of polynomials according to terms and according to degree
5. Identified polynomials according to terms or according to degree

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


Algebraic Expression
An algebraic expression is the combination of constants and variables with the
use of the four fundamental operations. One of the special types of algebraic
expressions is the polynomial.

Acquire and Apply:

An algebraic expression is a polynomial if
1. There is no variable in the denominator
2. There is no negative exponent of the variable in the numerator
3. There is no irrational radical in the denominator

The following algebraic expressions are polynomials: xy ; 𝑎+𝑏−c 7 ; 6 a 2 b 4−3 a 4 b6 ; 20x -

5, 5x + 5y

A term is a part of a polynomial separated by + and – signs.

3 x y has one term, a−b has two terms, x −4 x y +2 xy has three terms
2 3 2 2

Parts of a term:
1. numerical coefficient – composed of the number or constant part
2. literal coefficient – composed of the letters or variable parts and their exponents
In 3 x 2 y ,3 is the numerical coefficient and x 2 y is the literal coefficient
In b , the numerical coefficient is 1 and the literal coefficient is b .

Kinds of polynomials according to number of terms:

1. monomial – composed of one term
2. binomial – composed of two terms
3. trinomial – has three terms
4. multinomial – has 4 or more terms

The degree of the term is the exponent of the variable when there is only one
variable in the term.
Example: In 3 x 2+5 x−3 , the degree of the first term In 3 x 2 is 2 or second degree,
the degree of the second term 5 x is 1 and the degree of the third term -3 is 0 because
this is equal to −3 x o.
When there are two or more variables in one term, to get the degree, you add the
exponents of the variable.
Example: In 3 x 2 y , the degree of the term is 3, the degree of the term in terms of
x is 2 and the degree of the term in terms of y is 1.

The degree of the polynomial is the highest degree of one term of the given
Example: The degree of the polynomial 4 x5 −6 x 3+2 x 2−3 x+ 1 is 5 because that is
the highest degree of one term of the given polynomial.
The degree of the polynomial 4 x3 y 2 z +3 x 2 y 2−7 x y 2 is 6 because that is the
highest sum of the exponents of the variables in one term.

Kinds of polynomial according to degree:

1. linear polynomial – the highest exponent of the variable in one term is 1.
Ex. 3a – 4b + 5c – 8d, 3x – y
2. quadratic polynomial – the highest degree is 2.
Ex. x 2−5 x−8, x 2− y 2, xy +2 y
3. cubic polynomial – the highest degree of one term is 3.
Example: 6 x 3 +2 x 2−3 x +1, −7 x y 2
4. quartic polynomial – the highest degree is 4.
5. n th polynomial – polynomial whose degree is 5 or more.
Example: 4 x 4 y is a 5th degree polynomial.


Problem Set 2.3.

A. Classify the polynomial according to the number of terms given. Write your
answers on a sheet of paper:
1. 4 x5 −6 x 3+2 x 2−3 x+ 1
2. 6 x 2+ 8 y 2
3. 7 a 2 b
4. 10 y 3 +5 y 2+3 y −4
5. 9 x 2−3 x+ 7

B. Classify the polynomial according to the degree. Write your answers on a sheet
of paper:
6. 3 x 2 y−5 x 3 y 4−x y 5 6. −a+ 10b +2 c
7. x −x−12 7. 15 m −20 m4−10 m3 +6 m

3. 4 ax−8 a x 2 8. 6 p2 q2−7 pq 2
4. 5 x 2 y 6 9. 3 x 4 y+ 6 x2 z−18 x 3 y + 42 xyz−9
5. y +9 10. x − y 2

Lesson 2.4. Operations on Polynomials – Addition and Subtraction of

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Identified similar terms
2. Applied the rules in adding and subtracting integers in adding and subtracting
3. Add and subtract different types of polynomials

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


Rules in adding integers:

1. In adding integers with like signs, add the integers and copy the common sign.
Example: -7 + -16 = -23 45 + 64 = 109
2. In adding integers with unlike signs, subtract the numbers and copy the sign of
the addend with the higher absolute value:
Example: -49 + 64 = 15 28 + -63 = -35
82 + -14 = 68 -48 + +21 = -27

Rules in subtracting integers:

In subtracting integers, change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed to using
the rules in addition.
Example: -7 – (-16) = -7 + +16 = 9 45 – 64 = 45 + -64 = -19
-49 – 64 = -49 + -64 = -113 82 – (-14) = 82 + +14 = 96


These are also the rules used in adding polynomials. The following are the
rules/steps in adding and subtracting polynomials:
1. Only similar terms can be added or subtracted.
Similar terms are terms with the same literal coefficients.
Example: 3 x 2 y and −4 x 2 y are similar terms, they have the same literal
coefficients which is x 2 y
2 2
4 x y and −3 x y are not similar terms
2. In adding polynomials, add the numerical coefficients applying the rules in adding
integers and copy the literal coefficient. In subtracting polynomials, change the
sign of the subtrahend and proceed to addition.

Perform the indicated operations:

Example 1: −8 y +2 y

Solution: Add -8 and +2, applying the rules for adding integers with unlike signs,
which is equal to -6 and copy the literal coefficient y.
−8 y +2 y=−6 y
Example 2: (7 x – 4 y)+( 5 x +3 y )+(−2 x−5 y +12)
Add 7x, 5x and -2x because they are similar terms and -4y, 3y and -5y are also
similar terms. Since no term is similar to 12, we copy it in our final answer.
7 x +5 x +−2 x−4 y +3 y+−5 y+ 12 ¿ 10 x – 6 y+ 12

Example 3: (6 a ² – 3 a+ 4) + ( 2 a2 +5 ) −( 9−7 a )
Add 6 a ² – 3 a+ 4 and 2 a2 +5 and subtract 9−7 a from their sum.
Solution: 6 a ² – 3 a+4 (8 a ¿¿ 2−3 a+9)−¿ ¿) =
2 2 2
+ 2 a +5 8 a −3 a++7 a+ 9+−9=8 a + 4 a
8 a −3 a+9

Example 4: (4 x ¿ ¿3−7 x 2+ 2 x−4)−(3 x3 +8 x 2 +3 x−7)¿

Solution: ¿¿
3 2
−( 3 x +8 x + 3 x −7)
3 2
4 x −7 x +2 x−4
±3 x 3−8 x 2−3 x+7
3 2
x −15 x −x+ 3

Example 5: (11 a+5 b – 8¿ – (– 14 a – 7 b +5)– (3 a – 4)

Solution: 11 a+5 b−8
+14 a+7 b−5
25 a+12 b−13
+ −3 a+ 4
22 a+12 b−9

Example 6: Subtract ( 4 x ²−6 x−7) from the sum of (15 – 3 x ) and (3 x ²+8)
15−3 x +3 x 2+ 8=( 3 x 2−3 x +23 ) −( 4 x¿ ¿2−6 x−7) ¿
3 x −3 x+23
+ −4 x 2+6 x +7
−x + 3 x +30


Problem Set 2.4.

Perform the indicated operations:
1. ( 5 x 3−3 x+ 10 ) +( x 3 +6 x 2+ 4 x−2)
2. ( x +7 )−(4 x−1)
3. ( x 2 + y 2−z 2 ) + ( 3 z 2−2 x 2−4 y 2 ) +(4 y ¿ ¿ 2+ x 2 + z 2)¿
4. (x ¿¿ 2+2 x +1)−( x 2−2 x+1 )−( 6 x2 +9 x +11) ¿
5. ( 5 x 3−3 x+ 10 )−( x 3−6 x 2+ 4 x−2)
6. ( 4 ab−5 bc+6 ac )+ ( 6 bc−7 ab−8 ac )−( 10 ab−bc−ac ) .
7. Subtract 2 a+3 b−2 c from the sum of a−b+ c and 4 a−2b−3 c .

Lesson 2.5. Operations on Polynomials – Multiplication of Polynomials

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Formulated the rules in multiplying different types of polynomials
2. Applied the rules in multiplication of integers in multiplying polynomials
3. Multiplied polynomials

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


Rules in Multiplication of Integers

1. Rule for like signs
In multiplying integers with like signs, we multiply the factors and the sign
of the product is always positive.
Example: (-3) (-8) = 24 (4)(5) = 20
2. Rule for unlike signs
In multiplying integers with unlike signs, multiply the factors and the sign of
the product is always negative.
Example: (-4) (5) = -20 (+6)(-8) = -48

Remember that you multiply integers two factors at a time.

Example: (-3)(-3) (-3)(-5) = (9) (-3) (-5) = (-27) (-5) = 135

In multiplying powers having the same base, we add the exponents and copy the
base and multiply the numerical coefficients using the rules in multiplying
Ex. (3 x ¿¿ 4 y ) ( −4 x 3 y 2 z )=−12 x 7 y 3 z ¿

Acquire and Apply:

Multiplication of Polynomials

1. Monomial by a Polynomial
In multiplying a monomial by a polynomial, multiply each term of the
polynomial by the monomial. Multiply the numerical coefficients,
a. If they have like signs, the product is positive.
b. If they have unlike signs, the product is negative; then add the exponents
of the powers having the same base.

Example 1: (−4 x 2 y 7 ¿ (−5 x7 y )

Solution: (−4 x 2 y 7 ) (−5 x 7 y )=20 x 9 y 8

Example 2: ( 3 a 2 b ) (4 a2 b−3 ab 2)
Solution: ( 3 a 2 b )( 4 a 2 b )−( 3 a 2 b )( 3 a b2 )=12 a 4 b 2−9 a 3 b 3

Example 3: −7 c 5 d 4 ( 4 c 3 +3 cd−2 d 2)
Solution: (−7 c5 d 4 ) ( 4 c 3 ) + (−7 c5 d 4 ) ( 3 cd ) — (−7 c 5 d 4 ) ( 2 d 2 )=¿
8 4 6 5 5 6
−28 c d −21c d +14 c d

2. Binomial by Binomial
In multiplying a binomial by another binomial, multiply each term of the first
binomial by each term of the second binomial applying the rules in multiplying integers
and multiplying powers having the same base. Combine similar terms using the rules in
adding polynomials. You can also use this process bearing in mind that 1 is first term
and 2 is the second term.
1 2 1 2
Example 1: (5x – 3y) (5x + 3y) This is a sum and difference of two terms.

Solution: ( 5 x )( 5 x )+ ( 5 x ) ( 3 y )−3 y ( 5 x )−3 y (3 y )

25 x 2+15 xy−15 xy −9 y 2
2 2
25 x −9 y This is a difference of two squares.
The product of the sum and difference of two terms is the difference of two
Example 2: ( 2 a+3 ) ( 2 a−3 )=4 a2−9

Example 3: ( 2 x−3 ) ( 2 x−3 )

Solution: ( 2 x−3 ) ( 2 x−3 )=( 2 x ) ( 2 x ) + ( 2 x )(−3 ) −3 ( 2 x )−3 (−3 )=¿
2 2
4 x −6 x−6 x+ 9=4 x −12 x+ 9
But ( 2 x−3 ) ( 2 x−3 )=¿ This is a square of binomial. In getting the
product of a square of binomial, ( first term ¿ ¿2 ± 2 ( first term )( second term ) +¿.
So ¿

Example 4: (4 x+5 y )2=¿

Other solution:
( 4 x+5 y ) ( 4 x +5 y )=( 4 x )( 4 x )+ ( 4 x ) (5 y ) + ( 5 y ) ( 4 x ) + ( 5 y )( 5 y )=16 x 2 +20 xy +20 xy+ 25 y 2 =16 x2 + 40 xy +25 y 2

Example 5: ( 3 x 2−5 y ) ( 4 x 2 +6 y ) =( 3 x2 ) ( 4 x 2) + ( 3 x 2 ) ( 6 y )−5 y ( 4 x 2 ) −5 y ( 6 y )

¿ 12 x 4 + 18 x 2 y−20 x 2 y−30 y 2
4 2 2
¿ 12 x −2 x y−30 y

Example 6: ( 5 a−2 b )( 3 c −7 d )=( 5 a ) ( 3 c )+ 5 a (−7 d )−2 b ( 6 c )−2 b(−7 d)

¿ 15 ac−35 ad−12 bc +14 bd This is the final answer
because there are no similar terms to be combined.

3. Polynomial by Polynomial
In multiplying a polynomial by another polynomial, multiply each term of the

first polynomial by each term of the second polynomial. Remember to use the rules in
multiplying integers and multiplying powers having the same base. Combine similar

Example 1. (−m2 np ) ( 5 m−3 n+ 4 p )

Solution: (−m2 np ) ( 5 m−3 n+ 4 p )=¿
(−m2 np ) ¿
−5 m3 np +3 m2 n2 p−4 m2 np 2

Example 2: ( 3 x+ 5 y ) (3 x 2−xy + 4 y 2)
Solution: ( 3 x+ 5 y ) (3 x 2−xy + 4 y 2)
¿ ( 3 x ) ( 3 x ) +3 x (−xy ) +3 x ( 4 y ) +5 y ( 3 x ) +5 y (−xy )+ 5 y ( 4 y )
2 2 2 2

3 2 2 2 2 3
¿ 9 x −3 x y +12 x y +15 x y−5 x y +20 y
Combining similar terms, we get 9 x 3+ 12 x 2 y+7 xy 2 +20 y 3
( 3 x+ 5 y ) ( 3 x 2−xy +4 y 2) =9 x 3+ 12 x 2 y +7 xy 2 +20 y 3
2 2
Other process: 3 x −xy +4 y
3 x+ 5 y
3 2
9 x −3 x y +12 x y
3 x (3 x2−xy + 4 y 2 )
2 2 3 2 2
15 x y−5 xy +20 y 5 y (3 x −xy +4 y )
9 x 3+ 12 x 2 y+7 x y 2+ 20 y3

Example 3: (4 x¿ ¿2−x−1)( x+3 x 2 +2)¿ Arrange the terms according to degree.

Solution: 4 x2 −x−1
3 x + x +2
4 3 2 2
12 x −3 x −3 x 3x ¿
4 x3 −x 2−x x (4 x − x−1)
2 2
8 x −2 x−2 2( 4 x −x−1)
4 3 2
12 x + x + 4 x −3 x−2

Example 4: (x− y +3 z )2
Solution: ( x− y +3 z ) (x− y +3 z)
x− y +3 z
x− y +3 z
x −xy +3 xz x ( x− y +3 z)
−xy + y 2−3 yz − y (x− y +3 z )
3 xz−3 yz+9 Z 3 z (x− y +3 z)
2 2 2
x −2 xy+ 6 xz+ y −6 yz +9 z

Example 5: (5 a−3 b)3

Solution: ( 5 a−3 b ) ( 5 a−3 b ) (5 a−3 b)
( 5 a−3 b ) ( 5 a−3 b )=25 a2−15 ab−15 ab +9 b2=25 a2−30 ab+ 9 b2
( 25 a 2−30 ab+9 b 2 ) ( 5 a−3 b ) =¿

25 a2 −30 ab+9 b 2
5 a−3 b
3 2 2
125 a −150 a b +45 ab
2 2 3
−75 a b+90 a b −27 b
3 2 2 3
125 a −225 a b+135 a b −27 b


Problem Set 2.5.

Multiply the following polynomials. Copy and answer. Show the process.
1. (−5 a ¿ ¿2 x y 3 )(b 3 y 4 )¿
2. 5 n3 p 5 (7 n2−9 p3 + 4 n2 p 2+ 20)
3. ( 2 n−7 ) (n−1)
4. ( 6 a+ b ) (6 a+ b)
5. ( 4 y−7)3
6. (a+ 2b−3 c ¿ ¿2
7. (2 x−5+ x 3 ¿ (8 x2 −6 x+ 4)

Lesson 2.6. Operations on Polynomials – Division of Polynomials

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Formulated the rules in dividing polynomials
2. Applied the rules in division of integers in dividing polynomials
3. Divided polynomials

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


Did you recall how to divide powers having the same base?
In dividing powers having the same base, we divide the numerical coefficients, we copy
the base and subtract the exponents.

Example: 10 x 5 y 7 = 2 x3 y 3
2 4
5x y

Recall also the rules in dividing integers, which are:

a. In dividing integers with like signs, the quotient is positive.

b. In dividing integers with unlike signs, the quotient is negative.

25 −60 −24 + 48
Example: =−5 =6 =−3 =8
−5 −10 8 6

Recall also the process in dividing whole numbers:

Ex. 34812

9 34812


We use the same principle in dividing polynomials.

Rule 1:
In dividing a polynomial by a monomial, divide each term of the polynomial by a
monomial applying the rules on dividing integers, and for the variable part follow the
laws of exponents.

Illustrative Examples:

Divide the following polynomials:

2 5
45 a b 2 18 x 3−6 x 2−27 x +9 3
1. 3
=−15 ab 2. 2
=6 x −2 x−9+
−3 a b 3x x
Division of a Polynomial by a Binomial or another Polynomial

Rule 2: In dividing a polynomial by another polynomial, you may use the long method of
division as in division of whole numbers.
1. First arrange the terms of the dividend in descending order. Then divide the
first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor. Write the quotient above the
2. Multiply the quotient obtained in step one by the divisor. Write the product
below the dividend of similar terms.
3. Subtract the product obtained in step 2 from the dividend. Remember to use
the rules in subtraction of polynomials. Bring down the next term of the dividend as the
new dividend.

4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 until all the terms of the original dividend have been
divided by the divisor.
5. Express the remainder as a fraction if there is any.

2 x 3 +5 x2 −3 x +7
Example 1:

2 37
Solution: 2 x +9 x +15+
2x 2
x−2 2 x3 +5 x 2−3 x+ 7 =2 x
2 x −4 x ¿
(2 x2 ¿( x−2)
2 9 x2
9 x −3 x+ 7 =9 x
9 x 2−18 x ¿ ( 9 x ) (x−2)
15 x+7
15 x−30

An alternative method is using the “Synthetic Division”, an abbreviated way of

dividing a polynomial of the form (𝑥 ± 𝑐). We can simplify the division by detaching the
3 2
2 x +5 x −3 x +7
Using the same example in number 1:

Step 1: Write down the constant of the divisor with the sign changed (2
instead of -2).
Step 2: Write down the coefficients of the dividend. (Remember to add a
coefficient of 0 for the missing terms).

2 2 5 −3 7__

Step 3: Bring down the first coefficient.

2 2 5 −3 7__

Step 4: Multiply (2) by the divisor (2) = 4 and add to the next coefficient.

2 2 5 −3 7
2 9

Step 5: Repeat step 4 for all the coefficients.

2 2 5 −3 7
4 18 30
2 9 15 37

2 37
We write the answer as 2 x +9 x +15+

Example 2: 27x3 – 8y3 = 9 x 2+ 6 xy

3x – 2y
2 2
9 x + 6 xy+ 4 y
27 x3
Solution: 3x – 2y 27 x 3−8 y 3 =9 x 2
27 x 3−18 x 2 y ¿
2 3 18 x 2 y
18 x y−8 y =6 xy
18 x 2 y−12 x y 2¿
2 3 12 xy 2
12 x y −8 y =4 y
2 3
12 xy −8 y
3 y −2−5 y
Example 3.
y 2−3 y
76 y−2
Solution: 2
3 y +9 y + 27 +
y 2−3 y
2 4
y −3 y 3 y −5 y−2
4 3
3 y −9 y ¿
9 y −5 y −2
3 2
9 y −27 y ¿
27 y 2−5 y−2
27 y 2−81 y ¿
76 y−2

Problem Set 2.6.

A. How will you make a negative exponent positive?

B. Divide the following polynomials. Copy and answer. Show the process: If you can
simplify your answer into powers with positive exponents, you will get additional
−14 x 4 y 5
−8 x 8 y 3

2. ¿
3 p 2 q 5 −2
3. ( −4 0 )
9p q
4. (3 m3 n4 )3 ÷(6 mn3 )
5. ( x−3 y−1 z 3 ) ÷( x 2 y −2 z−1 )
x3 −3 x 2 +5 x−6
x −2
7. (2 a −28 a2 +49 a−36)÷ (a−3)

8. (5 x 3 – 2 x +8)÷ (x−6)
9. (b 5 – 3 b2 – 20)÷(b – 2)
2 3
10. (2 m – 13 m – 16)÷(m+ 2 )

Lesson 2.7. Sets

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. defined sets and related terms
2. written the elements of a set using different methods
3. explained the different types of sets
4. determined the relationship that exists between two or more sets

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


Mathematics as a Useful Language

Mathematics is all about numbers, quantities, shapes, symbols and their
relationship between them.

Mathematics as a Language
Mathematics is known as the language of science. Mathematical language focus
on the ideas, what are the things, how it works, and how they interrelate with each

Language may be defined as a system of words or signs and symbols that
people used to communicate with each other.

Composition of Language:
a. A grammar consisting of rules of how these words or signs and symbols may
be used.

b. A vocabulary of words or signs and symbols. Syntax are group of words
forming phrases, clauses or sentences.


The Language of Sets

Set is a collection of well-defined unique objects or things with common
characteristics. The objects that made up a set are called elements/members (using the
symbol ∈¿ of the set. Upper case or capital letters are used to name a set. The elements
could be letters, numbers, people, events, places and things with common

The cardinal number of a set is the number of elements in the set, the cardinality
of set A is denoted by n(A).
A = {a, e, i, o, u}, the cardinal number A is 5 or n(A) = 5
B = {x| x is a positive integer less than 7}, which can be written as
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} thus, the cardinal number B is 6 or n(B) = 6

A set is well-defined if one can identify whether an element belongs to a

particular set or does not belong to a particular set.
Set Description

Methods in Writing Sets

1. Tabular or Roster Method or Listing Method
In this method the elements of the sets being described are tabulated,
enumerated, or listed down, separated by a comma and enclosed with a pair of braces.
Each element should only be written once.

Illustrative Examples: A = {a, e, i, o, u} B = {1, 2, 3, 4, ….10}

C = {5, 10, 15, 20….} D = {v, w, x, y, z} E = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

2. Descriptive / Rule Method

A set is being described in words or by simply stating the rule. The rule method
can also be represented by a set-builder notation.

Illustrative Examples
A is the set of vowel letters in the English alphabet.
B is the set of first ten counting numbers
C = {multiples of 5}
D = {last five letters in the English alphabet}
E is the set of first five even numbers.

Set Builder Notation

In describing the elements of a set using set-builder notation, we treat each
element of the set as x.

Illustrative Examples

A= {x | x is a vowel in the English alphabet}
B = {y | 𝑦 ≤ 10, y ∈ ℕ}
C = {z | z=5ℤ}
D = {a| a is the last five letters in the English alphabet}
E = {v| v=2n, n ∈ ℕ,n ≤ 5}

Kinds of Sets
1. Universal Set is the totality of all elements being described.
Ex. U = {x/x is a set of natural numbers}
P = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ...}
Q = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, …}
R = {3, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, …}
2. Empty Set / Null Set ({ }, Ø) is a set that has no element.
I={} I=𝜙
Ex. I = {x| x is a one hundred year-old student in a Mathematics class}
J = {y| y is an integer less than 3 but greater than 2}
3. Unit Set (or singleton) is a set that contains only one element.
Ex. E = {rat} F = {x}
4. A finite set is a set with countable elements.
Ex. A = {1, 2, 3, …,100}
B = {x| x is a positive integer less than 5}.
5. An infinite set is a set whose elements are not countable and only the first element
can be determined.
Ex. C = {x| x is a number that are multiples of 10}
D = {x| x is a set of whole numbers}
6. Subset (⊂) is a set whose elements are also part of another set.
Given sets A and B, A is called the subset of B if and only if every element of A is
an element of B. In symbol A ⊂ B.
Ex. Given: A = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} B = {4, 5, 6, 7} C = {7, 8, 9}
Proper subset has lesser elements than the other set.
Improper subset has same elements with the other set.
7. Power Set (℘) is the collection (or sets) of all subsets that is ℘(𝐴) = 2𝑛, where n is the
number of elements of set A.
Ex. Given A= {a, b}, the power set of A is ℘ (A) = {{a}, {b}, {a, b}, ø }
Given B= {1,4,5} the power set of B is ℘ (B)=

Set Relations
Two or more sets are related to one another. They can be
1. Equal sets are sets which contain the same elements, also called identical sets.
Ex. D = {x| x is a letter in the word care} = {c, a, r, e}
E = {x| x is a letter in the word race} = {r, a, c, e}
F = {x| x is a letter in the word acre} = {a, c, r, e}
Then D = E, D = F, E = F therefore D = E = F
2. Equivalent sets are sets which have the same numbers of elements and there exists
one to one correspondence.

Ex. G = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, n(G) = 5
H = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, n(H) = 5 ∴ 𝐺~𝐻
3. Joint sets or overlapping sets are sets with at least one common element.
Ex. L= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} M = {3, 6, 9}
L and M are joint because they have a common element 3.
4. Disjoint sets are sets with no common element.
Ex. N = {1, 3, 5, 7} O = {2, 4, 6, 8}
Sets N and O are disjoint because they have no common element.
5. Subsets. A subset is a set whose elements are found in another set.
There are two kinds of subsets: proper and improper subset.
a. A proper subset is a set whose elements are less than the other set.
Ex. A = {x/ x is a whole number from 1 to 10}.
B = { set of positive even numbers less than 10}
B ⊂ A, because the cardinality of B is less than A.
b. An improper subset is a set whose elements are the same with that of another
Ex. A = {x/x is a whole number from 1 to 10}
B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
A ⊆ B or B ⊆ A

To determine the number of subsets of a given set,

No. of subsets = 2n, where n is the number of elements of a given set.
Example: How many subsets will a set with 3 elements have?
2n=23 =8, this means that the set with three elements can have 8
Given: D = {m, n, p}. The subsets for this set are {m}, {n}, {p}, {m, n}, {m,
p}, {n, p}, {m, n, p}, { }. The set of all subsets of a given set is called a power set
℘. ℘=¿ [{m}, {n}, {p}, {m, n}, {m, p}, {n, p}, {m, n, p}, { }].


Problem Set 2.7.

Answer the following.

1. Given: G = { x/ x is a whole number divisible by 5 less than 100}.
Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false.
a . 91 ∈ G b. 105 ∈ G c. 98 ∈ G
d. 30 ∈ G e. 45 ∉ G

2. Given: M = {l, o, v, e} X = {love} D = {654321}

E = {0} F = {ϕ }
a. What are the elements of each set?
b. What is the cardinality of each set?

3. Do the following as indicated.

Write the following sets using descriptive method.

a. A ={ 1, 3, 5, 7 , 9, 11, 13 }
b. B= { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 }
c. C = { l ,o, v, e }
d. D= {1, 2, 3,…,10 }
e. E = { 3, 6, 9, 12}

Write the following sets using roster/tabular method.

f. The set of whole numbers less than 8.
g. The set of first five natural numbers.
h. The set of first 5 numbers divisible by 5.
i. The set of integers greater than -3 and less than 2.
j. The set of prime numbers less than or equal 20 .

4. Given:
U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i} D = {a, i}
A = {a, e, i} E = {f, g, h, i}
B = {b, d, f, g, h} F={ }
C = {a, b, c, d, e} G = (e, i}

Tell whether the following statements are true or false.

a. E ⊂ B f. F is a subset of all the sets.
b. A and E are disjoint sets. g. U is the universal set.
c. B and C are equivalent sets. h. G ⊂ A
d. D ⊄ B i. A ⊄ C
e. D and A are joint. j. A and D are equal sets.

Lesson 2.8. Venn-Euler Diagram

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. described what a Venn diagram is
2. explained the uses of the Venn diagram
3. applied the Venn diagram in solving problems
4. solved problems involving the use of the Venn diagram

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced

Don’t you know that the Venn diagram was discovered by John Venn and
Leonhard Euler? It was called Venn-Euler diagram or Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram is composed of a rectangle representing the universal set and
circles representing the subsets of the universal set. The placement of the circles inside

the rectangle vary depending upon their relationship. A Venn diagram is used to show
relationship between sets or solve problems involving sets.

Answer the questions based on the diagram: Send your answers in the
U 1. What are the elements of U? A? B?
0 2. What relationship exists between A and
A 4 B 7
1 9
6 2 5

6 B 1. What are the elements of U? A? B?
A 5 2. What relationship exists between A and B?

U C.
o R 1. What are the elements of U? M? R?
v i 2. What elements are common to M and R?
a e 3. What relationship exists between the two

The Venn diagram is also used to solve problems. When using the Venn
diagram in solving problems, represent your sets with capital letters that is easy to
recall. Identify what are given in the problem and what are you asked to find.

Example 1:
A class is composed of 40 students. 18 are taking Modern math, 20 are taking
English, 15 are taking Chemistry. 11 are taking Chemistry and English, 6 are taking
Math and Chemistry, and 4 are taking Math and English. 2 are taking all three subjects.
a. How many are taking English only?
b. How many are taking Chemistry only?
c. How many are taking Math only?

d. How many students are not taking any of the three subjects?

Since we discuss students taking three subjects, we will also have three sets
represented by circles.

If we add the students taking all the subjects, the sum will be more than 40
students who are in that class. That means there are students who were counted more
than once.

For example, the 2 students who were taking all the three subjects were counted
more than once. Why?

These 2 students who took all the three subjects will be placed in the intersection
of the three sets because they were counted three times being in the set of Math,
Chemistry and English. Since they were counted three times, they will be subtracted
from all the three sets, so that they will be counted only once.
Given: 40 students
U = 40 18 – Modern Math
20 – English
M C 15 – Chemistry
2 11 – Chemistry/English
6 – Math/Chemistry
4 – Math/English
E 3 – all subjects

Now the 2 students who took all three subjects are also included in the 11
students who took Chemistry and English. Therefore we will subtract the 2 students,
that means we will only have 9 students taking Chemistry and English only.

U = 40 M

The 6 students who took Math and Chemistry also included the 2 students. So
again, 6 – 2 gives us 4 students who took math and chemistry only.

U = 40

M 4 C
and the 4 students who are taking Math and English, also include the 2, so there
are only 2 who are taking Math and English only.

U = 40

M 4 C
2 9

Now, go back to the problem. There are 18 students who are taking Modern
math, but from the previous diagram, you have seen that there are Math students who
also took the other subjects, who are the 8 students found in set of Math students.
Therefore we will subtract 8 from 18, 18 – 8 = 10 students were taking Modern Math
only. If you add the numbers in the Modern Math set, it is equal to 18.

U = 40

M 4 C
10 2
2 9

The 20 students taking English, some of them are also taking the other subjects,
specifically the 13 students. So 20 – 13 = 7 students were taking English only.

U = 40
M 4 C

10 2

2 9
E 7

From the 15 students who are taking Chemistry, from the diagram there are
already 15 students taking other subjects. Therefore, there are no students who were
taking Chemistry only.
Now we will add the numbers in the set, 10 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 7= 34 students.
What does this mean? It means that there are students not taking all the three subjects.

And how are you going to get that? By subtracting 34 from 40, 40 – 34 = 6. There are 6
students not taking all the three subjects.
U = 40

M 4 C
2 9
E 7 6

a. How many are taking English only? 7 students

b. How many are taking Chemistry only? 0 or none
c. How many are taking Math only? 10 students
d. How many students are not taking any of the three subjects? 6 students

Example 2:
Leah’s birthday party was a very lively one. 150 guests were present. They
even had a contest on the following dances, jerk, cha-cha and twist. Those who joined
the contests were as follows: 70 danced the twist, 62 danced the cha-cha, 50 danced
the jerk, 44 danced the twist and the cha-cha, 22 danced the cha-cha and the jerk, 26
danced the twist and the jerk. 12 danced all the three pieces.

a. How many danced the twist only?

b. How many danced the jerk only?
c. How many danced the cha-cha only?
d. How many did not dance at all?


U = 150

14 10
12 8
14 32
T 12 48

14 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 12 + 32 + 8 = 102 danced
150 – 102 = 48 guest who did not dance at all
a. How many danced the twist only? 12 guests
b. How many danced the jerk only? 14 guests

c. How many danced the cha-cha only? 8 guests
d. How many did not dance at all? 48 guests

Example 3:
In a class of 20 pupils, 12 are members of the swimming team; 14 belong to the
basketball team and every pupil belongs to at least one team.
a. How many belong to both teams?
b. How many belong to the swimming team only?
c. How many belong to the basketball team only?
In the problem, it is given that every pupil belongs to at least one team,
meaning every one is a member of a team. But if we add 12 and 14, we get 26 pupils.
So 26 – 20 = 6 pupils belong to both teams so they were counted twice.
So if there are 6 pupils belonging to both team, 12 – 6 = 6 pupils belong to the
swimming team only and 14 – 6 = 8 pupils belong to the basketball team only.
U = 20
S 6 + 6 + 8 = 20
6 6

a. How many belong to both teams? 6 pupils

b. How many belong to the swimming team only? 6 pupils
c. How many belong to the basketball team only? 8 pupils

Example 4:
In Mabel’s ice cream party, three flavors were served – ube, macapuno and
chocolate. The guests were allowed to have several servings and make their choice of
the three flavors. 24 requested for chocolate, 24 for ube and 19 for macapuno. 14 had
ube and chocolate, 12 had chocolate and macapuno and 8 had macapuno and ube and
6 had all three flavors.
a. How many had ube only?
b. How many had macapuno only?
c. How many had chocolate only?
d. How many guests were there?
8 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 4 = 39
U = 39
U 8
2 5

8 6 6

C 4
a. How many had ube only? 8 guests
b. How many had macapuno only? 5 guests
c. How many had chocolate only? 4 guests
d. How many guests were there? 39 guests


Problem Set 2.8.

Using Venn Diagram, answer the following problems: Draw the Venn diagram
and label your answers.
1. ISAT U – Barotac Nuevo Campus selected 50 players to compete in the
coming SCUAA Meet. The set of players who will participate in the games are: 24 –
basketball, 30 – softball, and 22 – relay. 18 players will play basketball and relay, 12
players will play softball and relay and 12 will play basketball and softball. 8 players will
participate in all three games.
a. How many players will not play?
b. How many players will play basketball only?
c. How many players will play softball only?
d. How many players will play relay only?
2. Twelve out of 50 boys in a class take no part in varsity sports. 27 are in the
football team and 18 are in the basketball team.
a. How many play both football and basketball?
b. How many play football only?
c. How many play basketball only?
3. In a certain senior class, 30 belong to Math Club, 25 belong to the Science
Club, 15 belong to both clubs, 18 do not belong to any of the clubs mentioned.
a. How many belong to Math Club only?
b. How many belong to the Science Club only?
c. How many students are in the class?
4. Dr. Reyes works in an allergy clinic, and his patients have the following
allergies: 68 are allergic to dairy products, 93 are allergic to pollen, and 91 are allergic
to animal fur. 31 are allergic to all three. 29 are allergic only to pollen and 12 are allergic
only to dairy products. 40 are allergic to dairy products and pollen.
a. How many patients are allergic only to animal fur?
b. How many patients does Dr. Reyes have?

Lesson 2.9. Set Operations

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Identified the different operations on sets
2. Formulated the rules in performing the different operations on sets
3. Performed union and intersection on sets
4. Found the difference between two sets
5. Found the complement of a given set

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


What are the four fundamental operations? Don’t you know that they have
equivalent operations on sets?


Set Operations
1. Intersection of Sets
The intersection of Sets A and B, denoted by A ∩ B is a set containing elements
common to both A and B.
Example: D = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} E = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} F = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
Find: a. D ∩ E c. E ∩ F e. (D ∩ E) ∩ (D ∩ F)
b. D ∩ F d. D ∩ E ∩ F
Solution: a. D ∩ E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ∩{2, 4, 6, 8, 10} = {2, 4}
b. D ∩F = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ∩ {6, 7, 8, 9, 10} = { }
c. E ∩ F = {6, 8,10}
d. D ∩ E ∩ F = { }
e. (D ∩ E) ∩ (D ∩ F) = {2, 4} ∩ { } = { } =

Mutually Exclusive Sets

Two sets are mutually exclusive or disjoint sets if they have no common
elements. Thus, A ∩ B=ϕ.
2. Union of Sets
The union of sets A and B are denoted by A ∪ B is the set containing all the
elements that are members of Set A or of Set B or of both sets.

Example: A = {a, b, c, d, e}
B = {a, e, i, o, u}
C = {f, g, h, i, j}
Find: a. A ∪ B c. A ∪ C
b. B ∪ C d. A ∪ B ∪ C
a. A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e} U {a, e, i, o, u} = {a, b, c, d, e, i, o, u}
b. B ∪ C = {a, e, i, o, u, f, g, h, j}

c. A ∪ C = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j}
d. A ∪ B ∪ C = {a, b, c, d, e, i, o, u, f, g, h, j}

3. Set Complement
The complement of a set is the set of all elements that do not belong to
the given set but found in the Universal set.

Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,...,10}
A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} C = {3, 6, 9}
Find: A’ and B’
If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
If A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} , then A’ = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
Using Venn diagram:
A’ =

A A’

If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
If B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, then B’ = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
Using Venn diagram:

1 5 7
B 2 4
6 8 10
9 3

4. Set Difference ¿
The difference of A and B (or relative complement of B with respect to A),
denoted A − B, is the set of all elements x in U such that x is in A and x is not in
B. Let A and B be subsets of a universal set U.
If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {3, 4, 5, 6},
then A − B = {1, 2} and B – A = {4, 5, 6}.

5. Cartesian Product
Cartesian product denoted by A x B (read as A cross B) is the set that
contains all ordered pairs (x, y) for which x ϵ A and y ϵ B.
A = {1, 2, 3} B = {4, 5}, C = {m, n, p}
1. A x B = {(1,4) , (1,5) , (2, 4) , (2, 5) , (3, 4) , (3, 5)}
2. B x A = {(4, 1) , (4, 2) , (4, 3) , (5, 1) , (5, 2) , (5, 3)}
3. B x C = { 4, m}, {4, n}, {4, p}, {5, m}, {5, n}, {5, p}



U = { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k}
A = {d, c, f, g, i} B = {b, c, d, f, g} C = {a, b, f, i, j}

Draw the Venn diagram of the given sets. Perform the indicated operations.
Copy and answer. Show the process.
1. A’ 6. A U (C ∩ B)’
2. B – C 7. A’ U B
3. (C – A)’ 8. (C ∩B) ∩ (A’ – B)
4. A ∩ C 9. C – B

5. (A C) U B 10. A U (C’ U B’)

A c d B e h
g k
f b
i C
a j

A’ = {a, b, e, h, j, k}
B – C = {c, d, g}
(C – A)’ = (a,b, j)’ = {c, d, e, f, i, k}
A ∩ C = {f, i}
(A ∩ C) U B = {f, i} U {b, c, d, f, g} = {b, c, d, f, g, i}
A U (C ∩ B)’ = {d, c, f, g, i} U (b, f)’
= {d, c, f, g, i} U {a, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k}
= {a, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k}
7. A’ U B = {a, b, e, h, j, k} U {b, c, d, f, g} = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k}
8. (C ∩B) ∩ (A’ – B) = {b, f} ∩ {a, e, h, j, k} = { }
A’ – B = {a, b, e, h, j, k} – { b, c, d, f, g} = {a, e, h, j, k}
9. C – B = {a, i, j}
10. A U (C’ U B’) = {d, c, f, g, i} U {a, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k} = {a, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k}
C’ U B’ = { c, d, e, g, h, k} U { a, e, h, i, j, k} = {a, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k}

Problem Set 2.9
U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} B = {4, 5, 6, 7} C = {5, 6, 7, 8}
Draw the Venn diagram of the given sets. Perform the indicated operations. Copy
and answer. Show the process if needed.
1. A U B 6. (A U B) ∩ (B U C)
2. C U (B ∩ A) 7. (A – C)’
3. C’ 8. A ∩B ∩ C
4. C – A 9. (A ∩ C) – B

5. A (B U C) 10. (A ∩ B) U (A ∩ C)

Lesson 2.10. The Language of Relations and Functions

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Defined relation, related terms
2. Described the different types of relations
3. Determined the different ways of expressing relations
4. Identified the domain and range of a relation

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced

The world is a word of relationships (Marcelo, 2009). No man is an island. We
need other people to live. We establish relationships with others: mother – daughter,
husband – wife, employer – employee, owner – pet dog, passenger – bus and others.

The Language of Relations and Functions
A relation is the pairing or association of some kind between quantities that can
be expressed in ordered pairs (x, y) in which x is the domain and y is the range.
Domain is the set of all first components of the ordered pair or x-coordinates (abscissa)
while the range is the set of all second components of the ordered pair or the y-
coordinates (ordinate). They can be expressed by a set of ordered pairs (x,y), a table of
values, a mapping, a graph or an equation.
Types of Relations:
1. One-to-one relation is the pairing or association of two quantities in which
each x is paired with one and only one y.

Example 1. Set or ordered pairs:

A = {(morning, breakfast), (noon, lunch), (evening, supper)}
A = {(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)}
Domain: {1, 2, 3} Range: {4, 5, 6}

Example 2: A Table of Values

X values Morning (1) Noon (2) Evening (3)
Y values Breakfast (4) Lunch (5) Supper (6)

Example 3. mapping
x y
. or
Morning breakfast
Noon lunch 1 4
Evening supper 2 5
3 6

Example 4. Graph

•(3, 6)
•(2, 5)

Example 5. By equation.
Given x = 1, then y = 4. If x = 2, y = 5. If x = 3, y =6.
We derive the equation: y = x + 3

2. Many-to-one relation is the pairing or association of two quantities in which

more than one x is paired with one value of y.
x y
Snack Morning
Breakfast Noon
Lunch Evening

3. One-to-many relation is the pairing or association of two quantities where one

x can be paired to more than one value of y.
Ex. Relationship of mother to children

x y
Margie Geeboy
Teray Kent
Nilde Kim

Problem Set 2.10

A. Given set of ordered pairs, determine the types of relations and identify the
domain and the range.
1. {(-1, 1), (-2, 4), (-3, 9), (-4, 16), (-5, 25)}
2. {(2, 2), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 8), (4, 10)}
3. {(0, -3), (1, -2), (2, -1), (3, 0), (4, -1)}
4. {(-1, 2), (-2, 5), (-3, 10), (1, 2), (2, 5)}

B. Identify what kind of relation are the set of values in each table: Write the
domain and the range in set form.

1. ______________

x 4 16 36 49 100
y ±2 ±4 ±6 ±7 ± 10

2. ______________

x ±3 ±4 ±5 ±6 ±8
y 10 17 16 37 65

3. _______________

x -3 -1 0 1 2 5 6
y 7 9 10 11 12 17 6

4. ________________

x -1 2 3 1 -1 6 9
y 2 4 5 3 -2 8 10

5. ________________

x 100 64 49 36 16 4 0
y 10 8 7 6 4 2 0

C. Identify what type of relation is presented by the mappings:

1. x y 4. x y

-5 3 2 1
6 4 -2
57 -7 -5
-9 7
10 12 10
2. x y 5. x y

1 10 2 2
0 20 -2
-1 30 0 4
-3 40 4
3. x y

-3 10

Lesson 2.11. Functions

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Defined a function
2. Determined whether a relation is a function or a mere relation

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced

What is the difference between a function and a mere relation?
Function is a relation in which every element in the first component of the
ordered pair or in the domain corresponds to a unique element in the second
component of the ordered pair in the range. It is also paired quantities that is either one-
to-one or many-to-one.
You can also check whether a relation is a function if you use the vertical line
test. Plot the coordinates and connect the points. Then, draw a vertical line on the
graph. If the line intersects the graph at only one point, then the relation is a function.

Examples: Determine whether the following set of ordered pairs represent a
function or a mere relation. Identify whether the coordinates depict one-to-one, one-to-

many or many-to-one relation. In your scratch paper, check your result using the vertical
line test.
1. A = {(1,2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (0, 1), (-1, 0)}
2. B = {(0, 0), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (2, -4), (3, -6)}
3. C = {(-1,1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)}
4. E = {(-2,-3), (-1, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 3), (2, 5)}
5. F = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)}

1. The given set of ordered pairs is a function because for element x, there
corresponds only one element y. It is a one-to-one relation and therefore a
2. The given set of ordered pairs is a function because the elements of x and y
coordinates are different from each other. There is no common element
existing on the first coordinates, therefore a one-to-one relation, thus it is a
3. The given set of ordered pairs is a function because it is a many to one
4. The set of points is a relation because one x which is -1 corresponds to two
values of y. If you use the vertical line test, it will intersect the graph at two
points (-1, -1) and (-1, 3). This is a one-to-many relation and not a function.
5. This is a relation because the graph of these points is a vertical line. If you
draw a vertical line, it will intersect all the points given which counteracts the
vertical line test that it should only intersect your graph at only one point. This
is also a one-to-many relation which is not a function.

In determining whether an equation is a function or merely a relation, assign

points to x and graph the resulting points. Then use the vertical line test.

1. y=x 2
Assign values to x and solve for y.
x 0 1 -1 2 -2
y 0 1 1 4 4
The graph is a parabola that opens upward. When you do vertical line test, it will
intersect your graph at only one point. This also depicts a many-to-one relation.
Thus this is a function.

2. x 2+ y 2=4
x 0 1 2 -1 -2
y ±2 ± √3 0 ± √3 0

The graph is a circle. The vertical line will intersect the circle at two points.
Therefore, this is merely a relation. This is also a one-to-many relation.


Problem Set 2.11.
Identify whether the points depict a one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-one
relation. Identify whether it is a function or a mere relation. Explain why. Use the vertical
line test.
1. y=3 x +5
2. y 2=2 x−1

x -2 5 2 1
y 7 8 4 -1

x 1 √2 5 6 -√ 3
y 1 7 8 4 -1
x 1 2 3 2 1 3
y 7 8 4 -1 3 1

1 2
6. S = {( , √ 3) , , √ 2 ,
2 3
2 )(
,√ 2¿ }
7. V = {(-2, 1), (3, -2), (-2, -1)}
8. M = {(1, 5,), (3, 7), (-1, 5), (4, -7)}
2 3

1 3

Lesson 2.12. Evaluation of Functions

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Explained how to evaluate a function
2. Evaluated functions

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced

How do we evaluate a function?


Evaluation of Functions
In evaluating functions, we simply substitute the assigned value for the given
variable and simplify the resulting expression.


Evaluate the following:
1. Given: f (x)=−3 x +5 ;
Find: f (−2) and f(0).
f ( x)=−3 x +5 f ( x)=−3 x +5 ;
f (−2)=−3(−2)+5 f (0)=−3 (0)+ 5
f (−2)=6+5 f (0)=0+5
f (−2)=11 f (0)=+5
2. f ( x )=x −2 x +7 ;find f ()1
, f (1)
f ( x )=x 2−2 x +7 f ( x )=x 2−2 x +7

( )() ()
1 1 1 2
f = −2 +7 f ( 1 ) =1 −2(1)+7
2 2 2
f ( )
1 1 2
= − +7
2 4 2
f ( 1 ) =1−2+7

f (1 1
2 4)
= −1+7 f ( 1 ) =6

f (1 1
2 4)
= +6=
¼ + 24/4 = 25/4

3. f ( x )=3 x 3 +5 x2 −2 x +4 ; find f () 1
f () () () ()
1 3
1 2

f () ( ) ()
1 2
9 3
− +4

f ()
1 1 5 2
= + − + 4=
3 9 9 3
1+5−2 (3 )+ 4 ( 9 ) 36
= =4
4. f ( x )= 2 , find f (0)
x −2 x+2


0−1 −1
f ( x )= =
0 −2 ( 0 )+ 2 2


Problem Set 2.12.

Evaluate the following functions. Express the answer in simplest form.

1. Given the function f ( x )=x 2, find a . f
b . f (−3)

2. Given: f ( x )=4 x 2−6 , find a . f (−5 ) b . f (6)

3. Given: f ( x )=
x−5 ()
, find a . f (−4 ) b . f

x 1
4. Given: f ( x )= , find a . f (−5 ) b . f
x−2 2

( )
4 x −17 x−15 −1
5. Given: f ( x )= , find f b . f (−4)
4 x +3 4

Lesson 2.13. Operations on Functions

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
1. Performed indicated operations on functions

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


In performing indicated operations on functions, you follow the rules in

performing operations on polynomials.


Operation on Functions
The definition for operation on functions given f and g are function;
A. The sum is defined as (𝑓 + 𝑔) (𝑥) = 𝑓(𝑥) + 𝑔(𝑥)
B. The difference is defined as (𝑓 – 𝑔) (𝑥) = (𝑥) – (𝑥)
C. The product is defined as (𝑓 • 𝑔) (𝑥) = 𝑓(𝑥) • 𝑔(𝑥)
D. The quotient is defined as 𝑔 (𝑥) = (𝑥) (𝑥) , 𝑔(𝑥) ≠ 0


Example 1:
Let f (x)=2 x 2 – 1 and g(x )=2 x .
Find the following.

a. (𝑓 + 𝑔)(𝑥) b. (𝑓 – 𝑔)(𝑥) c. (𝑓 • 𝑔 )(𝑥) d. ( fg )(𝑥)
a. (𝑓 + 𝑔)(𝑥) = ( 2 x 2−1 ) +2 x =2 x 2 +2 x −1
b. (𝑓 – 𝑔)𝑥 = ( 2 x 2−1 )−2 x=2 x 2−2 x−1
c. (𝑓 • 𝑔)𝑥 = ( 2 x 2−1 ) ( 2 x )=4 x 3−2 x

d. ( x )= 2 x −1
g 2x

Example 2:
If f (x)= x2 + 4 x+ 4 and g(x )=x +2; find the following:
a. (𝑓 + 𝑔) (2) b. ( g – f ) 𝑥 c. (𝑓 • 𝑔¿ ¿) d.
f ()
a. ( f + g )( x )=x 2 +4 x+ 4+ x +2 = x 2 +5 x +6
( f + g )( 2 ) =x 2+5 x +6=¿
( f + g )( 2 ) =20
b. ( g−f ) ( x )=( x+ 2 )−(x ¿¿ 2+ 4 x+ 4)=x +2−x2 −4 x−4 ¿
( g−f ) ( x )=−x 2−3 x−2
c. ( f • g )( x )=(x ¿¿ 2+ 4 x +4 ) ( x +2 )=¿ ¿
3 2 2
¿ x + 4 x +4 x +2 x + 8 x +8
( f • g )( x )=x 3 +6 x 2+ 12 x +8
( f • g )(−1 ) =(−1)3 +6(−1)2 +12(−1)+ 8
( f • g )(−1 ) =(−1 )+ 6−12+ 8=1
( f • g )(−1 ) =1
g x+2 ( x+2) 1
d. ( ¿ ( x )= 2 = =
f x + 4 x+ 4 ( x +2 )( x +2 ) x+2

Example 3:
2 x−1 4x
If f ( x )= , and ( x )= , find the following:
x +2 x−2
a. (𝑓 + 𝑔) 𝑥 b. ( g−f ) 𝑥 c. (𝑓 • 𝑔)𝑥 d. ( fg ) ( x )
2 x−1 4 x ( x−2 )( 2 x−1 ) + 4 x ( x +2 ) ( 2 x −4 x−x+ 2 ) +4 x +8 x
2 2
a. ( f + g )( x )= + = =
x +2 x−2 ( x+ 2)( x−2) ( x+ 2 )( x−2 )
( 2 x −4 x−x +2 ) +4 x +8 x 6 x +3 x +2
2 2 2
¿ =
( x +2 )( x−2 ) x2 −4
2 2
4 x 2 x−1 4 x ( x +2 ) −( 2 x−2 )( x−2 ) 4 x +8 x−(2 x −4 x−2 x+ 4)
b. ( g−f ) ( x )= − = =
x −2 x +2 ( x−2 )( x +2 ) ( x −2)(x +2)
2 2
¿ 2 x +14 x−4 2( x + 7 x−2)
¿ 4 x2 +8 x−2 x 2+ 4 x +2 x −4 ¿ = =
( x−2 ) ( x +2 ) ( x−2 ) ( x+2 ) ( x−2)(x +2)

( )( ) (
c. f • g x = 2 x−1 ¿¿¿ x+ 2 )( )
8 x2 −4 x
= 2
x −4
2 x−1
d.() f
( x )=
x+ 2
2 x −1 x−2 2 x 2−4 x−x+ 2 2 x 2−5 x+2

x+ 2 4 x
= 2
4 x +8 x
= 2
4 x +8x


Problem Set 2.13

Perform the indicated operations on functions. Copy and answer. Show the
1. Given: f ( x )=x 2 and g ( x )=x+ 4 ; find the following:
a. ( f + g )(−1 ) b . ( f −g ) ( x ) c . ( g • f ) (3)

2. Given: f ( x )= and g ( x )=x 2−x−2; find the following:
x +1

a. ( g • f )( x ) b . ( g−f )( 5 ) c .

2 x2 −x−3
3. Given: f ( x )= and g ( x )=x 2−x−2

a. ( f + g )( 1 ) b .
(−1 ) c . ( f • g )( 2 )

Lesson 2.14. Composition of Functions

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Performed composition of functions

Teaching Delivery: Outcomes-based Learning/Self-paced


What is composition of functions?


Composition of Functions
A composite function is a function that depends on another function. It is the
result when one function is substituted into another function.
Given the functions, f and g, the composition of f with g is 𝑓 ∘ 𝑔 defined by the
equation; (𝑓 ∘ 𝑔) 𝑥 = 𝑓(𝑔 (𝑥)) where 𝑓 is the dependent and 𝑔 is the independent

Let f and g be functions of x such that the range of g is in the domain of f . Then
the composition function of f with g denoted by f ∘ gis defined by ( f ∘ g )( x )=f ( g ( x ) ) .


Example 1.
Given that f ( x )=1−2 x and g ( x )=x 2−3; find ( f ∘ g )( x ) , ( g ∘ f ) ( x ) ,
( f ∘ f ) ( x ) and ( g ∘ g ) ( x ) .

( f ∘ g )( x )=f ( g ( x ) )
Since f ( x )=1−2 x ,replace the variable x with g ( x )=x 2−3.
( f ∘ g )( x )=1−2 ( x2 −3 )=1−2 x 2 +6=−2 x2 +7
( f ∘ g )( x )=−2 x 2 +7
( g ∘ f )( x )=g ( f ( x ) )
Since g ( x )=x 2−3, replace the variable x with f ( x )=1−2 x
( g ∘ f )( x )=¿
( g ∘ f )( x )=4 x 2−4 x−2
( f ∘ f ) ( x )=f ( f ( x ) )=1−2 ( 1−2 x )=1−2+ 4 x=4 x−1
( f ∘ f ) ( x )=4 x−1
( g ∘ g ) ( x )=g ( g ( x ) ) =¿
( g ∘ g ¿(x )=x 4 −3 x 2−3 x 2 +9−3=x 4 −6 x 2+6
( g ∘ g ¿(x )=x 4 −6 x2 +6

Example 2:
Given f ( x )= and g ( x )=x 2−x−2, find (f ∘ g)(1) and (g ∘ f )( x).
x +1
( f ∘ g )( x )= , replace x with x 2−x−2,
2 2
( f ∘ g )( x )= x 2−x−2−2 = x 2−x−4
x −x−2−1 x −x−3
( f ∘ g )( x )= x 2−x−4
x −x −3
(1)2−1−4 1−1−4 −4 4
( f ∘ g )( 1 ) = 2 = = =
(1) −1−3 1−1−3 −3 3
( g ∘ f )( x )=x 2−x −2 , replace x with
x+ 1
( g ∘ f )( x )=¿

( x−2 ) ( x−2 )−( x−2 )( x +1 )−2(x +1)( x+1) ( x2−4 x +4 )− ( x2 −x−2 )−2( x2 +2 x+1)
( g ∘ f )( x )= =
( x +1 )( x +1 ) ( x +1)( x+1)

2 2 2 2
( g ∘ f )( x )= x −4 x+ 4−x 2+ x +2−2 x −4 x−2 = −2 x2 −7 x−4
x +2 x+ 1 x +2 x+ 1


Problem Set 2.14.

Find ( f ∘ g )( x ) and ( g ∘ f )( x ) for the following given functions:
x +3
1. f ( x )=2 x−3 and g ( x )=
2. f ( x )=4 x +1and g ( x )=x +3
2 x2 −x−3
3. f ( x )= and g ( x )=x 2−x−2


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