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Hanzala Daud

13 july 2022

Main Risks of Teen Pregnancy

If a girl of 19 Years or less has symptoms like missed or very light periods, breast

tenderness, feeling tired, nausea(often in the morning), vomiting, feeling lightheaded,

fainting, weight gain or swelling abdomen. She may have a teenage pregnancy.

Pregnancy simply occurs when a sperm from male partner enters through vagina and

fertilizes an egg after it’s released from the ovary of the female partner while teenage or

adolescent pregnancy refers to the condition when a female partner is 19 or less years of

age.Usually 15-19 years of female are considered in these catagories.

Teenage pregnancy is associated with many risk factors related to mother and fetus

health and social pressure. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) “ In low-

and middle-income countries, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are a leading

cause of death among girls aged 15–19 years. Stillbirths and newborn deaths are 50% higher

among infants of adolescent mothers than among infants of women aged 20–29 years.”

(WHO 1). These risks include Eclampsia i.e high blood pressure during pregnancy, Social

withdrawal, due to social pressure resulting in depression, Premature birth due to lack of care

and proper diet, Underweight birth of infants , Parents quitting education, Lifelong

depression, Complication during Cesarean (C-Section surgery ) and many more.

These risks are very difficult to cope with but we can abate problems linked with

teenage pregnancy by many ways as raising awareness in developing societies with a high

ratio of teenage pregnancies, by avoiding child marriages , by proper knowledge and

counseling about the use of various safe contraceptive techniques( intrauterine devices,
female condoms, male condoms, spermicide sprays and use of hormonal patches or

Work Cited

Adolescent pregnancy. fact sheet by WHO,

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