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Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent

pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female adolescent
or young adult under the age of 20. Worldwide,
pregnancy complications are the leading cause
of death for women and girls 15 to 19 years old

Teenage pregnancy is a complex issue with social,

medical, and ethical implications . Teenage
pregnancy cause by lack of sexual education
contribute to the prevalence of teenage pregnancies.
And also, it is very important to provide support
services, sex education , and access to
contraceptives to prevent teenage pregnancies. In
addition, teenage pregnancy is a big problem that
can cause to health issues like eclampsia and
systemic infection , this problem can also make hard
for the mother to continue her education or job. Teen
moms may feel judgement and aloneness. It's
important for pregnant teens to get the right care and
support to help them and their babies stay healthy.

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