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Short Tempered
Kind To have more patience
Average Student To be included in Dean's List
Easy to be friends with Hard-Working Choose the right circle of
friends to avoid being used.
Vocal about her emotions Goal Oriented
Control emotions; when to
and feelings
Approachable react or be vocal
Enjoys me time/alone time
To expand my social life
An accountancy student who Independent Aims to be the first CPA-
is not that good at analyzing
Ambivert Lawyer in the family
Brave to make decisions,
but not too brave to do it.
Brave Behave
courageous enough and
more confidence
Petite Person Tall Person
Creative Artistic

In making my journal, I have learned how to assess myself by classifying what to input into my
real and ideal self. This activity made me realize that I have something to work on in the future
and personalities that I must let go of or change. Knowing yourself helps you to have a better
relationship with yourself and evolve your decision-making. Moreover, the Idea of CARL ROGERS
allows people to boost their self-worth and not to dwell too much on failures or what other
people think about you because, in the end, you know yourself more than these people's
opinions about you. It just takes time to really know yourself, including your desires, goals,
perspectives, and personality.

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