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4.1. Processing Technologies of Bottled Water
 Sources of Bottled Water and its Compositions
Bottled water is simply water from some sources that has been placed in a bottle for drinking
purpose. Bottled water can have minimal (or no) processing - as in natural or mineral water, or
it can be completely filtered, dematerialized and disinfected to nearly pure water and then have
minerals added back in to make it taste better. Major sources of raw water for drinking are
ground water, spring water and surface water which are obtained from rivers, lakes, ponds and
other exposed water closets. Ground water and spring water are believed to be the preferable
sources of drinking water which require minimum treatment in comparison with surface water.
A common cause of changes in ground water quality is through natural variations within the
aquifer. What gives groundwater its taste is the amount and type of dissolved minerals within it.
Pure water, i.e., having no dissolved minerals, doesn’t occur naturally. Factors that control the
dissolved minerals in groundwater include
1. The types of minerals that make up the aquifer,
2. The length of time that the water is in contact with the minerals, and
3. The chemical state of the groundwater.
Virtually all groundwater comes from precipitation that soaks into the soil and passes down to
the aquifer. Rainwater has a slightly acidic PH; therefore it tends to dissolve solid minerals in
the soil and in the aquifer. Different rocks, e.g., sandstone, limestone and basalt all have
different minerals and therefore, groundwater in contact with these materials will have different
compositions. Some of the constituents found in groundwater, however, are not abundant in
common rocks and minerals, for example, chloride (Cl) and sulfate (SO 4). The probable source
for these chemicals is rainwater through the infiltrating precipitation The longer the
groundwater is in contact with the minerals, the greater the extent of its reaction with those
minerals and the higher will be the content of dissolved minerals which is called the residence
time of the groundwater in the aquifer.

The chemical state of groundwater is usually defined in terms of PH, temperature and
oxidation-reduction potential. These parameters control and are influenced by chemical
reactions. As temperatures change seasonally, as the water table rises and falls, or as recharge
rates vary, the chemical state will change and, as a result, so will the composition of

To summarize, groundwater may vary in composition from one well to another as a result of the
respective ground waters being in contact with different aquifer materials, or having been in
contact with the aquifer minerals for significantly different periods of time. Seasonal variations
in the composition of groundwater from a single well generally results in a change in the
chemical state of groundwater, i.e., temperature, pH and redox potential. These parameters
influence the amount and character of the dissolved constituents and therefore may produce
changes in the taste, odor, appearance, etc. Possible causes of changes in the chemical state
include different water levels and annual recharge events.

 Benefits of Bottled Water over Tap Water

Residual disinfectants (chlorine and/or chloramines, for example) added to keep water safe
during distribution in the tap water doesn’t exist in bottled water.
Disinfection byproducts, like the trihalomethanes are removed during bottled water
Percolation of lead into the water from pipes and/or fixtures is avoided.
Accidental contamination by microbes or other contaminants is minimized.
Unacceptable levels of nitrates or organic compounds are purified
An emergency source of water in the event your primary water source fails
A convenient source of usually safe water for drinking outside of home.

 Selection of Proper Treatment Technique

Two important terms related to water treatment are Water Purification: - to remove specified
contaminants from a water source; Water Disinfection: - specifically, a process that kills or
removes biological organisms from the raw water. Major things to be considered in the
selection of proper purification system to provide biologically and chemically treated bottled
water that has most objectionable taste and odor are: -
a. Types of contaminants, organic and inorganic, found in raw water
b. Amounts (concentrations) of these contaminants
c. Identification of contaminants to be removed or controlled
d. Maximum allowable percentages in the final product
e. Cost of treatment process versus value of the product
f. Point of Use, i.e. only water that is actually used for drinking, cooking, beverage
preparation, etc. need to be treated.
 Overall Process Flow of Bottled Water Process

Bottled water processing and treatment at industrial level starts by devising a system that
delivers the required amount of raw water from the selected source to the raw water reservoirs
in the industrial site of the plant. The means of acquisition and transportation varies depending
on the type of water source, position of the plant with respect to the source, abundance and
other internal factors of the plant such as accommodation capacity of reserve water, type of
production (continuous), etc. Once the raw water gets to industrial processing it is treated
physically, chemically and biologically to adjust the ingredients of water to standard acceptable
composition, taste and odor and remove or kill harmful organisms. The treated water is filled to
bottles hygienically and packed by which it is going to be ready for distribution.

Raw Water Bottling

Source of Raw
Processing &
Raw Water
& Packing
Water Accessing
Treatment Process
Fig 1: - Industrial Bottled Water Processing Flow Diagram

 Raw Water Processing & Treatment

Bottled water for drinking purpose passes through a series of processes and operations
depending on the constituting ingredients of the raw water and the contaminants found in it.
These treatments pre-formed on raw water can be broadly categorized into biological, chemical
and physical treatments. Biological treatment are undertaken to kill bacteria, germs, viruses and
other harmful micro organism that enter the water during any of its preceding exposed periods.
Similarly, as the water passes through a series of layered rocks, soils and aquifer, minerals and
other compounds can enter liquid water in soluble and suspended forms.
To remove or control the percentage of these soluble and solid impurities chemical and physical
treatments are required, respectively.
 Available Technologies to Treat Raw Water
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Osmosis can be defined as the spontaneous passage of a liquid from a dilute to a more
concentrated solution across an ideal semi permeable membrane which allows the passage of
the solvent (water) but not the dissolved solids (solutes). If a pressurizing piston is placed on
the more-concentrated solution side of a semi permeable membrane, the phenomenon of
osmosis is reversed and therefore it is called reversed osmosis.

Osmosis Reverse Osmosis

Normal Flow from Low to High Concentration Flow Reversed by application of pressure to
high concentration solution

Fig 2: Osmosis Vs Reverse osmosis

Water pressure is used to force water molecules through a membrane that has extremely tiny
pores, leaving the larger contaminants behind. Purified water is collected from the "clean" side
of the membrane, and water containing the concentrated contaminants is flushed down the drain
from the "contaminated" side. The average RO system is a unit consisting of a
sediment/chlorine pre filter, the reverse-osmosis membrane, a water storage tank, and an
activated-carbon post filter.

The advantages of Reverse Osmosis include:

Reverse osmosis significantly reduces salt, most other inorganic material present in the water,
and some organic compounds. With a quality carbon filter to remove any organic materials that
get through the filter, the purity of the treated water approaches that produced by distillation.
Fig. Reserve
(including viruses) are usually removed by properly functioning RO units, but any defect
in the membrane would allow these organisms to flow into the "filtered" water - they are
not recommended for use on biologically unsafe water.
Though slower than a carbon or sediment water filter, RO systems can typically purify
more water per day than distillers and are less expensive to operate and maintain.
Reverse Osmosis systems also do not use high electricity, although because they require
relatively high water pressure to operate, they may not work well in some emergency
situations in which water pressure is dropped.
Water from shallow wells in agricultural areas that contains high nitrate levels is a good
example of a situation where RO would make sense.
A reverse-osmosis system is a good treatment option for people who have unacceptably
high levels of dissolved inorganic contaminants in their drinking water which cannot be
removed effectively or economically by other methods.

The disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis include:

RO units make only a few gallons of treated water a day for drinking or cooking.
RO systems waste water. Two to four gallons of "waste" water are flushed down the drain
for each gallon of filtered water produced.
Some pesticides, solvents and other volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) are not
completely removed by RO. A good activated carbon post filter is recommended to reduce
these contaminants.
Many conditions affect the RO membrane's efficiency in reducing the amount of
contaminant in the water. These include the contaminant concentration, chemical
properties of the contaminants, the membrane type and condition, and
operating conditions (like pH, water temperature, and water pressure).
Damaged membranes are not easily detected, so it is hard to tell if the system is
functioning normally and safely.

 Suspended Contaminants Filter

Unlike the variety of types of water filters, the basic concept behind is all similar and simple.
The contaminants are physically prevented from moving through the filter either by screening
them out with very small pores and/or, in the case of carbon filters, by trapping them within the
filter matrix by attracting them to the surface of carbon particles (the process of adsorption).
The types of physical filters which are categorized under suspended physical filters are fiber or
fabric (pleat) filters, sand filters, micro membrane filters called suspended sediment filters; and
activated carbon filters that can be in granular or solid block forms. The suspended sediment
filters and activated carbon filters can be built in a filtration process sequentially and sometimes
they are combined into a single unit.

 Suspended Sediment Filters

In these filtration processes solid particles are strained out of the water by means of screening
effect of the filtration media and only water is allowed is to percolate through the pores.

Fiber Filters: - These filters contain cellulose, rayon or some other material spun into a mesh
with small pores. If you take a piece of cloth and pour water containing sand through it you will
get the picture. Suspended sediment (or turbidity) is removed as water pressure forces water
through tightly wrapped fibers. Some small organic particles that cause disagreeable odors and
taste may also be removed. These filters come in a variety of sizes and meshes from fine to
Fiber filters are often used as pre-filters to reduce the suspended contaminants that could clog
carbon or RO filters. But they cannot remove contaminants that are dissolved in the water, like
chlorine, lead, mercury, trihalomethanes or other organic compounds.

Ceramic (Sand) Filters: - are much like fiber filters and use a process where water is forced
through the process of sand or ceramic filtration media. This provides mechanical filtration
only. This type of filter can reduce asbestos, fibers, cysts some bacteria (with pore sizes in the
0.2 - 0.8 micron range) and other particulate matter. These filters doesn’t remove contaminants
that are dissolved in the water, like chlorine, lead, mercury, trihalomethanes or other organic
compounds, nor will they remove viruses. These filters may be used as a back-end to an
activated carbon filter to provide a more thorough removal of contaminants.

 Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon (AC) is particles of carbon that have been treated to increase their surface area
and increase their ability to adsorb a wide range of contaminants. These filters are used to
reduce chlorine, organic compounds, color, tannin, and objectionable tastes and odors from
water. Automatic backwashing system removes the trapped contaminants within the filter bed
and washes them down the drain. There are two basic kinds of carbon filters Granular Activated
Carbon (GAC) and Solid Block Activated Carbon (SBAC).

Contaminant reduction in AC filters takes place by two processes, physical removal of

contaminant particles, blocking any that are too large to pass through the pores obviously, filters
with smaller pores are more effective), and a process called adsorption by which a variety of
dissolved contaminants are attracted to and held (adsorbed) on the surface of the carbon
particles. The characteristics of the carbon material (particle and pore size, surface area, surface
chemistry, density, and hardness) influence the efficiency of adsorption. AC is a highly porous
material; therefore, it has an extremely high surface area for contaminant adsorption.

The carbon source is a variety of materials, such as peanut shells, coconut husks, or coal. The
raw carbon source is slowly heated in the absence of air to produce a high carbon material. The
carbon is activated by passing oxidizing gases through the material at extremely high
temperatures. The activation process produces the pores that result in such high adsorptive
Fig 4: Activated Carbon Filters
The advantages of AC filters
Activated Carbon Systems significantly reduce the following contaminants
o Chlorine and chlorine By-Products such as trihalomethanes (THMs)

o A Group of organic chemicals suspected of being carcinogeni c.

o Bad Tastes & Odors
o Turbidity (Cloudy Water)
o Herbicides, Pesticides, & Insecticides
o Volatile Organic Chemicals: - Organic Chemicals that turn into vapor.

AC filters are primarily used for aesthetic water treatment, since they can reduce chlorine
and particulate matter as well as improve the taste and odor of the water.
Loose granules of carbon do not restrict the water flow. This enables them to be used in
situations, like whole house filters, where maintaining a good water flow rate and
pressure is important.
AC filters are inexpensive filters
AC filters do not require electricity, nor do they waste water.
Many dissolved desired minerals are not removed by activated carbon. In the case of
calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other beneficial minerals, the taste of the water can
be improved and some (usually small) nutrient value can be gained from the water.
The disadvantages of AC filters
When water flows through a bed of loose carbon granules, it can carve a channel where it
can flow freely with little resistance so that water flowing through the channel does not
come in contact with the filtration medium.
Pockets of contaminated water can form in a loose bed of carbon granules. With changes
in water pressure and flow rates, these pockets can collapse, "dumping" the contaminated
water through the filter into the "filtered" flow.
Hot water should never run through activated carbon filter as the carbon elements may
dissolve in hot water and contaminate it.

 Activated Alumina

Activated Alumina is a granulated form of aluminum oxide. In this process, water containing
the contaminant is passed through a cartridge or canister of activated alumina which adsorbs the

The advantages of Activated Alumina filters

It is an effective way to reduce levels of fluoride, arsenic, and selenium.
The disadvantages of Activated Alumina filters include
The use of other treatment methods would be necessary to reduce levels of other contaminants
of health concern.

 Calcite Filters - Neutralization Filters

Calcite is a crushed and screened white marble media which can inexpensively be used to
neutralize acidic or low pH waters to a neutral, less corrosive effluent.

Calcite is a naturally occurring calcium carbonate media. One of the advantages of Calcite is its
self-limiting property. When properly applied, it corrects pH only enough to reach a non-
corrosive equilibrium. It does not overcorrect under normal conditions. Upon contact with
calcite, acidic waters slowly dissolve the calcium carbonate to raise the pH which reduces
potential leaching of copper, lead and other metals found in typical plumbing systems. Periodic
backwashing will prevent packing, reclassify the bed and maintain high service rates.
Depending on pH, water chemistry and service flow, the Calcite bed will have to be periodically
replenished as the calcite is depleted.

As the Calcite's calcium carbonate neutralizes the water, it will increase hardness and a softener
may become necessary after the neutralizing filter.
Advantages of Calcite Filters for Neutralization
 Calcite is a Naturally Occurring Material and doesn’t need processing to create it
 Low Uniformity coefficient for maximum contact for controlled PH correction.
 Inexpensive
 Slower reacting for controlled PH correction.

 Water Softening

Hard Water contains dissolved minerals in the form of Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and
Iron (Fe). Removal of these minerals is accomplished by softening the water through an ion
exchange process using a water softener. As the water flows through the mineral tank of the
water softener, the dissolved minerals become attached to the resin, creating soft water.

The hardness minerals (positively charged Calcium and Magnesium ions) attach themselves to
the resin beads while sodium on the resin beads is released simultaneously into the water. Over
a period of time the resin in the water softener will become saturated with calcium and
magnesium and exhausted. The recharging is done by passing a concentrated salt (brine)
solution through the resin. The concentrated sodium replaces the trapped calcium and
magnesium ions which are discharged in the waste water.
Several factors govern the efficiency of a cationic softener
Type & quality of resin used
Amount of salt per cubic foot of resin for regeneration
Brine concentration in the resin bed during regeneration
Brine flow rate through the resin bed (contact time) during regeneration
Raw water hardness
Raw water temperature
Optimal flow rate of hard water through the resin bed
Advantages of water softeners include:

The nuisance factor of hard water is reduced

Some other cations like barium, radium and iron may be reduced
Higher Quality Drinking Water
Prevents Hard Water Scale
Significantly Reduces Soap and Cleaning Product Consumption
Provides Excellent Grooming & Cosmetic Benefits
Disadvantages of water softeners include
The process of regenerating the ion exchange bed dumps salt water into the
The elevated sodium concentration of most softened water can affect the taste and
may not be good for people on low sodium diets
Cation exchange does not reduce the level of anions (like nitrates), or biological
contaminants (bacteria, viruses, cysts); nor does the process reduce the levels of
most organic compounds.

 Ultra Violet Light Disinfection Systems

Ultra violet systems free water of disease causing micro organisms without the use of any
chemicals. Water passes through a clear chamber where it is exposed to Ultra Violet (UV)
Light. UV light effectively destroys bacteria and viruses. However, how well the UV system
works depends on the energy dose that the organism absorbs. If the energy dose is not high
enough, the organism’s genetic material may only be damaged rather than disrupted. UV is
usually used as a final purification stage on most filtration systems.
Advantages of using UV include
No known toxic or significant nontoxic byproducts introduced
Removes some organic contaminants
Leaves no smell or taste in the treated water, as caused by chlorine
Requires very little contact time (seconds versus minutes for chemical disinfection)
Improves the taste of water because some organic contaminants and nuisance
microorganisms are destroyed
Many pathogenic microorganisms are killed or rendered inactive
Does not affect minerals in water
Economical disinfection process
Immediate process (No storage tank required)
No byproducts created therefore it is environmentally friendly.

Disadvantages of using UV include

UV radiation is not suitable for water with high levels of suspended solids,
turbidity, color, or soluble organic matter. These materials can react with UV radiation,
and reduce disinfection pre-formance. Turbidity makes it difficult for radiation to
penetrate water and pathogens can be 'shadowed', protecting them from the light.
UV light is not effective against any non-living contaminant, lead, asbestos, many
organic chemicals, chlorine, etc.
Tough crypto sporidia cysts are fairly resistant to UV light
Requires electricity to operate.

 Ozonation System

Ozone is a naturally occurring component of fresh air. It can be produced by the ultraviolet rays
of the sun reacting with the Earth's upper atmosphere (which creates a protective ozone layer),
by lightning, or it can be created artificially with an ozone generator. The formation of oxygen
into ozone occurs with the use of energy. This process is carried out by an electric discharge
field as in ozone generators by simulation of the lightning or by ultraviolet radiation as in UV-
type ozone generators. In addition to these commercial methods, ozone may also be made
through electrolytic and chemical reactions.

The ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms whereas the normal oxygen molecule contains
only two. Ozone is a very reactive and unstable gas with a short half-life before it reverts back
to oxygen. Ozone is the most powerful and rapid acting oxidizer and will oxidize all bacteria,
mold and yeast spores, organic material and viruses given sufficient exposure.

A complete ozone generation and ozonation system consists of at least four major units:
1. Air Preparation - Air Dryer or Oxygen Generator
2. Ozone Generator - Converts Air into Ozone
3. Ozone Injector - Injects Ozone into the Water Stream
4. Contact Tank - Exposes water to the ozone ensuring complete ozonation.
Advantages of using Ozone include:
Ozone is primarily a disinfectant that effectively kills biological contaminants.
Ozone also oxidizes and precipitates iron, sulfur, and manganese so they can be filtered
out of solution.
Ozone will oxidize and break down many organic chemicals including many that cause
odor and taste problems.
Ozonation produces no taste or odor in the water.
Since ozone is made of oxygen and reverts to pure oxygen, it vanishes without trace once
it has been used.
Ozonation doesn’t leave disinfectant residuals, so chlorine or another disinfectant must be
added to minimize microbial growth during storage and distribution.

Disadvantages of using Ozone include

Ozone treatment can create undesirable byproducts that can be harmful to health if
they are not controlled (e.g., formaldehyde and bromate).
The process of creating ozone in the home requires electricity. In an emergency with loss
of power, this treatment will not work.
Ozone is not effective at removing dissolved minerals and salts.

 Bottling & Packing Process

The carefully controlled and treated drinking water should equally be given attention during
filling to bottles and capping to maintain the qualities imparted to the water during the
preceding process stages. The major inputs in the bottling and packing processes are: -
1. Bottles – jars in which the drinking water is contained
2. Capps – used to close filled bottles
3. Neck Sleeves – to laminate caps against environmental contamination
4. Labels – describing the ingredients constituted in the water and other information in
relation with process, storage and usages
5. Polyethylene sheets – packing elements for sets of filled bottles

In addition to these major inputs other consumables in the system include washing media such
as caustic soda, peroxides, detergents, filtered washing water, hot water, ozonated water
depending on the type of washing media selected, pressurized and hot air for shrinking of
labels, sleeves and wrapping polyethylene sheets in the packaging.

 Process Flow and Description of Bottling and Packaging Process

The operations undertaken in this continuous process of bottling and packing are Bottle washing
and drying, drinking water filling and capping, label and sleeve application, and packaging of
sets of filled bottles.
In the washing station of empty bottles washing stage may vary from three to eleven depending
on washing medial, cleanness of bottles, and quality and standards specifications. In addition to
washing internal part of the bottles scrubbers can be provided in combination with sprays to
wash the outer surface of the bottle. The scrubber is so designed even to clean the external neck
area The recent technology accommodates fully automated bottle loading system to load water
bottles from in feed conveyor to bottle holder, automatic bottle washing, filling and capping
activities in closed tunnel to avoid contamination. During the filling process attention should be
given to avoid air bubbles formation and water splash by using appropriate filling heads such as
descending. The caps are fed to the bottleneck by bottle sorter and efficient chute system
feeding caps for each filled bottles in the sorter.

PET Bottle Bottle Label & Sleeve Filled

Washing, Filling & Pasting & Bottles
Rinsing, & Capping Shrinking Packaging

Inspection Inspection

Fig 5: - Process Flow of Bottling and Packaging Process in the Production of Bottled Water
Fig 6: - Typical Bet Bottle Multi Stage Washing Process
The bottle washing compartment mainly contains such machines as in load PET bottles
conveyor, bottle gripping chains, circulations pumps, spray nozzles washing solution tanks,
ozone and steam injection nozzles for sterilizing and drying, respectively.
In the filling station, sets of washed bottles enter the filling cabin at time and filling nozzles
automatically fill the bottles during which the caps arrive and close the bottles by robotic

 PET Bottle Making Machineries

PET or Polyethylene Terephtalate bottles combines outstanding pre-formance and aesthetic

qualities. These give the superb crystal clarity needed to show any product to advantage. They
have excellent carbonation retention properties, and good barrier to oxygen, extremely resistant
to breakage, light to handle and transport and safe to health and environment.

The machines used for producing PET bottles of various shapes and contents are very important
features of such industries of bottled drinking water, mineral water, carbonated drinks, edible
oil, and detergents, wine and other alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, sauces, ketchup and mustard,
cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, industrial paints and oils, chemical products etc.,
 Manufacturing Methodologies

1. Single Stage bottle manufacturing on double acting machine

2. Double Stage Bottle Manufacturing on Injection molding & Blowing machines

In the single stage bottle manufacturing the conversion is from PET granule to finished bottle;
all processes are completed on one integrated machine. This means the injection-molded pre-
form is withdrawn from the injection cavity while still hot enough to be stretch blown to form
the bottle. No extra heating is required, and since pre-forms are not stockpiled to be blown at a
later date, but are freshly molded every time, there is no risk of surface damage from pre-forms
knocking together during storage or transportation. One-Step method is highly suited to small
and medium scale production lines.

Double Stage Bottle Manufacturing: - The pre-form is first produced on plastic injection
molding machine and then, within a precise temperature range, it is simultaneously stretched
both axially, and radically by blowing on pre-form blowing machine. The Two-Step system
uses two separate machines: an injection molding machine for making the pre-forms, and a
reheat blow molding machine to reheat the pre-forms from cold and blow the bottles. The
requirement for a pre-form heating system means the Two-Step process has a lower thermal
efficiency. This method is most suited to medium to large-scale production. And usually 2-stage
method is adopted to produce PET bottle.

Fig 7: Pre-form
 Pet Pre-form Making Process
Pre-form injection mold machine set is used to manufacture pet pre-form from PET, resins and
other additives mixed and prepared. The injection mold machine constitutes mix auto loader,
hopper, dryer and humidifier, injection molding machine, pre-form mold (cavity with core), pre-
form ejector, and water chiller and cooling tower

Fig 8: - PET Pre-form Injection Molding Machine Set

The basic processes through which the transformation is made are categorized into the
following operations.
1. Drying and Dehumidifying of PET and Resins: - PET absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.
This must be removed by a dehumidifying and drying before processing.
2.Plasticizing the PET: - Dried PETs are crushed into smaller pellets, compressed and melted by
means of heat energy.

3. Injection Molding the PET Pre-form: - Molten PET is injected into the injection cavity and
cooled rapidly to form a “pre-form, which is test-tube-like form from which bottles are blown.
Depending on the number of cavities of pre-form molds large scale injection mold machines can
produce 4000 to 6400 pcs/h with intermittent cooling and cleaning of molds. The variety of pre-
forms is from a pre-form of 0.5lit of bottle to 20 lit jar that can be used for general purpose.

 Units of Pre-form Injection Molding Machine

Autoloader: - is used for loading plastic resin to hopper dryer automatically based on principle
of vacuum to avoid formation of air bubbles.

Dryer of Plastic Granules: - To get perfect PET pre-form (transparency and physical pre-
formance), also to enhance molding efficiency, the water content of PET should be <=0.005%.
Therefore necessary drying of PET is required. Hot air dryers are the most effective way of
drying plastic materials. Drying directly at the machine throat eliminates the possibility of
contamination or re-absorption of moisture when transporting from a central drying position to
the machine hopper.

Dehumidifier: - The hygroscopic plastics materials such as Nylon, PC, PET and etc. cannot be
dried effectively by conventional hot air dryers, because hot air dryers are dependent on ambient
conditions and are relatively inefficient in reducing moisture contents. These materials
demand a steady low dew-point dry air (under -320C) and constant drying temperature which
guarantee a residual moisture content of 0.02% or less.

Water Chiller: - are used for cooling mould to improve the smooth finish of plastic products
and reduce the internal stress. It is easy to eject plastic products and the output has been raised.
Water chillers are also used for cooling all kinds of lubricating oil and hydraulic transmission
oil to control the oil temperature accurately and improve the processing accuracy. The common
drying methods are use of electric ovens, hopper dryer, and dehumidifiers. Cooling of pre-form
mold is also very important. It affects reform’s quality directly.
The temperature of cooling water and the pressure of cooling water should be kept at
manufacturers recommended levels. Water chiller is suggested. Mold temperature for injection
machine, temperature of nozzle and front zone, middle zone rear zone and the temperature of
hot runner in pre-form mold should maintained at the most appropriate levels of temperature.

Fig 9: Pre-form Jar

to Bottle making Process

Pet Pre-form Blowing Machine set is the main concern in the manufacturing of bottles from
pre-forms which are manufactured on injection molding machine.
The machine starts with the pre-form, heat it and then stretch-blow the heated pre-form in the
blow mold into oriented PET container.
Fig 10:- Blowing Process in the manufacturing of bottles from PET Pre-form
The machine has the ability to produce PET bottle from narrow neck finishes to wide mouth
finishes in the size from 5ml to 20,000ml.
Blow molding process mainly consists of the following units to form bottle from pre-form by
blowing air at high pressure.
Pre-form auto loader
Heat and soften PET pre-form – Electrical,
oven or infrared heater
Blow molding machine,
Blow mold,
Aircompressor, Fig 11: blowed bottle
Air purifying system.

Stretching blow molding is also called biaxial orientation blow molding. It is a kind of package
bottles producing method stretching pre-form in axes by mechanical device and in radial by
compressed air when material is under high elasticity condition.

To summarize raw water treatment and bottling process, the latest technology for purification of
suspended contaminants is reversible osmosis although it results in loss of raw material and
affects industrial processes by reducing their out puts. Similarly micro organisms are currently
disinfected form bottle water by use of ultra violet light which is replacing the ozonation
process as it doesn’t leave any byproducts after the treatment. In the industrial bottling process
the level of technology varies from the range of semi automatic to fully automated system
especially in the bottle feeding, washing, rinsing, filling and capping in which these process are
contained in a tunnel.

 Production Process Flow of PET Pre-Form

 Plasticizing:-describes the conversion of the polymer material from its normal hard
granular from at room temperatures, to the liquid consistency necessary for injection at its
correct melt temperature.
 Injection:-is the stage during which this melt is introduced into a mold to completely
fill a cavity or cavities.

 Chilling:-is the action of removing heat from the melt to convert it from a liquid
consistency back to its original rigid state. As the material cools, it also shrinks.

 Ejection:-is the removal of the cooled, molded part from the mold cavity and form any
cores or inserts.
For one litter pre-form injection molding 28 gram PET (polyethylene ethanol) raw material are
used .the same to that for half litter pre-form injection molding about 20 gram PET are used. In
order to produce colored pre-form muster batch is added for the PET. The raw material that uses
for capping is HDPE (high density polyethylene) and LDPE (low density polyethylene) with
muster batch and the raw material used for one cap is from 2.2g up to 2.6g. From 1100kg of raw
material, 75% are HDP and 25% are LDP.for 1100kg raw material 100kg muster batch are
essential in order to change the color.
TDS correction Inspection Inspection

Water softening

Suspended sediments filtration

UV light
disinfection Label &

Micro filtrations
PET bottle Bottle Sleeve pasting
PH adjustment washing, filling & &shrinking
(Neutralization) rinsing Capping
Raw water AC filters
sourcing Demineralization
(Ion exchanging)

Ozonation Bottling process

Filled bottles

Water purification Water disinfection

PET raw Perform injection Perform blow

Materials molding machine

Fig 12:-overall raw water treatment and bottling process

Pre-form Production Process

Raw material (PET Plasticizing Preform

with or with out muster Or heating injection
batch) molding

Preform Ejection Chilling

Fig 13-Pre-form making process

Cap Production Process

Raw material Heating

(HDPE OR LDPE) Or Plasticizing

Injection molding
Consists auto loader or hopper
and chiller

Final cap

Washing Splitting
If necessarily

Fig 14 :-Cap making process

 Recycling of PET-bottles
PET-bottles have a negative impact on the environments because they are:
 Waste resources
 Pollute soil, rivers, and coastal areas
 Pollute the air when burned
 Consume a lot of landfill site space
 Get scattered and make the environment look untidy
Recycling of PET bottles:-
 Saves 65% of the energy for primary PET-production
 Offer jobs and income for low income groups
Process steps
Recycling of PET-bottles includes the following process steps:

Collection:-PET-bottles are collected from drop-off locations, buy- back centers and return
vending etc...By separating from mixed solid waste.

Sorting:-there are different sorting ways of PET-bottles These are manual positive or negative
sorting from mixed waste; UV-light assisted sorting and automated sorting with optical sensors.

Baling/storage:-store the Perforation of bottle, baling, manually or with balers and

intermediate storage.

Cleaning, drying, fine separation:-the process of washing, drying, air classifying,

electrostatic separation and float or sink separation is pre-formed.

Shredding :- crushing of PET-bottles in to a pieces by crushing machine. Finally the

crushing PET-bottle manufactured to final good but it is not recycled to bottled water or
other food goods, because of toxicity. For small scale industry in developing countries,
manual or semi-mechanized techniques are most appropriate.
Recycling of PET bottled
Collection Sorting Baling/storage

Cleaning, Shredding
Processed to final Drying, Or crushing
non food goods Fine separation

Fig 15: Process Flow of Recycled PET-Bottle

 Auxiliary Units and Accessories

The main plant machineries and process units in the production of bottled water are considered
to be water sourcing systems (submersible pumping and tunnel sourcing for surface water),
water purification and disinfection processes, and Bottling and packaging process. Depending
on the make – buy decision of an organization pre-form making injection mold machines and
blow machines take prominent part in the bottled water processing companies.
Utility sections of bottling plant provide ancillary inputs, feedback on the status of the process
and supports for the functionality of the main plant. The commonly desired auxiliary sections
machineries in the processing of bottled water are: -

Laboratory Equipments and Apparatuses: - are one of the most important features of every
bottling plant providing such test results as of hardness, PH (alkalinity, acidity and neutrality),
turbidity, conductivity, TDS (total dissolved solids), color - odor – tastes, and biological test
results. Therefore the apparatuses and equipments that pre-form the stated tests are
indispensible in laboratory section of the plant.

Air Compressor: - The application areas of compressed air in bottled water processing plant are
pneumatic cylinders in bottle washing, filling, and packing machines, pre-form blowing
machines, label, sleeve, and packing sheet shrinking and drying machines, ozonator, RO press
cylinder, and injection molding machine.

Boiler: - steam is used mainly to dry airs in heat exchangers to dry air that is used for shrinking,
pet raw drying and to heat water used for bottle washing.

Effluent Treatment/ Sewerage Systems: - wastes are released from raw water treatment units,
and back washing of carbon and sand filters, bottle making machines (aldehyde vapors). These
wastes and polluting vapors should be treated the way do not harm environments and
employees. Therefore liquid wastes should be treated or disposed by sewerage system and vapor
wastes should be settled in cyclones.

Other units that can be required in bottled water processing plants are pallet trucks or trolleys,
generator especially for bottle making machines, some workshop machines, finished products
and raw materials inputs transporting vehicles, office equipments and furniture, kitchen utilities
for canteen, and maintenance tools.

4.2. Building Units and Requirements

 Production Factory Building
The raw water after filtered with sand goes under possible treatments, filled into bottle, sealed
with a closure, labeled and packed in this building section. Generally processing areas should be
so designed and equipped as to allow adequate working space and so staffed as to allow free
movement of workers and to facilitate the free movement and cleaning of movable equipment.
The filling area should be kept separate from the storage area and also the cleaning and washing
area for re-used bottles should be separate from the filling area. Construction requirements and
cares to be taken to avoid contamination to the product in this processing area as follows:

i. Foundation
Sound and firm foundation to bear load of machineries should be provided.
ii. Floor
Concrete slab is more suitable for floor or other suitable material which is finished smooth,
impervious, non-slip and non- toxic that is resistant to wear and corrosion can be used. The floor
material used should be easy to clean and laid to an even surface that is free from cracks,
crevices and open joints. Adequate slop is necessary to drain waste waters to external sewers.
iii. Wall
Face of Interior wall surfaces should be smooth, crevice-free, impact-resistant, impervious, light-
colored, non toxic material to a height of not less than 2m from the floor. External wall should be
weatherproof and impermeable to water. Above 2m the wall should have a smooth, crevice-free,
impervious, washable, light-colored surface.
Wall-to-wall and wall to floor junctions in bottling areas shall be covered. The minimum radius
of the covering shall be 25 mm and 40 mm respectively.
iv. Roof
The roof should be weatherproof and at least 3m above any overhead equipment and in no case
less than 3m from the floor. Where no ceilings are fitted, roofs should be faced with a smooth
impervious material that is light in colour and capable of being easily cleaned without damage,
and shall be so designed, constructed and finished as to be dustproof and to minimize
condensation, mould development, flaking paint and the lodgment of dirt.

v. Ceiling
At place where the packing materials or unprotected product are handled provision of ceiling is
mandatory. Ceilings shall be constructed at a height of 3m.
vi. Door and window
Door should be of adequate width and tight-fitting. Doors and door frames have to sheath with,
or made from, corrosion-resistant material that has high impact resistance and should be smooth,
seamless, impervious, light-colored, readily cleanable surface.

Window sills should be constructed at least at a height of 1m from floor level and a sloped at
least an angle of 45º. Windows and other openings should be so constructed as to avoid
accumulation of dirt. Openings need to be fitted with screens that are easily removable for
cleaning and should be kept in good repair.
vii. Sanitary fixture
At the entrance of preparation and processing areas of the factory or at other convenient place
within easy reach of the employee provision of an adequate number of hand wash basin is

 Raw material store

This building is a storage area for raw materials for bottled water like PET, containers, closures,
cartons and labels for the packing and packaging of the product.

The room should be reserved for the purpose and is separated from production area and other
storage areas.

 Finished product store

The final product, bottled water, store in this building unit in such a way that under conditions
that will prevent contamination, microbiological spoilage and deterioration. The room should be
avoidable of direct sunlight and the temperature should be kept to below 30º.
 Store for cleaning disinfecting materials
Cleaning and disinfecting materials and equipment have to be stored in a room separate from
the processing area and should at no time come into contact with containers, raw materials or
the product.
 Shower, Toilet and changing room
Adequate change rooms, shower baths, wash hand basins, and water closets (separate for each
sex) should be provided. These facilities have to be separated from and do not open direct onto,
processing areas.
The toilets should be so designed and constructed as to ensure hygienic removal of waste water
Water closet should be provided at an acceptable distance from the processing areas and
completely separate from change rooms.
Auxiliary Units and blocks needed to facilitate the whole process and give services to the
workers include:
 Canteen
When food is consumed on the premises by employees during rest periods, a room or rooms
that have adequate dining facilities should provided. The change rooms cannot be used for the
preparation of food or as living quarters.
 Office and Administration block
 Laboratory
 Power House
 Generator House (bed)
 Guard house
 Guest House
In addition to the above mentioned, the premises ground should be graded to ensure proper
drainage and also be maintained in a clean and hygienic state and be effectively fenced. Road
ways and areas the factory and that are within its boundaries or in its immediate vicinity, should
have hard, paved surfaces suitable for wheeled traffic. Applied technology and construction
method are the determining factors among others for durability and functionality of buildings.
To elongate life span of the project, design as well as construction methods have to be carefully
planned and implemented. Additionally, the configuration of any biodiesel plant should reflect
the state of the art at the time it is built or modified.

Although there are alternative materials and construction methods as mentioned earlier, the
main as well as auxiliary units of oil extraction and biodiesel plant needs to full fill the
following minimum material and construction requirements.

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