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Summer holidays:

In the first picture, I can see a father standing next to his little son with a catch.
They are both holding fishing rods and fish – the father has got a small fish and
the kid has a bigger one. They are wearing casual cloths like shirts, trousers,
hats and boots. To my mind, they are feeling lucky and cheerful because
they’ve caught a catch and they are spending the weekend together. In the
second picture, there is man who is obviously planning his holidays abroad. He
is wearing summer clothes – a shirt with flower print and a hat. He seems quite
worried because he is counting holiday expenses and he doesn’t look very
happy about the amount of money he will have to spend. He has a lot of things
around him - guidebooks, suitcases, a tablet, a calculator and a map.
Speaking about my Lithuanian friends, they usually spend their summer
holidays with their mates or family in Vilnius or go to the Baltic Sea. Others go
on vacations to hot countries, but during this terrible covid time, most friends
chose to spend holidays in Lithuania with their relatives in different towns. On
the other hand, it was a good opportunity to find beautiful local nature which we
don’t value much as we live here. As far as I am concerned, next summer I
would like to go abroad with my family, especially to a hot country by the warm
sea with nice beaches and interesting landmarks.

Household duties:
In the first picture, we can see a mother and a daughter in the room. The mother
is hoovering the carpet, while the daughter is putting her toys away. They are
happy because they are doing the job together and the mother is teaching her
daughter how to do the housework. In the second picture a wife and a husband
are having an argument by the pile of dishes. I suppose that the women is telling
her husband to do the washing up, because he is wearing an apron. I guess the
man isn’t very happy judging from his face.
Speaking about modern technologies such as washing machines, dishwashers,
microwave ovens, hoover robots or fridges, they have really made our house
keeping easier. We don’t have to wash clothes with hands, also the food can last
longer or warm up faster. These things make life easier for us. As far as I am
concerned, I have different household duties at home, for example, to dust all
the surfaces, clean the mirrors, also I have to hang the laundry and hoover the
house. I don’t mind doing those chores because I like tidying up and seeing my
surrounding fresh clean.

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