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Game Activity

Directions: Analyze the following pictures. Read the cue words from the ideas beside the
pictures. Find the answer from the jumbled letters below in each item.
1. It is used on social media to identify specific topics.
2. Means of mass communication.
3. A set of moral principles.
4. Data in the form of digits, images, and broadcasting.
5. Use one’s mind actively to form ideas.
6. A group or system of interconnected people or things.
Activity 1
Directions: Read the following items. Write IN if you consider this as Trends in the society and
OUT if Fads.
1. Loombands – OUT
2. Rising of OFW – IN
3. Samyang noodles – OUT
4. Yoyo – OUT
5. K to 12 Education Curriculum – IN
6. Taking Selfie – IN
7. Tamagotchi – OUT
8. iPhone – IN
9. Ice Bucket Challenge – OUT
10. Leather Shoes – IN

Activity 2
Directions: Read each question carefully.
1. How will you determine if a product is a Trend and a Fad?
- A product is considered as a trend if it has a long lifespan and if it is accepted by
everyone. While a product is considered a fad if it is short-lived and only accepted by
a limited group of people.
2. What are the challenges in sustaining a trend?
- There are many challenges in sustaining a trend such as people slowly losing interest
due to many factors, globalization, persistent inequalities, demographic diversity, and
environmental degradation.
3. How is a fad illustrated through a life cycle of a product?
- A fad can be illustrated using a line graph, wherein the line will suddenly go up, but it
also goes down fast. It usually consists of four (4) stages.

Activity 3
Directions: Read and analyze the following fad or trend situations. What are you going to do if
you encounter these scenarios?
1. Your friend is an avid fan of K-Pop group. She insists that you go with her to watch their
concert which ticket costs P7,000.00.
- Sadly, I will tell her that I cannot go. I’m currently not interested in K-Pop, so the
money will just go to waste if I ever go. 7,000 php is not a small amount of money, I
would rather buy something that I am more interested in.
2. The Department of Education announced that the learning modality will be blended and
distance learning. Your classmates bought gadgets that will suffice their online class as
education platform.
- I wouldn’t buy new gadgets since the ones I already have are doing their job properly.
Plus, the applications or sites needed for online learning wouldn’t need some high-
spec gadgets.
3. Your friends push you to take the course of BS Computer Engineering so that you will
always bond with them and make group works together.
- I stand my ground and tell them that the said course is not for me. I will explain that
we can still have fun even if we aren’t always together. Time management is the key.

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