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Thermodynamics of bread baking: A two-state model

Ulrich Zürcher

Citation: American Journal of Physics 82, 224 (2014); doi: 10.1119/1.4848135

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On: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 02:13:45
Thermodynamics of bread baking: A two-state model
Ulrich Zu
Physics Department, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(Received 19 March 2013; accepted 21 November 2013)
Bread baking can be viewed as a complex physico-chemical process. It is governed by transport of
heat and is accompanied by changes such as gelation of starch, the expansion of air cells within
dough, and others. We focus on the thermodynamics of baking and investigate the heat flow
through dough and find that the evaporation of excess water in dough is the rate-limiting step.
We consider a simplified one-dimensional model of bread, treating the excess water content as a
two-state variable that is zero for baked bread and a fixed constant for unbaked dough. We arrive at
a system of coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which are solved using a standard
Runge-Kutta integration method. The calculated baking times are consistent with common baking
experience. VC 2014 American Association of Physics Teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION flour).1 Flour also contains moisture depending on the rela-

tive humidity of the ambient air, which makes it difficult to
The underlying principles of bread baking are explained in accurately determine the water content of dough. However,
the popular literature.1,2 The seeming simplicity of baking is we estimate the mass fraction of water in the dough to be of
deceptive, however, and the details are enormously difficult the order of one-third. Indeed, a water content of 37.5% for
to model, as is apparent from a cursory look through the white bread has been reported in the literature.11 This figure
standard 1400-page reference.3 Various raw materials (flour, is consistent with our estimate for the water content of
sugar, salt, fat, yeast, and others) have different physico- dough; it shows in particular that only a small fraction of
chemical properties and undergo transformations driven by water evaporates during baking. We refer to this difference
temperature changes and mass transfer. between the water content in dough and bread as the excess
Baking involves the flow of heat from the outside (crust) to water. The excess water content is nonzero in dough,
the center of the bread. The energy current through an area decreases during baking, and is zero in bread. Since the ini-
A; j ¼ A1 @Q=@t, is proportional to the temperature gradient: tial water content j0 depends on a whole range of conditions,
j ¼ krT, where k is the thermal conductivity.4 The time de- we treat the initial excess water content of dough as the only
pendence of the temperature in a region with no heat sources adjustable parameter of our model and choose fractions
or sinks is determined by the diffusion equation5 between 0.5% and 5% of the total mass.
r2 T ¼ ðcq=kÞ@T=@t, where c is the specific heat and q is While the mass of the excess water is small, it determines
the density. We assume the same values in dough and the timescale of bread baking due to the enormous value of
bread: c ¼ 2  103 J=ðkg  KÞ; q ¼ 1  103 kg=m3 , and the latent heat of evaporation. The fractional excess water
k ¼ 0:5 J=ðs  m  KÞ, so that cq=k ¼ 4  107 s=m2 . We content j diminishes gradually from the crust to the center
assume R ¼ 0:1 m for the radius of the bread and find the time during baking. A loaf of bread has the approximate shape of
to reach thermal equilibrium sequil ’ ðcq=kÞ R2 ¼ 4  105 s, a cylinder with radius R and length L so that j ¼ jðr; tÞ is a
or about 100 h. That is, it would take several days for the tem- continuous function of the radius and time. This model
perature to become uniform throughout the bread. would yield a system of nonlinear partial differential equa-
Bread baking occurs on the time scale of an hour, much tions for the dynamic variables.
shorter than the time to reach equilibrium: tbake  tequil . This We expect that jðr; t ¼ constantÞ has the shape of a sig-
implies that bread sustains a finite temperature difference moid function with a sharp drop-off at the boundary r ¼ n
between the center and the crust during baking. The center of separating baked bread from dough. We simplify the descrip-
the bread is approximately at the temperature Tin ¼ 320 K tion and treat the excess water content as a two-state vari-
when the crust is at the temperature Tout ¼ 425 K.6 If we able: it is nonzero in dough (undone phase), that is, j ¼ j0
assume that dough is prepared at room temperature (295 K), we for 0 < r < n, and zero in bread (done phase), that is, j ¼ 0
find the rate of temperature change at the center of the bread to for n < r < R; see Fig. 1. The time dependence of bread
be DTin =Dt ’ ð320 K  295 KÞ=ð3600 sÞ ’ 102 K=s. baking is determined by the move of the crossover region at
The rising temperature induces physico-chemical changes, r ¼ n towards the center. To our knowledge, such a two-state
in particular starch gelation and the expansion of air bubbles model for baking has not been discussed in the literature.
in dough. The latter produces the crumb structure of bread. Heat flow in a wide range of geometries is treated authori-
An inclusion of such processes is quite challenging in an an- tatively in standard references.12,13 Cylindrical coordinates
alytical treatment and requires a computational fluid dynam- ðr; /; zÞ have singular behavior near r ¼ 0, which poses a
ics (CFD) treatment.7 The reader is referred to the papers by challenge in finite-element methods.14 In an analytical treat-
Mondal and Datta8,9 and Purlis10 where a more exhaustive ment, the singular behavior can be circumvented by consid-
overview of baking in the food-engineering literature can be ering a minimal cutoff radius rmin and then taking the limit
found. rmin ! 0.
Moisture is important for texture and other physico- As we will discuss below, heat transfer during baking
chemical properties of bread. In a basic bread recipe, 420 g introduces nonlinear terms in the dynamical equations. A
of water are added to roughly 850 g of solid material (mostly complete treatment requires that the nonlinearity be

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Fig. 3. Temperature profile T(x) along the bread. The crust is at the surface
temperature TðRÞ ¼ Tout and the center is at the temperature Tð0Þ ¼ Tin ;
Fig. 1. The cross section of bread: the outer portion of the baked bread is both temperatures are monotonically increasing as a function of time. The
done (bread), while the inner portion is undone (dough). The center of the crossover coordinate is at the fixed temperature TðnÞ ¼ Tc .
bread is at the coordinate r ¼ 0, and the crust is at r ¼ R. The crossover
between the two phases is at the radius r ¼ n. We estimate the temperature gradient from the inside and
outside temperature, rT ’ ðTout  Tin Þ=R ¼ ð425 K 
combined with the singularity from the cylindrical coordi- 320 KÞ=R ¼ 1:0  103 K=m. We conclude that the spatial
nates. Such a comprehensive treatment would be appropriate coarse-graining is associated with a temperature variation
for a paper in a specialized research journal. Our goal is less dT ¼ rT  dx ¼ 1:0 K; our estimate shows that the noticea-
ambitious, in that we focus on the thermodynamics of baking ble temperature increase is about one kelvin.
that is determined by the principles of energy balance. Since j ¼ krT, a discontinuity of the temperature pro-
We consider the case when the cutoff radius rmin is small file is associated with a finite jump of the heat flux, and we
but nonzero, and ignore the decrease of the cylindrical sur- expect a piecewise-linear dependence of the temperature
face area as the radius decreases. We therefore restrict our- profile, as shown in Fig. 3. A jump in the heat flux is due to
selves to a one-dimensional geometry of a “loaf” of bread, as a rise in the temperature dT of a layer with thickness dx
shown in Fig. 2, and derive a system of nonlinear ordinary during the time dt so that the necessary power is
differential equations in one spatial dimension (x). dQ=dt ¼ qAdx dT=dt. We estimate dT=dt from the
We observe that the bread crust has a small but nonzero temperature rise of the crust, dT=dt ’ DTout =tbake
thickness and that furthermore baking is not a matter of sec- ¼ ð450 K  320 KÞ=3200 s ¼ 0:05 K=s, and find dj ¼
onds. These empirical facts suggest that we introduce a qcðDTout =DtÞdx ¼ ½2000 J=ðkg  KÞ  1000 kg=m3  0:05 K=s
smallest length scale dx and shortest time scale dt in the =ð1:0  103 mÞ ¼ 100 W=m2 ; this value is consistent with
mathematical description. In a coarse-grained description, our estimate below for the overall heat flux in bread.
the temperature gradient along the radius can have finite A standard oven temperature for bread baking is
jumps, that is, dT=dxjxþ  dT=dxjx > 0. Toven ¼ 450 K. We assume blackbody radiation with emis-
The outline of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II, we pres- sivity e ¼ 1 so that the net heat influx is given by the Stefan-
ent the simple two-state model for bread and describe the Boltzmann law,
main processes involved in heat transport. In Sec. III, we
4 4
derive the equations for the dynamical variables, and solve jnet ¼ rToven  rTout ; (1)
them numerically using the Runge-Kutta method. We sum- 8 2 4
marize and discuss our main results in Sec. IV. where r ¼ 5:67  10 W=ðm K Þ. As the crust changes its
temperature from its initial value Tout ð0Þ ¼ 300 K to the final
II. TWO-STATE MODEL OF BREAD value Tout ðtbake Þ ¼ 420 K, the net heat influx drops from
jnet ð0Þ ’ 1850 W=m2 to jnet ðtbake Þ ’ 500 W=m2 . In Eq. (1),
We consider a one-dimensional model for bread with x ¼ 0 at we ignore convective heat transport from the turbulent flow
the center and x ¼ R at the surface, and choose R ¼ 10 cm as a of air, which is important in real ovens.15
typical radius of a loaf of bread. Bread has a thin crust of about a We choose the mass fraction of excess water j as the state
millimeter in thickness, which we associate with the length scale variable for bread baking. The fraction is nonzero in dough
dx ¼ 1:0  103 m. The corresponding time scale for heat con- and is zero in bread:
duction is dt ’ ðcq=kÞðdxÞ2 ’ 4  107 s=m2  ð103 mÞ2 (
j0 undone ð‘‘dough’’Þ;
¼ 40 s. Thus, a coarse-grained description is consistent with the j¼ (2)
common experience that baking is not a matter of seconds. 0 done ð‘‘bakedbread’’Þ:

That is, the bread is divided into distinct done (baked) and
undone (unbaked) phases, separated at the coordinate x ¼ n,
as shown in Fig. 2. The separation of the two phases is char-
acterized by a crossover temperature Tc, which we take to be
330 K. For times t > 0, the done phase moves toward the cen-
ter so that dn=dt < 0. The baking time is then defined by
nðtbake Þ ¼ 0; (3)
Fig. 2. The one-dimensional model of bread: the center of the bread is at x ¼ 0,
and the crust is at x ¼ R. The crossover between the two phases is at x ¼ n. i.e., when the crossover region reaches the center.

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The outside of the bread (the crust) is at the temperature III. DYNAMIC EQUATIONS AND RESULTS
Tout , and the center is at the temperature Tin . The tempera-
tures at the two boundaries increase with time: dTout =dt > 0 We use dx ¼ 1:0  103 m for the spatial coarse-graining,
and dTin =dt > 0. For the initial condition, we assume that the and Toven ¼ 450 K for the constant oven temperature. The
excess water has evaporated from the crust, and thus set the crossover coordinate n between the done and undone phases
initial temperature of the crust equal to the crossover temper- is defined by TðnÞ ¼ Tc ¼ 330 K. We consider bread with
ature, Tout ð0Þ ¼ Tc . We point out that this initial condition is “radius” R ¼ 0:1 m. The center of the bread is initially at
consistent with the instruction in some recipes: bread is room temperature, Tin ð0Þ ¼ 293 K. We ignore the short time
placed in a very hot oven for a short time until the oven tem- interval during which the crust develops, and arrive at the
perature is set at a lower temperature so that the water inside initial conditions nð0Þ ¼ R  2dx ¼ 9:8  102 m and
a thin crust evaporates very quickly before the rest of the Tout ð0Þ ¼ Tc .
bread undergoes any change. We next introduce a set of scaled dynamical variables and
The net radiative heat flux entering the bread is parameters. The fixed oven temperature defines a character-
jnet ¼ rðToven 4
 Tout Þ, and the heat flux leaving the crust is istic temperature, so we define
determined by the temperature gradient T
kðTout  Tc Þ=ðR  dx  nÞ. We assume that the crust has T0 ¼ ; (7)
thickness dx and find the time dependence of the surface Toven
so that T0 < 1. The characteristic length scale is the “radius”
  of the bread R, so we use the scaled crossover coordinate
dTout 1  4 4
 Tout  Tc
¼ r Toven  Tout k : (4)
dt qcdx R  dx  n n
n0 ¼ ; (8)
As the temperature Tout increases during baking, the net radi-
ative heat influx decreases, and the overall baking process with n0 < 1.
slows down. There is no intrinsic time scale for baking that is deter-
When the crossover region moves toward the center from mined by the properties of dough alone because baking is a
n to n  dn, heat is dissipated by the evaporation of the non-equilibrium process maintained by a finite temperature
excess water and the change in the temperature profile along difference between the oven and bread. The baking time is
the bread. We estimate the temperature increase as determined by the oven temperature: we expect that a hotter
dT ¼ ðDT=DxÞdn, so that the required heat flux is oven temperature leads to a shorter time. We conclude that
jc ¼ q½j0 L þ cðDT=DxÞR dn=dt, where L ¼ 33:5  105 J=kg the time scale for baking must be determined self-
is the latent heat of water. If the (average) temperature varia- consistently. For the oven temperature Toven ¼ 450 K, we
tion along the bread is DT ’ 10 K and j0 ’ 0:05, we find invoke baking experience and choose one hour as the appro-
the estimates j0 L ’ 0:05  22:4  105 J=kg ’ 1  105 J=kg priate scale, s ¼ 3:6  103 s. We then define the scaled time,
and cðDT=dxÞR ’ 2  103 J=ðkg  KÞ  10 K ’ 2  104 J=kg.
We find j0 L > cðDT=DxÞR so that the heat necessary to t
t0 ¼ : (9)
evaporate the excess water in the crossover region is much s
greater than the heat necessary to change the temperature
profile in both dough and bread. It follows that the evapora- The self-consistency of this choice will be confirmed if the
tion of excess water determines the overall time dependence calculation yields a scaled baking time of the order of
of baking, by governing the velocity of the crossover region. unity, t0bake  Oð1Þ. We use the term “appropriate” time
We write scale rather “characteristic” time scale because we expect
  that s depends on the oven temperature and the bread
dn k Tout  Tc Tc  Tin thickness.
¼  : (5) We now re-express the dynamical equations (4)–(6) in
dt j0 Lq R  dx  n n  dx
scaled units. We use the typical values for the material con-
We use j0 as the single free parameter in our model and stants and oven temperature given earlier, and round each
choose a range that is consistent with approximate empirical computed combination to one or two significant figures so
values. that, for example, rToven 4
’ 2  103 J=ðs  m2 Þ and
Heat flows from the crossover region to the center, which cq=k ’ 4  106 s=m2 . Then, in terms of the scaled variables
leads to a rise in the temperature of the center of the loaf, (but with the primes now removed for simplicity), the dy-
Tin . We assume the same spatial coarse graining dx for the namical equations become
crust and the center and obtain  
dTout  4
 Tout  0:72
dTin k Tc  Tin ¼ 10 1  Tout  8 ; (10)
¼ : (6) dt 0:99  n
dt qcdx n  dx  
Tin 0:72  Tin
¼8 ; (11)
In the proposed two-state approximation, bread baking is dt n  0:01
described by three dynamic variables: the temperatures of  
the crust and center of the bread, Tout and Tin , respectively, dn 0:05 Tout  0:72 0:72  Tin
¼  : (12)
and the crossover coordinate n. Equations (4)–(6) contain dt j0 0:99  n n  0:01
nonlinear terms 4
ðToven 4
 Tout Þ; ðR  dx  nÞ1 , and
ðn  dxÞ , which cannot be linearized without drastically This is a set of three coupled, nonlinear differential equations
changing the time dependence of the dynamic variables. for the three scaled variables Tout ; Tin , and n. Our results will

226 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 3, March 2014 Ulrich Z€

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depend only weakly on the values of the dimensionless pre- Table I. The maximum and minimum speeds of the crossover region, in
factors 10, 8, and 0.05 obtained from the typical values for scaled and conventional units, for selected values of the excess water content
material constants given above (and rounded to one signifi- in dough (j0 ).
cant figure). This weak dependence is consistent with baking
j0 vmax (scaled) vmax (cm/min) vmin (scaled) vmin (cm/min)
experience: for example, the baking time does not signifi-
cantly change if eggs are added to the recipe, as in challah 0.005 6.0 1.00 2.3 0.28
and sweet breads. 0.01 2.8 0.47 1.2 0.20
The right-hand sides of Eqs. (10) and (11) define scaled 0.02 1.8 0.33 0.6 0.10
heat fluxes, which we write here for future reference. The 0.05 0.7 0.12 0.2 0.04
heat flux from the oven into the bread is

jnet ¼ 10 1  Tout ; (13)
approximately 1 h. We note that the minimum speed is equal
while the heat flux from the crust to crossover region is to the ratio of spatial and temporal coarse-graining:
  vmin ’ dx=dt.
Tout  0:72 For the assumed excess water content, 5  103 < j0
jþ ¼ 8 ; (14)
0:99  n < 5  102 , we find baking times of the order of unity in
scaled units: tbake  Oð1Þ. We emphasize that this is not a
and the heat flux from the crossover region to the center of trivial consequence of our choice of units, but rather confirms
the bread is that s ¼ 3:6  103 s is the appropriate time scale for baking
  bread with size R ¼ 0:1 m at the specified oven temperature.
0:72  Tin The baking times as a function of the excess water content are
j ¼ 8 : (15)
n  0:01 given in Table II and shown in Fig. 5. The results are well fit
by a straight line, which goes through the origin because the
We do not simplify the nonlinearity of this dynamical sys- baking time approaches zero for j0 ¼ 0:
tem; instead we solve the system numerically and present the
results graphically. We use a Runge-Kutta routine16 built tbake ¼ 52 j0 ; (16)
into the MathCad environment17 with initial conditions
Tin ð0Þ ¼ 0:65; Tout ð0Þ ¼ 0:72, and nð0Þ ¼ 0:98. We choose in dimensionless units (hours of time). From experience, a
1000 integration steps from the initial time t ¼ 0 to the final typical baking time for bread is approximately 50–60 min;
time tf, chosen to be slightly longer than the baking time this would correspond to 2% excess water content in the
tbake . Our results are not sensitive to the number of integra- dough, which is a reasonable value.
tion steps. The time dependence of the crust temperature is shown in
Figure 4 shows the time dependence of the crossover loca- Fig. 6. The temperature increases rapidly during an initial
tion, for four different values of the excess water fraction j0 . time period and then increases only gradually during the re-
The speed of the crossover v ¼ jdn=dtj monotonically mainder of baking time.
decreases with time. This slowdown is a consequence of the The temperature at the end of baking, Tout ðtbake Þ ¼ 0:94, is
rising temperature of the crust and the consequent decrease independent of the excess water content j0 :
in the net heat influx from the oven into the bread. The maxi-
Tout ðtbake Þ ¼ 0:94; (17)
mum speed is approximately three times greater than the
minimum speed, vmax =vmin ’ 3, as shown in Table I. The
or 425 K in conventional units. We now show that this result
order of magnitude of the minimum speed is 1 (i.e.,
can be obtained by linearizing Eq. (10). We write Tout ¼
1 mm/min) and corresponds to a baking time of
1  T~ and set n ’ 0 since the crossover region is near the
center at the end of baking. From Eq. (10), we find that
dT~=dt ’ ð48s  2:24Þ. We thus see that d T=dt ~ ¼ 0 at
T~f ¼ 2:24=48 ¼ 0:05, or Tout; f ¼ 0:95. In physical units, the
corresponding expression reads
Toven  Tc
Toven  Tout ðtbake Þ ’ ; (18)
1 þ 4R=k

where we introduce the length scale

Table II. Baking time, in scaled and conventional units, for selected values
of the excess water content in dough (j0 ).

j0 tbake (scaled) tbake (minutes)

0.005 0.27 16
0.01 0.54 32
Fig. 4. The scaled coordinate n of the crossover region as a function of the 0.02 1.05 63
scaled time t for (a) j0 ¼ 0:05, (b) j0 ¼ 0:02, (c) j0 ¼ 0:01, and (d) 0.05 2.58 155
j0 ¼ 0:005.

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Fig. 5. Baking time (in scaled units) as a function of the excess water con-
tent of dough. The straight-line fit is tbake ¼ 52 j0 .
Fig. 7. Time dependence (in scaled units) of the net heat influx through the
crust jnet ðtÞ [Eq. (13)] for (a) j0 ¼ 0:05, (b) j0 ¼ 0:02, (c) j0 ¼ 0:01, and
k (d) j0 ¼ 0:005.
k¼ 3
: (19)
and is approximately jþ;max ’ 6 (1500 W=m2 in conventional
We find the numerical value k ’ 0:1 m, which is approxi- units). The flux jþ drops to the final value jþ ðtbake Þ ’ 1:8
mately equal to the radius of bread, so that (400 W=m2 in conventional units) at the end of baking, inde-
T~ ’ ðToven  Tc Þ=5 ’ ð450 K  325 KÞ=5 ¼ 25 K. Thus, we pendent of the excess water content.
recover the above result for the crust temperature, The temperature at the center changes from the
Tout ðtbake Þ ’ 425 K, consistent with empirical values. initial Tin ð0Þ ¼ 0:65 ð295 KÞ to a final value Tin; f ¼ Tc
The relatively slow increase of the crust temperature to- ¼ 0:72 ð325 KÞ, as shown in Fig. 9. The initial rate of increase is
ward the end of baking is due to the quartic temperature de-
pendence of the net heat influx [see Eq. (13)]. The initial  ¼ 0:52 ð3:6 K=minÞ; (20)
heat influx is jnet ð0Þ ¼ 7:3 (1700 W=m2 in conventional dt 0
units), which monotonically drops to the final value
independent of the fraction of excess water j0 . The value
jnet ðtbake Þ ¼ 2:2 (500 W=m2 in conventional units). The time
dTin =dtj0 ¼ 3:6 K=min ¼ 6  102 K=s is about six times
dependence of the net heat influx is shown in Fig. 7.
greater than the empirical average value over the entire bak-
We now turn our attention to the behavior of the crust
ing time, DTin =Dt ’ 102 K=s. The difference between ini-
temperature as a function of the excess water content. The
tial and average values reflects the decrease in heat transport
initial growth rate of the surface temperature dTout =dtj0
through the bread during baking.
shows a four-fold increase when the excess water content
The temperature at the center of the bread rises more
drops by a factor of 1/10, as shown in Table III.
slowly than the temperature of the crust:
The heat current from the crust to the crossover region is
dTin =dtj0 < dTout =dtj0 , as can be seen by comparing Eq. (20)
shown in Fig. 8. This current exhibits non-monotonic behav-
to the values in Table III. The rise of the temperature at the
ior: there is a rapid increase from the initial value jþ ð0Þ ¼ 0
center is approximately DTin ’ 0:72  0:65 ¼ 0:07 in scaled
to a maximum value jþ;max ¼ jþ ðtmax Þ at time tmax ’ 0:005
units, as shown in Fig. 9, so that a value dTin =dtj0 ’ 0:52
(about 20 s). Because this time is shorter than the temporal
gives the crossover time tin;c after which the temperature rise
coarse-graining dt ’ 40 s, the initial rapid increase is not
at the center is negligible:
shown in Fig. 8. The maximum value of the current depends
weakly on the excess water content, as shown in Table IV, 0:07
tin;c ¼ ¼ 0:14 ð8 minÞ: (21)
Since the baking time is on the order of one hour, we have
tin;c  tbake and we conclude that the temperature at the center
is not a useful indicator for determining whether bread is done.
The asymptotic value Tin ¼ 0:72 is a consequence of the
expression for the heat flux from the crossover region to the

Table III. The initial rate of increase of the surface temperature, in scaled
and conventional units, for selected values of the excess water content in
dough (j0 ).

j0 dTout =dtj0 (scaled) dTout =dtj0 (K/min)

0.005 2.62 20.0

0.01 1.70 12.5
0.02 1.17 9.0
Fig. 6. Scaled temperature of the crust as a function of the scaled time for 0.05 0.60 4.8
(a) j0 ¼ 0:05, (b) j0 ¼ 0:02, (c) j0 ¼ 0:01, and (d) j0 ¼ 0:005.

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Fig. 9. Time dependence (in scaled units) of the temperature Tin at the center
of the bread for (a) j0 ¼ 0:05, (b) j0 ¼ 0:02, (c) j0 ¼ 0:01, and
Fig. 8. Time dependence (in scaled units) of the heat flux jþ from the crust (d) j0 ¼ 0:005.
to the crossover region [Eq. (14)] for (a) j0 ¼ 0:05, (b) j0 ¼ 0:02,
(c) j0 ¼ 0:01, and (d) j0 ¼ 0:005.
the energy flow in bread (dough) during baking, and use an
center: j ¼ 8ð0:72  Tin Þ=ðn  0:01Þ in our model. The order-of-magnitude estimate to show that the system is in a
time dependence of j is shown in Fig. 10. Similar to our dis- nonequilibrium state.
cussion of jþ, we ignore the rapid rise during a very short ini- A nonzero heat flux maintains a finite temperature gradi-
tial time interval Dt. The initial value is ent during the baking process. The rate-limiting step of the
  dynamic is the evaporation of excess water, that is, the dif-
j ð0Þ ’ 0:6 130 W=m2 ; (22) ference of the water content between dough and bread. We
simplify the spatial dependence of the excess water and pro-
and j ðtÞ rapidly approaches zero for t > tin;c ’ 0:2 ð12 minÞ. pose a two-state model in which the mass fraction of excess
While the dependence on excess water content is quite weak, water is a fixed constant in “dough” and zero in “bread.” The
it is nontrivial: for times t < tin;c , the flux is greater for larger importance of the excess water content is supported by
water content, whereas for times t > tin;c the heat flux is James Beard’s doneness test: “bake … until the bread sounds
smaller for larger water content. hollow when tapped with the knuckles.”20 Bread sounds hol-
low when the excess water has evaporated from the center.
IV. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Within this approximation, the dynamical equations for
baking are coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential equations
Problem solving is a key expected learning outcome for for the crossover coordinate n and the crust and center tem-
students in introductory physics, and the usefulness of peratures, Tout and Tin . The heat flux inside the bread is
context-rich problems is well documented.18 The situation in piecewise-constant with a discontinuity at n, which corre-
upper-level undergraduate courses is similar, and students sponds to a piecewise-linear temperature profile. The discon-
greatly benefit when they are exposed to problems from an tinuity in the heat flux is determined by the evaporation of
engineering point of view. The necessary steps include (i) excess water in a small crossover region.
identifying key physical principles, (ii) making proper If we allowed the excess water content to vary continu-
assumptions, (iii) developing an appropriate mathematical ously, we would arrive at a system of coupled, nonlinear par-
model, (iv) undertaking parametric study of the mathemati- tial differential equations. The numerical solution would
cal model, and (v) interpreting the results. require the use of finite-element methods,21 which is more
Our goal in this paper is a relatively nontechnical (simpli- challenging than the straightforward Runge-Kutta integration
fied) description of the thermodynamics of bread baking, and
no attempt is made to make a detailed comparison with
results from experiments or from more sophisticated compu-
tations. This paper illustrates how bread baking can be used
to further develop critical thinking skills in a thermal physics
course. We note that “engineering design” is included in the
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).19 We discuss

Table IV. The maximum heat flux from the crust to the crossover region, in
scaled and conventional units, for selected values of the excess water content
in dough (j0 ).

j0 jþ;max (scaled) jþ;max (W=m2 )

0.005 4.4 1025

0.01 5.2 1210
0.02 5.8 1350 Fig. 10. Time dependence (in scaled units) of the heat flux j from the cross-
0.05 6.4 1490 over region to the center of the bread [Eq. (15)] for (a) j0 ¼ 0:05,
(b) j0 ¼ 0:02, (c) j0 ¼ 0:01, and (d) j0 ¼ 0:005.

229 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 3, March 2014 Ulrich Z€

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On: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 02:13:45
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The author wishes to thank Ray Adamic, Ph.D. candidate cooperative grouping. Part 1: Group versus individual problem solving,”
in Mechanical Engineering, Cleveland State University, who Am. J. Phys. 60, 627–636 (1992).
introduced me to the science and engineering of bread bak- 20
Next Generation Science Standards, <>.
ing. The author acknowledges the constructive criticism by J. A. Beard, Beard on Bread (A. Knopf, New York, 1973).
D. S. Burnett, Finite Element Analysis: From Concepts to Applications
three anonymous referees of this journal, which greatly
(Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995).
helped to improve the manuscript. The author also wishes to 22
R. Adamic, CFD and Heat Transfer Models of Baking Breads in a Tunnel
thank Professor Majid Rashidi, Department of Engineering Oven, unpublished dissertation (Cleveland State University, Cleveland,
Technology, Cleveland State University, for help in the prep- OH, 2012).
aration of the final version of this manuscript. R. Tannahill, Food in History (Three Rivers Press, New York, 1988).

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