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John M.

Lewin, MD Dual-Energy Contrast-


Pamela K. Isaacs, DO
Virginia Vance, RN enhanced Digital
Fred J. Larke, MS
Subtraction Mammography:
Index terms:
Breast radiography, comparative
studies, 00.119
Breast radiography, technology,
mammographically occult. Digital sub-
A technique for demonstrating traction angiography of the breast with
Published online before print
breast cancers, dual-energy contrast fluoroscopic equipment was performed
Radiology 2003; 229:261–268 agent– enhanced digital subtraction for evaluation of breast tumors almost 20
mammography, was performed in years ago (5) but did not prove to be
Abbreviations: 26 subjects with mammographic or clinically useful. Breast cancers have
DCIS ⫽ ductal carcinoma in situ
clinical findings that warranted bi- been shown to enhance with iodinated
DSM ⫽ digital subtraction
mammography opsy. The technique consists of high- contrast agents at computed tomography
energy and low-energy digital mam- (CT) (6,7) and with gadolinium-based
mography after administration of contrast agents at magnetic resonance
From the Department of Radiology, (MR) imaging (8 –10).
University of Colorado Health Sciences iodinated contrast agent. Weighted
Center, Denver; and Department of Ra- subtraction of the logarithmic trans- There are difficulties inherent in this
diology, University of Colorado Hospital form of these images is then per- approach. The contrast resolution of full-
Breast Center, Rm 3140A/Mailstop
formed to obtain an image that pref- field digital mammography, although su-
F724, 1635 N Ursula St, Aurora, CO perior to that of screen-film mammogra-
80010. From the 2001 RSNA scientific erentially shows iodine. Of the 26
phy, is far less than that of CT or MR
assembly. Received October 3, 2002; re- subjects, 13 had invasive cancers.
vision requested November 27; final re- imaging. Additionally, the breast com-
Eleven of these tumors enhanced
vision received March 17, 2003; ac- pression used for mammography creates
cepted April 7. Supported by a grant strongly, one enhanced moderately,
an external pressure that is greater than
from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer and one enhanced weakly. The duct
the venous pressure. Thus, venous out-
Foundation. Address correspondence in one patient with ductal carcinoma
to J.M.L. (e-mail: flow is restricted, which potentially de-
in situ was weakly enhancing. In the creases delivery of the contrast agent to
other 12 patients, benign tissue en- the tissues. Suboptimal tissue enhance-
hanced diffusely in two and weakly ment while the breast is under compres-
focally in two. These results indicate sion precludes the use of compression if
that the technique is feasible and the technique requires subtraction of pre-
worthy of further study. contrast from postcontrast images. This
RSNA, 2003 is done in breast MR imaging because the
position of the breast cannot be repro-
duced adequately if compression is re-
leased and then reapplied.
Since June 2000, we have studied tech-
At mammography, 10%–20% of breast niques for performing contrast agent– en-
cancers (1,2), including at least 9% of hanced digital subtraction mammogra-
those already palpable (3), are not de- phy (DSM). Dual-energy subtraction is
picted. It has been hoped that full-field used in one of these techniques. Thus,
Author contributions: digital mammography, because of supe- the purpose of our study was to evaluate
Guarantor of integrity of entire study, rior contrast resolution, will prove supe- a technique we developed, dual-energy
J.M.L.; study concepts and design, rior to standard screen-film mammogra- contrast-enhanced DSM, for use in dem-
J.M.L.; literature research, J.M.L.; clinical onstrating breast cancers.
studies, J.M.L., V.V., P.K.I.; experimental
phy in the detection of breast cancers.
studies, J.M.L., F.J.L.; data acquisition, This hope, unfortunately, was not borne
J.M.L., V.V.; data analysis/interpretation, out in one clinical study (4). Techniques
J.M.L.; statistical analysis, J.M.L.; manu- are sought that make use of the technical Materials and Methods
script preparation, definition of intellec-
properties of full-field digital mammog-
tual content, and editing, J.M.L.; manu- Patients
script revision/review and final version raphy to find more cancers. One pro-
approval, all authors posed idea is to use an intravenous iodin- From November 2000 to January 2002,
RSNA, 2003 ated contrast agent to attempt to patients with mammographically occult
enhance cancers that would otherwise be or mammographically visible lesions that

Malignant Lesions at Dual-Energy Contrast-enhanced Digital Subtraction Mammography
Subjective Contrast-
Patient Size Detected at Enhancement to-Noise
No. Pathologic Finding (mm)* Palpable Mammography Mammographic Finding Score† Ratio‡

1 Invasive lobular carcinoma 94 Yes No No finding Moderate NA§

2 Invasive lobular carcinoma, DCIS 12 Yes No No finding Strong 3.4
3 Invasive ductal carcinoma 20 Yes No No finding Strong 4.1
5 Invasive ductal carcinoma, DCIS 30 Yes Yes Mass Weak 㛳 1.9㛳
6 Invasive ductal carcinoma 11 No Yes Mass Strong 2.5
10 Invasive ductal carcinoma, DCIS 43# Yes Yes Microcalcifications Moderate 2.8
11 Tubular carcinoma 5 No No No finding Strong 4.1
12 DCIS 31# No Yes Microcalcifications Possible 1.2
14 Invasive ductal carcinoma, DCIS 12 No No No finding Weak** 1.2**
15 Invasive ductal carcinoma, DCIS 18 No Yes Mass Strong 2.2
21 Invasive ductal carcinoma 20 Yes Yes Mass Strong 2.8
22 Invasive ductal carcinoma 20 No Yes Architectural distortion Strong 2.6
23 Invasive ductal carcinoma, DCIS 28 No Yes Microcalcifications, mass Moderate 2.5
24 Invasive ductal carcinoma 23 No Yes Mass Strong 2.4
* Longest dimension determined at pathologic examination, unless specified otherwise.
† Rated by blinded observer.
‡ Between the lesion and adjacent tissue.
§ NA ⫽ not applicable. Contrast-to-noise ratio could not be measured because of the infiltrating nature of the tumor with no discernible mass.
㛳 Only about 60 mL of contrast agent was injected because an intravenous tubing connection was lost.
# Maximal extent of calcification, in ductal orientation.
** Injection rate of 2 mL/sec.

required biopsy or that were believed

subjectively by an experienced breast im-
ager (J.M.L.) to have a 50% or greater
probability of being malignant were of-
fered enrollment in this study. Women
with contraindications to receiving an io-
dinated contrast agent were excluded.
Each woman gave written informed con-
sent. The protocol and consent form
were approved by the Colorado Multiple
Institution Review Board.
Twenty-six women (age range, 33– 84
years; mean age, 51 years) were enrolled.
A 27th patient, who enrolled in the study
on the basis of adenocarcinoma of un-
known origin in a supraclavicular lymph
node, was later excluded because the en-
rollment criteria were not met: No pri-
Figure 1. X-ray spectra calculated for high- and low-energy beams.
mary lesion was found. All enrolled sub-
Each curve is scaled to represent exposure through a 4.5-cm-thick
jects completed the study. Twenty-four 50% glandular–50% fat breast. High-energy parameters include 44
subjects were enrolled on the basis of le- kVp, rhodium anode, 0.025-mm-thick rhodium and 8-mm-thick alu-
sions that were mammographically de- minum filters, and 200 mAs. Low-energy parameters include 30 kVp,
tected (n ⫽ 16), mammographically oc- molybdenum anode, 0.03-mm-thick molybdenum filter, and 140
cult but palpable (n ⫽ 5), or both mAs. The k edge of iodine, at 33.2 keV, is marked by a dashed line.
(Modeling program courtesy of General Electric Corporate Research
mammographically visible and palpable
and Development, Niskayuna, NY.)
(n ⫽ 3). Two additional subjects had le-
sions that were neither mammographi-
cally visible nor palpable. The lesion in
patient 6 was found incidentally during visible as a hypoechoic focus at US was follow-up at 6 months or later with no
ultrasonography (US) for a nearby palpa- canceled when the lesion disappeared at evidence of malignancy.
ble abnormality. The lesion in patient 14 both palpation and US. Findings at
was found at MR imaging performed be- 1-year follow-up physical examination
Image Acquisition
cause of cancer in an ipsilateral axillary and mammography showed no sign of
lymph node. disease. In all patients with cancer, core The examination for each patient in-
The diagnosis was established at core biopsy was followed by surgical excision. cluded low- and high-energy exposures
biopsy in all but one patient. In that pa- All patients with benign biopsy results during a single breast compression in the
tient, biopsy of a palpable lesion that was underwent clinical and mammographic mediolateral oblique projection. The breast

262 䡠 Radiology 䡠 October 2003 Lewin et al

Benign Lesions at Dual-Energy Contrast-enhanced Digital Subtraction Mammography
Subjective Contrast-
Patient Size Detected at Mammographic Enhancement to-Noise
No. Pathologic Finding (mm)* Palpable Mammography Finding Score† Ratio‡

4 Focal fibrosis 22 No Yes Density None 0.0

7 Atypical lobular hyperplasia 6 No Yes Microcalcifications None ⫺0.2
8 Apocrine metaplasia 6 No Yes Density None ⫺0.1
9 Fibroadenoma, ductal hyperplasia 11 No Yes Microcalcifications None 0.1
(usual type)
13 Ductal hyperplasia (usual type), 11 No Yes Mass None 0.2
apocrine metaplasia
16 Ductal hyperplasia (usual type), 8 No Yes Microcalcifications None§ 0.2
17 Focal fibrosis 16 No Yes Microcalcifications None§ 0.3
18 Atypical ductal hyperplasia 10 No Yes Microcalcifications Weak 0.7
19 Fibrocystic change 20 Yes No No mass Weak 0.6
20 Sclerosing adenosis 6 No Yes Microcalcifications None ⫺0.1
25 No biopsy㛳 20 Yes No No mass None 0.2
26 Atypical lobular hyperplasia 35 No Yes Microcalcifications None 0.1
* Longest dimension determined at mammography if depicted or palpation if mammographically occult.
† Rated by blinded observer.
‡ Between the lesion and adjacent tissue.
§ Mild diffuse enhancement.
㛳 Biopsy was canceled because of the disappearance of the palpable and sonographic finding. No evidence of disease at 12-month follow-up.

Figure 2. Patient 2. Invasive lobular carcinoma (12-mm diameter). Metal bead marks the palpable abnormality. (a) Mediolateral oblique
mammogram is normal. (b) Precontrast dual-energy DSM image shows elimination of normal breast parenchyma. (c) Enhanced dual-energy DSM
image shows the cancer as a round enhancing mass (arrow) in the superior part of breast.

Volume 229 䡠 Number 1 Digital Subtraction Mammography 䡠 263

was then released from compression, and
the contrast agent was administered. Af-
ter a delay of about 150 seconds, the
breast was compressed again, and the
low- and high-energy exposures were re-
peated. From these images, pre- and post-

contrast dual-energy images were cre-

Images were acquired with a full-field
digital mammography unit (Senographe
2000D; GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee,
Wis). This unit allows a choice of either
molybdenum or rhodium target materi-
als and internal molybdenum (0.03-mm)
or rhodium (0.025-mm) filters. To deter-
mine reasonable high- and low-energy
techniques, an iodine-containing phan-
tom (Nuclear Associates, Hicksville, NY)
was covered with BR-12 breast-equiva-
lent material of varying thicknesses and
imaged at selected x-ray beam voltages
(low-energy beam, 22–33 kVp; high-
energy beam, 44 – 49 kVp). Only the rho-
dium target–rhodium filter combination
was tested for the high-energy beam be-
cause this combination allows the hard-
est beam with the least tube heating.
For the high-energy beam, an alumi-
num filter with varying thicknesses
(range, 1– 8 mm) was placed in the beam. Figure 3. Patient 6. Invasive ductal carcinoma (11-mm diameter). (a) Mediolateral oblique
For the low-energy beam, the combina- mammogram shows possible spiculated mass (arrow). (b) Dual-energy enhanced DSM image
tions of molybdenum target with molyb- shows the cancer as an enhancing mass with definite spiculations (arrow).
denum filter and rhodium target with
rhodium filter were tested. The tech-
niques for low- and high-energy acquisi-
tions were chosen to maximize and min- a 50% glandular–50% fat breast with injection rate of 2 mL/sec. The breast was
imize, respectively, the ratio of the compressed thickness of 4.5 cm, the dose not compressed during injection. All 26
attenuation of breast-equivalent material was calculated to be 0.7 mGy above that subjects tolerated the contrast agent ad-
to that of iodine on the phantom images. needed for conventional mammography. ministration well without complaint.
Results of these preliminary studies
Contrast Agent Administration Image Processing and Evaluation
showed that a high-energy technique of
44 kVp with 8 mm of aluminum would The contrast agent (iohexol [100 mL, Custom image processing software was
work well. Results were equivalent with with 350 mg of iodine per milliliter], Om- written (J.M.L.) in interactive data lan-
several low-energy techniques, presum- nipaque 350; Amersham Health, Prince- guage (IDL; Research Systems, Boulder,
ably because of the dominance of the k␣ ton, NJ) was administered with a me- Colo). To create a dual-energy image,
and k␤ peaks of the target material, which chanical power injector (Vistron CT; weighted subtraction of the logarithm of
are in the range of 18 –22 keV, which is Medrad, Indianola, Pa) via a short 20- the low-energy image from that of the
far from the k edge of iodine (33.2 keV). gauge intravenous catheter placed in an high-energy image was performed. The
For the present study, most low-energy antecubital or forearm vein, at a rate be- weighting factor for the precontrast im-
images were acquired at 30 kVp with a tween 4 and 5 mL/sec. The injection rate ages was chosen as the value that elimi-
molybdenum target–molybdenum filter was governed by a subjective assessment nated the visibility of changes in the
combination (patients 1–9) or at 33 kVp of the quality of the venous access. In thickness of breast-equivalent material
with a rhodium target–rhodium filter patient 5, contrast agent administration on a phantom made of overlapping lay-
combination (patients 10 –26). Mean had to be stopped twice because of a loss ers of the material. The optimal weight-
time between exposures was 30 seconds of the connection between the tubing ing factor is dependent on the x-ray
(range, 24 –50 seconds). During this time, and the intravenous catheter. Because of beam voltage, target, and filter of the im-
the first image was acquired and dis- the time required to reestablish the con- age pair but not on the tube current and
played, the techniques were changed, nection in this case, only 60 mL of con- exposure time. A weighting factor of 0.20
and the additional aluminum filter was trast agent was administered during 3 was used with a low-energy technique of
placed in the x-ray beam. Energy spectra minutes. In patient 14, rather than sub- 30 kVp with molybdenum target and
calculated for the beams are shown in ject the patient to placement of a second molybdenum filter and was 0.26 with 33
Figure 1. Half-value layers for the low- intravenous catheter, we used an intrave- kVp with rhodium target and rhodium
and high-energy beams were 0.39 and nous catheter that was previously placed filter. A 4 ⫻ 4 boxcar filter was applied to
3.07 mm of aluminum, respectively. For in a hand vein for MR imaging, with an each image for noise reduction.

264 䡠 Radiology 䡠 October 2003 Lewin et al

Figure 4. Patient 10. Invasive ductal carci-
noma and DCIS. (a) Mediolateral oblique
mammogram shows grouped microcalcifica-
tions in the breast (arrows) and in a lymph
node (arrowhead). Enhancement is barely per-

ceptible on postcontrast (b) low-energy and

(c) high-energy images. (d) Subtracted dual-
energy enhanced DSM image shows the inva-
sive component as enhancing lesions (black
arrows), but there is no definite enhancement
around grouped calcifications in the posterior
breast (white arrow). The malignant lymph
node (arrowhead) also enhanced.

Contrast-to-noise ratios were calcu-

lated. A region of interest was drawn
manually (J.M.L.) around the lesion for
comparison with the surrounding tissue
within a 9-mm radius of the margin, ex-
cluding the 3 mm immediately adjacent
to the region of interest. The average of
three measurements is reported. Subjec-
tive judgement of lesion enhancement—
with the scale of strong, moderate, weak,
possible, and none—was performed (P.K.I.)
with the clinical full-field digital mammog-
raphy review workstation with dual 2.0 ⫻
2.5-megapixel monitors. The reader was
not familiar with the cases, was blinded
to the pathologic result, and did not have
access to the raw images or the standard

Tables 1 and 2 give the details for each
lesion, the protocol used, the injection
rate used, and the results of dual-energy
enhanced DSM. Thirteen subjects had in-
vasive carcinomas, and one subject had
ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Three of
the cancers were palpable but mammo-
graphically occult, seven were mammo-
graphically visible but not palpable, two
were both palpable and mammographi-
cally visible, and two were neither palpa-
ble nor mammographically visible. Be-
nign lesions included focal fibrosis and a
variety of usual and atypical proliferative
changes. The patients are separated into
benign and malignant categories in these
tables. The patient number indicates the
order in which each subject was enrolled.
Eleven of the invasive cancers en-
hanced strongly and had contrast-to-
noise ratios above 2.0 (Figs 2, 3). The
other two invasive cancers enhanced
weakly. The subjective judgement of le-
sion enhancement generally agreed with
the contrast-to-noise ratio.
In patient 12, with pure DCIS, the duct
was faintly enhancing. In patient 10,
with both invasive and in situ carci-

Volume 229 䡠 Number 1 Digital Subtraction Mammography 䡠 265


Figure 5. Patient 18. Benign tissue at remote lumpectomy site. Results of biopsy of new calcifications in the area showed atypical ductal
hyperplasia. (a) Mediolateral oblique mammogram shows new grouped calcifications (arrow). (b) Precontrast dual-energy DSM subtraction image
shows subtraction of breast tissue. (c) Enhanced dual-energy DSM image shows faint enhancement of the area around the lumpectomy site

noma, strong enhancement of the inva- known cancers, including those that multiple projections, which allows local-
sive component was seen but not en- were visible at standard mammography ization of any enhancing lesion.
hancement around the calcifications and those that were not (as well as a few Enhanced DSM is similar in concept to
associated with the DCIS (Fig 4). false-positive findings). The study was enhanced breast MR imaging and could
In two patients with benign findings, not intended to be a definitive test of potentially be applicable in situations in
areas of focal non-masslike enhancement enhanced DSM but rather a demonstra- which MR imaging is currently used.
were seen. These findings are potentially tion of its feasibility and potential. To Such situations include detection of a pri-
false-positive. In patient 18, the lesion improve our chances of success, we opti- mary breast cancer in a woman with a
was in an area of atypical ductal hyper- mized the x-ray beam energy, incorpo- positive axillary lymph node and deter-
plasia that surrounded the site of previ- mination of the extent of disease in cases
rated power injection at a high rate, and
ous lumpectomy (Fig 5), while that in of known cancer, as well as problem solv-
eliminated breast compression during in-
patient 19 was in an area of fibrocystic ing in cases of mammographic findings
jection by means of dual-energy subtrac-
change. In two other patients with be- that were not depicted in additional
tion. Dual energy allowed full compres-
nign findings, diffuse enhancement of mammograms or US scans.
normal breast tissue was seen. In patient sion during imaging, which increased the
It remains to be seen whether the sen-
11, with cancer, diffuse enhancement of morphologic definition of the lesion. Ad- sitivity to cancer is as high for enhanced
the normal parenchyma was seen in ad- ditionally, compared with temporal sub- DSM as it is for MR imaging, which has
dition to enhancement of the cancer as a traction, dual-energy subtraction increases been shown to have a very high sensitiv-
5-mm-diameter mass (Fig 6). the options for imaging. With temporal ity (8 –10). Both techniques make use of
subtraction, for example, multiple views the same property of tumor angiogenesis,
cannot be obtained with a single injec- which causes cancers to take up contrast
Discussion tion. Because dual energy does not re- agent faster and to a greater degree than
In this small study, dual-energy en- quire the matching of pre- and postcon- do normal tissue or benign masses be-
hanced DSM demonstrated most of the trast views, images can be obtained in cause of denser capillaries that are also

266 䡠 Radiology 䡠 October 2003 Lewin et al


Figure 6. Patient 11. Mammographically and clinically occult tubular carcinoma (5-mm diameter). (a) Mediolateral oblique mammogram is
normal. Metal bead marks a palpable abnormality with the pathologic finding of fibroadenoma. (b) Precontrast dual-energy DSM subtraction image
shows subtraction of breast tissue. (c) Enhanced dual-energy DSM image shows enhancement of the cancer (arrow) and diffuse enhancement of
normal tissue.

abnormally “leaky” (11). Because of its resolution than that with MR imaging, needle localization techniques to include
higher contrast resolution, MR imaging is differentiation of benign from malignant enhanced DSM would be straightfor-
probably more sensitive to contrast en- morphologic features at enhanced DSM ward, given the right equipment. Such
hancement than is enhanced DSM, but should be easier. Enhancement kinetics, procedures are difficult to perform with
the degree to which that translates into also used for differentiating benign from MR imaging guidance because of the ge-
higher sensitivity for cancer detection is malignant lesions at MR imaging (14), ometry of the MR imager, the time re-
unknown. One drawback of MR imaging can be determined at enhanced DSM quired for imaging, and the need to work
is that its high sensitivity to contrast with serial imaging. Because whole- in a high-strength magnetic field. Dual-
agent uptake causes it to be plagued by breast images can be acquired more rap- energy enhanced DSM would be espe-
numerous false-positive foci of enhance- idly than with most MR imaging se- cially well suited for biopsy, since posi-
ment. MR imaging also has relatively quences, kinetic information could be tioning can be adjusted after injection.
limited sensitivity to DCIS, which is de- determined with greater precision. Un- Such adjustment might be needed with a
picted as microcalcifications at mam- like MR imaging, however, each image biopsy device with a small field of view,
mography (12). Enhanced DSM was 83% has a penalty of additional radiation. En- because there would be no way to ensure
specific in this study, and the low-energy hanced DSM should be less expensive that a mammographically occult lesion
source image showed microcalcifications, than MR imaging because, although a was included on a precontrast scout im-
which could be used in the diagnosis of digital mammography unit is much more age. To allow complete biopsy of an en-
DCIS. expensive than a standard mammogra- hancing lesion, enhancement would
Findings with MR imaging suggest that phy unit, it is much less expensive to need to last at least long enough for tar-
morphologic features (ie, shape and mar- purchase and operate than is an MR im- geting.
gin) help differentiate benign from ma- ager. Many aspects of enhanced DSM re-
lignant enhancing areas (13). Because en- The expansion of existing mammo- main to be optimized. Neither the opti-
hanced DSM allows a higher spatial graphic core biopsy and preoperative mal injection rate nor the optimal timing

Volume 229 䡠 Number 1 Digital Subtraction Mammography 䡠 267

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268 䡠 Radiology 䡠 October 2003 Lewin et al

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