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 Escribe una lista de verbos regulares e irregulares en el pasado

participio (20)

Irregulares Regulares
1. Arisen 1) Accepted /Id/

2. Awoken 2) Counted /Id/

3. Been 3) Dated /Id/

4. Bitten 4) Asked /t/

5. Come 5) Cooked /t/

6. Dealt 6) Danced /t/

7. Drawn
7) Changed /d/
8. Fought 8) Cleaned /d/

9. Flown 9) Climbed /d/

10. Cost 10) Helped /t/

11. Eaten 11) Jumped /t/

 Write 20 Third conditional sentences about the important moments in

your life.
(meet people, place you visited, exam, Jobs, study, family, love,)

I. If she had been there I would have hugged her.

II. If I had bought in confinement they would have imprisoned me.

III. If you had controlled your character none of this would have


IV. You would have married me if he had told me the truth.

V. I wouldn't have to wait if I didn't want it.

VI. If I had known how much you loved me for nothing in the world I

would have lost you.

VII. I could have helped you if you had told me the truth.

VIII. If I had the right tools, I could have fixed my cell phone.

IX. He would have become a doctor if he had gone to college.

X. If you had answered the phone, I would have told you the sad news.

XI. If I had been by his side at least until the last day of his life.

XII. If there were not so many contagions, I would be by your side.

XIII. If we had taken a taxi, we would not have missed the vacation trip.

XIV. If I hadn't lost my keys, we would have been able to go inside to wrap


XV. If they didn't smell, their birthday would be a disaster.

XVI. If Joseph had been a canante instead of a footballer he would not be

so happy.

XVII. If you hadn't told them the secret, they wouldn't have found out.

XVIII. If mama had allowed me to marry you

XIX. I would have married without thinking.

XX. If I had not gone, I would have missed knowing the tomb of the Lord

of Sipan.

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