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PHYSICS (CLASS - VII) MEGACOSM teens) Megacosm Cognitions Pvt. Ltd., 65, First Floor, Govind House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110 016 Email : L i Scanned with CamScanner Light Introduction ' Rectilinear Propagation of Light ' Reflection of Light i Plano Mirror a Image . 2 Two types of curved mirrors an: | Heal and Virtual Images 2 Magnified and Diminished Ima ’ Lonson 3 Convex Lenter ‘ Concave Lens ‘ Image Formed Dy A Plane Mirror ‘ Image Formed by a Concave Mirror . Image Formed by a Convex Mirror . Add to Your Knowledge r Solved Problems . 8 Chapter Practice Problems wo Assignment NS Answers to CPP o 2 Answers to Assignment wo Scanned with CamScanner INTRODUCTION We know tnat ight is a form of energy which produces the sensation of sight in our oyos. All objects around us do not provide us with light. There are only a few objects that aro capable of emitting light. We call such (special) objects sources of light. We have a wide range of such sources of light. Some of these are natural and provide light energy to all mankind, The most prominent of these. of course, is the sun. The night sky has millions of stars which are ‘again natural sources of light. They appear feeble only because they are far, too far away from us. ‘The insect called the jugnu (firefly) also emits light of its own. Therefore, its also a natural source of light. ‘Mankind has now been able to develop number of manmade or anificial sources of light. We need these ariificial sources at night when thera is no sunlight around. ‘The electic lamp, a burning candle and the Kerosene lamp are the common artical sources Sag Now ‘ne eo hove ets teonnae ay fluorescent lamps) which give out the same light electric lamp But consume oriy {isn of So of the energy consumed by the electric lamp. Pie Ui | RECTILINEAR PROPAGATION OF LIGHT ‘The phenomenon that light travels in a straight line is called the rectilinear propagation of light. We find that, in most af the ordinary situations. light travels in straight lines, in a homogeneous medium, Light travets ina REFLECTION OF LIGHT We all know that a rubber ball bounces back when it is thrown on the floor. Similarly, when light falls on, ‘smooth polished surface, it bounces back. We call this ‘bouncing back of light’ as reflection of light. How can we make light ‘bounce back’ or ‘get reflected’? Suppose, we take a : shining new steel plate and let the light from a lamp, fall on it, Wo will observe a ‘glare of light’ going away from the plate, By titing the plate at various angles, we can make this light bounced back’ (or reflected) by the plate fall on the wall at different positions. The shining steel plate is thus seen to be capable of ‘reflecting light. Not only a shining steel piate, but any weil polished and smooth object is Retection of taht capable of reffecting light. Dae Scanned with CamScanner —_—— PLANE MIRROR The plane mirror, used daily by all of us (while combing our hair, etc.) is made from a smocth piece of giass. The glass is slverad on its back by depositing & otectve fine fim cf siver inere Alter the sivenng, the silver layer 1s provided protection never ang Dy puturg a layer of paint on it The red paint helps to protect the silver layer {rom getung scraped or damaged After sivenng, the glass surface becomes a Smean shiny surface that, almost completely, reflects back all he fight faling on it We call such a silvered, smooth, plain glass surface a plane mirror. Prane misror IMAGE nen we stand in front ofa plane miror, we see a duplicate oF replica of ourselves standing in the miro We call ths duplicate oF ropliea of ourselves (seen in the mimror) as our image It's Pot chly the mirror that shows us our image. We can also see our image in any shining metal sheet 33 weil as inthe stil water of any waterbody Ike a Satmming pool oa lake Winat about our image as seen in a surface that ws not plan? Some of us must have visited fun fairs kere many types of mirors that are curved are exhibited lo entertain the vistors. When we see ourselves in these mirrors, we may find that our image is very much fatter or very much taller or very (much shorter than what we actually are. This shows that curved mirrors can make the image of an object ook very mucn aterent from the object tse, _—__C TWO TYPES OF CURVED MIRRORS Curved mirrors can be made ina wide vanety of shapes ang sizes Howaver, there are two very special types of curved mirrors that we use very often We call them concave mirrors and conver mirrors They are both sphencal mirrors For maiing a sphencal mirror, we take a portion of the surface of a sphere. If we polish or silver its cuter Side 20 that reflection tates place {rom its inner surface, we get a concave mirror. On the other hand. # the potishing 1S done on the inner side so that reflection takes place from the outer surface, we gol a Concave mirror Cen Sphorical mirrors convex mirror Real and Virtual Images Let us do tne following actwvity to understand the dtference between a real and a virtual image. Activity Take a concave miror and fix it on a suitable stand. (We may use a lump of moulding clay it suitable stand is not available ) Put the mirror (in its stand or in the lump of moulding clay) on the table. Now take a candle and put tn a candle stand. Light up the eanate and take care to see that the tipping wax does ot create a mess Also, be carey! with the flame of the candle so that it does no! cause any bum of harm Put the lighted cancie in front of the mirror. Take a thick white paper sheet and hold it behind tne lighted Candie but well away {fom it. Slowly and carefully adjust the position of the candle and the paper sheet. You will soon be able to get an inverted image of the candle flame formed on the white paper sheet —H me Scanned with CamScanner ~ headlamps and torches, and + in huge type telescopes as a reflector. Image Formed by a Convex Mirror Point a convex mirror of focal length about 20-25 cm towards a well-it distant building or tree. We will see an erect bul diminish image of the building (or tree) in the mirror bul we wil not be able to get this image ‘ona screen, Therelore, it's a virtual image. Go on to explore the details of tho image formed by a convex mirror when the object (say a lighted candle) 1s kept at various distances {fom il. We will find that the image formed is always a virtual, erect jnage formed by a convex mirror and diminished image, Therefore, we may say ‘A convex minor always produces a virtual, erect and diminished image of an object, no matter where the object is. Fae Scanned with CamScanner of a Convox Mirror We genorally usa a convex mirror as tho roar-viow mirror in a car or a motorcycle. This Is bocauso the Convex mirror enables tho criver to 600 all tho traffic bohind her/him close ta the mirror. Sha/he | also ablo to hava a wider flold of view in n convex mirror than ina plane mirror of the samo sizo Scanned with CamScanner a ADD TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE THE WORLD OF COLOURS We all know that the world around us is full of colours. A vist 10 a well-maintained garden freshens and relaxes us We see fowers of so many different colours over there The grass below our feet 15 of a beautitul green colour and so are the leaves of the many trees thal stand in diferent parts of the garden. The clear sky above our heads 1s of a nice light blue colour. Our dresses, the walls of our rooms and the atterent objects we use in our dally Ife come in a wide vanety of colours of different shades and hues. Colour indeed adds a lot of charm and fun to our ite Quite often, we see a beautiful band of seven colours in the sky We cal it a rainbow. A rainbow gets formed when the sun starts shining again after a rainfall, The saven colours present in the, rainbow are violet, indigo. green, blue, yellow, orange and red. We cften use the acronym VIBGYOR for the purpose of remembenng the names of the colours in a rainbow. NEWTON'S EXPERIMENTS. The light of the sun, as wo know, looks white to us. It was. => Sr issac Nowon, known a8 he ey Father of Moaern Soenea, who nm if tom performed experiments to show | [--—\, White Y that white light is made up of Wnne Nght TW prem ign the same seven colours as aro Present in the rainbow Experiment I am of ght by + prism Experivent <1 Tan axpertments of Sir inaae Newton om pe Newton conducted his famous experiment in the year 1686 He allowed the sunlight coming through a hole 19 a window bind fo fall on a triangular glass prism He observed that the ight coming out from the prism was made up of a band of the same seven colours that were present in a rainbow. This, and other detailed experiments, enabled him to prove that white light 1S really made up of seven colours of the rainbow, namely, VIBGYOR (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orango, red). Is white light ‘Really’ made up of seven colours? Newton's giscovery of the phenomenon of dispersion, some people came up wath the query: Are the seven colours ‘alreacy present’ in the white light or are they somehow ‘given’ by the prism fo the incident white light? To set such doubts at rest Newton performed two further experiments with prisms, using ‘setup’ of the type shown in figure, These helped him to set al rest all doubts about the phenomenon of dispersion. The expenments proved conclusively that the colours are already present in the white light and the prsm has no ability to produce new colours or to impart colours to the light incident an it. NEWTON'S COLOUR DISC This disc is simply a disc of metal or cardboard on which sectors of different colours are painted in the same order in ‘which they appear in the spectrum of white light, When the dise is rapidly rotated, it appears (greyish) white to the oDserved Tn Scanned with CamScanner SS ———— om CC —___SOLVED PROBLEMS _ Section =A ‘ Give two exampios each of objects that (a) reflect light (b) do not reflect light. Sol. (a) Mirror, stool utensils, (b) Book, a table 2 Give one Important point of difference botween a real and a virtual Image, Sol. Areal image can bo obtainad an a screan (|.0. a piece of paper), whereas a vital image cannot 3. Name the typa of mirror that can produce a (2) real and magnified Ima (0) virtual and diminishod ima (c) virtual and samo sized ima; Sol. (a) Concave mirror (b) Convex mirror (c) Plano mirror 4. What type of fons Is (a) thickor In tho middle and thinnor at the edges? {b) thinnor in the middle and thickor at the edges? Sol. (a) Convox tons (b) Concava lens 5, What typo of Imago are wo likoly to see when we keep a lighted candle quite close to a convex fons? Sol, erect, enlarged ich of (a) convex lens, and (b) concave fens. 6. Give one practical application Sol. (a) Used as a magnitying tens (b) Used in spectacles for people who cannot see distant objects clearly. Scanned with CamScanner 7. Namo tho tons! mirror that (a) 13 usod as a roftector In torchos. (b) (8 usod white combing halr. (6) can bo used to burn a black paper with the help of sunlight. (0) ts used by peopta who cannot soo distant abjocta cloarly. Sol, (a) concave mirror (b) plano mirror (c) convox tons {d) concave lens 8. Name the oquipment that holps In transmitting optical Impulsos to the brain, Sol. Optic nerve 9. What do we Infor by the ratio of valocity of light In first medium fo that of valoctty of light In second modium? Sol, Refractive index of second medium with rospoct to flrst modiumn, 10. Whats aperture of a mirror? Sol, The porton of a mirror from which reflection of light actually takes place. Section = What is a shadow? Sol. A dark patch formed when light is Incident on an opaque or translucent abject. 2 Why Is a concave lens called a diverging lens? Sol, Dus to formation of virtual images. 2 Define the focal length of a spherical mirror. Sol, The distance batween the pole and the principal focus. 4. Isitpossibie to have a magnified image with a concave mirror? Sol Yes. What Is tho nature of the Image of an object formed by a convex mirror? Sol, Virtual i ee Tae Scanned with CamScanner Ans. 4 Ans. Multiple choice questions (single option correct) Formation of shadows suggest that light travels in (A) vacuum (C) dark rooms B (B) straight lines (0) none of these A smooth polished surface which can return back the rays of light into the same medium Is caltod (A) mirror (C) prison A (B) tens (0) none of these The phenomonon of bouncing back of the rays of light into the same medium /s callod (A) roftection (C) scatioring A W the Imago carmot bo (A) reat (C) real or virtuat 5 Tho mirror used by a dental surgeon is (A) plano (C) concave c Rear view mirros In vehiclos are genorally (A) Plano mirror (C) Concave mirror URAL Ea (8) retraction (0) none of theso ‘kon on the screen, It must bo (8) virtual (D} none of theso (8) convex (0) any one of tha above (8) Convex mirror (0) Can't say Scanned with CamScanner Ci —C—‘“—;tCC 10, Ans. 11. Sol. 12 Sol. 13, Sol. 14, Latoral inversion Is associated with (A) Prism (8) Plano micror (C) Spherical mirror (0) All of them 8 Which of the foltawing produce only virtual image? (A) Convex mirror {B) Plane mirror (6) Both (A) and (8) (0) None of these c Light bohaves asa (A) Wave (8) Particto (C) Both (A) and (B) (0) Can't say c Longth of shadow of a body depends on (A) Sizo of body (8) Position of source of light (C) Only (A) (0) Both (A) and (B) D Fill in the The phonemenon of turning back of light Into the same medium on striking # polished surface Is calfed. of tight. reflection A Image is always Inverted. real White light Is composed of cofours In a sphorical mirror, if the reflection surface Js on the outside, it is calied a mirror. convex UNE ‘Scanned with CamScanner 15. Lightis not a form of energy. Sol. False 16. Ught cannot travel through vacuum. Sol, False Level = Multiple choice questions (single option correct) + When an object is moved away from a convex mirror, the image (A) becomes smatter (B) moves closer to the focus (C) becomes Inverted (D) Both (A) and (B) Ans. D 2 {Amman stands in front of a mirror and finds that his image is langer than himselt. The micror Isa mirror. (A) convex (8) concave (©) plane (D) Both (A) and (B) Ans. B 3. Real images are formed by . (A) converging rays (B) diverging rays (6) Both (A) and (8) (0) Neither (A) nor (8) Ans. A 4 When white light passes through prism, it undergoes (A) Roftection (B) Refraction (C) Scattering (0) Total internal reflection B 5. Ina concave mirror, Image Is formed at focus when object is at (A) Focus itseit (8) Infinity (C) Pole (0) Centre of curvature Ans. B 6 Which of these is called a converging mirror? (A) Concave mirror (8) Convex mirror {C) Both (A) and (8) (0) None of these Ans. A Ta Scanned with CamScanner a Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans, Multiple chy Light travols in straight line cocauso (A) lis velocity Is very high (8) bending offect Is negtigibie, due to its small wavelength (C) It Is not absorbed by atmosphere (0) it consist of afl wave lengths B Total internal reflection may occur whon light travels from (A) vacuum te alr (8) water to glass (C) alr to glass (0) glass to water D Velocity of light In medium 11s 2.4.10’ ms and velocity of light in medium 21s 1.810! ms"', then the refractive index of medium 2with respect fo medium 1 Is 3 4 (a= 4 4 v3 4 ee pp 1 1 oo (o? ot ye 4 B Read the statements and choose the correct ono. 1. Complete umbra is formed only by a point source. U, Both umbra and penumbra are formed by an extended source of tight. (A) Fis true (8) Wis true (C) Both land it (D) None of thoso c The Image distance in caso of a convex mirror can bo (A) Greater than focal length (B) Less than focal tongth (C) Equat to focal length (0) Both (8) and (C) o An object is placed at a distance of 25,cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 12.5 cm. Tho distance of the Image trom mirror is (A) (8) 25m (C) 37.5 em (0) 50cm 8 Tie Scanned with CamScanner ren) |_|; ae (ne Mas Mest 1. Name the mirror used for shaving purpose. 2. What is the nature of the image formed by plane mirror? 3. Witto the name of two spherical mirrors What is the nature of the image formed by a concave mirror ifthe object Is placed between focus and polo? 5. White light is composed of how many colours. 6. Give two laws of refloction 7. Write the nature of the Image formed by concava lans. 8 Why we use convex mirtor for rear view in cars? 9. Whatdo you moan by a field of view and which one a plane mirror oF a concave mirror will have a widor fiold of view? 10. Explain Newton's experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of disparsion Scanned with CamScanner a ~~~ «dav ASSIGNMENT Very Short Answers Type Questions 1 ‘What is meant by light? 2. Whatis rectilinear propagation of light? 3. What is mean by the reflection of light? 4, Isreal image always erect? 5. Isavirtual image always inverted? 6. Whatis aray of light? 7. Define pote of a mirror? Section - 0 Short Answers Type Que: 1, What is mean by pencil of light? 2 Name the best reflector of light. 3. Canan object be virtual? Drew ray diagram. 4, Cana real image be taken on a screen? Draw ray diagram. 5. _Dollight rays actually pass through a real image? Draw ray diagram. 6 _Dollight rays actually pass through a virtual image? Show it by a ray diagram. 7. What is spherical mirror? 8. Whats the basic difference between a concave mirror and a concave mirror? 8. Describe Newton's disc 10, Write a short note on the phenomenon of refraction. 11. Write a short note on reflection by a plane mirror. [Ree aE ee Scanned with CamScanner eon 10, Section = C Long Anewery Type Questions What It the differenea betwen a real image and a virtual image? Mention at least two uses of convex mirror and concave mirror each, Why doos an nero plane lying at great afhtude not cast a shadow on the earth? How should @ pencil be hold above a table and directly below a tube light to obtain a sharp shadow? Why doos a lunar ectipsia not occur on avery full moon night? Convex mirror are used as driving mirrors (real view), What is thoir advantage over plano mirrors? What \s a Zoom tens’? Explain Explain, in detail, by drawing ray diagrams, the formation of image in ease of spharical mirrors (Both concave and convex) 15 of Image for various positions of an object, far both concave and Make a table showing posit f front of your study chair, and sen it often, convex mirrors, and pa Write a note on lonses; in as many words as possible. Compare it with your frends’. The one who “writs the mont, wins Sec D Interesting Purzle Pursle :- Loft to Right : G) Tha rear view mirrors used in vebicl (2) Name of opaque object Q) Geometric centor of a rnirror is called ‘Top to Bottom :~ (4) Image formed by convex mirtor {5} Natural luminous object Scanned with CamScanner Za » «s Putte Left to Right :— (1) Dus ta differance in speed of light (2) Loh aor reflection passes or seem t ® Optrat itusion: 10 pan through thes point in ephencal murtors Top to Bottom :~ (4) Atmoephone refraction (5) Reflects tight (6) Nontuminous object Level Multipte choice questions (single option cortect) 1. Te form a real image, the mirror required is, (A) convex (B) concave {C) convex or concave (0) cannot say 2 (I) Areal imaga is always inverted, (W) A virwal image is always erect. (A) only Lis true (C) Both | and th are true {B) only iis true (0) Neither is true 3. To form a virtual image, we may uso (A) only convex miror (C) ether convex or concave mirror (B) only concave mitror (D) cannot say 4. The image formed by a spherical mirror is virtual. The mirror is (A) convex. (B) concave (C) either convex or concave () cannot say a ——— CREE Scanned with CamScanner = _ CEE 10. " 12, 2, The Inge forried by n eptiarical miter in virtund, rnct mew aerator the oie Yelarcee tom the fHostion oF the object the mittor by (A) convax (1) convcarees (C) olther convar or concave (D) canned nay Which of tha following Gon be unit 10 preren tal yh conilat of arcana (A) Pane incor (1) Gone tan (C) Nowton's dine (D) nen of thee 9 tha convergant boar of fight ne tha banim progranien, her 107% (A) diverge trom auch other (0) converge (0.0 poi {C) romaine paraitad (0) non of than tha s1p0ed of rotation of Newton's colour dic Ia fant anouigty, tha varie catenin wns thera and produce (A) white ght (O) eo tight {C) 60 Nght at at (0) yotlow ant Primary colour ora (A) 09, blue, yollow (B) rnd, yottow, maganta {C) rod, blue, groon (D) red, blue, magentar Which colour is produced by mixing of blue and groan? (A) cyan (B) magonta (C) yotlow, (O) binck ‘A mirror forms a virtual imaga of a rant objoct {A) It must be a convex mirtor (8) 1 must be a concave mirror (C) must bo a plane mirror (0) may ba any of tho mitrors mentioned nbave To got aan image largar than the abject, ane can ise (A) convax mirror but not a concave mirror (B) a concave mirror but nol a convox rmittor. (C)elthar a convex mirar oF a concave mirtor. (0) a plano mirror. Which mirror canal form a mageitied imaga? (A) convex mirror (8) concave mitror (C) both convox and concave mirrors (0) cannot say ee eae Scanned with CamScanner eee lt 14, 15, 16. 17. 20. 24. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. In @ concave mirror, polishing is done on the ‘surface to that the reflection takes place from lis surface, Aconcaye lens always produces a and image. Red, blue and ‘re primary colours, ‘A convex mirror always produces image. Virtual image Is formed in concave mirror. When object is placed betwaen __and _. True and False ‘A virtual image cannol be obtained on screen, Yollow is a primary colour. No particle can ever move at a speed greater than thal of ight in vacuurn. A spherical mirror never forms an image whose size is the same as that of the object. Areal image is always erect. Glow worm is a natural source of light. A virtual image is always inverted. A convex lens is a converging lens. Match the following Match the following (1) | Real image (P) | Reflection surface on the inside of a spherical mirr (2) | Vitual image (Q) | Form of energy - [ (3) | Concave mirror (R) | Always inverted = (4) | Light {S) | Always erect (5) | Rectilinear propagation | (T) Travelling in a straight lines (nea 1OHT Scanned with CamScanner mm Multiple choice questions (single option correct) Which of the following Is opaque? (A) Water (C) Mirror (6) Glass, (0) Prism Relation betwoan focal length and radius of curvature of a mirror Is :~ IER (I=3R A light ray Is incident on a plane mirror the vertic yas" (€) 90° The direction of light can be changed by (A) a plane mirror (C) a stone R eye 2 (Oy=4R Placed Ina horizontal plane, making an angle of 30° with } then the angia between the reflected ray and the normal is (8)60" (0) 30° (B)a piece of paper (0) All he above The size of an image formed by a plane mirror is (A) larger than tho size of the object (C) equal to the size of the object ‘The image of an object formed on the outer a (A) erect (C) inverted ‘A magnified virtual image can be formed by a (A) plane mirror (€) convex mirror When a ray of light passes through a prism, (A) the deviaton of red light is maximum (C) tha deviation of biue ight is maximum Image formed by a convex mirroris (A) virtual (C) smaller in size than the object (B) smaller than the size of the object (D} Cannot be determined wurtace of a spoon is always (8) virtwat () Both (4) and (8) (8) concave mirror (0) All the above (8) the deviation of violet ightis maximum (0) all rays doviate equally (B)erect (O)Atlihe above a Ge Scanned with CamScanner CE Ci 40. Tho focal length of plane mirror Is (A) 2090 (8) 250m (c) 500m (0) infinite, 11, Read the following statements and choose the corract option (1) Planets aro not luminous bodies. {W) Tho sun is the nearest star to us from which the earth receives most of the light. (A) Only (1) is truo (8) Ony (1!) is true (C) Both (|) and (1!) are true {(D) Both (1) and (1) are false 12. Skylooks blue because of (A) Retraction of ight (8) Scattering of light (C) Total internal raflaction of tight {©} None of the above 13, Slars seem to twinkle because {A) Atmospharic refraction (8) They indeed twinkle (C) Defected eyes (0) All of ne above 14, if an object moves towards a fixed mirror with a speed v, then image moves towards the mirror wilh a speed (AV (a)2Vv (c)3v (jay 15. The wavelongth range of visible light is nearly. (A)4x 10 mto7* 107m {C) 4000 A to 7000 A (8) 04 micron to 0,7 micron (0) All of the above [REELS ee ET Scanned with CamScanner 2 4 ANSWERS TO CPP Concave mirror, Virtual, erect and same sizo, Concave and convex mitor, ANSWERS TO ASSIGNMENT Seetinn — A Very Short Answers Type Questions Light Is a form of oneray which enablos us to sa things around Us, The property of fight to travel in straight ino, Bouncing back of light upon striking a surtaco, No, tis always inverted. No. tis always oroct. Tho straight line path along which light travels |s callod ray of ight. Geometrical contre of miror. Section - Shart Answer Type Questions A narrow beam of ight is called pencil of light. Silver metal is the best refloctor of light Yes Yos ‘Yes, they do Scanned with CamScanner Cm —“—C 10. nh No, they only appear to pass through a virtual Image. A spherical misror is that mirror whose reflecting surface is a part of a hollow sphere of glass. One side of the mirror is reflecting and the other side is opaque, Ina concave mirror, the reflecting surface is towards the centre of the sphere of which the mirror is a pan. Ina convex mirror, the reltacting surtace 15 away [rom the centre of the sphere, of which the mirror is a part It essentially consists of a disc coloured in seven colours, and when rotated it shows grayish white colour, thereby showing that white light consists of seven colours. itis the bending of light, ar deviation of light from its path, white passing from one medium to another, Il anses due to difference in speed of light in two media. (mare points to be added by student) Reflection an plane mirror abeys laws of reflection. Rays after reflection do not actually meet, bul seem to meet ata point, where a vidual, erect image is formed; which are laterally inverted, of same size as object, and far form the mirror as the object is more points ta be added by students. Section = € Long Answers Type Questi ‘A real image can be taken on a screen, because the refracted rays actually meet at a point on the screen. A virtual image cannot be taken on a screen, because the reftacted rays only appear to come from a point and do nol meet there actually, Concave mirror (a) A concave mirror is used as a roflector in torches, search light, head lights af motor vehicles etc. 1o get powerful parallel beam of ight (b) A concave mirror is used as doctor’s head mirror to focus light on body parts like eye, ears, nose, throal etc, to be examined Convex mirror (a) A convex mirror is used as a reflector in street lamps, AS a result, light ‘rom the lamp diverges over alarge area (b) A convex mirrors used by drivers of automobiles (lika cars, trucks and buses) as a rear view mirror. These mirrors are fitted on the sides of the vehicle enabling the driver to see traffic, behind for safe driving, This is because (i) aconvex mirror produces an erect image of the otjects. (li) size of image formed by @ convex mirroris much smaller than the object, Scanned with CamScanner mC] n9, the shadow of the ane 3, Since the soxsen of Hght, namely the tun, Is an estonded one. the shadow of tho seretarn comune of conical regan of cmon davknwss (uma) Iarbe) by rman of Ot shady {nerumbra), the shades of darkness of which gradually decrease win “stance Since the seroplane i at a great height, the apex of the umbra fats to reach the ea . 2 ben shadow Is cast on the ground. The shade of darkness of the penumbra shadow also vanishag bocaue of the great distance This is why no shadow is cast on the ground 4 Tho pencil should bo hold with its length parattol to the tubs and very dose to the table 5. Tho shadow of ihe earth fails to reach the surface of the moon because the ortx! of moon is, Inclined to that of the earth by about 5° 8. Convex mirtors form diminished images. Hence, even a small mirror ean give a large Fokd of view. 7 Tha ‘zoom lens’ is a tens system in which one oF more of the individual lances can be slid along tho axis. The displacomant of the individual lenses causos a change in the position of the Principal planes bul not In the position of the second principal focal plane, Thus, the focal length of tho eystam nnd hence, the magnification of the imagn of the object changes, but the postion ot tha image dos nol change. 1 A tay going through coniro of curvature is reflected back along the same direction. 2, Aray paraltot to principal axis is reflocted through tho focus, and vice-versa. Also, mutually parallol ‘ays after refloction intersect on tha focal plano. 3. Array going to tho polo and the roflected ray from make oqual angles with the principal axis. CNETan LET eee ‘AL infinity AlthofocusF | Real and point-sized (fa) UTY-2022-P4-PHYSICE-UGHT ‘Scanned with CamScanner Botween infinity Between F and | Real, smater than and the canira of | C the object, inverted curvature C AG ALC Real, same size, inverted Between C and F Between C and | Real, enlarged, Cesta eeu Between infinity and the pole infinity inverted AUF At infinity Real or virtual, infinitely large, inverted Between the pole P | Behind the Virtual, enlarge, erect and F mirror To ests Nature of image Between the | Virtual, smaller and focus and the | erect pole Scanned with CamScanner Ab) 10. Refer package and class notes. Section = Interesting Puzzle 1 Purate = ne Virtual, point-atzed Scanned with CamScanner 14, 17, 19. 23, a. 13 > a> back, front virtual Tre False 1 AR), rPoa0 hoice questions (single option correct) 2 ¢ a ¢ 4 6 6 ¢ 7B 6. 0 A "1. D 2 8B Fill in the blanks 15. vitual, erect 16. green 18. focus, pole. True and false 20. False 2.0 True 22, Falso 24. Tue 25, False 26. The Match the following 2-+(8), 37 (P), 4(Q), 5am) Multiple choice question 2 6. 10. 14. Level =< Isingle op 8 3. 4. D D 7. 8. o "1 12. A 15. Unger Scanned with CamScanner n 2 2 Very Short Answer Type Questions Name two types of spherical mirrors. ‘Which of the two mirrors is diverging: concave or convex? Which of the two mirrors is converging: concave or convex? Does the position, size and nature of the image formed by a concave mirror depend on the position of the object? Can a concave mirror form a virtual image of same size as the object? Which type of image is formed by a convex mirror when the object is at infinity? When is, the image formed by a concave mirror. of the same size as thal of object? What is the relation between the focus and radius of curvature of a spherical mirror? Enlist all terms related to spherical mirrors. Short Answer Type Questions To see enlarged image of an object, will you use a convex mirror or a concave mirror? ‘A concave mirror serves as doctor's head mirror. How? ‘Aman is 4.8 m tall and his eyes are 10 cm below the top of his head. In order lo see his entire Image, he uses a plane mirror kept al a distance of 1 m from him. What is the minimum height of the mirror required? ‘Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other such that a ray of light incident on the first mirror and parallel to the second is reflected from the second mirror parallel to the first mirror. Determine the angle between the two mirrors. Scanned with CamScanner \ sa MEGACOSM 5 Mowat tenth of a mviiror is fem, then find the value of radius of curvature? © Wrte a short note on tenses 7 Wort a short note on magnifying glass 8 Wate a short note on *Refraction” 9% Winto a short nate on Raintow Formation Long Anawer Type Questions 1 An Object ts placed in font of a plane minor the mirror 18 moved away from the object through a distancn ». by how much distanes will the image movn? 2 Aiman 2 m til, whose ey0 leval is 1.84 m above the ground, looks al hs image in vertical minor What ts the minimum vertical length of the mitror # the man 1s to be able to see tha whole af iment? 3. fa) Tako a targa shining spoon Try 10 view your face i its curved surtace Do you get the maga? tnt nmatter of Larqar? {0) Mave the spoon nlowly away from the face. Observe itn mage Haw doos it ch, lange? (6) Reverso the spoon and rapeat ine activity. How dons the image look ike nom? Caution Do not took at the Sun dirsctly or even into your eyes, * Mold # concave mirror in your hand and direct its rofl Dirnet the light reflectad by the mvttor on to a sheot of Move the shoot of sharp sot of light Mold tho mirror and tha paper in the 5: What do you observe & Why? a miTor relecting sunlight. It may damog ‘cling surface towards the Sun AM Position for a few minutes, (Tako a conve mirror, Hold itin one hand, Hold a pencil in tho upright position in the other hand Observe the image of the pencit in the mis oF enlarged {4 Move the pencil away trem the miror slowly. O0es the ima (Hi) Repoat tho acuvity carefully. Sato whether the in the focus as the abject is moved away from the "Tor. 18 the image erect oF inverted? It's diminishod 196 become smaller or largor? 96 wall Mave ClOBOF 10 oF fat tron? or away from ‘Weta tho rules for image formation by ray-tracing in case of sphencal mirrors, eee Scanned with CamScanner Multiple Choice Questions (Single Option Correct In the figura shows two rays A and B being reflected by a mirror and —_S_, going as A’ and B’. Tha mirror (Alis plane (B}is convex (C)is concave (D) may be any spherical mirror A virtual image larger than the object can be produced by (A) concave mirror {8} convex mirror (C) plane mirror (0) concave lens ‘The image of an object formed by a device is always virtual and small, The devica may be (A) a glass plate (8) 2 concave mitror (C) a convex lens (0) concave lens A point source of light is placed at a distance of 2f from a converging ters of focal length {. The Intensity on the other side of the lens is maximum at a distance ye (B) between f and 2¢ (C2 {D) more than 21 ‘Two mirrors are kept at 60° to each other and a body is placed in the middle, The tolal number of images tormed is- (a3 (B)4 cis (0)6 A plane mirror gives a real image when the incident beam is (A) wide (B) narrow (C) divergent (0) convergent ne cannct see through fog because (A) fog absorbs light (B) light is scattered by the droplets in fog (C) light suffers total reflection at the droplet in fog (D) the refraction index of fog is infinity When light travels fram ene medium to another, there is no change in its ~ (A) volocity (8) amplitude {PI frequency (O} wavelength ee 9. 10, W 12, 13 14 15 16, 7. 18 19. 20. 24 22, 23, The image of an object formed by a plane mirror is (A) Erect, foal and of equal siza (B) Ered, vidual and of equal size {C) Inverted, real and of equal size (0) None of thesa When ight travels from alr o glass separated by a sharp boundary (A) proceeds undeviated (8) 1 bonds towards normal (€) itbends away from normal (D) none of he above The rear view mirror of a caris (A) plane (B) convex {C) concave (D) none af these the blanks The minimum height of a mirror so that a man of height h can see his full image ini is The image formed by a convex mirror of rex object is and A combination of concave and convex lens of same power, will behave as Mathematically, power of a fens is. of Is focal length (in meter. A plane mirror always forms image of objects, True and False ‘A convex lens forms a vstual image of an object. The position of the object is between optical centre and focus ‘The image formed by thin concave fons is always virtual and lio betwoen optical centre and focus. Image formed by plane mitror is virtual, Light is an electromagnetic and hence mechanical wave. The rear view mirror of a caris convex. A convex lens (usually) makes a parallel beam of light converge to a point an its principle axis. Match the following Match the column: (1) | Real image (P)_| Concave mirror { e Virwalimage | (Q) | Convex mirror 2) | inner surtace of a spoon | (R) eet 4) [Outer sutace ata soon | (8) nwoned Scanned with CamScanner ns (ingle option correct) Tho difference in the brightness of objects is dua to difference in the of ight centoring into our eyes A) intensity (B) colour of light (C) speed (0) None of these Tho image of an abject in front of @ concave mirror found to coincide with object itself. The position of the object is, Mac (B) between C and F (C) between F and pole (yar ‘The image of an object is formed at infinite distance from @ concave mirror. The position of the object is atc (6) between C and F (ar (0) between pole anc F A magnified Image can be formed by mirror. (A) concave (8) plane (C) convex {O) center of curvature Geometirc center of a mirror is called (A) pole (B) principle focus (C) optic centre (O) centre of curvature ‘An incident ray passes through the contre of curvature of a concave mirror. Alter reflection the ray (A) passes through the principal focus (8) retraces its path (©) passes along the principal focus (2) Nona of these ‘Which of the following is (are) true in the case of a plane mirror? (A) Object distance = Image cistance (B) Object size = image size {C) The image formed is virtual (0) Allthe above ‘Two plane mirrors are arranged such that tho'r reflecting surfaces are parallel and face each other. When an object is placed between them the number of images formed ara (Aj2 (B) infinite (c)3 (D4 . when the distance from the source increases {B) decroases (0) remains same The Intensity of light (A) increases (C) first increases and then decreases TREES Scanned with CamScanner we 10, The image formed by a plane mirror is (A) vieual (©) real (C) invorted (0) highly magnitiog 11. Read tho following statoments and choose the correct option (1) Moon Is @ luminous source of ight, (11) giow worm is 2 natural source oF light. (A) Only (His true (8) Only (1) is true (C) Both (1) and (Il) are true (0) Both (1) and (1) are false 12. Which of the fctlowing is (are) man mado sources of light? ; (A) Incandescent lamp (8) Fluouescant lamp (C) Hurricane lamp (0) All the above 13. Read the following statements and choose the correct option (}) Shadows aro formed due lo rectilinear propagation of light (1) When the position of the earth Is between sun and moon, lunar eclipse is formed. {A) Only (I) is true {B) Only (Il) is true (C) Both (1) and (|!) are true (0) Both (1) and (It) are false 14. The image formed by a pinhole camera is (A) real (B) inverted (C) The nature of image depends on the shape of pinhole () Both (A) and (8) 15, Tha length of the straight line joining the centre of curvature and any point on the surface of a ‘spharical mirror is the of the mirrer, (A) focal length (B) principle axis {C) radius of curvature (0) optic axis 16. Which phenomenon is responsible for the formation of Rainbows? {A) Reflection (8) Retraction (C) Total intemal reflection (D) All of the above 47. Lightisa (A) Electromagnetic wave (8) Mechanical wave (C) Transverse wave (D) Both (A) and (C) CRETE TALES Scanned with CamScanner 1 : Very Short Anewer Type: Concave mitror and convex mirror, Convex mirror is diverging Concave mirror is converging. Yos, it depends. No, virtual image formed by a concave mirror is always enlarged Virtual, When object is placed at the centre of curvature. R=2t, Pole, principle axis, centre of curvature, radius of curvature, focus, focal length, aporaturo Short Answer Type Questions A concave mirror. This is because a concave mirror can form, virtual, erect and magnified image of tne object. By Geometry MN = AE/2 = 0.05 m; NR = EBI2 = 1.7/2= 0.85 m Length of the mirror = MN + NR'= 0.05 + 0.85 = 0.90 m = 90 cm. Let 0 be the angle between the two mirrors OMy and (OM, The incident ray AB is parallel to mirror OM and sirikes the mirror OM; at an angle of incidence equal to It reflected along BC; the angle of reflecton being From figure, we have AMyBA = ZOBC = ZM,OM; Similarly, for reflection al mirror OM», we have 2M,CD = ZBCO = 2M,0M, = 0 Now, in triangle OBC, 30 = 180°, herefore, Scanned with CamScanner oe _____ 5 2a R= 16m, 6. Lens are basically an arrangement of two spherical surfaces joined together. When a light ray passes through a lens, it undergoes refraction, The image formation is slightly diferent from those in case of spherical mirrors, Lenses can be used to spot light to a desired point by adjusting its focal length. This proparty is used while making spectacles, We also have a lens in our eye which fouces the incoming light rays of a screen couled ‘Retina’ where image Is formed. (More points to be added by students). 7. Amagnifying glass is essentially @ convex lens. it convregs the light rays falling on it to a point For e.g, sunlight can be focused to a small point like the tip of an incase thereby igrifing the incense stick If focused for sufficient time. It also forms a magnified image of letters wntten on paper or any portion of an object. 8 Refraction is the bending of light while passing from one mecium to another, It happens because of the difference in the speed of light in the two madia and as light tends to cover any distance by following the path of least length, 9. _ Rainbows are formed when sunlight falls on water droplets and undergoes, refraction, total internal reflection and dispersion, (More points to be added by students). Long Answer Type Questions 1. Suppose the abject was at a distance d from the mirrar as show in the figure. ‘The image is formed at A’. When the mirror is shifted from P to Py, the image is formed at A”. We have AP=PA'=d Also, AP. dex Thus, AA" = AP,+P,A" = 2(d4x), and 1 Thus, A’A" = AA" AA'= 2(d+x) ~ 2d = 2x 2. Let the man is represented by HF where H is the head and F represents the feet. Suppose the eyes of the man are represented by E. [===> a ‘Since the man sees his head, therefore, a ray of light starting from H must & << c reach E after reflection trom the mirror. Clearly A lies on the perpendicular >= a bisector HE. i 3(2-1.84)m = 0.08 m 1 aC = THE 2 Since the man sees his feet therefore @ ray of light starting from F must reach E after reflection from the mirror. So, the perpendicular bisector of EF passes through B. tee 1 ec=ter-1, = DEF = 511.84 m=0.92m Length of mirror = 0,08 m+ 0.92 m= 1m. Scanned with CamScanner eee Dara ld 3 4 {())_ The innor curved surface of a large shining spoon acts as a concave mirror. Our face 15 the ‘object. When the spoon is al a small distance from the misror, Iho object lies between pole P and focus F of concave mirror. We observe eniarged, erect image of our face bahind the spoon. (i) Wéhen we move the spoon slowly away from our face, wa observe thal when face Is at focus of mirror/spoon, an enlarged, inverted Image of our face Is seen at infinity, face Is between F and C of mirror/spoon, an enlarged inverted image of our face is seen, face Is at the centre of curvature of the mirror/spoon, an inverted image of same sizo is seen, itis botweon F and C, an inverted and diminished image of our face Is seen the face is very far off. highly diminished, inveried image of our face is sean al the focus of spoon/mirror, (ii) When we reverse the spoon, its curved portion is bulged out, It behaves as a convex mirror The image of aur face Is virtual, erect and diminished. ‘The source of light, the sun in this case is at infinita distance from the concave mirror. Therefore, on reflection from the concave mirror, the sunlight collects at the focus of the mirror By moving the sheet of paper back and forth gradually, we find a bright, sharp spot of light on the paper. This spot is the real, point size image of the sun al the focus of the coneave mirror as shown in figure. When we hold the mirror and the paper in the same position for a fow minutes, the paper may bum out, This fs because the sun rays are concentrated on the bright, sharp spot of light on the paper. Hence, we conclude that when a parallel beam of light from a fer off object falls on a concave mirror, a real, inverted point size image is formed at the focus of tho concave mirror. (i) When we hold a pencil in the upright position in front of a convex mirror, we observed the image of the pencil in the mirror, at the back of the mirror, The image is erect, virtual and smaller in size than the object. {ii) As the pencil is moved away from the mirror, tha image becomes smaller and smaller (il) On repeating the activity, we find that as the objects moved away from the mirror, the image would move doser lo focus of the mirror. This activity confirms all the characteristics of image formed by convex mirror for different position of the object. A ray going through centre of curvature is reflected back along the same direr ‘A ray parallel to principal axis is reflected through the focus, and vice-versa, Also, mutually parallel rays after reflection intorsect on the focal plane. 3, A ray going to the pole and the reflected ray from it make equal angles with the principal axis. no Scanned with CamScanner 12. 14, 16. 7. 23. Level - Multiple choice questions (single option correct) A 2 A 3 ¢ 4 6 c 6 oD 7 8B 8 8 0 OB WB Fillin the blanks hi2 13. Virtual, erect Glass slab 15. RECIPROCAL VIRTUAL, REAL True and False True 18. True 19. True False 2. The 22 The Match the fell 1) >). >), 3) (4) (Q) Level - 11 Multiple choice questions (single option correct) A 2 A 3 c 4 A A 6 B 7 8 B B 10 A WB 12D c 4 =D 15 6 16 =D D Scanned with CamScanner

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