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A. Background
In modern times, as now, both educators and students are faced with the
challenges of the Era of Globalization. This era was marked by several
characteristics that must be owned by the community, which in addition must have
the basic skills (reading, writing, arithmetic), the public is also required to have the
capability for lifelong learning, managing information, managing resources,
managing social relationships, manage self, being flexible, solve problems, make
decisions, adapt, creative thinking, self motivated, and develop judgment, and
other skills necessary to interact with other nations.
To prepare the public as above, education is a very strategic effort to
establish community characteristics that are required as described above. One of
the subjects that contribute greatly to the formation of character / characteristics
demanded as proposed are subjects of Natural Sciences (Science).
To prepare our students who will plunge into a member of society, we as
teachers especially science teachers must understand the purpose of teaching
science. Today the purpose of teaching science change of emphasis on the ability
of citizens to be sober science. For him, before we teach our students in the future,
we as a prospective teacher must first know the nature of science itself as well as
how it relates to current technological developments.
For that purpose, we prepare a paper entitled "Nature of Science and
Values IPA" This.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the definition and nature of IPA?
2. What are the values contained in IPA?
C. Objectives
1. Knowing and understanding the nature of science?
2. Knowing the values contained in IPA?

A. Definition and Nature of Science

According to the nature of language meaning truth or something is real
or origin of everything. Can also be said that essence is the core of everything
or the soul of something..
Since human civilization, people have been able to organize an effort to
get something from the natural surroundings. They have been able to
distinguish animals or plants which are eaten. They have been able to use
alatuntuk reach needs. By using the tool, they have felt the benefits and easiness
to achieve a goal. All this signifies that they gain knowledge from experience
and the encouragement to be able to meet the needs. Thanks to the experience
of all, they get to know some of the kinds of plants that can be used as medicine
and how to cure. They have been able to also be able to make observations and
abstracting. From the observation that by rubbing hands warmth arises then the
idea to rub the wood so that the fire was found. Start observing objects around
them, then they direct view to the wider objects like the moon, the stars and the
sun. As a result, they are more widespread knowledge. But their knowledge
remains in a simple form, obtained by simple thinking anyway. Urges the
curious who have been formed by nature, has led them to admire and believe in
the existence of regularities in nature. This has prompted the emergence of a
group of experts think a nd then called philosophers. Thanks to their more
perfect human thought patterns and create a device has become a necessity.
Thought done patterned so that it can be understood by others. Encouragement
not only curiosity but has increased to seek satisfaction of its users. Science
develops increasingly broad, deep and complex in line with the development of
human civilization. Therefore pengetahu an evolving science into two parts,
namely natural science (Natural Sciences) and social sciences (Social Sciences).
Nevertheless the use of the term science is still being used as a natural science,
which Indonesianized into science. But remember when the international
community say the science is science, unlike in Indonesia, there are still people
who define science as science in general. In its development, science or science
(UK: sciences) divided into several areas according to the different forms and
ways of looking at natural phenomena. The study of life is called biology. The
study of the physical phenomenon of nature called Physics, and especially for
earth and space called Earth and Space Sciences. While the study of the
material properties of objects called Chemistry. Sometimes at the level of
discussion or certain symptoms, this difference is not visible anymore.
In essence, science is built on the basis of scientific products, the
scientific process, and scientific attitude. Moreover, IPA is also seen as a
process, as a product and as a procedure (Marsetio Donosepoetro, 1990: 6). As
defined process all scientific activities to enhance the knowledge of nature and
to discover new knowledge.As the product is defined as the result of a process,
in the form of knowledge that is taught in schools or dissiminasi knowledge. As
dimaksudkn procedure is methodology or the methods used to determine
something (research in general), commonly called the scientific method
(scientific method).
Classic questions that arise when we will discuss the science, is what
science is? Science as a natural science that includes physics chemistry and
Etymologically, Fischer (1975: 5) in Mariana (2009: 14) states science
came from Latin, which means that scientia is simply the knowledge
(knowledge). The word science may also be derived from German, which
means that wissenchaft systematically organized knowledge. Science is defined
as the knowledge that is systematically arranged (assembled) and together in an
organized sequence. For example knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology.
Definition of science (science) has been widely noted, among others,
according to Supriyadi (2010: 2), the scientists agreed that the IPA is a form
of verification methods that stem from the hypothesis. Most philosophers
stated that essentially the IPA is the way to get the truth of what we already
know. In Curriculum Centre (2006: 4), IPA with regard to how to find out
about a systematic nature, so that the IPA is not only a mastery of
knowledge in the form of a collection of facts, concepts, or principles, but
also a process of discovery. Trianto (2011: 136-137) states in essence IPA
built on the basis of scientific products, the scientific process, and scientific
attitude. In the same source also stated that the IPA is a collection of
systematic theory, its application is generally limited to the phenomena of
nature, born and developed through scientific methods such as observation
and experimentation as well as demanding scientific attitudes such as
curiosity, open, honest, and so on.
Here are presented some expert opinion on the definition of science;

1. Abruscato (1996) in his book entitled "Teaching Children Science" defines

science as knowledge acquired through a series of systematic processes to
reveal everything to do with the universe.
2. The Harper Encyclopedia of Science define IPA as a knowledge and
opinions which are systematically arranged and supported by the evidence
that can be observed.
3. Jenkins and Whitefield, Science is a series of interconnected concepts
developed from the results of experiments and observations and experiments
and observations according to the following.
4. Chalmers, science is based on things that are seen, heard, felt, and others.
Science is objective and provable science is a body of knowledge acquired
through a method based observation.
Tracing the definition put forward by some experts about the science
or science, found a variety of shapes and emphasis. Misalnya definition of
science, that science is a series of concepts and conceptual schemes
interconnected developed from the results of experimentation and observation,
and appropriate for experimentation and observation berikutya (Jenkins &
Whitefield in 1974, Conant: 1975).
Operationally science has meaning:
1. Set the knowledge
2. A search process
3. A means pengembanga values
4. A means to know the world
5. A means to develop social relationships
6. A human construction result
7. Part of human life

Natural Sciences (IPA) is defined as a collection of knowledge that is

arranged guided. This is in line with the curriculum SBC (MONE, 2006) that
"science deals with how to find out about a systematic nature, so that not only
the mastery of knowledge in the form of a collection of facts, concepts, or
prinsipsaja but also a process of discovery". Besides IPA is also a science that is
empirical and discuss about facts and natural phenomena. Facts and natural
phenomena that make science learning is not only verbal but also factual. This
shows that, the nature of science as a process of learning science is needed to
create the empirical and factual. The nature of science as a process of learning
that is realized by carrying out the process of how to train skilled science
products found.
From the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the knowledge
of the IPA is a collection of objects and natural phenomena derived from the
ideas and the scientists who carried out the investigation with skill experiment
using the scientific method. This definition gives the sense that science is a
branch of knowledge that is built based on observation and classification of
data, and are usually prepared and verified under the laws which are
quantitative, involving the application of mathematical reasoning and analysis
of data on natural phenomena. Thus, in essence IPA includes three coverage
that IPA as a product, as the IPA and the IPA process as a means of developing
scientific attitude.
Itself IPA as product includes concepts, principles, laws, and theories
in the IPA which is the result of human invention in order to understand and
explain the nature along with a wide range of phenomena that occur in it.
Product IPA (concepts, principles, laws and theories) is not obtained based on
facts alone, but international based on the data that has been tested through a
series of experiments and investigations.
The nature of science as a process of learning that is realized by
carrying out the process of how to practice the skills of science products found.
Namely by observation, measure, predict, classify, compare, conclude,
formulate hypotheses, conduct experiments, analyze data, and communicate the
results of research. In teaching science, aspects of this process appears in the
form of teaching and learning activities. Whether there is any aspect of this
process relies heavily on teachers.
The nature of the scientific attitude is the beliefs, opinions and values
that must be maintained by a scientist, especially when searching for or
developing new knowledge. Attitudes can be classified into two major groups.
First, a set of attitudes which when followed will help the process of solving the
problem; and second, a certain set of attitudes that Meru-feed way of viewing
the world and useful for career development in the coming Masayang (T.
Sarkim, 1998: 134).
B. Values IPA
Even though the majority of scientists say that science does not reach
the moral values or ethics, also did not discuss the values of beauty (aesthetics),
but the IPA contains certain values that are useful for society. What is meant
here is a value that precious dainggap contained in IPA and the objectives to be
achieved. According Pradita (2013), when we look back on the nature of IPA
described above turned out that the IPA has the values of life and education.
IPA values in every aspect of life it is:
a. Practical value
The application of the discoveries of science have spawned
technologies that can directly be utilized people. Then with the help of
technology also develop new discoveries that also indirectly useful for life.
Thus, science has paraktis value, ie something useful and valuable in
everyday life. Example: the discovery of electricity by Faraday until delivery
technologies applied in power tools that are useful for life. There is no doubt
that science and technology need each other, complement each other and
help each other to be able to continue to grow.
b. Property value
The scientific method is used in many IPA humans use to solve
problems. Not just problems naturally, but also the problems of social,
economic and so on. The scientific method has trained skill, patience, and
practice making decisions by considering a rational and scientific attitudes
demanded for its users. The scientific method provides the ability and skills
to man to be able to solve the problem. This capability turns giving
particular satisfaction to humans. Therefore IPA with scientific methods
have intellectual value.
c. Social values - Culture - Economy - Politics
IPA has the values of social-economic-political means science and
technology progress of a nation, causing the nation to obtain a strong
position in the constellation of social-economic and international politics.
Developed countries like the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan etc. got
an important position in the world arena. Indonesia has pioneered the use of
sophisticated technology to manufacture pessawat fly at IPTN, and when iti,
our country began to be taken into account by the world and have an impact
on the value of the social, political, and economic.
d. value Education
Teaching science and other subjects are tools to achieve educational
goals. These values are as follows.
1. The work and thinking skills regularly and systematically.
2. The skills and proficiency in conducting observations, and use tools to
solve problems.
3. Have the necessary scientific attitude in solving problem. Thus it can be
said IPA can be a tool for achieving the goal of education.
According to De Boer (1991: 177) people who are aware of science
is "the person who can use the concepts of science, science process skills and
values in making daily decisions when he interacts with other people or the
environment, and he also understands the relationship between science,
technology, and society, including aspects of social and economic aspects of
development ".
e. Religious values
A simplistic view when studying the IPA will reduce the confidence to
god. Because the people who study empirically study the IPA, the more realized
he would be the truth of the laws of nature, aware of the linkages in the
universe with infinite moderated. However humans to read, study and translate
nature, people increasingly aware of the limitations of science..
Thus it is clear that the ipa has religious value that is consistent with
Albert Einstein's religious views that illustrate the phrase as follows: "Science
without religion is blind and religion without science is lame”

a. Conclusion
Based on the explanation described above, it can be concluded as follows:
1. IPA or science (the English term) is actually a natural science, which can be
defined as knowledge of the facts and the laws which are based on
observation and arranged in an orderly system.
2. Hakikat ipa dapat dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yakni, ipa sebagai sikap ilmiah, ipa
sebagai proses dan ipa sebagai produk. Berdasarkan hakikat tersebut IPA
mempunyai nilai-nilai dalam  segi kehidupan, yakni nilai praktis, nilai
intelektual, nilai sosial ekonomo-politik, nilai kegamaan, dan nilai pendidikan.

b. Suggestions
As a man of knowledge (particularly science), should we use the
knowledge we gain from this life as well as possible. Let us not be controlled by
technology created by human beings themselves. We should take advantage of
the knowledge and the technology to facilitate our business, solving social
problems that exist in society and also take advantage of the technology that we
created in the right way.

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sekolah.html#ixzz25rzxps6c. Diakses pada tanggal, 18 November 2015.
Anonim 2. 2008. Hakikat IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA.

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Devi, Ismawan Presetia. 2013. Makalah Hakikat Matematika Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.
Jambi: Universitas Jambi.
Mariana, dkk. 2009. Hakikat IPA dan Pendidikan IPA. Bandung: Pusat Pengembangan
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Ughii. 2013. Hakikat IPA dan Nilai-Nilai IPA serta Keterkaitan dan Penerapannya
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