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Name : Rani Kholidaziya

NIM : 7777230005
Class : A

1. Why in scientific thinking we have to learn philosophy of science? Could you please
elaborate your arguments clearly based on the basic principles of the way
philosophy’s thinking that you have to develop as the academic community?
Human have a big curiosity into mind that always questioning something. Even if the
answers are frequently speculative and non-empirical, humans have always chosen the
answer for the ones they believe are most in line with their souls. In education also,
sometimes the teachers using only their perspective and norm in the field of education.
When this happened, philosophy of science needed. With philosophical education the
teacher not only know what, but also know why and how they are conducting a lesson,
who they teach and the nature of learning.

Supporting by Pigliucci (2008), they stated that philosophy of science covers the topic
of the nature of science, conceptual and methodological analysis, and science criticism.
This covers both normative traditions—in which philosophers try to teach scientists how
science should be conducted—and descriptive methods, in which they explain how
science really works. In conclude, philosophy and science are something that should be
combine and support each other. Philosophy has played a significant role in the evolution
of science.

2. The frame work of philosophy of science cannot be separated from 3 philosophy

components i.e: epistemology, ontology and axiology. Could you please elaborate
what do you mean by the three components of philosophy and the implementation in
conducting of English Education research! And describe some radical thinking from
each philosophy’s component.
 Epistemology
Epistemology was firstly proposed by Ferrier (1854), where epistemology is one of
the areas of philosophy. Epistemology is derived from the Greek word episteme,
which means knowledge, and logos, which means theory. The study of the nature of
knowledge, including its techniques, structure, and validity, is known as
epistemology. In conducting the research, sure we need the perspective of
epistemology that study about methodology. Epistemology originally concentrated on
the potential of knowing. This allows for the acquisition of scientific knowledge. In
order to ensure objectivity, scientific research must be implemented methodically and
universally to form a logical and coherent research. Epistemology needs to be
addressed in order to ensure that the study is guided objectively and without
 Ontology
Ontology can be known as metaphysic. In philosophy of science, ontology also
known as “study of being”, as Moon & Blackman (2017) stated that ontology is a
useful tool for researchers in order to determine how definite they may be about the
nature and existence of the items they are studying. For instance, what the "truth
claims" about reality? Who judges what is "real" and legitimate? How can scientists
resolve different and contradictory theories about reality? In conclude, ontology is the
study about “what” is the research about regarding to the reality that happen in the
researchers’ life.
 Axiology
According to Hart (1971), Axiology originates from Greek words axios and logos,
which imply "worth" or "value" and "logic" or "theory". In another words, axiology
deals with concerns around what is seen as valuable, desirable, or "good" for people
and society. In making research, we need axiology as the way to answer “why” into
our research and searching for the value of the research regarding to society.
In conclusion, these three philosophy components are very important regarding to
conducting a good and valuable research. It contains what, how, and why that also the
important component in conducting research.

3. Could you please elaborate how the facility of philosophy of science based on the
truth aspects language, sociology, anthropology or mathematics? How is the
relationship between science and ethics value, moral value and religious value and
its implementation? And how is the responsibility social of scientists in stating of
truth in daily activities.
The ethical implications of science are important. The University of Chicago (2013)
explained that what is right and wrong must serve as a guide for scientific inquiries. This
is where moral guidelines are useful. They support the safe conduct of science and the
accuracy of scientific information.
Our values are always being tested by new technology and scientific discoveries in
our constantly developing environment. Whereas, science is influenced by various human
values and can be ethically valued. It is crucial to understand the reasons behind scientific
practices and to avoid behaviors that contradict this social responsibility, as unintended
consequences can arise. Without looking at the ethnical, moral and religious value,
science is just the thing that against the society, and sometimes can be the boomerang for
the scientist if they’re not consider about those values in their research or even in their
daily activities.

4. Could you please elaborate the correlation between 1) philosophy and culture, 2)
culture and religion, 3) philosophy and education, 4) philosophy and science and
also religion, include the result of thinking product.
Culture and philosophy are two different perspectives, but they two have a close bond
with one another. Stated by Megan (2021), every philosophy has a cultural foundation
that shapes its existence and provides its morals with value. The objective perspective that
keeps us from becoming outdated is provided by philosophy. It enables us to consider,
critique, and decide whether to accept or reject any idea. Every culture contains some
philosophy, and every culture contains aspects of philosophy. When we talked about
culture, it has own religion in which culture we faced. And religion is always had a
responsible to how culture is developed in some places.
Education is a tool for achieving goals, while philosophy establishes life's purpose.
The educational process aims to analyze and classify these objectives. Education fosters
the emergence of fresh ideas and philosophical perspectives beyond contemplation and
analysis. The relationship between philosophy and education is similar, involving goals,
curriculum, teaching methods, philosophies, and restrictions.
The example of case related to these important elements that related to philosophy is
when we, as a researcher, conduct some research about how the environment affect our
students in the way they learn something in the class – how they behavior, in which state
they live, and how they taught about morality and religion in their home. This is the
simple example how these elements connect to each other.
5. What is the essence of learning about philosophy of science for the magisters’
As a magisters’ students, especially in education faculty, we are not thinking about
philosophy as same as before in under graduated era. As time goes by, I personally realize
that there still so much thing in our education that has to be fixed and it needed the factual
deep research, not just the feeling or some narrow perspective of the teachers. This is why
philosophy of science involve in the way the researcher making a suitable Research
regarding to the education.

6. What is the definition of epistemology? And give some examples of epistemology!

Why if humans can build houses, luxury hotels, high-rise buildings, bridges, roads
and so on, while animals such as birds cannot do the same, from the past until now
there has been no change in making their nests. Try to give arguments according to
the epistemology of philosophy and epistemology of science!
As the explanation about the definition of epistemology above, epistemology is
derived from the Greek word episteme, which means knowledge, and logos, which means
theory. The study of the nature of knowledge, including its techniques, structure, and
validity, is known as epistemology. When we talked about knowledge and how we
understanding the knowledge itself, it can be separate to human brain and their sense of
thinking. This is why the animals can’t develop their knowing because they don’t have
the epistemology itself. The birds can only build a nest because they only think about how
they can still life by covering their body from the danger outside, when humans have an
understanding of knowledge and sense of thinking more to build some other news with
their knowledge.

7. What is the definition of ontology of philosophy and ontology of science? Give some
examples! Why communists and atheists don't believe in gods, angels, heaven and
hell and the last day. Try giving an argument based on the ontology of science and
ontology of mystic!
As we know that ontology is a study of nature and structure of being. According to
Maedche (2002), ontology has been introduced by Aristotle in Metaphysics, IV, 1.
Because ontology is studied about the nature and structure of being, it also connected
with metaphysic. This is why communist and atheist don’t believe in Gods, angels,
heaven and hell and also the last day. They questioning and keep searching about
something that can’t proved by real thing, because God and angels also all of the
metaphysics thing is hard to explain in a rational way. It is same as the mystic thing,
when humans faced the thing that opposite with something real or mystics, they get
confused and they think it’s hard to believe, but in philosophy this is something that
actually happen and actually don’t need to debated so hard because it is an ontology of

8. What is the definition of axiology of science and axiology of mystics? Give some
examples! Why do scientists in conducting their experiments and research have to
think about the benefit of the people and mercy for all of nature, ethic value and
aesthetic value, such as experiments on nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and
biological weapons. They must uphold human rights and not damage the natural
surroundings. Give some reasons based on philosophy of axiology and philosophy of
We already learn that axiology is the philosophical science of value. According to
Britannica (2015), the connection between value and fact is crucial to the development of
any theory regarding the objectivity of value and value judgments because "fact" implies
objectivity and "value" suggests subjectivity. It is still the responsibility of philosophers
to question the objective validity of descriptive sciences like sociology, psychology,
anthropology, and comparative religion, even though these fields make an effort to
provide a factual consideration of what is genuinely valued as well as causal explanations
for the similarities and differences between valuations.
When we conduct the research, we have the desire to make the result of the research
valuable for the others, and when we talked about value, it always connected with the
human rights. Because when we ignore the human rights, our research is not valuable
anymore. That’s why we can’t experiment on such an extreme thing as nuclear weapons,
chemical weapons, and biological weapons, because It against the humanity.

9. What is the definition of axiology of science and axiology of Religion? What kind of
values are they? Why the reseachers cannot conduct their research regarding with
the transendental like Ghost language, Angel language and someone who is an
unconscious langauage (kesurupan) or Satan language? Give some arguments and
The axiology of religion is addressing what kind of value impact of God’s existence
does have on the people around the world (Lougheed, 1995). As a theist, we believe in
God existence and this is related to all of the religion. The trans dental like Ghost
language, Angel language and someone who is an unconscious language (kesurupan) or
Satan language are against the value of axiology of religion so the researcher can’t
conduct such research related to them because it’s against the value of religion. The
example when the researcher conducted the research about the ghost language, they will
have a lot of theories about how the religion is doubted and in the end it’s not valuable in
religion anymore. In the other hand, this type of research can’t provide any objective
values so it will not be a good and proper research.

10. What do you know about free of value in conducting the research?
Humans literally have so many thoughts in their minds, therefore, the researcher
needs a value-free to achieve the greatest amount of objectivity in the observations and
decisions in making the research. In conducting the research, it should be based on fact.
The researcher should keep their own values (like their personal choices in life, politics,
and religion) that will interfere with the research process.

Britannica, T. E. of E. (2015). Axiology. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from
Ferrier, J. F. (1854). Institutes of Metaphysic the Theory of Knowing and Being. William
Blackwood & Sons.
Hart, S. L. (1971). Axiology--Theory of Values. Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, 32(1), 29.
Lougheed, K. (1995). The Axiology of Theism. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from existential question about God,our
world and its inhabitants.
Maedche, A. (2002). Ontology — Definition & Overview (pp. 11–27).
Megan. (2021). The relationship between Philosophy and Culture. Retrieved October 29,
2023, from
Moon, K., & Blackman, D. (2017). A guide to ontology, epistemology, and philosophical
perspectives for interdisciplinary researchers. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from
helps researchers recognize how,of what is ’real’%3F
Pigliucci, M. (2008). The Borderlands Between Science And Philosophy: An Introduction.
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 83(1), 7–15.
The University of Chicago. (2013). Ethics in Science: Should scientists consider how their
discoveries might be misused? Retrieved from

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