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NIM/NO TEST: 1602158
1. What is philosophy?
Philosophy is a science about truth. It is a science where questions, that are the results of human intelligences,
are gathered, analyzed, and explained. It is used as guidance for human by scrutinizing something as a whole
which will enable them to face every problem they have and to be wise people.
2. What is philosophy of science?
Philosophy of science is a reflective thought toward every things related to the basic of science and relation
between sciences with every aspects of human life. It is a combined study which consists of some studies to
determine the border of specific science.
3. What is science?
Science is a collection of knowledge which is collected systematically, consistently and the truth has been tested
4. What is knowledge?
Knowledge is everything that we know. There is no specific difference among the knowledge. Time by time, the
concept of knowledge is broader in its meaning. Previously knowledge is defined as everything that we know,
such as how to ride bicycle, but at reasoning century this meaning became more specific which trigger the birth
of new science that are ontology (what), epistemology (how), and axiology (for what) where each sciences are
5. What is epistemology?
Epistemology comes from episteme which means knowledge and logos which means science. So, epistemology
is a science which discuss about knowledge and how to get the knowledge itself. In other words, epistemology
is a branch of philosophy that investigated or discussed about method, techniques, or procedure to get
6. What is ontology?
Ontology consists of two words, which are ontos and logos. Ontos means things exist and logos means science.
So, ontology is a science or theory that concern about what exists or may be said to exist, and how things are
7. What is axiology?
Axiology is a science concerns about orientation or value of life. In other words, axiology is a science of value.
It is used to answer some vital questions such as how human should live and behave. Axiology creates ethics
and aesthetics. It means, axiology is a science that investigated what valuable is and why, and what good is and
what it means or how it is defined. Axiology is meant to improve the quality of human beings.

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