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Introduction to the Philosophy of the

Human Person
Quarter 1 – Module 1: The Meaning and Process of Philosophy

A. Definition:
1. The word Philosophy comes from the two Greek words philos (love) and Sophia
(Wisdom), (Abella 2016). Thus, Philosophy is the love of wisdom. This is the most
common and simplest definition of Philosophy. Philosophy may also be defined as a
science of thinking that deals with the study of processes governing thoughts and
conduct, (Garcia 2016).
2. Philosophy is the study that uses the human reason to investigate the ultimate causes,
reasons, and principles which governs all things. (Abella 2016)
B. Characteristics:
- Just as there are many ways at looking at things, like, experiences, situations, problems,
Philosophy can also be seen and treated in different ways. Philosophy can be seen as a
framework, as an examination of knowledge and as a discipline. (Abella 2016)

Whenever a person encounters a problem, situation or a question life, he or she often

goes back to his or her framework in order to make sense of the problem. A framework is
defined as a way of thinking about the world and is composed of views and beliefs of a person.
(Abella 2016). Philosophy then as a framework could lead the person to come up with
something that may pave the way for solutions or answer.
The framework of Philosophy aids the personal framework of the person. Philosophy
can also be treated as an examination of a particular area of knowledge. This means that the
principles of philosophy can be used as an examination of other disciplines or areas of
knowledge. In the long run, other areas of specialization may benefit from the very nature of
philosophy, (Abella 2016).
Lastly, Philosophy in itself is a distinct area of knowledge. It has its own goals,
concerns and ways of doing things, (Abella 2016). Definitely, philosophy is a discipline in itself.

1. Logic
 a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of thinking and reasoning using
empirical support and information which are reliable, valid and objective.
 it is the science of correct thinking.
Two Types of Logic
a. Deductive Reasoning – from a general truth to specific truth, from universal truth to
b. Inductive Reasoning – from a specific truth to general truth, particular to universal.

2. Epistemology
o a branch of Philosophy that concerns with the definition of knowledge and related
concepts such as the sources and criteria of knowledge.

Two Contending Schools of Thought

a. Rational school – the main source of knowledge is deductive reasoning based on self-
evident principles or actions.
b. Empirical school – the source of knowledge is sense-perception.

3. Ethics
o it comes from the Greek word “ethos” which means character.
o it is the science of correct doing.
o it is the study of what is right and what is wrong in human behavior in the pursuit of
beauty and goodness of life.

4. Metaphysics
o it comes from the Greek words “meta” which means beyond and “physikon” which
means nature.
o it is branch of philosophy which is concerned with the nature of ultimate reality.

5. Aesthetics
o it is derived from the Greek word “aesthetikos” which means one who is perceptive of
things through his sensations, feelings and intuitions.
o it is concerned with the essence of perception of beauty and ugliness.

6. Political Philosophy
o it refers to a body of knowledge that looks up on the society, politics and the people that
makes it whole.
o it is believed that society is inseparable to politics.

General Questions in Philosophy

Philosophy is concerned with the deepest and widest questions in life.

A. Epistemology –Theory of Knowledge

• What is knowledge?
• Can we know?
• What is to know?
• How can we know?
B. Ethics – Moral Philosophy
• What is freedom?
• Do we have free will?
• What is human act?
• Are our actions already determined?
C. Philosophy of Art – Aesthetics
• What is beauty?
• What does it mean to be beautiful?
D. Philosophy of Religion
• Does God exist?
• Can we prove the existence of God?
• What reasons are there to believe in God?
E. Rational Psychology/Philosophy of Man/ Philosophical Anthropology
• What is the essence and meaning of life?
• Does life make sense?
• What is good life?
• What is happiness?
• What is man? Who is man?
• Is man only his body, or man is his soul

Philosophy is reflective and reflections arise from our experiences. Man is rich with experiences
both good and evil. These experiences are the starting point of wonder and awe. Reason leads to
reflection and that’s what makes us human. We are capable of becoming aware of our
consciousness and daily activities. Man, by essence is reflective. However, people nowadays
have less time to think and reflect on their experiences. Man is simply now becoming a
contradiction of his own. (Garcia 2016)

AYN RAND: - “Philosophy studies the fundamental nature of existence, of man, and of man’s
relationship to existence. As against the special science, which deals only with particular aspect,
philosophy deals with those aspects of the universe which pertain to everything that exists. In
the realm of cognition, the special sciences are the trees but philosophy is the soil which makes
the forest possible.”

What Have I Learned

i. The word Philosophy comes from two Geek words philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom).
ii. Philosophy is the study that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons
and principles which governs all things.
iii. Philosophy is a distinct area of knowledge with its own goals, concerns and ways of doing
iv. Philosophy is divided into several branches namely: Aesthetics, Logic, Epistemology,
Ethics, Metaphysics and Political Philosophy.
v. Philosophy can be seen as a framework, as an examination of knowledge and as a
vi. Philosophy is concerned with the deepest and widest questions in life.

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