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Base VS No Base

Base and No-Base Relaxers Hydroxide relaxers are usually sold in base and no-

base formulas. Base cream, also known as protective base cream, is an oily cream

used to protect the skin and scalp during hair relaxing. Base relaxers require the

application of a protective base cream to the entire scalp prior to the application of

the relaxer. No-base relaxers do not require the application of a protective base

cream. They contain a protective base cream that is designed to melt at body

temperature. As the relaxer is applied, body heat causes the protective base cream

to melt and settle out onto the scalp in a thin, oily, protective coating. No-base

relaxers are an improvement only on the protection that is provided to the skin by

the oils in all hydroxide relaxers. For added protection, protective base cream may

be applied to the entire hairline and around the ears, even with no-base relaxer

Strengths Most chemical hair relaxers are available in three strengths:

mild, regular, and super. The difference in strength of hydroxide relaxers parallels

the concentration of hydroxide.

• Mild-strength relaxers are formulated for fine, colour-treated, or damaged

hair. • Regular-strength relaxers are intended for normal hair texture with a

medium natural curl. • Super-strength relaxers should be used for maximum

straightening on very coarse, extremely curly, and resistant hair. When in doubt,
always choose the gentler alternative: mild instead of regular or regular instead of


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