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__ uses Storyboards for the presentation layer, created in Xcode.

// iOS
_____ is a cross-platform UI toolkit that allows developers to easily create native user interface layouts that can be shared acr
A Windows PC is a must to develop code for Android Phone in Xamarin. // false
Android uses ___ to create user interfaces // views
At run time, Xamarin.Forms pages and controls will be // Mapped to platform-specific native user interface elements
For Xamarin Forms based development for Android does not require Android Manifest file. // false
How does Xamarin increase the ROI ? // Code reusability across platforms
How to launch an Actvity in Android ? // startActvity(Intent)
HTML5 and CSS3 are used in Xamarin.Forms for UI part // false
iOS uses Ahead of Time Compilation to generate the executables // true
It is possible to write wearable application using Xamarin. //true
Languages supported in Xamarin development //C# and F#
Method for sharing code between cross-platform applications //all ABC
The major disadvantage of Xamarin is its disability to integrate with third party libraries written in Java, Objective C etc // false
Using Xamarin //achieve almost native performance without any performance issues visible to the user AND code reusability
Using Xamarin, there are limitations for direct access to device native APIs like Camera, Contact, Media etc. // false
What are the advantages in using Xamarin for development ? // All
What are the development approaches in Xamarin // Native and Forms
What are the different code sharing techniques in xamarin.forms? // F# and C#
What are the different Xamarin licence terms // all
What is Linq ? //Programming language syntax that is used to query data.
What is the extension of the a class file in Xamarin // .cs
What is the extension of the output files produced by Xamarin? // .apk for iOS and Android
What is the role of Xaml in Xamarin ? //Create the UI interfaces
What is Xamarin Insights ? //Xamarin SDK for Android development
Which all are the Cross platform tools ? // all
Which all are the Cross platform tools ? //all
Which mobile platform uses Just In Time Compilation ? //android
Which of the following is a/are Cross-platform tool(s)?React Native
Xamarin applications are compiled to // .app for iOS and .apk for Android
Xamarin mostly using _ paradigm // MVVM
Xamarin offers 90% of code reusability by sharing the common code in a single code base for Android, iOS and Windows platfo
Xamarin provides capabilities to test the app in ____ // all
Xamarin studio is a standalone IDE for cross-platform mobile application development based on open source project ____ //M
Xamarin throws the Semantic type errors during ___ //complie time
Xamarin.iOS is not available for Xamarin Studio on Windows. // true
C# and
Xamarin.Forms UI can be built on XAML
During run time, Xamarin.Forms pages and controls _
What is the role of the UITest component in Xamarin workspace
ayouts that can be shared across Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. // Xamarin Forms

r interface elements

n Java, Objective C etc // false

he user AND code reusability
Media etc. // false

droid, iOS and Windows platforms. Remaining major part lies in, // UI Layer

open source project ____ //MonoDevelop

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