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New Ideas ίn the

Sveshnikov Sicilian

Valery Neverov and Peter Marusenko

Trαnslαted by Sαrαh J. Young

Β. Τ. Batsford Ltd, London

First published 1 996
© Valery Neverov and Peter Marusenko

ISBN Ο 7134 7809 8

Βήtish Library CataIoguing-in-Publication Data.

Α cataIogue record for this book is
available from the Βήtish Library.

ΑΙΙ ήghts reserved. Νο part of this book may be

reproduced, by any means, without Ρήοr permission
of the publisher.

Ί'ypeset by John Νυηη

and Ρήnted ίη Great Βήtain by
Redwood Books, Τrοwbήdge, Wilts
for the publishers,
Β. Τ. Batsford Ltd,
4 Fitzhardinge Street,
London WIH ΟΑΗ


Editorίal Pαnel:Mark Dvoretsky, John Νυηη, Ιοη Speelman
General Adviser: Raymond Keene ΟΒΕ
Commissioning Editor: Graham Burgess

List of symbols 4
Introduction 5

Parι One: Classical Sveshnikov with 9 tZ:Jd5

1 9... J.e7 10 J.xf6 12

2 9... J.e7 10 J.xf6: 12...:b8 29
3 9...J.e7 10 tZ:Jxe7 40
4 9...'iWa5+ 44

Parι Ί\νο: Classical Sveshnikov with 9 J.xf6 gf 10 tZ:Jd5

5 10 ... J.g7 11 J.d3 54

6 1O...J.g7 without 11 J.d3 (with fianchetto) 63
7 1O...J.g7 without 11 J.d3 (without fianchetto) 79
8 1O... f5 11 J.d3 85
9 10... f5 11 ~xb5 106

Parι Three: Other lines

10 C1assical Sveshnikov with 9 tZ:Jabl 111

11 Bird Larsen Variation: 8... J.e6 116
12 7 tZ:Jd5 122
13 7 a4 132
14 Deviatίons for White οη move 6 138

Index of Variatίons 142


+ Check
++ Double Check
# Mate
!! Excellent moνe
1 Badmoνe
11 Seήοus blunder
!1 Interesting moνe
11 Dubious moνe
;t Small adνantage to White
:f Small adνantage to Black
± Big adνantage Ιο White
+ Big adνantage Ιο Black
+- Decisiνe adνantage to White
-+ Decisiνe adνantage to Black
= Eνen position
1-0 Whitewins
0-1 Black wins
1/2-1/2 Draw
Ch Championship
OL Olympiad
Ζ Zonal
ΙΖ InterzonaI
Ct Candidates eνent
(n) nth match game
(D) Diagram follows

The Sicilian Sveshnikov is one of Tarrasch was clearly ίη favour of

the most popular defences ίη con- White. His opponent was the great
temporary chess practice. Its the- chess player and philosopher Las-
ory is developing rapidly. Since the ker. His use of what was ιο later
,publication of Sveshnikov's book become known as the Pelikan Si-
The Siciliαn Pelikαn, many hun- cilian stemmed from his deep un-
dreds of games have been played, derstanding of chess strategy. This
greatly enriching the theory of this is what B.Weinstein, the author of
variation. Our book is about these The Thinker, the bri11iant work οη
games and the conclusions ιο be the second World Champion, said
drawn from them. of the conflict: "Pressure οη weak
Before sending the reader forth points! Doesn't that remind you of
through the labyrinth of the many stress testing under a heavy 10ad?
variations of this system, we would Testing ιο destruction! Βυι if the
like ιο talk about the common construction is solid ίι wi11 resist,
thread ίη them. Ί\vo factors appear and the attack wi11 fail".
ιο be fundamental ιο the system: Another route - the dynamic
Black's gaping hole οη d5 and one - is also possible; gather a11
White's slight lack of develop- one's forces ίη the decisive area
ment. Ιι is ηο joke to say that the (even at the cost of weaknesses ίη
white g l-knight makes four ΟΓ five other places) and then inflict a
moves at the very outset - as if the blow, acting quickly and energeti-
knight has promised his queen he ca11y, so that the opposition cannot
wi11 make as many moves as possi- make use of these weaknesses.
ble, and is ηοι allowed Ιο do other- Thus, Lasker's strategy was based
wise. effectively οη ideas which were
Thus the main battle takes shape. much more wide-ranging and
Which, then, is stronger: White's fruitful than the basic ΡήηcίΡΙes of
static SUΡeήοήtΥ ΟΓ Black's dy- pressure οη weak points, ideas of
namic advantages? superior mobility, space and am-
This controversy has been going munition, and an advantage ίη
οη for a 10ng time ίη chess history. strength.
6 Introduction

Ιι has long been well known that

the basic strategy ίη chess lίes ίη
the struggle ΙΟ control the key
squares, and, ίη the first place, the
central squares. as the pieces which
are arranged οη them are the most
active. And although ίη the course
οί the game the objectives οί attack
might change more than once, the
fight for the e4-, d4-, e5- and d5-
squares carrίes οη practically per-
manently. W
Το show the reader graphically Black Ιο leaving d5 so weak? The
the essence οί the conflict, we have fact is that from the very first
chosen a basically old game, and ίη moves the conflicts οί the position
the years that have passed since the are heightened. and both sides face
game was first played. the theoreti- difficult strategic problems. Indeed
cal assessments ofindividual νarί­ the move ... e5 has clear positional
ations have changed, butthe ideas advantages: the d4-knight is driven
have remained. The game which from its central position, and White
you will now examine has been has less freedom οί movement ίη
commented οη more than once, but the centre. and οη the kingside.
previously ηοΙ all the evaluations 6 lbdb5 d6
have seemed justified Ιο us. So, the 7 J.g5 a6
reader will judge who is right. 8 lba3 b5
9 lbd5
Karpov - Dolιnatov So one white knight sits proudly
Amsterdam 1980 οη d5. but the other occupies a sad
position οη a3. This is another ad-
1 e4 c5 vantage οί ... e5. and at the same
2 lbf3 lbc6 time is a reference Ροίηι for Black
3 d4 cd ίη similar situations; ίι is important
4 lbxd4 lbf6 that at least one οί the knights is
5 lbc3 e5 (D) hemmedin.
Isn't ίι strange that this is one οί 9 J.e7
the most popuIar continuations οί 10 J.xf6 J.xf6
the Sicilίan Defence? What attracts 11 c3
Introduction 7

This move prepares lίk2 fol- the b5-pawn prevents the enemy
lowed by a4. The battle for d5 is bishop from landing οη c4, and
already ίη full swing: ηο sooner is when the opportunity aήses, ...a5 is
the f6-knight removed, than White possible, stopping lbc2-b4). After
tήes Ιο eliminate the b5-pawn and Black has dealt a blow Ιο the e4
give the light-squared bishop an pawn with ... f5, the white centre
active position οη c4. The most turns ουΙ Ιο be suποuηded from the
pressing problems for Black are Ιο flanks.
finish his development, and find 15 'iVd3
better squares for his pieces, espe- Prepaήng a place for a rook
cially his bishops ( ... ~g5, ... ~e6), (which one depends οη the circum-
and thanks Ιο his e5-pawn he need stances) οη dl Ιο support the cen-
ηοΙ fear an assault by the white tral knight. This means that Black
pawns. must distract ίι with other prob-
11 ... ο-ο lems. Threats along the f-file, cre-
12 lbc2 :b8 ated by doubling rooks, serve this
Directed against a4. aim well. Such is the strategic out-
13 ~e2 ~g5 lίne of the battle, and moreover the
14 ο-ο ~e6 (D) d5-square itself can be practically
ignored by Black, with his pieces
more or less flowing round ίι
Ιι remains for the game to be
shaped definitely. If 15•••f5 then 16
~f3 (threatening after ef and ~e4
ιο replace the pawn οη its battle
station, as the bishop οη e4 will be
more actively placed than οη c4)
16 ... g6 17 :fdl 'iVd7 18 lbcb4
lbxb4 19 lbxb4, and White is οη
top. Ιη the event of 15...a5 16 :fdl
W ..th8 (with the idea of 20... lbe7) 20
Note that Black is already at full :d2lbe7 21 1Iadl the black bishop
strength ΙΟ fight for d5. The white lags behind.
knight, placed οη this square, is Βυι he does have at his disposal
cut off from the remaining light the interesting idea 15•• J:ιb7!?
pieces (the g5 bishop controls e3, Then ίι is dangerous for White to
8 Introduction

play 16 :fd1 f5 17 J.f3 :bt7 18 ef 17 ... J.h6 followed by ... f6-f5 is

(it's already better for the rook Ιο still possible. Βυι 16••...td8 doesn't
go ίηΙο reverse gear with 18 :f1) 100k bad either (from this position
18 ... J.xf5 19 _e2 J.h4! with pow- the bishop aims at both flanks).
erful threats (20 ......g5, 20 ... e4) 16••• h6 is worse, as weakening g6
showing that f2 is insufficiently makes play Iinked with carrying
defended. If White puts the other out ... f7-f5 more difficult.
maycontinue 16... a5,and 17lΩde3
is ηο good because of 17 ... J.xa2,
whilst ίη the event of 17 lDa3 b4
18 lDc4 bc 19 bc lΔe7 or 17 J.f3
'it'c8!? fol1owed by ... g6 and ... f5,
Black has good counterchances.
Besides, 15 ...:b7 frees b8 for the
knight, e.g. 16lΔcb4lΔb8!? with
the idea of ...lDd7-c5 and then ...f5
(although the simple 16 ... lΔxM is
also reasonable).
15 "iWd7 W
Α quite acceptable decision, 17 :fd1 a5?
although it seems less significant Why ηοΙ 17•••J.h6? Maybe Dol-
than 15••':b7. matov, when he played his 16th
16 'ifg3 move, calculated the following
Here the queen does not get ίη varίation: 18lΔcb4lΔxb4 19lΔxM
the way of her own pieces, and a5 20 lΔa6 :c8 (20...:b6 21lDc5)
meanwhile is not susceptible to 21 'it'd3 J.c4 22 'ifxd6 'ii"xd6, and
any attack. Besides, she is attack- then, having discovered the inter-
ing the opposition's dark-squared vening check 23 J.xc4+, avoided
bishop, which is placed οη an im- this line. Ιη νώη! ΒΥ continuing
portant diagonal (exerting control 23 ...:xc4 24 :xd6 :xe4, we can
over e3!). 16•..J.h6 is impossible see that only White will have diffi-
here because of 17 lΔf6+. culties. If instead of 20 lΔa6 he had
16 Ι6!? (D) chosen 20 lΔd5. then after 20 ... f5
Black is seeking the possibility Black has good counterplay (as
of leaving his bishop οη the cl-h6 we will see later on, such a correla-
diagonal, insofar as his next move ιίοη of the Iight pieces, that is two
lntroduction 9

bishops against koight aod bishop, use aoy possibility ιο change the
is quite favourable for Black). Dol- character of the struggle, for exam-
matov's move exposes the seήοus ple, at this ροίοι a pawo sacήfice
weakness of the light squares, es- was possible: 19•••g6 20 ..tg4 f5 21
pecially ίο combinatioo with ... f7- ..txf5 (ίη the eveot of 21 ef gf and
f6. 22 ..te2 then 22 ... 'ilg7 with the
18 lDa3! lDa7 idea of 23 ... f4, aod if 22 ..txf5 then
If 18 ...b4, then 19lDc4. 22 ... 1Σχf5 23lDe3 'ilg7 with a dou-
19 h3! (D) ble-edged game) 21 ... gf22 'ilxg5+
Φh8 with some compeosatioo.
Dolmatov missed this possibility.
• 8 •• 8

-· -.---
19 ••• Φh8
11 8'iV8 •• 20 ..tg4 1Σfc8
• ~.t.~ •• 20•••g6 is better.
~ •••"'tΔ~ ~ ~
21 ..txe6 'ilxe6

8 ~8Δ8.:8 22 'ifd3 1ΣcS?

Now the rook cannot help defeod

" •• .
~ " ~ • ~Δ his king. From now 00 Karpov vir-
Y,~ ~.~~"Δ.
~ U • tuously prevents all his attempts Ιο
get ίοΙο the game. 22•••g6 would
~ ~:. ~
~ ~ have been more persisteot.
Β 23 lDc2 g6
After two precise moves the fol- 24 b4! ab
10wing part of the game takes 00 25 lDcxb4
a technical character for Karpov. It is instructive Ιο observe the re-
White's plan coosists of the fol- alization of ao advaotage. Here
10wing elements: White also had at his disposal the
1) exchanging the lesser pieces continuatioo 25 cb with the idea
(light-squared bishop and knight); after a2-a4 of gaioiog an 'extra'
2) opeoiog a file 00 the queeo- passed pawn. Βυι this opens the c-
side and invadiog with the knight file, which Black controls at the
ίηΙο the enemy camp; momeot. However, ίι does οοΙ give
3) prepariog aod carrying ουΙ the oppositioo aoy couoterplay;
ao attack agaiost the king. one must open precisely the file
How can Black defeod himself? which can be seized.
Passive defeoce will spell his doom 25 1Σb7
quickest of all. Therefore he must 26 a4! ba
10 lntroducti~n

27 ':xa4 bad dark-squared bishop, and the

Now Black has an unhappy insecure positίon of the king.
choice; patiently await his fate, or 38 ':fa1 ~Ι8
sharpen the game, and although at If 38 ... iif5, then 39 'ii'e2 ~h4
the risk of hastening a sorry de- 40 g3 ~xg3 (if 40 ... 'ίi'xh3, then ηοΙ
nouement, Dolmatov chooses the 41 gh 'it'xh4, and Black has suc-
second path. ceeded ίη sharpening the posi-
27 f5 ιίοη, but 41 ':a7! ~d8 42 ':xf7+
28 ':a6 ~c8 ΦΧf7 43 ':a7+ 'itf8/e8 44 'iff3
29 ':a8 Φg7 'ίi'f5 44 'ίi'b3 winning) 41 fg 'ifxh3
30 'ίi'e2 fe 42 ':1a3, and White is vίctοήοus.
Or 30 ... ~e7 31 ~xe7 ~xe7 32 39 'ίi'e2 ':c6
~d5. 40 ':6a3! ':c5
31 'ίi'xe4 'ίi'f5 41 ':f3
32 'iWe2 ':Ι7 ΒΥ exchanging this piece, which
33 c4 ~h4 is important for the opposition,
34 .:π ~e7 White again underlines the help-
35 ':a6 'iWd7 lessness of the rook οη c5.
36 'ίi'e4 ~xd5 41 ':ΧΙ3
37 ~xd5 ~e7 (D) 42 'ίi'xΙ3 ilf7
43 'ίi'g4!
The third part of the plan re-
mains; a direct attack οη the king.
The kingside pawns will move for-
ward for this. The black rook was
stopped beforehand, and ίη retum
for its freedom ίι must become the
next weakness.
43 000 h5
44 'ίi'e4 ':c8
44 ... Φh7 does ηοΙ save Black
because of 45 ':a3 ~g7 46 g4 hg
W 47 hg ':c8 48 ':h3+ Φg8 49 g5!.
Α picturesque position! Now ίι 45 ':a3 'ίi'Ι5
remains οηlΥ to prepare an attack 46 ':a7+ Φh6
οη Black's weaknesses, of which 47 'ίi'e3+ g5
there are plenty; the d6 pawn, the 48 'iWe2! ':b8
Introduction 11

49 g4! hg Shirov, Vladimir Κramnik, John

50 hg 'ifbl+ Νυηη, ΜuπaΥ Chandler, Ketevan
51 Φg2 JIb7 Arakhamia as well as many other
52 JIxb7 'ii'xb7 prominent and rank and file chess-
53.f3 "'c8 players.
54 .f6+ Φh7 Ιη the book we will examine 31
55 .f7+ 1-0 main and hundreds of subsidiary
games. Insofar as the move order ίη
Of course, although the above the Sveshnikov can be either 1 e4
game is typical, ίι far from ex- c5 2lbf3lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4lbf6
hausts all of the many clashes of 5lbc3 e5 6lbb5 d67 .i.g5, or 1 e4
strategic ideas brought ουΙ by c5 2lbf3 e6 3 d4 cd 4 lbxd4 lbf6 5
players of the Sveshnikov. We lbc3 lbc6 6 lbb5 d6 7 .i.f4 e5 8
should add that this system wages .i.g5, then the move numbers ίη
war οη all new adherents. It forms both the main game and the sub-
part of the permanent opening sidiary games are taken from the
reperιoire of Grandmasters Alexei first move order given above.
1 9....i.e710 i..xf6

Ιη this system White actively fights

for control οί d5. He gives υρ his
light-squared bishop ίη retum for
his opponent's knight and fights
Ιο ρυι his own knight οη d5. Ιη the
event of an exchange White is pre-
pared Ιο replace ίι with other
pieces. Black's counterplay is most
often linked with the thematic
move ... f7-f5 and activity οη the
kingside and ίη the centre.
Game 1 The game Ljubojevic-Illescas,
Zapata - Shίrov Linares 1992 featured the novelty
Mαnίlα 1992 12 'ί!fg4, but after the continuation
12 ... 0-0 13liJc2liJb8! 14 t1dl (14
1 e4 c5 2liJf3liJc6 3 d4 cd 4liJxd4 ο-ο-ο!?) 14 ... liJd7?! (14 ... .i.g5 =)
liJf6 5 liJc3 e5 6 liJdb5 d6 7 .i.g5 15 .i.e2?! (15 liJce3! ;1;) 15 ... .i.g5
a6 8ltJa3 b5 9ltJd5 .i.e7 10 .i.xf6 Black had equalized .
.i.xf6 Beliavsky-Shirov, Linares 1994,
11 c3 (D) developed otherwise: 12 .i.d3liJb8
One οί the standard positions 13 liJc2 liJd7 14 a4 ba 15 t1xa4
arising ίη the Sveshnikov. Ηυη­ .i.g5 16 ο-ο ο-ο 17 t1a2 a5 18 .i.c4
dreds οί games have been played liJb6 19liJxb6 if'xb6 20 'i!t'd3 t1ac8
ίη ίι ίη recent years. The continu- 21 t1dl t1fd8 22 b3 g6 23 t1dal
ations 11 c4 and 11 g3 will be ex- t1c5 with an edge ιο White.
amined ίη the notes ιο Game 3. 12 ••• liJb8!?
11 .i.b7 13 a4!
Ιη this variation Black tries to Three altematives deserve look-
position his pieces more usefully ing at:
before he castles. a) 13 c4 is certainly worth test-
12 liJc2 ing: 13 ... 0-0 14 cb ab 15 .i.e2liJd7
9... ~e710b.f6 13

16 ο-ο tDc5 17 ~f3 ~g5 with an g6 with an equal position, Ν.Fήed­

equal position, Brodsky-Rogozen- ήch-Κrasenkον, Berlin 1990.
ko, Nikolaev Ζ 1993. c2) 14 tDf5 ο-ο 15 tDxd6 ~xd5
b) 13 g3: 16 'iί'xd5 (or 16 ed tDb6 17 tDe4
bl) 13••• ~g5!? 14 h4 ~h6 15 tDxd5 =) 16 ... 'iί'c7 (16 ... 'iί'b6? 17
g4 ~f4 16 tDxf4 ef 17 [3 tDc6 18 tDxf7!; 16 ... tDb6!? 17 'iί'd3 g6, and
'iί'd2 'iί'f6 19 0-0-0 ':d8 20 g5 'iί'e5 unexpected problems with the
21 tDel? (21 tDd4!?;t) 21 ... d5 22 knight aήse for Whίte) 17 ':d 1 (17
tDd3 de! with a very complex game tDxf7? tDb6) 17 ...tDb6 (17 ...tDc5!?
ίη which Black has the chances, 18 tDxf7 'iνxf7 19 'iί'xc5 ~h4! 20
J.Polgar-Illescas, Dos Hermanas 'iνd5 ~xf2+ 21 We2 ~b6 with a
1994. complex game) 18 'iί'b7 'iJJc5, and
b2) 13•••tDd7 14 h4 ο-ο 15 tDce3 Black receives an advantage ίη de-
g6, and then Zso.Polgar-Ochoa, velopment and more active pieces
Las Palmas 1994 featured 16 h5. for the sacrificed pawn, Μοπis­
After 16 ... ~g5 17 hg fg 18 ~g2 Κrasenkov, Αndοπa 1991.
tDf6 19 'iί'd3 ~xe3 20 tDxe3 'iJJe7 c3) 14 g3 ο-ο 15 h4! and now:
21 ο-ο ~c6 22 a4 Wg7 23 ab ab 24 c31) 15•••tDcs 16 ~d3 g6 17
tDc2 White would have achieved ~c2 a5 18 a3 ~g7 19 h5 ~c8 20
an advantage. hg fg 21 'iί'e2 ;t Anand-Kramnik,
c) 13 tDce3 tDd7 (D) is another Monaco 1994.
possibility: c32) 15•••g6, and two routes
have been tested:
c321) 16 ~h3 ~g7 17 h5 tDf6
18 hg hg 19 'iί'd3 tDxd5 20 tDxd5
~h6 21 ':dl Wg7 22 ~g2 ':c8 23
tDe3 ~xe3 24 'Wxe3 ':h8 25 ':xh8
Wxh8 26 ~h3 ':c4 27 f3 Φg7 =
Anand-Nunn, Monaco 1994.
c322) 16 'iWg4 ~g7 17 h5 tDf6
(17 ... f5 doesn't work because of
18 'iί'h3 tDf6 19 hg hg 20 ef! gf 21
'iί'xf5 tDxd5 22 'iie6+) 18 tDxf6+
'iJJxf6 19 ':dl ~c8 (19 ....:ac8 20
W ~g2 ':fd8 21 ο-ο ':c5 22 ':d3 ~h6
cl) 14 ~d3 ο-ο 15 ο-ο ~g5 16 23 ':fd 1 ~xe3 24 ':xe3 ~c8 25
~e2 ~xe3 17 tDxe3 tDc5 18 ':fdl 'iί'e2 ~e6 with equality in the game
14 9... J.e7 1(} J.xj6

Mortensen-Nunn, Vej1e 1994) 20 .txe4 1i'xe4 and White on1y has

.e2 .te6 21 ~d5 (21 ':xd6 'ile7 sufficient compensation for equa1-
and ....txa2) 21 .....g5 22 hg hg, ity.
and now: 23 Vd3 ':a7 24 a3 f5 25 18 g6(D)
W'e3 W'xe3+ 26 ~xe3 ':d7 27 .tg2
(27 .th3 is a better move) 27 .. .'j;n
= Stήpunsky-Κrasenkov, Pardu-
bice ορ 1993, or 23 ια7!? J.c4 24
W'f3 ':a7 25 R.xc4 bc (25 ....:.xc7
26 .td5 ;1;;) 261l1d5 ':b7 27 ':d2 ;1;;.
13 ••• ba
14 ~ce3 ~d7
It is not expedient to support the
pawn by means ο! 14•••J.c6 be-
cause ο! 15 ~f5 ο-ο 16 .tc4!, and
seήοus difficulties arise for Black.
However, 14•••0-0 deserves atten- W
tion, for example 15 ':xa4 ~d7 16 19 b4!
W'g4 ~c5 17 ':a2 .tg5 18 J.c4 For the time being Zapata is
.txe3 19 fe h5 20 W'xh5 ~xe4 21 active1y fighting for an advan-
ο-ο ':c8 22 .tb3 .txd5 23 .txd5 tage. The timid 19 ~g3 on1y 1eads
~f6 24 ':xf6 ; Klovans-Kalini- to equalίty, whi1st interesting com-
chev, Mtinster 1993. plications arise after 19 h4 gf (not
15 1Wxa4 0-0 19 ....tf4? 20 Μ! ±) 20 hg J.xd5
16 ':dl .tg5 (B1ack shou1d avoid 20 ... lbxe4
17 W'c2 ~σ 21 ~f6+! ~xf6 22 1i'xf5.te4 23
Another plan was also quite pos- "xf6 ±) 21 ':xd5 lbxe4 22 .td3
sib1e: 17•••.txe3 18 ~xe3 ~f6 (or 1i'xg5 23 .txe4 fe 24 .xe4 f5, for
18 ... ~c5 19 .td3 a5 and the posi- examp1e, 25 .c4 <iPh8 26 ':xd6
tion is unc1ear) 19 .td3 .c7 20 ο-ο 1i'xg2 27 ':xh7+! <iPxh7 28 .c7+
':fd8 with an approximate1y 1eve1 1Wg7 29 ':d7 W'xd7 30 W'xd7+, and
game. the chances are equal.
18 lbf5! 19 J.xd5
Other continuations are worse: B1ack must be circumspecιo The
a) 18~? .ιc6 19 b3 ':b8 +. two lines 19•••~ 20 lbxd6 and
b) 18 J.d3 ic6 19 ':al J.xe3 19•••gf20 bc ':c8 21 h4!.th6 22 cd
20 ~xe3 W'h4 21 ο-ο .txe4 22 have unp1easant consequences.
9... .i.e7 10.i.xj6 15

20 Iιxd5
White must be οη the alert. Ιη
the event of 20 bc? .i.c6 21 h4 (21
Iιxd6 'fic7 is also gόοd for Black)
21 ....i.f6 22lDxd6 Black seizes the
20 lDb7
21 h4 .i.f6
22 lDh6+ <3;g7
23 lDg4 a5!
Shirov must not give his ορρο­
nent an opportunity to increase his W
advantage quietly. With the text 26 .i.dl?!
move he is activating the knight or Αη eποr which allows Shirov Ιο
rook. Although with exact play seize the initiative.
White will preserve a small advan- 26 ... 'fic8!
tage, all Black's resourceful coun- 27 lDe3?!
terplay presents Zapata with some It never rains but ίι pours! After
difficult problems. 27 'ii'xc8 :xc8 28 lDxf6 'it>xf6 29
24 .i.e2 ο-ο rJίie7 the endgame would have
Α less tense situation aήses af- been level. Now it is even more dif-
ter 24 b5 h5 25 lDxf6 (25 lDe3? ficult for White Ιο untangle the
.i.xh4 26 lDc4 'fif6 27 g3 .i.g5 ~) mess his pieces have got into.
25 ...'ii'xf6 26 .i.e2 a4 27 g31Dc5 28 27 1fxc2
ο-ο Iιab8, and White's position 28 lDxc2 :bl
moreover remains preferable. 29 rJίid2?!
24 ••• ab 29 :b5!? with the idea of cas-
2S cb 1ΣΒΙ+ (D) tlίng, would have been more accu-
This is the crucial moment ίη the rate.
game. Now after the cοπect move 29 ••• :c8
26 Iιdl Iιxdl+ 27 'ii'xdl h5 28 30 :h3 :c4!
lDe3! (28lDxf6 'ilxf6 29 g3lDd8! Black is gaining time to transfer
30 b5 lDe6 31 'ii'xd6 Iιa8 32 ο-ο the rook to c7. Naturally, 31 f3, to-
lDd4 33 'ifxf6+ <3;xf6 34 .i.d3 :a3 tally excluding the h3-rook from
35 :dl :b3 =) 28 ... 'ii'd7 29lDd5 the game, cannot satisfy White.
Zapata' s chances would have been 31 ~d3 :c7
better. 32 Wd2 lDd8!
16 9... i.e7 10 i.xf6

The knight returns Ιο the game ίι was one of the best games he had
with decisive effect. After the cap- ever played. This duel took place
ture 33 :Ιχd6. 33 ... ~e6 has many soon after he had suffered a sen-
threats. sational defeat at the hands of a
33 i.e2 computer ίη London. Ά computer
34 :Ιc3 :Ιχc3 could never have found the idea of
35 'itiιxc3 ~Ι4 the exchange sacrifice', the World
36 :Ιd2 ~xg2 Champion remarked.
37 i.dl!
37 b5 i.xh4 38 ~a3 :Ιcl+ 39 Game2
'itiιb2 :Ιc8 loses quickly. Kasparov - Shirov
37 i.xh4 Horgen 1994
38 ~a3 :ΙcΙ+
39 ~c2 i.g5 1 e4 c5 2 ~f3 ~c6 3 d4 cd 4 ~xd4
40 :Ιχd6 h5 ~Ι6 5 ~c3 e5 6 ~db5 d6 7 i.g5
41 b5 a6 8 ~ b5 9 ~5 i.e7 10 i.xf6
Playing 41 Φb2 would have sig- i.xf6 11 c3 i.b7 12 ~c2 ~b8 13
nίficantly prolonged White's resis- a4 ba
tance. However, ίη this case as 14 :Ιχa4 (D)
well, after 41 ... h4 42 i.g4 :ιn ! 43
b5 :Ιχf2 44 b6! ~e3 45 b7 :Ιχc2+
46 Φbl :Ιc4! 47 b8'i1i' ~xg4 48
'iνb3 :Ιχe4 the pawn will inevita-
bly queen. Now we have a rapid
denouement. ..
41 h4
42 b6 h3
43 b7 h2
44 b8'i' hl 'ii'
45 :Ιd7 'iWel+
46 'itiιb2 'i'xe4
0-1 Β
Α more precise move than we
The next game made a huge im- saw ίη Game Ι. Αι first glance ίι
pression οη the entire chess world. seems Ιο have lίttle Ροίηι. What
Ιη an interview at the end of the could be so interestίng about such a
Zurich toumament, Kasparov saίd natural pawn capture? True, the
9... ~e7 10 i.xf6 17

slightly illogical nature of this Kasparov himself, this represents a

move draws attention Ιο itself. The typical positional exchange sacri-
black knight can speed Ιο c5, and fice. White does ηοΙ gain any kίnd
will now arήve there with a tempo. of profit immediately, a1though the
Οη b4 or c4 the rook is also ηοΙ strategic superiority of his posi-
supported for long. What, then, can ιίοη more than makes υρ for the
Kasparov have ίη mind? materialloss. What advantages are
14 ••• tt)d7 ίη question? Ιη the first place,
15 :b4 tt)cS (D) Black has lost his Iίght-squared
Bearing ίη mind the World bishop, which would have played a
Champion's next move, 15..':a7 large role ίη organizing a counter-
would have been better, with the attack. As a consequence of this,
idea of 16 ... ~a8 (ίι stands Ιο rea- the role of the blockading d5-
son that ·the exchange sacrifice knight has grown, and, as ίι has
doesn't have the same effect now: ηο opponents, ίι is more powerful
16 :xb7?! :xb7 17 ~xa6 :xb2), than the rook. Moreover, Black's
and ίη this situation the rook οη b4 lίght-squared bishop was ίη full
could find itself under attack ίη control of his teπίtοry. Secondly,
future. However, ίι was very hard the black knight is now (and, as ίι
Ιο foresee Kasparov's next move. tums ουΙ, υηΙil the end of the game)
excluded from play. Thus ίι is υη­
clear whether this is an exchange
sacrifice or winning two pieces for
So, White's plans have become
obvious, but ίι was ηοι easy ιο
come ΙΟ this paradoxical solution.
The abilίty ιο find such obscure
ideas marks ουΙ the outstanding
players from the merely good ones.
This novelty of Kasparov's is
one of the most important ίη the
W Sveshnikov ίη recent years.
16 :xb7!! 16 ... tt)xb7
Α thunderbolt from a clear sky! 17 b4!
Played ίη the style of Nimzo- Αη important Iίnk ίη White's
witsch, Petrosian, and indeed of plan. As we have already noted, ίι
18 9... ~e7 1() lLxf6

is οοΙ easy for the b7-knίght Ιο fiod a square away for the koight, and
its way ίοto the game, as ίι can οοlΥ ίο the secood place makes the ear-
do this via d8, but the queeo, whίch lier move 17 ...~g5 look poiotless.
occupies this square, does οοΙ have ΑΙΙ the same, he should have rec-
another comfortable spot. ogoized his mistake aod played ίι
17 ••• ~ι5?! aoyway.
If 17•••a5, theo 18 ~b5+ is very 23 ~cb6 :&2
uopleasaot. However, ίι was worth 24 ο-ο :d2?
thiolάng about 17...0-0, for exam- The black rook encroaches οη
ple, 18 ~a3 'ii'e8!? 19 ~c4 (19 his oppooent's position, but the
~c7 'ii'c6!) 19 ... ~d8 20 ~d3 a5 misfortuoe is that there is 00 ob-
21 ο-ο ab 22 cb 'ii'a4, and Black's jective for attack there, whίlst the
pieces are better placed than ίη the maio thing is that Black himself
game. drίves the opposing queeo οη ιο the
18 ~a3 offensive. 24••••a7 immediately
White has ηο need Ιο castle would have been better.
quickly, due Ιο hίs opponeot's lack
of counterplay, so he activates the
25 "f3
26 ~d7 (D)

second knight.
18 ο-ο
19 ~c4 a5
20 ~d3
Naturally the b4-pawo, whίch is
fulfilling the role of a watchman,
is ηοΙ going anywhere.
20 ab
21 cb 'ii'b8
22 h4!
Before castling ίι is useful Ιο
drίve off the bishop.
22 ~h6?! Β
This gives the impression that White begins to lay his cards
Shirov did realize the true daoger οη the table. Now if the attacked
of his position. The standard idea rook retreats Ιο a8 or d8, theo 27
22•• ~d8 is stronger. Of course, ίι ~e7+ ~h8 28 'ilxf7 (threateniog
is ηοΙ easy Ιο decide upoo thj.s 29 ~f8) 28 ... g6 29 ~f6 ~g7 30
move, whίch ίι the first place takes ~e8 leads inevitably Ιο mate. If
9... J.e7 10 bj6 19

26••JΣe8, then 27 J.b5 is very 31 'ii'xh7 ':xc4

strong, while 26•••'ii'83 is refuted 32 'ii'g8+ Φd7
by 27 tΔe7+ and 28 tΔxf8. There- 33 tΔb6+ Φe7
fore Black must return the ex- 34 tΔxc4 "ifc5
change. 35 ':al 'ii'd4
26 tΔd8 36 .:a3
27 tΔxf8 ΦχΙ8 37 tΔe3 1-0
28 b5
The b-pawn, so fruitfully em- This little masterpiece will υη­
ployed οη Μ, now rushes forward. doubtedly end υρ ίη all the chess
28 'ii'a3 manuals. However ίι can ίη ηο way
Black's attempt Ιο exchange have any pretensions towards be-
queens is unsuccessful. ing a refutatίon of the opening νarί­
29 'ii'f5 atίon. The game is an illustratίon of
Kasparov leaves his bishop Ιο how important it is Ιο notice the
the mercy of fate, because ίη reply opening nuances and know how Ιο
Ιο a capture οη d3, there follows an make use of them. Shirov got away
interestίng double strike: 30 'ii'd7 with the knight's positίon οη b7
with the threat of 31 'ii'e7 + and 31 against Zapata, but Kasparov made
"ifxd8#. full use of the unhappy positίon of
29 ςt>e8 that piece.
30 J.c4 ':c2 (D) Α more prevalent continuatίon
for Black οη his 11 th move is Ιο
castle. However, Shirov nevertbe-
less retums Ιο his favοuήte bishop
move Ιο b7. ΑΙΙ his pieces interact
magnificently with each other.

Tiviakov - Shirov
Oαkham 1992

1 e4 c5 2 tΔf3 tΔc6 3 d4 cd 4 tΔxd4

tΔΙ6 5 tΔc3 e5 6 tΔdb5 d6 7 J.g5
a6 8 tΔB3 b5 9 tΔd5 J.e7 10 J.xf6
20 9... J.e7 10 J.xf6

The most popular continuation. making use of this factor is ηοΙ so

Otherwise: easy.
a) Froloν's attempt to breathe a) 12 fΔXΙ6+ gf (D) and now:
new life ίηΙο 11 c4 deserνes atten-
ιίοη. After 11 •••b4 12lbc2:
al) 12•••a5 13 lbxf6+ 'ii'xf6 14
J.e2 ο-ο 15 ο-ο 1:Σd8 16 'ii'd2 J.e6
17 b3 1:Σab8 (17 ... 'fIe7 is more pre-
cise) 18 1:Σfd 1 1:Σd7 19 'ii'e3 and
White has a small positional adνan­
tage. Frolov- Yakoνich, Moscow
a2) Things tumed out better for
Black ίη the game Froloν-Ikon­
nikov, Schwabisch Gmϋnd 1994:
12••• 1:Σb8 13 J.e2 ο-ο 14 ο-ο J.g5 W
15 J.g4 J.e6 16 b3 'ii'd7 17 h3 g6 al) 13 fΔc2:
18 a3 f5 19 ef gf 20 J.h5 ba 21 all) 13••• J.b7 14 J.d3 f5!? 15
1:Σχa3 'it>h8 22 'iVd3 a5 23 1:ΣdΙ 'fIg7 ef J.χg2161:ΣgΙ J.b717 a4, butnow
24 'ife2 1:Σg8. ίη Brodsky-Osipoν, USSR 1991,
b) Ljubojeνic's attempt Ιο de- White managed Ιο achieνe an ad-
νelop the bishop οη g2 was ηοΙ par- νantage after 17•••'δ'b6?! 18 ab ab
ticularly successful. After 11 g3 19 1:Σxa8+ J.xa8 20 fΔe3, but Black
ο-ο 12 J.g2 J.g5 13 ο-ο fΔe7 14 shonld haνe continued 17•••ba 18
fΔxe7 'Wixe7 15 c3 1:Σb8 16 fΔc2 a5 1:Σχa4 d5 with an unclear game.
17 1:ΣeΙ J.e6 18 fΔe3 J.xe3 19 a12) Black tested 13••• d5 ίη the
1:Σχe3 1:Σfc8 20 'iVd2 1:Σb6 21 J.f1 h6 game Berset-Shabaloν, Saint Mar-
22 a4 J.c4 23 ab J.xf1 24 1:Σχf1 ιίη 1993, but after 14 a4 ba 15 fΔe3
1:Σχb5 the game was leνel, Ljubo- de 16 'ii'xa4+ 'Wid7 17 J.b5 ab 18
jeνic-Illescas, Linares (3) 1993. 'ii'xa8+ he had ηο compensation
11 ••• ο-ο for the loss of the exchange.
The standard knight manoeuvre a2) The game Κriνets-Mikhe­
11••• fΔe7 is also possible, although vic. Bled 1994, deνeloped thus: 13
ίη this case one reaches a position 'ilf3 f5 14 ef J.xf5 15 J.d3 J.e6 16
from the νariation 10 fΔxe7 fΔxe7 ο-ο ο-ο 17 J.c2 f5 18 J.b3 'ili'd7 19
11 J.xf6 gf ίη which White has :Ladl J.xb3 20 ab and White had
gained a move (c2-c3). However, somewhat the better chances.
9... i..e7 10.t.xf6 21

a3) The Latvian player Lanka ':c8 =Acharia-Ripatbin, Calcutta

uses the move 13 .t.e2 quite suc- 1994.
cessfully, for example, 13 ... .t.b7 b22) 13•••.t.e614 'it'c6+Φe715
14 .t.f3 f5 15 ef d5 16 g3 lbxf5 17 lbe3 'ίWc8 16 'tiib6 ':b8 17 'tiia5
lbc2 and now 17......d618 a4 ba 19 'ii'd7 18 1:tdl ± Lopez-Berset, Gen-
1:txa4 a5 20 ο-ο ο-ο 21 'ikd2 ;t eνa 1994.
Lanka-Chevalίer, France 1990, or 12 lbc2 i..b7 (D)
17••.0-018 ο-ο a5 19 .t.g2 'iWd6 20
1:tel .t.c6 21 'it'h5 ± Lanka-Muse,
Germany 1994.
b) Ιη some case White aνoids
exchanging οη f6, Ρrefeπίηg ίη­
stead 12lbc2 (D):

Ζ • .ιit].. •..
. . .


. . ...
•_ .
.. J":\
t.z.J ~~

• ;X:;JJ:fi; ΒΔ-
_ _ •f?f;m 13 i..e2
~ L.Levitt-Volodin, corr 1991/2

;\Q~ r:f~ "Δ"
~ Ώ2
continued 13 g3!? lbb8 14 i..g2
lbd7 15 ο-ο .t.g5 16 f4!? ef 17 gf
"~ ...~ .t.h6 18lbce3 g6 19 'ii'g4 i..g7 20
Β 1:tad 1, and White' s pieces occupied
bl) 12••..t.b7 13lbce3 .t.g5 14 magnificent positions.
lbxe7 i..xe7 15 lbd5 ο-ο 16 i..e2 The continuation 13 a4 occuπed
':c8 17 ο-ο ':c5 18 b4 1:tc8 19 a4 ίnΜaliakin-Gagaήn, USSR 1991,
i..xd5 20 'ii'xd5 ':xc3 21 ab ab 22 Ιο Black's adνantage: 13 ... ba 14
1:ta7 ;t Kholmov-Horak, Pardubice ':xa4 lbb8! 15 i..c4 lbd7 16 ο-ο
1994. lbc5 17 ':a2 lbxe4 18 'ikf3 lbd2
b2) 12••• lbxdS 13 "'xdS with (theonlymoνe; 18 ... lbc5? 19b4e4
two possibilities for Black: 20 lbxf6+ loses) 19lbxf6+ 'Wxf6
b21) 13•••1:tb8 14lbb4 i..b7 15 20 'ikxb7 lbxc4 21 1:txa6? ':ab8.
'ikd3 ο-ο 16 i..e2 .t.g5 17 lbd5 f5 Maliakin could haνe maintained
18 .t.f3 g6 19 ο-ο Φh8 201:tadl the balance by means of 21 b3!
22 9... j.e7 1 Ο j.xJ6

lbd2 (21 ...1:ιfb8 22 1:ιχa6! +-) 22 c5, where ίι will have an active
1:ιdl 1:ιab8 23 'ii'd5lbxb3 241:ιχa6. influence over the centre.
(Typesetter'sNote: 24 ...1:ιfd8 keeps 15 "'d3
the extra pawn, e.g. 25 1Ixd6 1:ιχd6 Attempts Ιο move play to the
26 'Wxd6 1fxd6 27 1:ιχd6lbd4! 28 queenside immediately will not be
lbellbe2+, etc.). successful for White: 15 a4 ba 16
13 1t'g4 deserves attention, for 1:ιχa4lbd7 17 b4lbb6 :f.
example, 13 ..•~g5 141:ιdl j.c8 15 15 j.g41:ιa7 is also possible:
'ii'e2 f5 16 h4 ~h6 17 ef j.xf5 18 g4 a) 16 a4 ba 17 :xa4 lbd7 18
j.xc2 19 "ii'xc2 g6 20 g5 ;!; Morten- j.xd7 'Wxd7 19lbcb4 a5! (l9 ... f5
sen-Κharlov, Copenhagen 1993. 20 ef 'Wxf5 21 'We2 a5 22 'Wxb5
Αη original pawn sacrifice oc- j.xd5 23 lbxd5 +-) 20 'Wal 'Wb5
curred ίη Berelovich-Chemiaev, with chances for both sides (L.Lev-
Sochi 1993. After 13 h4 lbe7 14 itt).
lbxf6+ gf 15 j.d3 Wh8 16 lbe3 b) 16"'d3lbd717 ~xd7'Wxd7
Black should have played 16 ... f5!, 181:ιadl (18 c4?! bc 19 'Wxc4 :c8
and if 17 ef, then the cold-blooded with the idea of j.xd5) 18 ... a5
17 ... f6 with the idea of continuing (18 ... g6!?) 19 'ii'g3 "'d8! 20 lbce3
... d6-d5. Black is better despite his g6 21lbf5 with an unclear game,
small material deficit. Ν ovik-Chekhov, Leningrad 1991.
13 j.g5 However, 21 c4! would have given
14 ο-ο lbb8 (D) White an advantage.
15 lbd7
16 1:ιfdΙ lbc5
17 "'f3 g6
18 lbce3 Wh8
Α necessary preparatory move.
The huπίed 18•.,f5? doesn't work
because of 19 ef gf 20 lbxf5 e4?
21 lbde7+! j.xe7 22 1IIg4+ Wf7
(22 ... j.g5 23 1:ιχd6 +-) 23 'Wg7+
Φe8 24 j.h5+ Wd7 25 1:ιχd6+ and
White is winning.
19 j.f1 1:ιθ7!?
Agaίn the premature 19.••f5?!
20 ef gf 21 lbxf5 ~c8 22 g4 gives
ηο compensation for the lost pawn.
9... R.e7 10 i.x.f6 23

Now this move already threatens, R.xc4 bc 24 ll1xc4 R.xd5 25 ed f5

for example, 20 g3 f5! 21 ef gf 22 26 ll1a5 would have led to a com-
tbxf5 e4 23 'iί'g4 ftxf5 24 'ilfxf5 plex ρosition with roughly even
R.c8, and the queen has unexpect- chances.
edly fallen into a trap. 21 a4 ba
20 b4 (D) 22 ':xa4 f5
23 ':a5
Αη interestίng variation arises
after 23 ':dal R.f4 24 ef gf 25
R.xa6? .:xa6 26 ':xa6 R.xe3 27 fe
ll1g5 28 'ilfdlll1h3+!! and now:
a) 29 gh ':g8+ 30 Φh1 (30 Φfl
will be examined below) 30 .. : .g5
31 'ii'f3 'ii'xe3!! -+.
b) 29 Φη 'fί'h4 30 gh (30 ft6a2
R.a6+ and 30 'ilfd2 R.xd5 win for
Black) 30 ....:g8 31 ':6a2 (31 'ii'f3
R.xa6+ 32 ':xa6 'iί'c4+ 33 'ii'e2
Β 'ti'xd5 -+) 31 .. :.e4! -+.
20 ... tbe6?! Instead of the text move, 23 R.c4
20... ltJa4 21 c4 tbb2 was better, was also ρossible, strengthening
after whίch it would not be easy for the important d5-square.
White to maίntaίn the ba1ance. He 23 R.h4!
gets a diffιcult ρositίon after: Shirov unambiguously demon-
a) 22 ZΙd2 tbxc4 23 tbxc4 bc 24 strates his aggressive intentions
:Ιdd1 R.xd5 25 :Ιχd5 :Ιc7. οη the kίngside.
b) 22 ftdc1f5! 23 cb fe 24 'iWxe4 24 ef gf
ab 25 R.xb5 R.xd5 26 'ilfxd5 ftaf7. 25 ll1xf5 tbf4 (D)
c) 22 :ΙdbΙ tbxc4 and now: Α cήtica1 posίtion.
c 1) 23 tbxc4 R.xd5 24 tbxd6 26 tbxh4?
'ilfxd6 25 ZΙd1. Tίviakov has underestimated the
c2) 23 R.xc4 bc 24 tbxc4 R.xd5 danger posed by Black's threats.
25 ed e4! 26 'ii'xe4 R.f6 27 ll1b2 He should have continued 26
':e8. 'ii'e3! ':xf5 27 'ilfxa7 tbh3+! (not
d) Therefore the οηlΥ accept- 27 ... R.xd5? 28 g3 +-) 28 gh 'ilfg8+
able possibilίty was to continue (28 ... R.xf2+? 29 'ifxf2 ':xf2 30
22 ':el!, after which 22 ... ll1xc4 23 ΦΧf2 +-) 29 R.g2 (29 Φh1 ? R.xf2)
24 9... i.e7 10 J.xj6

·&. ••
- ,. ~
,~ ~ ~
31 ••• Φχg7

-. - -
• .t.8 •
_. 32 %Σχe5 ifc8!
Shiroν νery accurately realizes
his material adνantage. From c8

~ ."'~~.
the queen poses threats ίη eνery
~~_ijr47~~ii~ direction.
Ώ;; • ,. ~ 33 %Σe7+

.. •



29 ...%Σg5 30 'ii'xb7 %Σχg2+ 31 ΦhΙ

Nor can White be saνed by 33
%Σg5+ Φh6 34 tΔf3 'ilxc3, and now
he cannot aνoid fresh material
34 .J:.xf7+
i.xf2 32 'ίi'b8! "ίWxb8 33 <iiιxg2 35 i.d5+ 'it.i>f8
i.h4, although Black's chances are 36 tΔg2 'ii'g4
still somewhat preferable. 37 ':d2 'ίi'g5
26 ••• lbxd5! 0-1
27 'iWh5 The continuation 12 ... i.g5 also
If27 'ίi'g3, then 27 ... lbf4, and ηο allows White Ιο begin play imme-
defence is νisible Ιο 28 ... %Σg8. diately οη the queenside by means
27 lbf4 of 13 a4. Black, as a rule, prepares
28 'ifh6 %ΣΙ6 a counterattack οη the kingside.
29 'ii'g5 i.xg2!
The conclusiνe blow, based οη Game4
the fact that the a7-rook unexpect- Petrushin - Belίkov
edly comes ίηΙΟ the game from the Podolsk 1992
30 i.xg2 %Σg7 1 e4 c5 2 tΔΙ3 tΔc6 3 d4 cd 4 tΔxd4
31 "iWxg7 tΔΙ6 5 tΔc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 i.g5
The white queen has neνerthe­ a6 8lba3 b5 9lbd5 i.e7 10 i.xf6
less fallen ίηΙο a trap. IfWhite now i.xf6 11 c3 ο-ο 12 tΔc2
tries 31 'iVxeS then Black replies 12 ••• i.g5 (D)
31 ...lbh3+ 32 ~fl (32 <ithllbxf2+ 13 a4
33 ..ttgl lbxdl and Black wins) Α principled ~tinuation, with
33.. .1ΣχΩ+ 34 ~el 'iVxh4, and there which White quickly begins play
is ηο defence ιο the deadly discoν­ against Black's weak pawns οη the
ered check. queenside.
9... .te7 10 bj6 25

- -.-•
~.~ ~ ~.~
~.~ Ι. ~ Ι.
lbe7 18 lbb4 [5 19 .txb5, and
Black's counterplay scarcely made

• - .-•
~ ~ ~ υρ for the 10ss of the pawn.

I..~.. 14 1Σχa4 a5
~.~ Ι. ~.~ltJ~ ~ After the move 14•••1Σb8, Tivia-
~ ~.Δ. kov-Degraeve, Oakham 1992 saw
15 'ii'al a5 16 .tc4 ..tί>h8 17 ο-ο [5
~.~ ~ ~.~
~U~c:f~ 18 ef .txf5 19 lbce3 .tg6 20 1Σd 1
ΔR J":\. • '{f1if: Δ ~ '/,", e4 21 .tf1 lbe5 22 1Σd2 with a
~~. ~ ~ ~ ~
"u ~.% illlι~..t~.'~.:
.B~ ~
small but solid advantage Ιο White,
while Shmuter, against Cherniaev
W at Sochi 1993, Ρrefeπed 15 b4, but
It's also worth looking at the line Black equalized easily: 15 ... a5 16
13 h4 .th614 g4 .tf4! 15 'ii'f3 '::'e8 .tc4 .td7 17 '::'a3 .te6 18 1Σb3
(15 ....te6 is possible) 16.te2lbe7 ..tί>h8 19 ο-ο 'ίWd7 20 'ίWd3 1/2-1/2.
17 lbxf4 ef 18 0-0-0 .tb7 19 'ii'xf4 After 14•••.tb7 15 .tc4lba5 16
lbg6 20 'ii'g3 .txe4 21 .tf3 .txf3 .ta2 .tc6, Zagrebelny-Beshukov,
22 'ii'xf3 with a small advantage ιο Alushta 1994, tested the continu-
White, Marusenko-Keehner, Nor- ation 17 '::'a3 .tb5 18 lbde3 (the
wich 1994. preliminary 18 h4! is better, and
13 .te2 is rather toothless, for then 18 ... .th6 19 lbce3 .txe3 20
instance, 13•• ..te6 14 ο-ο lbe7 15 lbxe3 '::'c8 21 [3 ;t Ljubojevic-Sa-
a4 ba 16 '::'xa4 .txd5 17 ed a5 18 lον, Barcelona 1989) 18 ... 1Σc8 19
lba3 [5 19lbc4 e4 = Serper-Chek- b4 .txe3 20 lbxe3 lbc4 21 .txc4
hov, Frunze 1988, or 13•.•.tb7 14 .txc4 22lbxc4 1Σχc4 23 'ii'd5 'iνc8
ο-ο lbb8 15 c4 (15 .tg4 was better) 1/2-1/2. Κiselev-Novik, St. Peters-
15 ... bc 16 .txc4lbd7 17 lbce3 lbc5 burg 1994, featured the interesting
18 f3 g6 19 'ii'ellbe6 20 'ίWf2lbd4 17 '::'b4!? lbb7 18 h4! .th6 19 g4
:j: Lukianov-Chemiaev, Arkhan- .tf4 20 lbxf4 ef 21 f3lbc5 22 1Σd4
gelsk 1993. "i/e7 23 'iνd2 .ta4! 24 lbal 1Σab8
13 •.. ba with an unclear game.
After 13•• .1Ib8 the weakness of 15 .tc4 1Σb8
the b5-pawn makes itself felt. This 16 b3
theoretical conclusion was once With this move White strength-
more underlined ίη the duel Κri­ ens the position of his bishop as
vets-Koglin, Bled 1994: 14 ab ab well as defending his b-pawn.
15 .td3 .te6 16 'ίWe2 .txd5 17 ed 16 ••• .te6 (D)
26 9 ... ~e7 Ι Ο J.xj6

Α tense struggle arose after worse, with an advantage Ιο Whίte.

16••• <;tιh8 17 ο-ο g6 18 b4 .td7 19 However,19••.:tb7 deserves atten-
%ta3 .th6 20 1Wal ab 21 cb .tg7 22 ιίοη.
%ta6 iVh4 23 b5 lDd4 24 lDxd4 ed 20 lDdc7
25 'iWbl ίη the game Zagrebelny- Αη unclear game follows 20
Rogozenko, Alushta 1994. Thanks 'iWe2 f5 21 ef gf 22 %tdl. Here from
Ιο hίs outside passed pawn White's the two possible knίght moves, one
chances are preferable. most lίkely should make the other
choice, 20 lDbc7.
20 .txc4
21 ':xc4 %tfd8
22 'iWd5 ':b6 (D)
Black should ηοΙ be seduced by
the tempting 22•••lDe7? ίη view of
23 'iί'xΠ ':xb5 24 lDe6 lDg8 25

17 ο-ο ιJih8
18 lDa3!?
After 18 'ilί'e2 g6!? 19 %tfal .td7!
20 .tb5!? %txb5! 21 'iWxb5lDd4 22
'iWxa5 lDxc2 23 %t 1a2 'iί'b8 24 h4
.txh4 25 ':xc2 .txa4 26 'iί'xa4,
Semeniuk-Belίkov, Orel1992, the
situatίon οη the board is quite tense W
ίη spite of the lίmίted number of 23 Ι4!
pieces remaίning. White has a If White tries Ιο execute f2-f4
passed pawn, and Black has coun- under more favourable condίtίons,
terplay οη the kίngside. Black has time Ιο prepare, νίΖ. 23
18 ••• g6 g3 ~g8! 24 f4 .tf6 25 fe .txe5,
19 lDb5 'ilί'd7 and the f7-pawn is defended.
19•••lDe7 20 lDbc7! .td7 21 %ta2 23 .txf4
lDxd5 22lDxd5 f5 23 ef gf 24 f4! is 24 g3 .te3+
9....i.e7 10.i.xjδ 27

25 ~g2 ~g8 30 :xc6 :xc6 31 1i'xc6 1i'dl!!.

26 :f6 Now taking the bishop leads Ιο a
White should have developed perpetual check: 32 lL!xc7 1i'd2+
the initiative by means of 26 'ild3 33 'l;f3 1i'd3+ 34 'l;g4 'ii'dl+ 35
.i.g5 27 h4 .i.e7 28 ι[)d5! :xb5 29 'l;g5 'ii'd8+, and ηοΙ 36 1i'f6 be-
:xc6 :b7 30 'ii'c4, for example, cause of36 ... h6+. Petrushin should
30...:f8 31 b4 ab 32 cb 'l;g7 33 b5 have resigned himself Ιο a drawish
.i.d8 34 b6 f5 35 :c8 f4361i'c6!, outcome and gone ίηΙο this vari-
aπd ίι is ηοΙ easy for Black Ιο de- ation or a repetition of moves with
fend himself. 29 'ii'd31i'c8 30 'ifd5 'ii'g4.

·•..- •••
26 .i.g5 (D) 29 ... bc7
After 29...1i'c8 30 1i'd5 "'g4 the

position is repeated. But now Bel-

• •~ .... ι.ι ikov rejects a peaceful outcome.

..... -•
30 lL!xc7 (D)
•• Ri~.·

8"l.J ~
'$;'9# .... _
~""~ _
Δ. *ff~ .Θ:

.- .
W$'# Δ B~
~ ~
~, ,!?
~ ~
Ζ· η/!ί/'

•• W'~ .rδ-,~
• .WU
27 :xd6 'ii'g4
28 :xd8+
The iollowing line would have
led Ιο a draw: 28 'it'd3 :xd6 29
lL!xd6 :xb3 30 1i'c2! lL!d4! 31 30 lL!d4!
:xd4 (31 cd 1i'0+ 32 'l;h3 1i'h5+; Α spectacular piece sacήfice,
31 'ilf2 :b2! 32 'ilxb2 'ii'f3+) which, although ίι doesn't change
3I ... ed 32 'ii'xb3 'ile2+ 33 'l;h3 the assessment of the position, pre-
1i'h5+. sents White with several tricky
28 ... .i.xd8 problems.
29 'it'd2 31 cd 1i'xe4+
Black has aπ interesting defen- 32 ~gl :xb3
sive resource after 29 Φf2 .i.xc7 33 :c1!
28 9... J.e7 1 Ο J.xj6

33 lbe8 loses Ιο 33 ... ':bl + 34 44 <it>g2 'iIIa2+

<it>f2 'iWf5+ 35 <it>e3 ed+ 36 ':xd4 45 <it>gl 'iνe6
':b3+ 37 ':d3 'ii'e6+. 46 'iIId4+ 'iIIf6
33 ed 47 'iVd5 'iIIf5
34 ':et ':bl 48 'iνd4+ 'iIIf6
35 ':xbl 'iνxbl+ 49 'iVd5 'illb2
36 'iPf2 a4 50 h5! 'iIIbl+
37 'iνxd4 51 Φg2 'iIIc2+
White should perhaps ηοΙ have 52 ΦgΙ 'iIIc3
parted company with his knight. 1/"_1/,,
The continuation 37lba6! 'ii'hl 38
'ii'xd4 'ii'xh2+ 39 <it>f3, with a per- Conclusion
petual check, doesn't look so bad. Ιη the games ίη this first chapter,
37 'iνc2+ White's hopes are linked with play
38 <it>gl 'iIIxc7 οη the queenside (ίη many cases
39 'iIIxa4 'iIIcl + this is accounted for by the fact that
40 <it>g2 'iIId2+ Black does ηοΙ hinder a2-a4) and ίη
41 <it>f3 'iVb2 the centre. Black prepares an as-
Capturing οη h2 gives nothing, sault οη the kingside. But ίη gen-
as now White can give a perpetual eral this means that play is spread
check, for example 41 ... 'iVxh2 42 over the whole board. As we can
'iWe8+ <it>g7 43 'ii'e5+ [6 44 'iWc7+ see, the engagement turns ίηΙο a
<it>h6 45 'iWf4+. full-blooded battle, and he who is
42 'iνe4 <it>g7 the more inventive and resourceful
43 h4 'iIIal will be the victor.
2 9...~e710 .txf6; 12....:ϊb8

Quite often Black does ηοΙ allow

his opponent Ιο play the automatic
a2-a4 so easily, by adopting the pre-
cautionary ... .:ta8~b8. Ιη this case
White must devote more attention
Ιο the centre and kingside.
Ιη a tense battle Black's chances
aren't Ιοο bad (as Black's chances
go). The light-squared bishop does
ηοΙ play its previous role (as ίη
Game 3, for instance), which often
tums ουΙ better for his opponent. W
Kamsky demonstrates this plan 13 -*.e2
by exchanging this bishop even at This plan, linked with immedi-
the price of apparently strength- ate pressure οη the d6-pawn, was
ening Black's pawn cenιre. The conceived ίη A.Sokolov-Vaiser,
Αmeήcan Grandmaster's play is Reunion 1991: 13 'ifd3 ..tg5 14
more profound, ηοΙ using the par- l1dl f5 (if 14...-*.e6 then 15 ~cb4
ticular weakness of d5, but of the ~xb4 16 ~xb4 .:tb6 17 ..te2~) 15
pawn centre as a whole. ~de3 f4 (ίι is a mistake to swap
prematurely οη e3: 15 ...-*.xe3 16
Game5 ~xe3 f4 17 ~f5 ±) 16 ~f5 and
Kaιnsky - Lputian now 16.....txfS 17 ef 'ii'b6 18 ..te2
Biel ΙΖ 1993 l1bd8 19 -*.f3l:Δe7 20 h4 ..th6 21
~b4l:Δf5 22 ~d5! 'ifa7 23 ..te4 g6
1 e4 cS 2 ~f3 ~c6 3 d4 cd 4 ~xd4 24 h5, and here 24 .. .ι~)g7 25 'iVh3
eS 5 ~bS d6 6 ~1c3 a6 7 ~a3 bS .:th8 26 -*.xf5 gf 27 1i'xf5 .:thf8
8 ~dS ~f6 9 ..tgS ..te.7 10 ..txf6 would have left Black with good
..txf6 11 c3 ο-ο 12 ~c2 defensive possibilitίes.
12 ••• 1%b8 (D) With a different move order,
Α prophylactic move, directed the position after 16 l:Δf5 arose ίη
against 13 a4. the game Ioseliani-Cholushkina,
30 9... ~e7 !o~; 12... :b8

Manila wom OL 1992. Here the 1992. After 20 ... ~b3 21 1Id7! tlJg6
Ukrainian player moved more en- 22 g3 White's chances are prefer-
ergetica11y with 16•••d5. After 17 able. Also 16 a3 tlJe7 17 tlJce3
h4 de 18 'iνxe4 ~xf5 19 'iνxc6, she tlJxd5 18 tlJxd5 g6 19 b4 f5 20 ~f3
could by means of 19 ... 'it'e8 have 'ltth8 ίη Brodsky-Beshukov, Hel-
seized the initiative. sinki 1992, led only Ιο equality.
White may try 13 ~d3, for ex- 14 ••• a5
ample 13••• ~g5 14 ο-ο ~e6 15 a4 Taking the b4-square away from
ba 16 tlJdb4ll)e7 17 ~xa6 f5 18 ef the knight and preparing ...b5-b4.
1Ixf5 19 ~d3 :f6 20 :xa4 d5 with 15 tlJce3
compensation for the pawn, Nik- 15 'ii'd3 is sti11 an altemative.
olenko-Dolmatov, Moscow 1992, Mikhalets- Τίιον, Alushta 1994, de-
or 13•••~e6 14 tlJce3 ~g5 15 ο-ο veloped thus: 15 ... ~e6 16 tlJce3 g6
tlJe7 16 ~c2 ~xe3 17 tlJxe3 b4 17 1Ifdl 'ii'd7 18 b4 f5 19 a4 ba 20
with equality, Aseev-Yakovich, b5 fe 21 'iνxe4 'YJif7 22 ~c4 'YJixf2+
St. Petersburg 1993. 23 'ltth 1 tlJd8 24 :a2 'Wif7 and
13 ~g5 (D) Black gained a maΙeήal advantage,
although the position is quite tense.
15 ••• ~e6 (D)
15...tlJe7 16 'Wid3 ~xe3 17 tlJxe3
'iί'b6 18 :fd 1 :d8 19 a4 ba 20 tlJc4
is ηο! bad, and ίη this position from
011-Yakovich, Moscow 1992, the
players agreed a draw.

14 ο-ο
Ιη this situation ίι is again ηο!
necessary Ιο hurry ίηΙο castling, for
example, 14 'Wd3 a5 15 1Idl ~e6
16 tlJce3 ~xe3 17 tlJxe3 ~xa2 18
'ii'xd6 'ii'xd6 19 1Ixd6 tlJe7 20 ο-ο
Lanka- Κoivisto, Cappelle la Grande
9... .te7 10.tx,{6; 12... :b8 31

16 ~d3 .txe3 Α position of dynamic equilib-

After 16...lL\e7 a position arises rium has arisen. Lputian should
from the game Κi.Georgieν- V.Spa- now haνe continued 20•• :iνc7, for
soν, Sofia 1992. This continued 17 example 21 ~xe6 fe 22 a4 b4 (bet-
1:fdllL\xd5 18lL\xd5 'ifd7 19 'fIg3 ter than 22 23 'ffc4 'ifxc4 24
.td8 20 b3! Φh8 (20 ...1:c8!?) 21 liJxc4 d5 25 ed ed 26 lL\xe5 1:xb2
c4 bc 22 .txc4 g6 (22 ... a4!?) 23 27 1:xa4, when the endgame is
f4!? ef 24 'ίi'xf4 f5! with chances somewhat better for White) 23 c4
for both sides. 'fIc5 24 ':'d2lL\c6, and eνerything
17 lL\xe3 "d7 is ίη order for Black.
Α more precise moνe ίη com- 20 :bc8?!
parison with the quickplay game This moνe allows White Ιο real-
Kamsky-Iνanchuk, Tilburg 1992, ize his strategic plan with great en-
where Black continued 17••:iWc7, ergy.
which was followed by 18 1:fdl 21 .txe6 fe
1:fd8 19 .tg4lL\e7 20 'ife2 d5 21 22 a4!
.txe6 fe 22 'ίWg4 1:b6 23 'iί'g3 1:c6 Now if 22...b4, then 23 cb ab 24
with a sharp game. lL\c4 and Black is ίη a truly sorry
18 h3 state.
Preparing to exchange the light- 22 ••. ba
squared bishop. 23 'ilc2(D)
18 1:fd8 Of course ηοΙ 23 lL\c4 'ifb5 24
19 .tg4 liJe7 liJxd6 'fIxb2, with a good game for
20 1:fdl (D) Black.

32 9... i.e7 10 i.xj6; 12.. :J:J.b8

23 000 ':b8? now ηοΙ 28 ...'ii'xc3 because of 29

Α terήble mistake, after which ':c2.
Black's game goes quickly down- 27 'Wxb5 ':xb5
hill. He should haνe continued 28 lΩxd6 (D)
23ooo'Wb5, and after 24 ':d2 d5 25
'iVxa4 'Wxa4 26 ':xa4 ':c5 he could
still haνe held οη.
24 lbc4 ~5
25 'iVxa4
There are ιοο many weaknesses
ίη Black's camp: οη a5, d6 and e5.
25 000 lΩc6
26 ':d2!
Α precise precautionary moνe.
Ιι would be easy Ιο let go of one's
adνantage after 26 lΩxd6 'ii'xa4 27
':xa4 ':xb2, or 26 'iWa2 d5 27 ed ed Β
281Ωxa5 lΩxa5 29 'iWxa5 'iWxb2 30 Besides the fact that White has
':xd5 'Wxal+ 31 'ίi'xal ':xd5. an extra pawn, the weaknesses ίη
26 ':d7 (D) Black's position are maintained.
Howeνer, ίη order ΙΟ win Kamsky
must oνercome definite technical
28 ':b8
29 ':adl 'ίti>Ι8
30 lΩc4
lη time trouble, Kamsky aims for
simplification. 30 'ίti>f1 was more
exact, moνing his king towards the
30 ':xd2
31 ':xd2 We7
W 32 h4
Ιι is ηοΙ possible ΙΟ
escape losses Again 32 Φf1 would haνe been
with other continuations either, better, because he could then meet
for example, 26oood5 27 lΩxa5, or the manoeuνre ....:b8-b5-c5 with
26oo:iνc5 27lUxa5 ':a8 28 b4!, and We2-d3, defending the knight.
9... J.e7 10 J.x.f6: 12...1:tb8 33

32 1Ib5 44 1182
33 ~η 1IcS 44 g3 fol1owed by f3-f4 de-
34 lt!b6?! serves attention.
The knight is a little more com- 44 h6!
fortable οη e3. 45 1Ia4 g5
34 lt!b8 46 hg hg
35 f3 1Ic6 47 cS g4
36 lt!a4 lt!d7 Black's οηlΥ chance lies ίη re-
37 Φe2 lt!f6 sisting his opponent's attack οη
38 b3 lt!e8 the queenside. However, thίs too
39 c4 lt!c7 seems insufficient.
40 Φd3?! (D) 48 fg! ΦΙ6
As so often happens, a time-con- 49 b4 ab+
trol move is a mistake. He should It was worth trying for a happier
have continued with 40 1182, and if outcome with 49•••lt!xb4 50 1Ixa5
40 ... lt!a6, then 41 lt!b2 1Ib6 42 (50 lt!xb4 1Ixc5+ leads quickly to a
1:txa5 1:txb3 43lt!d3 lt!b4 44lt!xe5 draw) 50... lt!c6 51 1Ia6, although
winning. here as wel1 White preserves win-

•••,. - -•
ning chances.
50 lt!xb4 lt!a7
51 lt!d3 lt!c8

~.κ ~ ~ ~ι
~ ι.
52 1Ia6
53 1Ia8
.~ .~~.~ 54 Φb4 Φg5
~ ~ 55 lt!xe5 Φf4
"l..J~ _ ~ %'
56 lt!c4! Φχg4

.Δ.~.Δ. Unfortunately for Black, the re-

α .Δ.

ponse 56•••Φχe4 is impossible be-
cause Whίte would play 57 1Ixc8
1Ixc8 58lt!d6+.
Β 57 lt!d6 lt!e7
40 ... lt!a6 58 Φb5 ΦΙ4
41 Φc3 1Ic7 59 1Ia6 eS?
Of course not 41•••lt!c7, because The final eποr. ΟηΙΥ 59•••ΦeS
of 42 c5, followed by Φc3-c4. would have prolonged the contest.
42 lt!b2 lt!b4 60 11&3! lt!g6
43 lt!d3 lt!c6 61 Φb6 1-0
34 9... j.e7 10~; 12.. .'IJ.b8

Ιη the following battle the Lat- moνe his bishop quickly Ιο the c 1-
νian Grandmaster Shiroν directs h6 diagonal. This is how ίι tumed
the white pieces with great success. ουΙ: 13••• j.g5 14 h4 j.h6 15 g3
Moreoνer, ίl1 contrast Ιο the 'black' j.e6 16 lbcb4 j.xd5 17 lbxd5 a5
Shiroν, a scandalously composed 18 b4 a4 19 j.h3 g6 20 ο-ο with a
troublemaker, here he plays ίη big positional adνantage Ιο White.
stήctΙΥ posίtional mode. Complex 14 h4
prophylactic measures (13 a3 and Νοι allowing the black bishop
14 h4) lead quick1y Ιο success. the possibility of occupying an ac-
tiνe position οη g5. Naturally, the
Game6 pawn is unassailable: 14 ... j.xh4??
Shirov - Illescas 15 'ίWh5.
Linares 1994 Bologan treated this position ίη
a different way against Redona,
1 e4 c5 2lbf3lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4 France 1994: 14 j.d3 j.e6 15 'ίWe2
e5 5 lbb5 d6 6 lblc3 a6 7 lba3 b5 j.xd5 16 ed lbe7 170-0-0 and then
8 lbd5 lbf6 9 j.g5 j.e7 10 j.xf6 after 17•••'ifb6 18 'iPbl g6 19 h4!
j.xf6 11 c3 ο-ο 12 lbc2 ':'b8 j.g7 20 h5 f5 21 hg hg 22 g4!
13 a3 (D) White's threats οη the kingside
were νery seήοus indeed. ΑΙΙ this
draws attention Ιο some riskiness
ίη White's play. Why can Black ηοΙ
make use of this? Ιη our ορίηίοη,
the bold 17•••b4!? leads Ιο a sharp
game, where Black's prosρects are
by ηο means so bad.
14 ••• g6(D)
14•• ~e6 brings Black ηο joy.
The game Stripunsky-Kandybko,
Alushta 1994 continued: 15lbce3
b4 16 ab ab 17 g3 bc 18 bc lba5
Β (an unsuccessful m&Iloeuνre, but
Α logical new plan, restήctίηg Black's position inspires seήοus
Black's activity οη both flanks. fears) 19 j.g2 lbb3 20 ':'a6, and
13 a5 White has a winning position.
Ιη the game Lanka-Laduguie, Vladimir Κramnik defended the
Cannes 1993, Black decided Ιο black position more successfully
9... if.e7 10 bf6; 12....:b8 35

ίη the PCA quickplay event agaίnst 17 hg hg

GaΠΥ Kasparov, Moscow 1994: 18 lί:\ce3 lί:\xd5
14••• lί:\e7 15 lί:\ce3lί:\xd5 16lί:\xd5 19 lί:\xd5 if.e6 (D)
if.e6 17 g3 'iWd7 18 if.g2 if.d8! (a
standard transfer of the bishop to
an actίve position) 19 ο-ο if.b6 20
'ifd2 ':fc8 21':fdl if.xd5 22 'ilxd5
b4 23 ab ab 24 'ifxd6 'ilg4 25 'iId3
bc 26 bc g6 27 ':abl ':d8 28 'iIf3
':xdl+ 29 ':xdl 'i!fxf3 30 if.xf3

- -
':c8 1/2-1/2.

~.t~ ~.~.
• • ~

.i.t2J •
~.~ ~?8h ••
ι W'~
20 if.h3!

" "J":'\...
• • ·~Δ.
• ~~
Now Black must decide whether
ιο exchange his bishop or leave ίι

~ ~'~ ?,Q'~ -
_, ,,,"U~ U
Δ ••
οη e6. If he swaps οη h3, the 'per-
manent' knight οη d5 will domi-
Μ ••
,~ .. ~.t._%%:
~ ~ ~
nate, as ίι has ηο opposition; if he
leaves the bishop, Black's pawn
W weaknesses (after if.xe6 fxe6) will
15 g3 if.g7 be too tangible. Most likely he
16 h5 should choose 20•••.:b7 21 if.xe6
Ιη this situation this move is fe 22 lί:\e3 :bf7, while 20...'iVd7
quite opportune. The h4-pawn's and 20•••'iWg5 are also possible. Af-
role as a watchman has been ful- ter taking οη d5, of the four minor
filled and he is now being used as pieces, Black's remain the most
a batteήηg ram. passive.
16 lί:\e7 20 if.xd5
1l1escas is trying Ιο defuse his 21 'iVxd5 'iVc7
opponent's pressure through ex- 22 ο-ο :fd8
changes, but his lack of any kind 23 :fdl (D)
of counterplay predeterinίnes Shi- Precisely this rook. The other
rov'!; stable advantage. one is excellently placed οη al.
36 9... i.e7 10 i.xj6; 12 ... :b8

Kasparov - Κramnik
Novgorod 1994

1 e4 c5 2lDc3 lDc6 3 lDge2lDf6 4

d4 cd 5 lDxd4 e5 6 lDdb5 d6 7
i.g5 a6 8lDa3 b5 9lDd5 i.e7 10
i.xf6 i.xf6 11 c3 ο-ο 12lDc2 :b8
13 h4
ludit Polgar's attempt ΙΟ resur-
rect the old continuation 13 b4 was
Β ηοΙ starred with success. Her game
23 .•0 i.h6 against Κramnik, New York Intel
24 .Jtn rpd 1994 continued thus: 13 ... lDe7
Beginning Ιο take a close look at 14lDce3 i.g5 15 lDxe7+ 'iWxe7 16
Black's weaknesses. lDd5 'i'b7 17 a4 i.e6 18 g3 :fc8
24 •.• 'i'b7?! 19 :a3 i.xd5 20 ed e4 21 i.e2 i.f6
24•••'i'b6 would haνe been more 22 ο-ο i.xc3, and White had got
exact; now Illescas's ρosition is nowhere.
coIlapsing like a house of cards. 13 ... lDe7 (D)
25 'iWxb7 :xb7 After 13... g6 Bereloνich-Kan-
26 :d5 b4 dybko, Alushta 1994, deνeloped
27 cb ab thus: 14 h5 (an illogical moνe al-
28 a4! lowing the black bishop Ιο occupy
White's a-pawn cannot be re- g5) 14...i.g5 15 'fIf3 i.e6 16 :dl
strained. :b7 17 i.e2 f5 with good counter-
28 Φt'8 chances for Black. Shmuter played
29 aS i.g5 more accurately against Beshukoν,
30 a6 :b6 Sochi 1993: 14 'i'd2 i.g7 15 h5
31 :b5 ι-ο i.e6 16lDce3lDe7 17 g3lDxd5 18
lDxd5 :c8 19 :dl ;1;.
Yet another magnificent chess After 13...i.e6 as well, ίη Yur-
masterpiece. Ιη the 13 h4 νariation taeν-Holsten, Helsinki 1992, White
the sharpest of struggles arose managed to seize the initiatiνe: 14
immediately, with sacrifices and lDce3 a5 15 'fί'f3 b4?! (15 ...i.g5!?)
counter-sacrifices, but also mis- 16 i.c4 bc 17 bc :b2 18 g3 a4 19
takes οη both sides ... ο-ο i.e7 20 :abl.
9... i.e7 10 i,.xf6; 12 ... :b8 37

position might become cήtίcal.

However. 16•••Φh8 with the idea
of ...:f8-g8. was an alternatίve.
17 ed 'iWxd5
18 ο-ο-ο! (D)

14 lbxf6+
Typically. Kasparov chooses the
route which leads to a dramatic
aggravation of the game. Another
quieter possibilίty was 14lbce3. as
played ίη StήΡuηskΥ- Volke. Par-
dubice 1994. when White managed Α very promίsing pawn sacrifice
Ιο gaίn victory without recourse for the initiative. The knight οη c2
Ιο surgical methods: 14 ... lbxd5 is beautifully placed. He ηοΙ οηlΥ
15 lbxd5 i.b7 16 g3 i.xd5? (of relίably shields the king. but is a1so
course. shooting oneself ίη the ready ιο take part ίη an attack at
foot by exchanging this important any moment.
bishop was not strictly necessary; 18 ••• e4
16...:c8 followed by ...:c8-c5. or 18••:.xa2 19 'ίWh6 e4 changes
16 ... g6and ... i.f6-g7 deserved at- nothing.
tention) 17 'ίWxd5 b4 18 i.xa6 bc 19 i.e2 'ίWxa2
19 bc 'ii'b6 20 i.c4 'ikb2 21 ο-ο 20 'iWh6 'ile6
'iWxc3 22:ac 1 'ίWf3 23 :cel :b224 21 ~d4 'i'b6 (D)
:e3 'jj'h5 25 a4 i.d8 26 a5 g5 27 22 :h3?!
hg 'ilxg5 28:f3 :d2 29 'ilb7 1-0. Α temptίng move. which never-
14 gf theless reduces the tempo of the
15 'ίi'd2 i.b7 attack and gives Black the possibil-
16 i.d3 d5 ίΙΥ of seizing the initίatίve. 22 g4!
Black begins active counterplay with the threats of ~d4-f5 and
ίη the centre. since otherwise his g4-g5 was very strong. Ιη that case
38 9... J.e7 10 hf6; 12...'lZ.b8

-. -


_ ~ ~
8ιΒ • •
8 ~ι. %

8n • •
~ ~

d .t"Δ~.~

Κraιnnik would have faced some fatal text move, Κasparov conducts
very difficult problems. the concluding part of this battle
22 00. Φh8 with great strength.
23 .*.g4 :g8 26 :d6 ~d5 (D)
24 lDe6
Many publications have given
this move two exclaιnation marks.
Κasparov is carrying ουΙ hίs attack
very resourcefully, but the position
after his eπor οη move 22 gives
hίm ηο basis for relying even οη
equality, let alone an advantage.
24 0.0 :g6
25 'i'f4 (D)
25 :e8??
Ιη a sharp position the value of
every move is unbelievably high.
Α single mistake is capable of tum- 27 h5!!
ing the best position ίηΙο a 10st one. This sudden blow undoubtedly
If Κramnik had played 25o•.J.d5, deserves the hίghest praise. Ιη this
White would have had Ιο sound a position, where practically all the
retreat, as after 26 h5 Black has whίte pieces are under attack, and
26 ...:xg4 27 .xg4 J.xe6. The the pressure seems to have reached
only possibilίty that does ηοΙ 10se its lίmit, Κasparov finds a possibίl­
material is 26 ~d4. Αι Κraιnnik's ίΙΥ Ιο add more fuel to the fire.
9... J.e7 10 J.x.ffi: 12... :b8 39

Now ίη just a few moves the h- for him to organize a conclusive as-
pawn's career reaches the dizzy- sault.
ing heights about which a rook's 32 J.fS+!
pawn can usually only dream - Αη important inιervening move.
queening ίη the centre. 32 ~ι7
27 ~XΙ4 33 'ifg6+ ~
28 hg 'ifxd6 34 1Ixf6+ ~e8
29 ~7+ ~ι8 3! J.xe6 1ΙΙ8?
30 g1+ ~h7 35 ...J.c6 would have prolonged

·•• •••-.••-
31 fe1i' ~e6 (D) the battle, but would ηοΙ have
saved the game. Νοι waiting for 36

J.d7+, Black resigned.

••• •-•i..-
·.• ••• ~a~ Conclusion
Ιη the 12 ...Jlb8 variation Black
eΧΡeήences definite diffιculties,
but they are fully surmountable ίη

. ..
_ U __
~ the future. However ίη the games
rQ% •@'~ ~Δ.
rQ% d we have examined, White has
~~ ~
~ d _ wielded the initiative. Moreover,
his arsenal is quite varied: play
W against the pawn centre, seizure of
Ιι is as though
a tomado has been d5, and a direct attack οη the king.
raging above the board for the last Black, meanwhile, has ηοΙ man-
fιve moves, but the little strength aged Ιο arrange any counterplay.
remaining ιο White is quite enough Good luck Ιο him!
3 9 ...iι..e7 10 ct:Jxe7

Ιη this vaήatiοn White weakens

x••-- - -
~ .t~.~.
~ ~

. •• •••
controlover d5, stressing the free
• • 8 •••
development ofhis pieces. Insofar
as the capture οη e7 enjoys rela-
tively less popularity than other
vaήations, choosing ίι leaves more
scope for creative play.
i ••

.ι ~ ~
• -
~ ~ -
~ ~~


Game8 Δ~·~Δ
".!'-' ••
~% U"Δ'{f..·~
Anand - Ivanchuk
Linares (4) 1992 α ••=~.: W
1 e4 c5 2l2Jf3l2Jc6 3 d4 cd 4l2Jxd4 1Ixf1 ~f5 21 'i'xd5) 20 1Ifel d421
l2Jf6 5 l2Jc3 e5 6 l2Jdb5 d6 7 ~g5 1Iacl ;t Nadanian-Zontakh, Κiev
a6 8 l2Ja3 b5 9 l2Jd5 ~e7 1992.
10 l2Jxe7 a2) 12 'iWf3 f5 13 ef d5 14 f6
White's idea consists of freely l2Jg6 15 1Idl ~e6 16 g3 ':c8 17 c3
developing his pieces. Besides, ίη e4 17 'ilVe3 'iWf6 18 ~g2 b4! 19
some cases he preserves the ad- l2Jbll2Je5 20 ο-ο ο-ο 21 f3l2Jc4 22
vantage of the bishop pair. This is 'iί'e2 e3! 23 b3 bc!! 24 bc d4 25
thought to give Black sufficient l2Ja3 1Ifd8 + Unni-Prasad, Indian
counterchances for equality. Ch 1991.
10 ... l2Jxe7 (D) b) 11 'ii'f3 and now:
11 ~d3 bl) 11•.. ~g4?! 12 'iWg3 ~e6
Other possibilities: (l2 ... d5!?) 13 ~d3l2Jg6 and now
a) 11 ~xΙ6 gf and then: 140-0 ο-ο 15 c4! h6 16 ~xf6 'iί'xf6
al) 12 c4!? ~b7 13 cb ~xe4 14 17 cb ab 18l2Jxb5 ~xa2 19 1Ifcl
ba! d5 (14 ...'I'a5+ 15 'iWd21i'xd2+ ± was Kupreichik-Dreev, Podolsk
16 <it>xd2; 14...0-0 15 ~e2 ;t) 15 1990, while the game Yudasin-
~b5+ <i>f8 16 ο-ο 'ilVb6 17 <it>h 1 Yagupov, Moscow 1992 quickly
l2Jf5 (17 ...d4!?) 18 f3!? l2Je3 19 'ilVd2 moved into an ending: 14 'iί'Ι3!?
(19'ifb3!?) 19 ...~f5 (19 ... l2Jxf120 d5 15 c3! h6 16 ~xf6 'iί'xf6 17
9... ~e7 10 lΔxe7 41

'i!ixf6 gf 18 g3 de 19 ~xe4 1Ib8 20

~c2 f5 with an unclear game.
b2) 11 •••lDd712 b4! f6 (12 ... h6
is worse: 13 ~d2 ~b7 14 c4 bc 15
~xc4 ~f6! 16 ~d3 d5 17 ed ~xd5
18 'i!ig3! although rather than the
faulty 18 ...e4?! 19h20-020~3
~e6 21 ~c3 of Yudasin-Chekhov,
Moscow 1991, there is 18 ...~xc4!
19 ~xc4 ~e4 20 'i!ie3 'i!ixd2+, and
White' s advanιage is ηοΙ that great)
13 ~d2 ~b6 (l3 ... ~b7!? 14 c4 Β
f5 15 cb ~xe4 16 "WWg3!? ο-ο 17 ba a) Ιη the game Aseev-Vyzh-
f4 18 "'b3+; 13 ...0-014 c4 ~c6 15 manavin, USSR 1990 White man-
~c2 1Ib8 16 'i!ic3 ~e7 17 ~e3 aged Ιο gain a small advantage
ι;tιh8 18 cb ab = Fishbein-Vaiser, after 12•••"WWxd5 13 'i!id2 ~f5 (it's
Tel Ανίν 1992) 14 c4 bc 15 ~xc4 dangerous Ιο accept the pawn sac-
~e616~a5! ο-ο 17 ~d3 "'d718 rifice after 13 ......xg2 14 0-0-0;
"'e2 ~c6 19 ~xc6 'it'xc6 20 ο-ο White also gets the better chances
'it'b7 21 1Ifcl f5!? 22 ef ii.xf5 23 υροη 13 ... ~e4 14 'i!ie3 ~xg5 15
~xf5 1Ixf5 24 b5 d5! 25 g4!? 1If6 'i!ixg5) 14 ~xf5 'i!ixd2+ 15 ~xd2
26 ba "ίWd7 was unclear ίη Yudasin- ~xf5 16 c4 ο-ο! 17 ο-ο 1Itb8 18
Chekhov, USSR Ch 1991. 1Iael 1Ie8 19 ii.c3 ~d7 20 cb f6!
c) 11 Ι3 d5?! (l1 ... ~g6!? or 21 1Ial ~b6 22 ba ;t.
11 ... h6!?) 12 ed 'it'xd5 13 c4 "'c5 b) However, taking the pawn
14 cb e4 15 "ίWcl "ίWe5 16 ii.f4 "'f5 with the knight ίη Yudasin-Yak-
17 ~c4 ο-ο 18 ~d6 "'e6 19 ii.c4 ovich, Moscow 1992, led after
~ed5 20 ο-ο e3 21 1Iel "ίWe722 12•••~fxd513c4bc 14~xc4f615
~g3 1Id8 23 ~xd5 ~xd5 24 "ίWc6 ~d2 ο-ο 16 ο-ο ~f5 17 ~xf5
~e6 25 b6 ± Galdunts-Jelen, Gron- ~xf518~a5'i!id719"'g411a720
ingen 1993. 1Ifdl ~d4 21 "ίWxd7 1Ixd7 Ιο a
Ν ow we return Ιο the main line level ending.
after 11 ~d3 (D): 12 "WWe2 ο-ο
11 ii.b7 Α new move. 12•.• ~g6 deserves
Black can also attempt Ιο make a attention, for example 13 c4 (13
rapid breakthrough ίη the centre ~xf6 gf! is also interestίng, with
with 11 •••d5 12 exd5 : an unclear game) and now (D):
42 9... j.,e7 10 lΔxe7

continued 13 ... lίJg6 14 o~o h6 15

j.,cl.:te8 16 c4 bc 17lίJxc4lίJf4 18
j.,xf4 ef 19 "iWf3 j.,xe4 20 j.,xe4
lίJxe4 21 'iWxf4 d5 22lίJe3 lίJf6 23
lίJf5 with a clear plus for White.
13 000 lίJg6
If 13oood5, then 14 :adl is υη­
14 c4 h6! (D)

a) 13oooh6! 14 j.,d2 (Black is
handed the initiative after 14 j.,xf6
"iWxf6 15 cb llJf4 16 "iWf3 ii'g6 with
pressure οη e4) 14 ... bc 15 lίJxc4
ο-ο 16 lίJa5?! (16 ο-ο would have
allowed White Ιο maintain the bal-
ance) 16...j.,c8170-0lίJf4! 18j.,xf4
ef! 19 lίJc4 :b8, and the pressure
οη e4 predetermines Black's supe-
riority, A.Bach-Gagarin, Turnu- W
Seveήη 1992. Α typical pawn sacήfice. Black
b) 13ooob4 was tested ίη Wolff- remains at the mercy of fate οη the
Kuijf, Wijk aan Zee 1992: 14lίJc2 queenside, but manages ιο organ-
a5 (a pawn sacrifice for the initia- ize counterplay οη the kingside.
tive deserves attention: 14... h6 15 Besides this, after the file has been
j.,xf6 'iWxf6 16lίJxb4lίJf4 16 \i'f3 opened, the a2- and b2-pawns are
"iWg6) 15 f3 h6 16 j.,e3lίJd7 17 ο-ο constantly needed for defence.
ο-ο 18 'iWd2 "fic7 19 :fdllίJc5 20 15 j.,xf6
j.,f1 :ad8 21 \i'f2! lίJe7 22 g4 Ιι was perhaps worth figQting
'iWc6 23 b3 .:tb8 24 .:td2, and Wolff for an advantage by refusing t~ex­
managed Ιο wrap υρ the victory change: 15 j.,d2 (15 j.,e3 lίJxe4)
quickly. 15 ... b4 16lίJc2 (16 j.,xb4lίJf4 17
13 ο-ο "iWf3 lίJxd3 18 \i'xd3 lίJxe4 gives
13 .:tdl is also quite acceptable. nothing) 16 ... a5 17 .:tfd 1 \i'c7 18
Wolff-Shaked, New York 1994, f3.
9... ~e7 10 tbxe7 43

IS ••• 'i'xf6 18 'iixd3 'iig6 19 1Ifel (if 19 f3,

16 cb then 19 ... d5 is very strong) 19 ... f5
Now White rnust think about (19 ... d5 is not very good yet be-
precautionary rneasures to prevent cause of 20 'iig3 "'xg3 21 hg de 22
the knight invading οη f4, for ex- ba 1Ixa6 23 tbc4, and White has a
ample, 16g3"'g517Whl f518f3, srnall advantage) 20 "'g3 (20 ~3+
and although the position rernains Φh8 21 ba ~xe4 22 f3 1Itb8 is
quite confused, White rnay pre- worse, as is 20 f3 fe 21 fe 1If4 ίη
serve sorne hopes for success. The both cases with initiative to Black)
text rnove quickly leads the garne 20 ......xg3 21 hg ~xe4 (21 ... fe is
ίηΙο calrner waters. also quite possible) 22 tbc4 1If6.
16 tbf4 18 tbxbS 'fig6
17 'fif3 (D) 19 1Ifdl
Anand rnust observe caution. 19
1Ifel d5 20 ~f1 de is dangerous for
19 tbxd3
20 'ii'xd3 ~xe4
21 'ii'g3 1Itb8!
After this the position is total1y
22 tbxd6 1Ixb2
23 tbc4 112·1/2
Α short garne, but one ήch ίη
17 ab Conclusion
Now Ivanchuk rnay ίη his tum Ιη this vaήation Black has ηο diffi-
try for an advantage: 17...tbxd3!? culties.
4 9..."iVa5+

Ιη this vaήation Black presents his

opponent with a cunning psycho-
logical problem. Indeed, it's as if
he is silently offering a draw. Ιη
fact, ίη reply to 10 ~d2 Black has
nothίng better to do than 10.....d8.
True, after 11 ~g5 he can rethink
and transpose into a 'normal' vari-
ation. Ιη the majority of instances
White prefers to play for the win,
and then ίη this variation as wel1,
an interesting and tense struggle, W
characteristic of the system as a a) 11 ~d3 is a move that has
whole, arises. been played by Evgeny Sveshni-
kov, the main expert ίη this line:
Game8 al) 11 ••• ~e6 12 c4 and now:
Kupreichik - N.Nikcevic all) The game Sveshnikov-
Cαttolicα 1992 Lputian, Helsinki 1992 continued
12••• lbd4!? 13 ο-ο bc 14 lbxf6+
1 e4 c5 2 lbf3lbc6 3lbc3lbf6 4 d4 'iWxf6 15lbxc4 ~e7 16 f4 ο-ο! 17 f5
cd 5 lbxd4 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 ~g5 ~xc4 18 ~xc4 "h4 19 ~d5 ':'ab8
a6 8 lba3 b5 9 lbd5 20 ~e3 ~g5! 21 "ji'd3 and White
9 ••• "WWa5+ was forced to make do with a draw.
Black does not hide his peace- a12) Ιη the game Thompson-
loving intentions. He is prepared Gulbis, cocr 1991, Black contin-
for a repetition of moves. How- ued 12.•. bc, fol1owed by 13 "a4
ever, an unpleasant surpήse awaits ~d7 14 lbxc4lbd4 15 "a3lbxd5
him ... 16 ed ~b5 (16 ... e4 17 ~xe4 ~b5
10 ~d2 1fd8 (D) 18 "ίWe3 ±) 17 ο-ο ~xc4 18 ~xc4
11 c4! ~e7 19 ~xa6 ο-ο 20 'iWd3 "b6 21
This is not the only important ~c4 "xb2 22 ':'fc 1 e4 with an un-
move to avoid the repetition: clear game.
9... 'ii'α5+ 45

a2) ll..ie7 is worse. White

achieved a big advantage after 12
c4lbxd5 13 ed lbd4 14 cb ο-ο 15
ο-ο j.b7 16 ba j.xd5 17 j.e3!
lbe6 18 j.xh7+ ~xh7 19 "ίWxd5 ίη
Arakhamia-Jakob, Bem 1991.
a3) ll...lbxd5 12 ed lbe7 13 c4
g6 14 cb j.g7 15 j.c4 ο-ο 16 ο-ο
is aIso possible, e.g., 16... j.b7 17
j.g5 f6 18 j.e3lbf5 19 ba j.xa6 ±
as ίη Κudήn-Fίshbeίn, New York
1989, and here Kudrin had the ex- W
cellent possibility 20 "ίWe2!, or with a complex game, Stefansson-
16••.e417 :bllbf518j.f4:e819 Thorhallsson, Reykjavik 1992;
lbc2 'ikh4 20 g3 'iff6 ± Sanden- 16 'ii'g3!?) 16... 0-0 17 b3 a5 ;!;
Markovic, Stockholm 1990; 21 Yudasin-Dvoirys, USSRCh 1991;
a4! would then have strengthened 18 'it'hl followed by 'ii'f3-e2 and
White's advanιage. f2-f4 then deserved attentίon.
b) White has one more possibil- b212) 12•••'ikg6 13 f3 (13 cb?!
ίΙΥ, 11 lbxf6+. We will examine 'ii'xe4+ 14 j.e3lbd4 15 'ii'd2 j.e7
this ίη detaίl: 16 ba ο-ο 17 'ii'd3 d5! 18 'ti'xe4 de
bl) ll... gf had been discred- 19 0-0-0 j.e6 20 lbc4 :fc8 21 b3
ited, but was rehabilitated ίη Her- j.a3+ 22 Φd2 :xa6 =+= Meyers-Pol-
rera-Barros, Havana 1990: 12 c4 iakov, USSR 1990) 13••. j.e7 and
b4 13lbc2 :b8 14 b3 f5 15 j.d3 f4 now:
16 g3 'ίWf6 17 'iif3 j.h6 180-0-0 b2121) 14 Φα ο-ο (14 ... f5 15
:g8 19 h3 j.e6 20 j.e2 Φe7 21 ef j.xf5 16 cb lbd4 17 j.e3 ο-ο and
Wbl a5 with a very tense game ίη Black has a dangerous inίtίatίve for
which Black's chances are prob- the sacrificed pawn, Magem-Espi-
ably ηο worse. nosa, Νονί Sad OL 1990) 15 cb
b2) ll..:iixf6 (D) and then: lbd4 16lbc2 d5 17 lbxd4 j.c5 18
b21) 12 c4 and now: .i.e3 ed 19 j.xd4 'ii'b6 20 We3 de
b211) 12..•b4!? 13 lbc2 'iί'g6 21 .i.xc5 'ikxc5+ 22 'iί'd4 'ii'e7 with
14 'ii'f3 :b8 15 j.d3 j.e7 16 ο-ο compensatίon for Black, Yudasin-
(16 lbe3 j.g5 17 'iί'g3 ο-ο 18 ο-ο San Segundo, Madrid 1992.
j.e6 19 :fcl ':fd8 20 j.f1 a5 21 b2122) 14 cb .i.h4+ 15 g3
b3 ~~ 22 h4 .i.h6 23 'ikxg6 hg j.xg3+ 16 hg 'ii'xg3+ 17 Φe2 j.g4
46 9... 'ii'α5+

18 We3 f5 19 bc fe 20 R.e2 ο-ο 21 13 ... R.e7 14 c3 (14 tiJbl ο-ο 15

ιjaιxe4! was played ίη Beikhardt- tiJc3 f5 16 ef R.xf5 17 R.xf5 1Ixf5
Conquest, Baden-Baden 1993, and 18 R.e3 1Ic8 19 a4 b4 20 tiJe4 'ii'e6
ίη a complex position White has all 21 'iVd3 d5 22 tiJg3 11f7 23 'ifxa6
the chances. tiJd4 24 'iVxe6 tiJxe6 25 %ΣacΙ ;t
b22) 12 R.d3 (D) and now: Shulman-Poliakov, USSR 1990;
14 f4 ef 15 e5 R.f5 16 "'f3 1Ic8 17
R.xf5 'ifxf5 18 ed R.xd6 19 1Iael+
R.e7 20 'iWxf4 I'Gurevich-Granda,
New York 1992) 14 ... 0-0 15 tiJc2
d5 16 'iWe2 R.g4 17 f3 de 18 'iί'xe4
1Iad8! 19 fg %:.xd3 20 'ikxg6 hg 21
R.e3 f5 22 gf gf + Miranovic-
Markovic, Νονί Sad 1989.
Ν ow we return to the maίn line
after 11 c4 (D):

b221) 12•••dS 13 ed tiJb4 14
R.e4 (14 ο-ο tiJxd3 15 cd R.d6 16
'ii'b3 ο-ο 17 tiJc2 R.d7 18 R.b4 a5
19 R.xd6 'ifxd6 20 d4 e4 21 f3
%Σae8 with compensation for Black,
de Firmian-San Segundo, New
York 1990) 14 ... 'ifh415 'ii'f3 R.g4
(15 ... R.c5 16 ο-ο f51! 17 R.xf5 ο-ο
18 'ii'e4! 'ii'xe4 19 R.xe4 R.b7 20 c4
bc 21 tiJxc4 +- Κaiumov-Mechin­ Β
sky, Gdynίa 1991) 16 'ii'b3 R.h5 17 11 tiJxe4
R.f3 R.xf3 18 'ifxf3 'ii'd4 19 d6 e4 Other continuations lead Ιο a
20 d7+! ιjaιxd7 21 'iWxf7+ ~c6 22 dίfficult game for Black:
'ii'b3 'ii'd5 23 .ixb4 'ii'xb3 24 ab a) 11..•bc 12 tiJxc4 tiJxe4 13
R.xb4+ 25 c3 R.c5 26 b4 ± Wolff- tiJcb6 %:.b8 (13 ... tiJxd2 14 tiJxa8
Mannίnen, Maringo 1991. +-) 14 'iWa4 ±.
b222) 12...'ifg6 13 ο-ο (13 'iί'f3 b) 11••. b4 12 tiJc2 tiJxe4 13
R.e7 14 c3 ο-ο 15 tiJc2 %Σb8 16 Ο-Ο) tiJcxb4 tiJxb4 14 R.xb4 a5 15 R.a3
9... 'ifα5+ 47

lί)c5 16 'ife2lί)e6 17 :d 1 :b8 18 13 ..• lί)e7 (D)

g3lί)c7 19 c5 +-. As is well known, 13...ab? is an
c) 11 •••t2JxdS 12 ed lbd4!? (or error because of 14 lί)xb5.
12 ... lί)e7 13 cb lί)xd5 14 'iff3! ±) However, 13...lί)aS!? is interest-
13 cb ~e7 14 ba ο-ο 15 b4! ~xa6 ing, for example:
16 ~xa6 1ιχa6 17 lbc2 'iνa8 18 a) 14 b6 lί)xc4 15 lί)c7+ Φe7
lί)xd4 ed 19 a4! 'iνxd5 20 ο-ο ~f6 16lί)xc4 ~xc4 17 1ιcΙ ~e6 18 b7
21 b51ιaa8 22 'iνf3! ± Plachetka- 1ιb8 19 j.a5 d5 20 b4 'iWd6 is un-
Kostic, Austήa 1990. clear, or 14 'ifa4 lί)xc4 15 \Wxc4
12 cb j.e6 ~xd5 16 'iνxd5 lί)xd2 17 ΦΧd2
White gains a clear advantage ~e7 18 ..te2 ο-ο 19 ba 1ιχa6 20 lί)b5
afterboth 12 ...lί)e713j.e31ιb814 'δ'b6 21 1ιhcΙ e4 22 a4 ~f6 23 1ιa2
~c4, and f2 ... lί)d4 13 1ιcιlί)c5 14 ;t Brodsky-Serper, Riga 1987.
b6 with a distinct White advantage b) 14 ~e3! is more promising
ίη the game Fernandez Casοήa­ forWhite; after 14...lί)xc415lί)xc4
Fernandez, Spanish Ch (Μadήd) ab 16 j.b6 Black has three moves
1992. at his disposal, but they all lose:
13 j.c4 (D) 16...'ii'b8 17 lί)c7+ Φe7 18 lί)e3
13 lί)c3lί)xd2 14 'iνxd2lί)d4 15 1ιa4 19 lί)ed5+ ±; 16...'ifd7 17
ba d5 16lί)cb5lί)c6 17lί)c2 ~e7 lί)c7+ ..te7 18lί)e3 1ιc8 19lί)ed5+
18 ~e2 ο-ο 19 ο-ο 1ιχa6 20 lί)bd4 ~xd5 20 lί)xd5+ ±; 16...'iWgS 17
1ιb6 21 lί)xc6 1ιχc6 ~ Radovano- lί)ce3 1ιc8 18 ο-ο ~e7 19 'iWd3
vic-N.Nikcevic, Yugoslav Ch (Κla­ lί)c5 20 1i'xb5+ ~d7 21 'iWe2 ο-ο
dovo) 1992. 22~xc5±.

48 9... 'iWα5+

14 ο-ο!! 20 'ίWxc7!
Α brilliant D()velty, fully ίη Vik- Ιη this situation as well ex-
tor Kupreichίk 's style as an inex- changing queens decides every-
haustibly inventive chess player. thing quickest of al1.
After 14 .i.b3, 14 ....:.c8! would 20 ••• ':'xc7
have maintained the balance. 21 ba Φd7
14 ••• lL!xd5 If 21 •••.:ta7, then White replίes
If 14•• bdS. then 15.i.a5 'iί'xa5 22lL!b5 !.
16 .i.xd5 ':'d8 17 .i.xe4 ab 18 .i.d3 22 lL!b5 (D)
':'b8 19 .i.xb5+ ':'xb5 20 lL!c4 'ίWa6
21 lL!xd6+ and Whίte wins.
15 .i.xdS .i.xd5
16 .i.a5 'iWxa5
17 'iί'xdS ':'c8 (D)

22 ':'c2
It is interesting that ίη Feman-
dez Garcia-San Segundo, Spanish
Ch (Madrid) 1992, a seήοus at-
W tempt to improve Black's play was
18 'iί'xe4 .i.e7 tήed: 22••..:tc6!?, but after 23 a7 d5
The sequence of exchanges has 24 ':'fc 1 .i.g5! 25 ':'xc6 'ίPxc6 26 a4
ended, and ίι has become clear that d4 27 ':'dl ':'d8 28 g3 'ίPb7 29 h4
Kupreichik's advantage is quite .i.h6 Whίte, by means of 30 f4 ef
sufficient for the win. Ιη partίcular, 31 g4!, could have presented his
Black does ηοΙ have time Ιο take opponent with insoluble problems.
the pawn: 18•••ab 19 'iWb7 'iί'c7 20 23 ':'fcl!
'it'xb5+ 'iWc6 21.:tfc 1, and the end- The finale. If 23 ....:.hc8, then 24
garne is hopeless. ':'xc2 ':'xc2 25 a7 ':'c8 26 ':'dl with
19 'it'b7 'iί'c7 an easy win.
9 ... 'i!fα5+ 49

23 :'xb2 10...~ε7?? is a teπίbΙe mistake

24 :'c7+ Φε6 because of 11 ~xf6 gf 12 lΔxf6+
25 :'b7 Φf6 and it's time for Black Ιο resign.
26 lΔc7 :'c8 10...lΔxe4 (D) is a sharp altema-
27 lΔd5+ Φε6 tive Ιο the text move:
28 :'xb2 1-0
Short but sweet!

Alongside 1Ο ~d2 there is an-

other way of fighting for the inίtia­
tive, 10 c3.

Game 10
Blodshtein - Savko
Vίlnius 1993

1 ε4 cS 2lΔf3lΔc6 3 d4 cd 4lΔxd4
lΔf6 5 lΔc3 ε5 6 lΔdb5 d6 7 ~g5 W
a6 8lΔa3 b5 9lΔd5 'i'a5+ a) 11 'i'f3? f5! 12 ~d3 (ίη /n-
10 c3!? (D) Jormαtor 57 Blodshtein demon-
strates the following line: 12 Μ!
{Blodshtein's symbol} 12...'i!fxa3
winnίng; however, we may con-
tinue: 14 ... Φd8 15 lΔxa8lΔd4 16
cd 1Wb4+ 17 Φe2 'iί'xd4 with a very
strong initiative for the sacήficed
mateήaΙ) 12 ... lΔxg5 13lΔf6+ ~d8!
14 1Wxc6 :'b8 15 'ilfe8+ ~c7 16
lΔd5+ Φb7 17lΔe7 'iί'c7 18lΔxc8
b) Alternatively, 11 ~ε3 :'b8
Β 12lΔc2 'iVd8 13 a4lΔf6 14lΔxf6+
This move is rarely seen, al- gf 15 ab ab 16 iί'd5 ~d7 17 ~xb5!
though ίι also presents Black with :'xb~ 18 'iί'xb5 lΔd4 19 lΔxd4
some ιricky problems. ~xb5 20 lΔxb5 ~e7 (20 ... ~d7 21
10 ... lΔxd5 :'a7+ Φe6 22lΔc7+ ~f5 23 ο-ο is
50 9......a5+

unclear) 21 :a.8! 1i'xa8 22lt)c7+ 11 ... lt)e7

Φd7 23 lt)xa8 1:xa8 24 ι;t>d2 d5 25 If 11•••lt)d4, then 12 ~d2 ±, and
Φc2 ..t;>c6 =Akbn-Munos, Buenos if 11, then 12lt)c2lt)d7 13
Aires 1992. a4 ba 14 b4;.
c) 11 b4 'ifxa3 12 ~cl 'iWa4 (or 12 lt)c2 h6
12... lt)xc3 13 Wd2! lt)e4 14 'ifc2 12...~b7?! is worse: 13 a4 ba 14
lt)d415'ifxe4 Wa416~d3:a717 lt)b4 with a better garne for White.
ο-ο ~f5 18 'ife3 ~xd3 19 'ifxd3 12...'ifc7!? and 12...f6 are rnore
'iWc2 20 'ifxc2 etJxc2 21 ~e3! and promising moνes.
the position ·of the knight οη d5, 13 ~d2! 'iWc7
as well as the advantage ίη devel- 14 a4! ba
oprnent are more than enough Ν aturally Black does ηοΙ want
cornpensation for a single pawn, Ιο leaνe hirnself with the perrna-
although ίη Blodshtein-Al.Karpov, nent weakness οη b5 which would
Tashkent 1994, Black managed Ιο arise after 14..':b8 15 ab ab 16
save the ending) 13lt)c7+ Φd8 14 lt)b4.
'ifxa4 ba 15 lt)xa8 lt)xc3 16 ~d2 15 lt)b4 ~d7
lt)b5?! (!? 17 b5 =) 17lt)b6 15...a5 is a rnistake due Ιο 16
~f5 (Blodshtein-Marsalek, Ceske 'iVxa4+ ~d7 17 ~b5 ±.
Budejoνice 1993) 18:c llt)cd4 19 16 ~xa6
~c4!±. Ιι would haνe been quite possi-
11 ed (D) ble Ιο take the knight, for exarnple,
11 'ifxd5 ~b7 12lt)c2 'iWc7 13 16lt)xa61i'c8 17 :xa4! lt)xd5 18
"'d3 =giνes nothing. :a5 ~c6 19 ~c4 (19 'ifal is ηοΙ
bad either) 19 ... lt)b6 20 'ifb3 with
a νery complex position.
16 ... Ι5?!
Α premature thrust. He should
haνe continued his deνelopment
with 16...g6.
17 ο-ο g6
18 :a3 (D)
There was also a rnore actiνe
plan linked with exchanging the
bishop and playing agaίnst the a4-
pawn: 18 'iWe2 J.g7 19 ~b5 ο-ο 20
Β :a3;.
9......α5+ 51

23 Jιd3
24 Jιe4
25 g3
Ιι would have been very danger-
ous Ιο accept the sacήfice, for ex-
ample, 25 Jιxf31txf3! 26 gf Jιb5
with numerous threats lίnked Ιο
....c5-c8, ... Jιb5-e2, ... liJe7-f5 and
an attack οη the kίng.
25 000 'iic4?
Απ unforgivable waste of time.
Β The swift 25...'ifc8 would have
18 Jιg7 given Black excellent possibilίtίes
19 Jιd3 0·0 for counterplay.
20 Jιc2 26 1tel "'c8
Ιι would have been worth return- 27 .dl Jιb5
ing Ιο the plan with 20 "'e2; now 28 JιXΙ3 1ί'Ι5
Black has an ingenious idea at his 29 1te3 h5 (D)
dίsposal ... Το actίvate Black's dark-squared
20 'iic4?! bishop .
... but he misses ίι. He should
have continued 20•••Jιb5! 211tel
21 "'81 ~h7
Black would have found him-
self ίη dίfficultίes had he taken the
pawn: 21 •.•liJxd5 22 Jιd3 "'c5 23
'ifa2! Jιe6 24 Jιc41ta5 25 Jιb3 ±.
22 :dl Ι4
22...liJxd5 was also possible: 23
liJxd5 (23 b3? liJxb4! 24 bc liJxc2
25 "'a2liJxa3 26 "'xa3 Jιe6 and
Black has sufficient compensatίon
for the queen) 23 ......xd5 24 Jιxh6 30 c4!
"'c6 25 Jιxg7 ~xg7 26 'iia2 with a ΒΥ returning the pawn, Whίte
minimal advantage Ιο White. But consolίdates his position. Thίs is
the text move is even stronger. better than 30 Jιel Jιh6 31 Jιe4
52 9.....a5+

ii'g4 32 'i'xg4 hg 33 1Σd3 .1.xd3

34 .itxd3 with rough equality.
30 .1.xc4
31 .1.el .1.h6
32 .1.e4 'iWh3
33 .1.gZ 'i'd7
34 1Σec3 .1.b3
35 'ΙΜ3 lbf5
36 lbc6
White has determined a clear
advantage, linked with his better-
placed pieces, his opponent's lack W
of counterplay, and with Black's The rook, so long held ίη captiv-
pawn weaknesses, whίch sooner or ίΙΥ, enters the game with decisive
later will make theίr presence felt. effect.
36 lbd4 43 ... ab
Αη attempt Ιο create complίca- 43..•de loses Ιο 44 1Σb7+.
tions. 44 .txd5 .tg7
37 .1.e4 'i'f7 45 'ίixb3 d3
38 lbxd4 ed 46 'ίixd3 ifxb2
39 1Σc6 iff6 47 .1.e4 'i'f6
The natural 39....txd5 meets The rest is a matter of technique.
with a simple but elegant refuta- 48 'iWd5 'ίth8
ιίοη: 40 .txg6+ 1fxg6 41 'i'xg6+ 49 c7 'iWa6
~xg6 42 1Σχd6+. 50 'ifc6 'ifxc6
40 Ι4! 51 .1.xc6 1Σc8
Re-blockίng the h6-bishop's di- 52 .1.b6 'ίth7
agonal and simultaneously freeing 53 .tb7
hίs bishop from its unfortunate role And Black is forced ιο part with
as gIJard for the f2 pawn. hίs bishop.
40 1Σac8 53 .1.d4+
41 .1.12 1Σχc6 54 .1.xd4 1Σχc7
42 dc d5 (D) 55 .1.13 1Σc2
After 42•••.tg7 White can pre- 56 .tf2 '1th6
vent this thrust by means of 43 57 '1tg2 1Σθ2
'ίif3. 58 .1.d5 1Σd2
43 1Σxb3 59 .1.e4 1Σe2
9.....α5+ 53

60 Φf3 :a2 ιο ίι.As regards 10 c3, Black must

61 h3 g5 be οη full alert Ιο maintain the bal-
62 .te3 1·0 ance. However, from the ροίηι of
Recently ίι has become difficult view of the logic of chess, Black' s
for Black ιο maintain equality ίη difficulties are ηοΙ so surpήsίηg -
this vari~tion; Kupreichik's ηον­ indeed he's giving his opponent a
elty has dealt quite a seήοus blow whole tempo.
5 10... iιg7 11 i..d3

Ιη this chapter we will begin to ex- is always quite teπίfΥίηg, espe-

amine the whole stratum of νari­ cially when the white king is shel-
ations beginning with 9 ~xf6. tering οη the queenside, and ίη
With this moνe White actively reply to ... b5-b4, White must strike
starts the fight for d5, and more- οη b4, opening the way for the d-
oνer doubles Black's pawns. How- pawn. As a counterbalance, Timo-
ever, ίη return Black gains the shenko should haνe tried to play
bishop pair and the open g-file. his trump card: 22 "i!t'h3! ':'ad8 23
Even his doubled pawns actiνely g5! ':'fe8 24 f6 ~f8 25 "i!t'g3 ~xM
influence the centre. As a rule, this with an unclear position.
preordains an extremely complex 11 ... lbe7
strategic and tactical battle oνer the Black's idea is to exchange or
whole of the board. driνe back the mighty d5-knight
without delay, before White has
Game 11 supported his pieces.
Dolmatov - Topalov 12 lbxe7 "i!t'xe7
Groningen 1993 13 c3 (D)
Another idea, linked with c2-c4,
1 e4 c5 2lbf3 ~ 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4 will be exarnined ίη the next game.
lbf6 5 lbc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 ~g5
a6 8 lba3 b5 9 ~xf6 gf 10 lbd5
11 ~d3
Castling long is too dangerous,
for example, 11 ifh5lbe7 12lbe3
f5 13 ef e4! 140-0-0 ο-ο 15 g4!? d5
16c3b4! 17cbd418'iitbl'ίid619
lbec4 'ίif4! 20~g2 ~b7 21':'hel
lbd5 22 lba5? lbf6 23 "i!t'h3 ~d5
24 ':'xd4 "i!t'xf2 25 ':'edl e3! + Τί­
moshenko-Ikonnikoν, USSR 1990.
The central tandem of black pawns Β
10... J.g7 11 J.d3 55

13 ... Ι5 23 h4 f6 25 h5 J.f7? 26 'iWg3+ ~h8

14 lΔc2 27 h6 :g8 28 'iWc7 +- Magem-San
If 14 ο-ο ο-ο (D) is included, it' s Segundo, Madrίd 1994.
ηο surprise that a different type of b2) 15•..J.b7 16 ef'iVg517 ω
game arises. This is because after h5 (17 ...d5? 18 f4! 'iVh6 {οι 18 ...ef
castlίng, White has defended the 19 'ifg4! ±} 19 f6 'iVxf6 20 fe 'ifb6
g2-pawn, and Black has to find an- 21 :el! :fe8 22 ~hl 1:.xe5 23lΔf5
other possibilίty instead of ... Vie7- :ae8 24 1Ixe5 :xe5 25lΔxg7 ~g7
b7. Ιη thίs positίon Whίte may try: 26 'ifg4+ ±, Mitrakanth-Prasad,
Indίa 1992) and now (D):

'8.• -8 -8
•.••• •
J.8 •• 8
Χ8 8 • •••
8·8 •• ~_
8'8 . ' 8
8 .Δ8 8 •• ••
8'8 .Δ_'
Δ" ~~ •
~ • • 8:~
.~ ..•


a) 15 ef e4 16 J.e2 J.xf5 17

8 8 ••
•• &ζ,,!k
••• :=
Δ" •
~ 8~
U • ~

liJc2 Vie5 18 a4 J.e6 19 'ii'd2 f5 20 b21) 18 a4 d5 19 'iWb3 d4 20 cd
ab ab 21lΔd4 b4 1/2-1/2 A.Sokolov- ed 21 f4 'ifh4 22 lΔd5 :ad8 23
Dolmatov, Moscow 1994. J.e4 :fe8 24 J.f3 .i.xd5 25 J.xd5
q) 15liJc2: 'iWf6 26 ab 'ifxf5 is level.
bl) 15•••:b8 (a passive move, b21) 18 J.e2 d5 19 J.f3 :ad8
but one which features ίη many 20 'ifb3 with a smal1 advantage Ιο
plans) 16efe417 :el J.xf518 ~4 White, although Black has definite
and now, rather than 18••.J.g6? 19 counterplay after 20 ... e4 with the
J.xe4 J.xe4 20 f3 d5 21 fe de 22 idea of ... J.g7 -e5 and ...:d8-d6,
'iWg4 Vic5 23 cιPh 1 :b6 24 lΔf5 threatening ... J.e5xh2, Topalov-
:g6 26 Vixe4 ± Κramnik-Nunn, vaίser, Metz 1992.
Monaco 1994, 18•••J.xd4 is better: b23) Nisipianu-Genescu, Ro-
19 cd d5 20 'iWd2 :b6 21 'iWf4?! manian Ch 1994, developed more
(21 J.fl ;1;;) 21 ... J.g6 22 J.e2 'iWb4 sharply with 18 'ii'e2!?, whίch was
56 10... ~g7 Ι! .fιd3

met by 18.•. d5! ? 19 f6! ~xf6 20 The natural 14...~b7 is also

f4 ef 21l2)f5 (intending h2-h4 +-) possible, for example, 15 l2)e3 fe
21 ... h4 (21 ...%Σfe8 22 '-f3 ~e5 23 16l2)f5 "it'f6 17 ~xe4 d5! 18 ~d5
h41Wf6 24 1Wxh5 ~c8 25l2)h6+! %Σd8 19 "it'g4 %Σχd5 20 "ilxg7 'ji'xg7
rJ;g7 26 %ΣaeΙ! 'JIfxh6 27 %Σχe5 ±) 21 l2)xg7+ r3;e7 22 l2)f5+ 'itί>e6 23
22 %ΣΧf4! 1i'xf4 23 "ii'h5 (intend- l2)e3 %Σd7 24 Φe2 f5, and ίπ spite
ing 24 l2)e7+!) 23 ... %Σfe8 24 %Ση! of White's extra pawn ίπ the end-
with a decisive attack. The sacή­ game, Black has the advantage,
fice f5-f6 has many merits; ίι frees Anand-Κramnik, Moscow 1994.
f5 for the knight, and opens the 15 "ilf3 ο-ο
diagona1 for White's bishop; there- 15..•f4 16 g3 h5 17 gf ~g4 18
fore the move 18•••~f6! deserves 'ilg2 ~h6 19 f3 ~d7 20 fe de 21
attentίon. 1i'f2 ~e6 22 l2)b4 %Σg8 οccuπed ίη
b3) Chekhov's recommenda- Konguval-Antonio, Calcutta ορ
ιίοη 15•••f4!? deserves attention: 1994.
16a4~b717abableadstoacom­ 16 l2)e3
plex but fairly standard type of ρο­ Puttίng a knight οη d5 again is
sitίon. ηο good: 16l2)b4 a5 17 l2)d5 ~e6
14 1i'b7!? (D) 18l2)e3 (forced) 18 ... f4 19l2)n f5
20 l2)d2 d5, and the centre sweeps
away a11 obstacles.
16 Ι4
17 l2)d5 ~e6
18 g4 (D)
18 ~e2?! is worse: 18 ... ~xd5
19 ed f5 20 g4 fg 21 hg e4 221i'h5
h6 23 ο-ο-ο? b4 24 c4 b3 25 ab a5
26 g4 a4 =F Qi-Vyzhmanavin, Bei-
jing 1991. Of course, he should
have continued 23 g4!? or 23 0-0 -
why castle ίηΙο the attack?
W 18 b4!
The queen restrains the pawn, as Ιπ the game Dolmatov-Ma.Tseit-
mentioned ίη the previous note. ιiη, Beersheba 1991, Black did ηοΙ
Okhotnik's idea of giving υρ g2- have time Ιο exρose the possibili-
15 ef 1Wxg2 16:η ~b7 17 l2)e3 ties of his pieces. He tried one of
has ηοΙ yet found any takers. the possible ideas but executed ίι
lO... .i.g711.td3 57

.Ι. After 20 ed e4!? 21 .i.xe4.i.xb2

22 :ΙbΙ .i.e5 23 c5! 'ifb5 24 c6
~ •••
~ ~ .Ι~Ι
• ~
83 .i.c3+ 25 ~d 1 :Ιfe8 the game ίη­
ι ••
~ .......

.,• -
~ ~ ~ tensifies, whίch Dolmatov was ap-
_Ι_lΩ8 • parently trying ιο avoid by makίng
the precautίonary move 18 g4.
~ n~.\Wι.
~ ",,"~

. .:
u ......."
~.~ U

" ?-'1'~


weakly: 18•••:t'e8?! (18 ... :Ιae8!?

19 ~fl f5 20 gf :Ιχf5 is possible,
but 18 ... f5? immediately is wrong
due to 19 gf:Ιχf5 20 ~7+! +-) 19
~fl :Ιac8 20 a3! :Ιc5 21 :Ιd 1 ~f8 a5 23 g5 'ίi'd7? (23 ....i.xd5
24 ed b4 25 ab ab 28 .i.xh7 with a Β
complex game) 24 :ΙgΙ .i.xd5 25 20
ed e4 26 .i.xe4 b4 27 ab ab 28 Otherwise, after g4-g5 the bishop
.i.xh7 bc 29 bc :Ιχc3 30 :Ιd3 :Ιc4 will be excluded from the game.
31 h4 and now White has a clear 21 g5 .i.d8
advantage. 22!? ~h8?!
19 c4 It would have been better first 10
19 :ΙbΙ and 19 ~fl are interest- move the rook to c8.
ing, preserving the knight οη d5, 23 h4?!
as ίη both cases its exchange Dolmatov misses his chance ιο
opens the route bl-h7 straίght Ιο play a pawn sacήfice: 23 .i.h3 :Ιg8
the black kίng. True, Black could (of course, ίι is very dangerous 10
have gained counterplay οη the b- take ίι immediately: 23 ....i.xg5 24
file after 19... bc. 19 cb is wrong be- .i.f5 followed by 'ίi'f3-h5, :thl-gl,
cause of 19....i.xd5, as is 19lί)xb4 :ΙaΙ-cΙ and a decisive attack) 24
because of 19... a5. :ΙgΙ :Ιχg5 25 :Ιχg5 .i.xg5 26.i.f5
19 .i.xd5! and the initίatίve is οη White's
Just ίη tίme! side.
20 cd (D) 23 ••
0 :Ιc8
58 10... j,g711 j,d3

Topalov does not let such possi- It's already Ιοο late Ιο play
bilίties go by a second time. Now 27 ...1Σχb2 28 1Σc 1 1Σχa2 29 1Σc6!
the initiative pas ses to him. j,c5 30 'ifh5 b3 31 'ilh6 'ifg7 32
24 j,h3 1Σc2 1Σc7 'ilxh6 33 gh and White has at
25 j,f5 j,b6 least a perpetual check. (Typeset-
26 1Σh2(D) te r's note: ίη this lίne 31 ...1Σf7 ap-
pears Ιο win for Black.)
28 ~gl 1Σg8
29 ~hl 'fic7
30 :gl :cl
31 :hg2 1ΣχgΙ+
32 <it>xgl fg
33 'fih5 g4!
Of course, Black will ηοΙ allow
the h-file Ιο be opened up, and the
position is level.

Β 14 c4 quickly leads Ιο a lively

26 ... Ι6?! game and a skirmish ίη the centre.
Why not 26...:xb2? Black prob- Immense complications frequently
ably did ηοΙ want Ιο give υρ the c- arise οη the board. Ιη this encoun-
file, which, ίη combination with ter, White tumed ουΙ Ιο be very
'iff3-h5 and the opening of the g- well prepared from the opening,
file after the unavoidable ... f7-f6, but then 10st the thread of events
could have had decisive signifi- and suffered a defeat.
cance. But as regards the initiative,
Black οη the queenside tums ουΙ Ιο Game 12
be the more important, and his ρο­ Ι. Gurevich - Dlescas
sition is quite defensively sound. BielIZ 1993
After 27 1ΣcΙ 1Σχa2 the b-pawn be-
comes dangerous, threatening ίη 1 e4 c5 2 ffi 1Ωc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4
particular 28 ...b3, when 29 'ifxb3 lbf6 5 1Ωc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 j,p
fails ίη view of 29 ... j,xf2+. The a6 8 lba3 b5 9 j,xf6 gf 10 lbd5
real threat οη the kingside after 28 j,g7 11 j,d3lbe7 12lbxe7 'ilxe7
'ifh5 f6 is ηοΙ visible. 13 ο-ο ο-ο
27 ~η j,d8 14 c4 (D)
1O... ~g 7 11.i..d3 59

a) 15 "'e2 ~b7 16 1ΣadΙ 1Σad8!

17 f3 fe 18 fe ί5 (this is Black's
fυndamental idea; clearίng the way
for the central pawns by exchang-
ing the ΡeήΡheral b- and f-pawns)
19 tΩc2 bc (a sound idea, but ίη­
exactly executed; 19... fe 20 ~xe4
1Σxfl 211Σxfl bc is better) 20 ~xc4
d5 21 ed 'iWc5+ 22 ΦhΙ Φh8 23
tΩe3 ί4 24 tΩg4 ~xd5 25 tΩxe5
~xg2+ 26 Φχg2 1/2-!J2 Tnnoshenko-
Β Gagarίn, Bucharest 1993.
Ιη Sveshnikov ρositions with b) 15 ef?! e4 16 ί6 (iί 16 1Σfel,
doubled f-pawns, White sooneror then the simple 16... ~xί5 with the
later runs ίηto the problem οί the idea οί 17 ...1Σfe8; ίη this situation
c-pawn. Indeed the knight οη a3 yet another disadvantage οί c2-c4
most frequently enters the struggle is evident - after ...e5-e4 the g7-
via c2. Therefore a choice arίses as bishop gaίns additional strength)
ιο whether Ιο move the c-pawn one 16...~xί617 1ΣeΙ d5! 18cd~xb2
square or two. c2-c3 looks slίghtly 19 ~xe4 "'xa3 20 1Σe3 'ifd621
more solίd. Ιη the event οί c2-c4 ~xh7+ ΦΧh7 22 "'c2+ "'g6! 23
White is gaίning time, but it also "'xb2 1Σg8 24 1Σg3 "'e4, and hav-
has an essential disadvantage: ex- ing repulsed the attacks, Black re-
changing the more central c-pawn taίns his extra mateήal, Van der
for its black colleague οη the b-file Wiel-Nunn, Wijk aan Zee 1992;
ίη many cases opens the way for 17 ... d5! has a witty idea - ίι closes
the black infantryman οη d6. Ιη­ the hl-a8 diagonal and opens υρ
deed Black himselftrίes (when the another, a3-f8, for the queen.
white pawn is οη c3) Ιο divert this c) 15 1ΣeΙ fe 16 ~xe4 1Σb8 17
pawn from the centre with ... b5-b4. cb ab 18 'iWd3 ί5 19 ~d5+ Φh8 20
Ιη this case, White, foregoing static tΩxb5 e4 21 "'b3 ~e5!? (21 ......e5
considerations, tήes Ιο bring the 23 a4 ~d7 24 1Σe2 ± Nunn-Kosten,
knight ίηΙο the fray more quickly Leeds 1990) 22 a4 ~d7 23 1ΣacΙ
and attack the lίght squares. "'e8 24 ~c4 1iΊι5 :j: Kosten-Chand-
14 ••• Ι5 ler, Hastings 1990/1. We will fol-
15 "'f3
Other continuations are:
low this interesting game Ιο the
end: 25 h3? (25 g3) 25 ......g6 26
60 10... Ji.g711 .id3

Ji.d5 :g8! 27 g3 (27 Ji.xg8 :xg8 :xb2 23 lbe3 'ί!ke6 24 a4 ifxd5 25

28 g3 f4 +) 27 ... t:.g7 28 :c7 ifh5 ttJxd5 f5 26 g4 :b7 = Short-Illes-
29 :ecl 'ίWxh3 30 :lc3 (nothing is cas, Linares 1992.
gained by 30 ttJxd6 :xg3+ 31 fg d3) 18 ifg4 :fe8 19 Ι3 h5 20
Ji.d4+ -+) 30 ... f4 31 :xd7 fg 32 'iνxh5 JLd4+ 21 ΦhΙ ef 22 gf
:f7 (D) 'iνxel and then:
d31) 23 Ι6!? 'iνxf1+ 24 JLxf1
JLxf6 25 ttJc2 JLg7! 26 JLd3 :e5
27 'iνg4 :be8 28 cb ab 29 ttJd4
:e3 30 JLxb5? (30 <itιgl!? JLxf3 31
ttJxf3 :xd3 32 ttJg5 :d2 33 Φf1
=) 30 ... :8e4 -+ Howell-Y.Ivanov,
Le Touquet 1990.
d32) 23 'iνg4+ Φf8 24 ttJc2
JLxf3+ 25 'ί!kxf3 'ί!kh4 26 ttJxd4
'ίWxd4 27 f6 'ί!kh4 28 cb ab 29 ifg2
'ίWh6 30 :gl "ii'h8! 31 "ilί'f2 :e6 32
:g7 :c8 33 'tWf4 :xf6 34 'tWxf6
Β 'ίWxg7, seizing the initiative after
32...'ii'hl +! 33 Φxhι g2+ 34 ΦgΙ a difficult defence, Dvoirys-Yak-
JLh2+ 0-1. Chandler's bήΙΙίant on- ovich, Leeuwarden 1993.
slaught shows the many ways of at- 15 ... bc (D)
tacking the king. 15 "i!t'f3 forces Black Ιο fix his
d) 15 'ii'h5 is quite a popular position.
continuation, e.g. 15...:b8 16 ef e4
17 :ael JLb7 and now:
dl) 18 b3 bc 19 bc Φh8 20
ttJbl?! (20 1Dc2!?) 20 ...:g8? (Black
should play 20 ... JLe5! 21 JLc2
:bc8 22 ttJd2 d5 23 :bl JLa8 with
an unclear game) 21 g3 :be8 22
ttJd2 JLc3 23 :xe4 JLxe4 24 ttJxe4
JLf6 25 'ii'h6 with good compensa-
ιίοη for the exchange, Dvoirys-
Ikonnikov, USSR 1991.
d2) 18 ttJc2 bc 19 JLxc4 d5 20
JLxd5 JLxd5 21 f6 ifxf6 22 'ί!kxd5 w
10... ~g7 11 ~3 61

16 lL1xc4 d5 22 ~b3, then 22 ....:c5! 23 ':adl

17 ed e4 ':g5 24 ':d2 'ifg6 with initiative Ιο
18 'ilfe3!? Black.
18 'ife2 is worse: 18 ... ~b7 19 22 .. ο 'ii'g5
~c2 ~xd5 20 ~b6 .:tad8 21lL1xd5 Now 22"J:tc5 would be a mis-
.:txd5 22 .:tadl .:tb5! with a small take. After 23 :adl 1i'g6 24 d7
advantage to Black, Vlad-Gagarin, ':h5 25 'ifxh5 'ikxh5 26 d8'if ':xd8
Romania 1992. 27 ':xd8+ ~f8 28 lL1d6 Black falls
Giving back the d5-pawn is ηοΙ ίηΙο a diffιcult position.
the best solution, but after 19 d6 23 ':adl Ι5
'ike6 with the idea of ...f5-f4 Black 24 b4?!
again remains the more active. Οη White should have played the
the third rank the white queen has slightly more active 24 d7! ':cd8
greater freedom Ιο manoeuvre, and 25.:td6;!;.
for the time being hinders ... f5-f4. 24 c,iJh8
18 ,,0 ~b7 25 ~b3 ~c6
19 d6! 'iWf6 26 d7
19"0'ii'e6 does ηοΙ assist the ad- 26 ':fel would have been more
vance ... f5-f4, and after 20 ~e2

~d5 21lL1b6 .:tad8 22lL1xd5 'ii'xd5
23 ':fdl, ίι leads ιο a big advantage
20 ~c2
Obviously ηοΙ 20 ~e2?, which


8 8Δ8 ••

would have given the black f-pawn

'."'8 8 8
the chance Ιο carry ουΙ a destruc-
8 • •_
tive incursion ίηΙο the white camp
with ... f5-f4-f3. "~~ιι.~

20 ..ο Ι4 8.t.8 • • ...
2O...%Σac8 deserves attention. Δ.
d •~ ~Δ~
u u
21 'ifh3 ':ac8
Attempting Ιο win the pawn • 8:8.:=
with 21 .. 0~d51eads Black Ιο disas- W
ter after 22lL1b6 ~e6 23 'ifh5. 27 .:td6?!
22 b3! Αη unclear game arises after the
Α precise move, after whίch continuation 27 lL1d6! 'ifg6! 28
White gains a small advantage. If lL1e8 ~xd7 (28 ... ~e5 29 ':d6!!
62 1O... ~g7 11 ~d3

hd6 30 1IIc3+ %f6 31lbxf6 ~xM 33 'ii'f3 Ioses Ιο 33 ...e2 34 ':el

32 'ίi'xc6 ~e7 33 1IIxa6 f3 34 g3 'iVxb4.
~xf6 35 'ii'e6) 29lbxg7 'ii'xg7. 33 Ιε
27 ~xd7 34 'ii'f3 ε2
28 ':fdl 'ii'e7! 35 ':'εΙ Wxb4
29 lbb6? It's still ηοΙ Ιοο late Ιο make
Gurevich probably overlooked mistakes. After 35.....td4+ 36 ~h 1
Black's next reply. Some chances 'ii'xb4 37 'ii'xe2 ':'xd5?? 38 'iί'e8+
for a successful defence remain rj;g7 39 ':'e7+ White would even
after 29 ':'xa6 ~b5 30 ':'ad6 ':'c8! havewon.
31 lbb6 ':'c3 32 'ifh5 e3 33 ':'e6 36 ':'xe2 ~d4+
'ίixM 34 fe ~c6 35 lbd5 ~xd5 36 0-1
~xd5 fe~. Or 37 rj;f1 'ii'bl+ 38 ':'el 'ii'b5+
29 ~ε6! 39 ':'e2 ':'xd5 and Black has an ex-
Unexpectedly showing υρ the tra bishop.
weakness of White's back rank.
30 ':'xd8 ':'xd8 Conclusion
31 lbd5 ~xd5 The continuatίon 11 ~d3lbe7 gives
32 ~xd5 Black the foundations Ιο rely οη
32 ':'xd5 ':'xd5 33 ~xd5 'ilxb4 gaining a position with good coun-
34 g3 f3 35 111f1 was more stub- terchances. If ίη the variation with
born, even though after 35 ... ~d4 13 c3, play is relatively quiet and
White's situation remains cήtica1. marked by manoeuvring, then 14
32 ε3 c4 frequently leads ΙΟ rapid con-
33 Ιε flict.
6 10...i.g7 without 11 σtd3 -
White fίanchettoes

Ιη general the Sνeshnikoν falls 11 c3

quite easily into the classification Ιη Belίavsky-Dolmatoν, Yugo-
of νariations, but there is one bot- slaνia 1992, White seized the ίη­
tleneck, when White plays 9 .i.xf6, itiatiνe after 11 c4 f5 (11 ... b4 12
and Black then plays ... f7-f5 and lί)c2 a5 13 .i.d3 is significantly
... .i.f8-g7. He can do this ίη any or- worse, after which ίι is difficult Ιο
der. And most often of all White re- carry out ... f6-f5) 12 cb lί)d4 13
acts Ιο this with a set of standard .i.d3 ο-ο 14 lί)c2 lί)xc2 15 'iWxc2
moνes: c2-c3, lί)a3-c2, g2-g3, .i.b7 16 ο-ο .i.xd5 17 ed.
.i.f1-g2, which can also be made at Howeνer, ίη the game Ηeπera­
any time. We haνe tήed Ιο clear υρ A.Diaz. Haνana 1993, Black found
the nuances of one or another moνe a better reply: 14•••fe 15 .i.x~ %:ιb8
order ίη the notes to actual games. 16 ο-ο (16 lί)d4 ed 17 'ifh5?f5 18
Therefore the next two chapters .i.f3 %:ιΧb5 +) 16... %:ιΧb5 (16 ... ab?!
(which are closely bound together) 17 lί)xd4 ed 18 %:ΙC 1 ;1;) 17 lί)xd4 ed
are diνided under different head- 18 %:ιcΙ .i.b7 19 'iWf3 'ifg5 20 a4!
ings depending οη whether the %:ιΧb2 (20 ... %:ιΧd5 21 %:ιc7 .i.a8 22
bishop is fianchettoes οη g2 or ηοΙ %:ιa7 .i.c6 23 %:ιχa6 .i.b7 24 %:ιa7
Both are supposedly transposi- leads to a draw) 21 %:ιc7 .i.xd5 22
tional, between the chapter οη .i.xd5 ~f6 23 'ii'd3 %:ιb6 =.
1O....i.g7 and the one οη 1O...f5. 11 ••• fS(D)
12 ef
Game 13 Α dίstinctiνe idea ίη the sρίήt of
Adams - Salov the Benko Gambit was used ίη
Dortmund 1992 Trapl-Volke, Ustye 1994: 12 g4 fg
13 lί)c2 .i.e6 14lί)ce3 lί)e7 15 h3
1 e4 c5 2 lί)f3 lί)c6 3 d4 cd 4lί)xd4 g3 16 fg lί)xd5 17 ed 'ii'g5 18 ι;itf2
lί)Ι6 5lί)c3 e5 6lί)db5 d6 7 .i.g5 .i.d7 19 h4 'ii'f6+ 20 ι;itg2 .i.h6 21
β6 8 lί)β3 b5 9 .i.xf6 gf 10 lί)d5 lί)g4 'iWg7 22lί)xh6 'it'xh6 23 'iWcl!
.i.g7 'ifg6 24 'ife3 %:ιg8 25 .i.d3 f5 26
64 JO ... ~g7 without 11 ~d3 - Whitefiαnchettoes

with counterplay for Black) 21 a3

~g5 22 ~e4 ~e7 with an unclear
game, Komeev-N.Nikcevic, Catto-
lica 1992.
b) 15••• h6 and now:
bl) 16 h5 ~h7 17 ~d3 f5 18 g4
e4 19 ~e2 (19 ~c2 fg 20 ~xg4
'iί"g5 =+= is worse) 19 ... f4 20 ~xf4
':'xf4 21 "ίIi'd5+ 'it>h8 22 'iWxc6 'iί"f8,
and Black has some initiative for
the sacήficed pawn.
W b2) 16g4~7! 17 ~d3 (17 ~g2
':'hf1 0-0-0 27 c4, and White held ':'a7 18 "ίIi'd2 f5 and the black
οη Ιο the initίatίve. pieces are harmoniously placed)
12 ~xf5 17 ... ~xd5 18 ~xd5 e4 19 ~c2
13 ~c2 ο-ο ':'b8 20 iVd2 b4!, and problems
14 ~ce3 ~e6 could arise for the white king.
14••• ~g6 also deserves serious 15 g3 ~e7
attention. After 15 h4 (D) the fol- Αη attempt Ιο attack the c3-
10wing variations are possible: pawn immediately was unsuccess-
ful ίη Geller-Arakhamia, Aruba
1992: 15••• b4 16 ~g2 bc 17 bc ':'c8
18 ο-ο f5 19 'iWh5 'it>h8 20 ':'adl
~e7 21 ':'d2 e4 (21 ... ~xd5 22
~xd5 ~xd5 23 ':'xd5 l1xc3 24
':'fdl l1c6 25 ':'xe5 ±) 22 l1fdl
~e5 23 ~f4!? ~f7 24 'iWh6 ':'c6 25
~e6 ~xe6 26 'iWxe6 'iί"e8 27 ~c4
':'f6! 28 ~xd6 ':'xe6 29 ~xe8
'it>g8! 30 l1d8 Φf7 31 111d7 ':'g6?
32 ~fl, and Geller achieved a per-
manent advantage. True, 31 ... ':'xc3
Β 32 ~d6+ 'it>g6 33 ~h3 ':'c6 would
a) 15•••f5!1 16 h5 ~e8 17 g4! have allowed Arakhamia Ιο main-
~d7! (l7 ... fg? 18h6+-; 17 ... f418 tain the balance, but even after this
~f5 ±) 18 gfΦh8! 19 h6! ~f6 20 she would have had to defend with
~g2 ':'b8 (20 ...:'c8!? 21 a3 ~g5 a seήes of forced moves.
1O... .i.g 7 without 11 .i.d3 - White jίanchettoes 65

The preliminary 15...:b8 was d5 against Black's dark-squared

seen ίη the game Shamkovich- bishop.
Maguiera, Las Vegas 1994, which 18 ... ~h8
continued 16 .i.g2 f5 17 'iVh5! b4 19 a4 .i.h6!
18 ο-ο bc 19 bc 'iVd7 20 f4! 'iVa7 Black, of course, is betteroff ex-
(20...1tb5!?) 21 ΦhΙ 'iVc5 221tadl changing his passive bishop.
1tb2 23 fe! de 24 1txf5! .i.xf5 25 20 ab ab?
lDxf5 'iVf2 26 lbde7+ lDxe7 27 Black's οηlΥ chance of ηοι fall-
lDxe7+ ~h8 28 lDg6+ ~g8 29 ing ίηΙο a difficult situation was a
.i.d5+, and White won. swift exchange οη e3, for example,
16 .i.g2 :b8 20....i.xe3 21 fe .i.xd5 (or 21 ... ab
17 ο-ο lDxd5 22 ':a6 ':b6 23 ':a7 ;1;) 22 'iVxd5
Salov would probably have been ':xb5 23 'iYd2 a5 With a defensible
better off allowing White the pos- position.
sibilίty of exchanging knights 21 lDc2! (D)
himself: 17...f5 18 lDxe7+ 'ilxe7 We think the reader can under-
19 lDd5 'ii'd7 (this continuation is stand why Adams rapidly removes
more exact than 19 ... 'iVf7 20 lDb4 his knίght from attack.
':b6 21 a4 with a small advantage
to White) 20 'ii'd2 with chances for
both sides.
18 .i.xd5! (D)

Α very ΡήηcίΡΙed move, the aim
of which is ιο maίntain a knight οη
66 IO... ~g7 without 11 J.d3 - White fianchettoes

23 ... J.g5 win because of 27 ... J.g4) 27 ... fe

24 tLJb4 J.d8 28 ':'xb8 ':'xb8 29 ':'xe4 with an ex-
Salov wishes ιο play ....:.b8-b6, trapawn.
ίη order Ιο exchange the a6-rook or 26 ... Ι5
force ίι ίηΙο a less actίve positίon. The only move. If the bishop re-
Alas, his idea was ηοΙ fated Ιο be treats Ιο d8, then 27 'ifh5 is deci-
carrίed ουΙ sive, and if 26 ...J.a7 or 26 ...J.c5,
25 J.e4! (D) then 27 tLJf6!.
27 tLJxb6 'ilfd8 (D)

Whίte's threats arise unexpect- W
edly from every quarter, and apart 28 tLJd7
from anything else, the black kίng Again Adams had a choice. The
could also be ίη danger. contίnuatίon 28 'iVh5 J.g4 29 'iVh6
25 J.b6! ':'f6 30 'i'h4 fe 31 'ii'xg4 (31 ':'a7 is
The planned 25•• ..:r.b6 does ηοΙ worse: 31 ... J.f5 32 tDd5 ':'e6 with
work because of 26 'ii'h5 f6 27 an unclear game) 30....:.xb6 31
'ii'h6 ':'f7 (27 ....:.g8 28 ':'xb6 J.xb6 ':'a7 would also have led Ιο a clear
29 'ii'xf6+) 28 ':'xb6 J.xb6 29 advantage for Whίte.
J.xh7!, and White wins. 28 'ilfxd7
26 tLJd5 29 ':'xd6 'ilfe7
Probably the most exact. Also 30 ':'d7 'ilfg5
possible: 26 'ffh5 f5 27 ':'xb6 (but 31 J.c2
ηοΙ 28 'ίWxh3?? J.xf2+ 28 ~xf2 There's absolutely ηο ροίηΙ ίη
fe+ 29 ~g2 JΣf2+, and Black is al- giving Black counterchances after
ready winnίng; 27 J.c6 does ηοΙ 31 J.g2 J.xg2 32 Φχg2 f4.
10... ~g7 without 11 ~d3 - Whitefiαnchettoes 67

31 ••• e4? 18 ο-ο a5 (D)

Leading Ιο a forced loss, and al-
though 31 ...:be8 is better, after 32
f4 few chances for salvatίon re-
maίn for Black.
32 'tWd4+ -'Ι6
33 'tWa7 -'h6
34 :al b4
35 'tWd4+ _Ι6
36 :aa7 'tWxd4
37 cd 1-0

Ιη the next game Black quickly

manages Ιο exchange the knight, W
and moreover, ίη distinctίon from Α distinctive picture of this
the previous game, Whίte is forced variation. White's problems are Ιο
Ιο stήke agaίnst the d5-knίght. This bήηg pressure οη the d6-pawn and
is a model of how Black should create active play οη the kingside;
play agaίnst indecisive actίon by the black pieces are ready Ιο attack
hίs opponent. the weak queenside pawns, but ίη
this case can also show aggression
Game 14 against the white kίng. This preor-
Arakhamia - Nunn daίns a tense struggle over the
London 1993 whole board.
19 'ii'd2
1 e4 c5 2 lbf3 lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4 Τοο indecisive. Ιη a way ίι as-
lbf6 5 lbc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 ~g5 sists the attack οη the d6 pawn and
a6 8 lba3 b5 9 ~xΙ6 gf 10 lbd5 impedes the move ...b5-b4, but ίη
~g7 11 c3 Ι5 12 ef ~xΙ5 13 lbc2 fact ίι tums ουΙ that there is ηο tίme
~oo 14 lbce3 lbe7 15 g3 for an effectίve attack οη the pawn,
15 ..• lbxd5 and indeed d2 is not a very happy
Now White has the additίonal posίtίon for the queen.
possibilίty of hitting d5 with the a) 19 Wh5 is a much more ener-
bishop, whίch is ίη ΡήηcίΡΙe desir- getic continuation, e.g. 19... ~h8
able. 20 :adl f5 21 :d2 (D) with the
16 lbxd5 ο-ο possibίlitίes:
17 ~g2 :b8 a1) 21 ••if7 (best) and now:
δll /0... 1.117 wiIhouIl1 j,43 - Whitefiαnchettoes

initiative) 27 ...J.g5 28 'ifxb5 ί4 the

game is far from clear.
a12) Kotronias chose 22 'ifdl
against Illescas, Κhalkidhiki 1992.
After 22 .. :ίi'd7 23 a3?! e4! 24tLJf4?
(24 ':el =) 24 ... J.e5 Black seized
the initiative. White should have
continued 23 ί4 (a standard move
fixing Black's central pawns), for
example, 23 ... e4 24 'ithl b4 25 c4
a4 26 tLJe3 %:ιbd8 27 'iie2 'iVc8 28
Β h3 'i'c5 29 g4 with an advantage
all) 22 'tWh3 'i'd7 (it's interest- to White, Schafer-Loew, Germany
ing Ιο note that the game Arakh- 1994. The manoeuvre 'i'dl-h5,
amia-Nunn, Hastings 1993/4, went ':al-dl-d2 and then 'iWh5-dl is
οη 22 ... ~g6, and here the players very interesting.
agreed a draw) 23 ':fdl ':bd8 24 a13) The continuation 22 'ilie2
'ifh4 'ii'e6 25 tLJe3! (25 tLJc7 'iixa2 was tested ίη Kozakov-Rogoz-
26lbxb5 d5 27 'iie7 ~h5 28 ~xd5 enko, 1993, which went: 22 ... 'iie8
~xdl 29 ~xa2 ':xd2 30 ί4 =Do- 23 tLJe3?! (23 a3 e4! was better,
chev-Rogozenko, Plovdiv 1992) with the idea οί ... J.g7 -h6, ...J.f7-
25 ...1Wg6 (25 ... e4 26 ':d5 ±) 26 h5) 23 ...J.xa2 24 ':al ~b3 25
J.h3 f4. Here, ίη Szekely-Rogoz- ':xa5? (25 ':xd6!? a4 +) 25 ... f4 26
enko, Εfοήe 1993, Szekely naively tLJf1 +.
used his opponent's recommen- a2) Instead 21 ...'ilid7 is worse
dation, published ίη Informαtor after 22 :rdl. Here are two exam-
54, and played 27 J.f5, but after ples οη this theme:
27 .. :Wh5 he certainly could not a21) 22...'ilif7 23 'ilih4! e4 24
avoid a mateήaΙΙοss. Now Rogoz- lbf4 J.e5 25 ':xd6 J.xd6 26 ':xd6
enko recommends 26 'ilie7, but who ':fe8 27 g4, and White, at the Ρήce
knows whether or not the trusting οί a small mateήalΙοss, has ήΡped
reader is awaiting a standard dirty apart his opponent's mighty pawn
tήck? Ιη anycase, after 26 ... J.f6!? centre, Geller-Fedorowicz, New
(26...f4 27 Ixd6 ':xd6 28 ':xd6 York 1990.
'iWbl + 29 ':dl 'iWxb2 30 tLJf5 ±) 27 a22) 22...':g8 23 tLJe3 J.f8 24
'iWb7 (27 'iWc7 ί4 28 tLJd5 J.xd5 29 ~d5 f4 25 ~xe6 'iWxe6 26 tLJf5,
':xd5 e4 gives Black a dangerous and by now White has seized the
1O... i.g 7 without 11 i.d3 - White fiαnchettoes 69

commanding heights, Κroppa-Shu­ 22 "'g5 "'f7

raev, Alushta 1994. 23 1Id2 e4
b) We should add that 19 a3 is 24 1Iedl
too sluggish, forinstance 19 ... f5 20 Α tardy retum Ιο the cοπect
'iί'd2 ~h8 21 1Ifdl e4 22 f3 i.xd5 plan, but time has already slipped
23 'iί'xd5 ef 24 i.xf3 i.e5, and by, and Black has deployed his
Black's chances are somewhat bet- forces harmoniously. Now Arakh-
ter, Kova~evic-Κramnik, USSR- amia faces a diffιcult fight for
Yugoslavia 1991. equality.
19 Ι5 24 i.e5
20 1Iadl 'i1i'h8 (D) 25 'iWe3 "'g7
26 ~hl b4(D)

21 1Ifel W
Again a move which from gen- Preparations for the attack are
eral consideratίons seems to 10se a over. The tίme has aπίved for deci-
tempo; the real place for the rook is sive actίon.
οη the d-file. There's nothing more 27 Ι4?
dangerous ίη the Sveshnikov than Of course, ίι is ηοΙ easy Ιο cope
playing with general considera- with Black's pressure, but now the
tions ίη mind. Concrete thinking white king might be ίη danger. The
and purposefulness are demanded English Grandmaster's bishop pair
from the players, and Dr. Νυηη becomes quite savage.
demonstrates precisely these quali- 27 ef
tίes ίη this very game. 28 i.xf3 bc
21 000 "'d7 29 lΩxc3
70 10... Ag7 without 11 ~3 - White fiαnchettoes

%9 bc: ίι ηο good because of two knights, which led Ιο a more

29 ... AxdS 30 :xd5 Ι4 31 gf .i.xf4 tense situation. The similarity with
321Wd4 j,eS, winning. Game 14 lies ίη the fact that White
29000 Ι4! (D) here again plays somewhat indeci-
Α very telling blow, destroying sively, and Black makes excellent
White's bastions. use ofthis.

Game 15
Short - Kramnίk
Novgorod 1994

1 e4 c5 2lLJf3lLJc6 3 d4 cd 4lLJxd4
lLJf6 5 lLJc3 e5 6 lLJdb5 d6 7 .i.g5
a6 8 lLJa3 b5 9 .i.xf6 gf 10 lLJd5
.i.g7 11 c3 Ι5 12 ef .i.xf5 13 lLJc2

30 gf
31 1Wxe6

• •••• _
.t.. •
illi1 •
.i.e6 (D)

32 .i.e4 .i.xc3
33 bc
Black has aπ extra exchaπge as

• ••••

Β • .~

well as aπ attack.
34 'ii'd5
35 1Wd3
36 .i.d5
37 :xel
u •
. .
Δ~l2J. "Δ"
Arriving ίη the world chess elite,
38 Φg2 :12+ Grandmaster Vladimir Kramnik
39 ~h3 'fIeS is an ardent admirer ofthe Svesh-
40 .i.g2 :e2 nikov, aπd because of this, one can
0-1 judge the development of the sys-
tem as a whole from the variations
Ιη contrast Ιο the previous game, he chooses to use. Kramnik has
Black this time decides to keep the introduced many new ideas, often
10... J.g7without 11 J.d3- Whitejianchettoes 71

eχpeήmentίng. Βυι along with thίs,

despite serious home analysis, he
has Ιο be ready for the unexpected,
and eνen for disappointment. And
ίη such (alas, unaνoidable) circum-
stances, one must use the aίd of
old, tested contίnuatίons.
So, ίη this νery toumament,
Iνanchuk managed Ιο demonstrate
the insufficiencies of 13 ... lDe7,
haνing placed the moνe ίη questίon
under some doubt (we hope this is W
temporary - see Game 18). And 17 :el?!
Κramnίk retums to the path of 'of- Α stereotyped moνe, which
ficial' theory. Precisely thίs unίνer­ loses tίme. Ιη the future Short will
sal approach ιο opening problems return to the normal plan of dou-
distinguishes the strongest chess- blίng rooks οη the d-file, but Black
players ίη the world. manages Ιο bring about the posi-
14 g3 0-0 tίoη he has ίη mind.
If 14••.J.xd5 15 "xd5 lΔe7, 17 Ίi1ι5 was better: 17 .....d7
then after 16 "b7! ο-ο (16 .....c8 (17 ... b41 18lΔce3 with the idea of
17 'ifxc8 :xc8 18 a4! ±) 17 J.g2 :al-dl, lΔe3-c4 ±) 18 :adl f5 19
d5 18 :dl (180-01 'iid6) 18 ...:b8 lΔce3 (19 :d2 e4 20 :fdllΔe5 21
19 "xa6 :a8 20 'tWb7! (20 1fxb5 1! lΔce3lΔg6 22 a4! 1 ba 23lΔc4 J.e5
:b8 21 "c5 :xb2 22lDe3 d4 with and despite the extra tempo ίη
an unclear game) 20...:b8 21 W'a7 comparison with the game, the
:a8 22 "c5 Whίte is a pawn up. position is dίfficult to assess ίη
15 J.~ a5 anyone's faνour) 19... e4 (l9 ... f4?
Beshukoν-Vasilίeνich, Alushta 20 J.e4) 20 lΔf4! with the idea of
1994, ended ίη a dίsastrous attempt J.g2-h3, attacking the f5-pawn,
by Black ιο begin to play oνer the after which definite difficultίes
whole board (by ...b5-b4, ... f7-f5, might arise for Black.
... e5-e4), without first preparing 17 "d7
himself: 15•••:b8 16 lΔce3 f5 17 18 "'h5 Ι5
ο-ο 'ifd7 18 f4 b41 19 "a4 e411 20 19 :adl e4
'ifxc6! 1-0. Black carήes οη hίs fundamen-
16 ο-ο :b8 (D) tal role with the central pawns,
72 10... .i..g7 without 11 .i..d3 - Whitefiαnchettoes

whilst play with ....:ta8-b8 and White has ηοι yet done anything
... a6-a5 serves precautionary aίms: which might lead him Ιο defeat,
hίηdeήηg the breakthrough a2-a4 and that therefore there is still
and the appearance of the white enough ίη his position Ιο maίntaίn
knίght οη b4 _For a long tίme Black the balance. White should possibly
did ηοΙ manage Ιο do this, but now have played 23 .i..h3!? or even 23
he usually manages Ιο prepare play ΦhΙ!? and ... waίt!
ίη the centre. As regards the assessment of the
20 lLιce3 tLleS position, the dynamic strength of
21 .:te2 tLlg6! the black pieces counterbalances
22 .:ted2 .i..eS! (D) White's structural supeήοήty.
23 a4?!
Maybe the former World Cham-
pionship contender Short realizes
that ίη the Sveshnίkov ίι is difficult
Ιο seek common sense, and there-
fore strives for the initiative ηο
matterwhat. Furthermore, waiting
passively is ηοι ίη Short's charac-
ter. Ιη any case, White's 23rd move
is ηοΙ so much interesting, but

23 ba
W 24 tLlc4 "fIf7! (D)
Every move by Black is under-
lίned by one aim; the creation of a
mighty central grouping of pieces
and preparation of an attack. The
pressure of the struggle is intensi-
fying all the time. Αι this Ροίηι
White cannot find a use for his
beautifully distributed pieces; nor-
mal ideas are ηο longer sufficient,
and finding a way Ιο defuse the
situation is ηοι at all easy. Never-
theless, from common sense one
might come to the conclusion that W
1o. .. JLg7 without 11 iLd3 - White Jiαnchettoes 73

The d5-knight is rooted ΙΟ the have won. Therefore, Whίte's next

spot. move should be directed agaίnst
25 'i'gS 30... JLg4.
If ίι is consistent Ιο try Ιο ρυι 29 1:ιe8!
ίηιο practice the idea of the move Ιη spite of his time trouble,
23 a4, then one should contίnue 25 Kramnik still understands the
lbxe5 de 26 'iί'g5 ~h8 27 c4 with situatίon whίch has arίsen. Now he
some compensation for the pawn. once more creates the threat of
Another route, involving exerting ... f5-f4.
pressure οη the d6 pawn leads one 30 ~6
οη a wίld goose chase after 25 JLn If 30 lbdb6, then 30 ... JLxc4 31
Ψιfg7! 26lbde3 f4. JLxc4 (31 lbxc4) 31 ... f4 32 'iWxe4
25 ~h8 JLxc3.
26 ~hl :g8 30 ••• lbf4! (D)
27 'iί'e3 "'g7 With the move 30 'i'b6 White
28 JLn :bf8 (D) has averted Black's breakthrough
Black has completely seized the 30...f4, which would be met by 31
inίtίatίve. The attack is ηο! far over lbxe5 de 32 lbc7. Βυι the knίght
the hίlls. invades οη f4 with ηο less effect.

29 JLe2 31 lbxf4?
Ιη the event of 29lbdb6 f4 30 31lbc7 is a more stubbom de-
'ifxe4 JLg4! 31 JLe2 JLf5 32 'ifc6 fence: 31..J:te7 (31 ...lbxe2 32lbxe8
fg 33 fg JLxg3! 34 hg 'ifh6+ 35 Φg1 'ii'g4 33 lbxe5 de 34 'ife3 doesn't
lbf4 36 'iff3 JLe4 Black would work) 32lbxe6 :xe6 33 lbxe5 de
74 1O... ~g? without 11 JLd3 - White ftαnchettoes

34 "'e3 (34 1Wxa5 lbxe2 35 1Σχe2 Game 16

"'g4 36 1ΣdeΙ f4 is dangerous for Savon - Agamanaliev
White). Moscow 1991
31 000 ~xI4
321Σd4 d5 1 e4 c5 200lLΊc6 3 d4 cd 4lLΊxd4
White gives back the exchange lLΊΙ6 5 lLΊc3 eS 6 lLΊdb5 d6 7 ~g5
ίη the hope of diminishing his ορ­ a6 8 lLΊa3 bS 9 .txf6 gf 10 lLΊd5
ponent's pressure. .tg7
33 1ΣΧ:d5 11 g3 (D)
If 33 lLΊe3, then 33 ....te5 (or
33 ... ~c7) wίth the idea of 34 ... f4
and 35 ... e3, and White faces insur-
mountable problems.
33 ~xd5
34 1ΣΧ:d5 ~c7
35 'ii'c6 Ι4
Κramnik persistently caπies ουΙ
his plan, which is typical of the
variation. Regrouping his forces at
the rear has brought him success.
36 lLΊd6 1Σe6
37 .tc4 'fie7 Β
38 1ΣeS The idea is to develop the bishop
Α fιnal stunt ίη time trouble. οηΙο the 10ng diagona1, as the
38 1ΣΧ:d6 knight οη a3 might be ουΙ of the
39 1Σχe7 1Σχc6 game for a 10ng time.
40 .txg8 'ίtxg8 11 000 fS
41 1Σχe4 a3 12 ef (D)
0-1 12 ~g2 is also possib1e, for ex-
amp1e, 12000fe 13 .txe4 .te6! and
Now we will examine the vari- now:
ation ίη which White prepares to a) 14 lLΊΙ6+ ~xf6 15 ~xc6+
fιanchetto his bishop οη move 11 'ίte7 16 .txa8 'fixa8 17 1Σgl! (17
(11 g3). The game often ίη this f31 h5! 18 "e2 h4 190-0-0 "c6!
case 1eads into vaήatiοns we have 20 'ild2 hg 21 hg 1ΣxhΙ 22 :xhl
a1ready examined, but sometimes 'ikxf3 =F Solomon-Spasov, Νονί Sad
has independent signifιcance. OL 1990) 17 ... h5 18 c3 ~g4 19
1O... J.g 7 without 11 J.d3 - White fiαnchettoes 75

'ffd3 J.f3 20 llX2 and Black has 12 J.xf5

compensation for the sacrificed Here the pawn sacήfice is very
exchange. interesting: 12•••e4!? 13 c3lbe5 14
b) Romero, playing against Sa- 'ifh5 and now 14••.00+ 15 Φe2
10ν at Wijk aan Zee 1992, did ηοΙ J.b7 16 IΣdl ο-ο! 17 .th3 IΣb8
accept the sacήfice: 14 1fh5 IΣc8 gave Black a good game ίη Alzate-
15 c3lbe7 16 IΣdl IΣc5!? 17lbb4 Ochoa, Bayamo 1984. Arakhamia' s
1fb6 18 1fg5! Φf8 19 1fe3 h5 20 attempt ιο improve with 14••..tb7
lbd3 (20 lbxa6 is a tempting idea, did ηοι lead ιο any benefits: 15 IΣdl
intending 20.. :fixa6 21 1Wxc5 dc b4 16 lbc4lbf3+ 17 Φe2 bc 18 f6
28 IΣd8#; however the mate does J.xf6 19 lbxf6+ 1fxf6 20 lbxd6+
ηοΙ work because of 20 ... J.h6, but Φf8 21 bc IΣb8 221fc5 Φg8 23
21 ο-ο deserves attention) 20 ...IΣc6 lbxb7 +- Madl-Arakhamia, Bel-
21 J.xc6 1fxc6 22 f3 J.h6 23 1ff2 grade 1994.
a5 24 ο-ο Μ, and again Black's ac- 13 .tg2 IΣc8?
tivity is worth the exchange. Now Savon rea1izes his plan
c) Matters turned ουΙ better for without obstacle, by occupying d5.
White ίη Tolnai-Ikonnikov, Buda- 13•••e4 14 c3 lbe5 15 ο-ο .tg4 16
pest 1991: 14 c3 ο-ο 15 0-OIΣb8 16 1Wd2lbf3+ 17 J.xf3 .txf3 18lbc2
lbc2 'ifd7 17 .tg2 f5 18 IΣel Φh8 leads ιο a complex game.
19 'ifd2 e4 20 lbf4 d5 21lbd4 J.g8 Black demonstrated model play
22 IΣadl a5 23 J.f1 b4, and Tolnai ίη Savon-Kharlov, Alushta 1992:
proved ΙΟ be the better prepared for 13.•..te6 (allowing the exchange
the ensuing comp1ications. sacrifice examined above) 14 c3
ο-ο 15lbc2 a5! 16 ο-ο Φh8 17 a4
IΣb8 18 lba3 ba 19 lbc4 IΣb5 20
IΣxa4 f5 21 'iWd2 .txd5 22 J.xd5
lbe7 23 .tg2 (if 23 lbe3, then the
reply 23 ....th6 is very unpleasant)
23 ... d5 24lba3 IΣb8 25 c4 d4 26
lbb5 e4 27 IΣa5 d3. Ιη the graphic
expression of Grandmaster Savon,
'the cart has begun rol1ing down-
hill'. Black has an undoubted ad-
14 c3 lΔe7
Β 15 lbc2 lbxd5
76 1O... ~g7 without 11 ~d3 - White jianchettoes

16 ~:xd5 22 lΩxd5 ifb7

Black's biggest misfortune is his 23 I:1fdl Ι5 (D)
totallack of counterplay.
16 I:1c5 (D)
Β Β •••

-. -


. u:

• ~

Β •


Α typical position, ίη which the
W d5-knight is clearly SUΡeήοr to the
17 lΩe3 ~e6 g7-bishop.
18 ο-ο ο-ο 24 lΩb4
19 a4 24 lΩe3 is weaker: 24 ... f4 25
Α typical blow, which can be lΩf5 (25 ifxd6? fe 26 'iVxc5 ef+)
seen more than once ίη the pages of 25 ... e4 (or 25 ... d5) 26lΩxd6 ed 27
this book. lΩxb7 I:1d5 with compensation.
19 000 'it'b6 24 Ι:1Ι6
Aiming Ιο exchange the g7- 25 I:1a6 ~Ι8
bishop for the knight fails after 26 I:1c6
19ooo~h6? 20 ~xe6 fe 21 'ti'g4+. 26 I:1dal! is more exact.
20 ab ab 26 000 ifr7
21 ifd3 ~xd5 Or 26oo.I:1xc6 27 ifd5+ rj;g7 28
If Black had played 21ooo~h6, lΩxc6, again favοuήηg White.
then 22 b4 I:1c7 23 lΩf5 ~xf5 24 27 I:1xc5 dc
'it'xf5 would have made 24...I:1xc3 Black is saved from the weak-
impossible because of 25 ~e4. ness οη d6, but is ηοΙ far from dif-
Even the presence of opposite-col- ficulties. The knight οη d5 will
oured bishops would οηlΥ serve dominate.
ΙΟ strengthen White's attacking 28 lΩd5 I:1d6
possibilίties. 29 b3! (D)
10... j.g7 without 11 j.d3 - Whitefiαnchettoes 77

Of course, the knight must be 37 1ΙΙ7
supported by the pawn from c4. Α generous reply. 37•••'ii'xb3
29 ••• e4 was a more stubborn defence: 38
30 Wd2 Wh5 'ii'xf5 1If7 (the endgame arising
Black would be glad Ιο play after 38 ..."f3+ 39 .xf3 ef+ 40
30...c4 himself, but ίι does not work: ~xf3 is 10st for Black) 39 'ilxe4
31 bc bc 32 'ii'd4 ':'c6 33 ':'a1, and b4, although after 40 ':'e5 things
White is winning. are nevertheless pretty bad for
31 c4 Wf3 Agamanalίev.
32 ':'81! h6 38 "'e5 "'h5
If 32••:"xb3, then White must 39 'iWd5+ ~g7
seek retribution against the black And here exchanging queens
kίng: 33 1IIg5+ ':'g6 34 lΔe7+ after 39•••'ii'f7 40 ':'b5 is hopeless
j.xe7 35111xe7. forBlack.
33 ':'88 'ifd3 40 ':'e5 .f3+
Once again taking the pawn, 41 Φg1 ~g6
33•••'ii'xb3, does ηοΙ work because 42 'δ'e6+ Φg5
of34lΔe7+. 43 h4+ ~g4
34 'ii'f4 'ii'd1+ 44 'ii'g6+ Φh3
35 ~g2 %Σxd5 45 1Wxf5+ 'iWxf5
36 cd 1i'xd5 (D) 46 .:.xr5 j.d6
37 ':'e8 47 ':'d5 j.f8
Α mistake ίη tίme trouble. 37 48 ':'eS b4
'iWb8 e3+ 38 f3 11f7 39 1Ixb5 was 49 ':'xe4 j.g7
simpler. 50 ~ 1-0
78 JO... J.~7without 11 J.d3 - White.fianchettoes

Conclυsion basis of so-called 'general consid-

Ιη the variations ίη which White erations' are often mistakes. Most
employs a lάng's fianchetto and frequently of all White' s attenttion
transfers the a3 knight to the cen- moves Ιο the centre, and Black's
tre, Black experiences ηο particu- hopes lie οη the flanks (either as an
lar difficulties. Decisive and very attack οη the king or as a blow Ιο
purposeful play is demanded from White's pawn chain by means of
both sides, and moves made οη the ... b5-b4).
7 10.....tg7 without ll.i.d3-
White does not fίanchetto

The games ίη this chapter are

closely bound υρ with the duels οί
the previous chapter. However, at
some point White prefers not to
fianchetto hίs bishop.

Adaιns - Beliavsky
Debrecen Echt 1992

1 e4 cS 2 ffi tα6 3 d4 cd 4lhxd4

lhf6 5 l2Jc3 e5 6 lΩdb5 d6 7 .i.g5 Β
a6 8lha3 b5 9 .i.xf6 gf 10 ~5 threatens to play 19lhxe7+ 'ifxe7
.i.g7 20 lhxf5, and neither 18 ...'ifd7 nor
llc3 Ι5 18 ...:lc8 offers a defence to this
12 ef .i.xf5 threat.
13 l2Jc2 ο-ο 19 lhxd5
14 lhce3 .i.e6 19 .i.xd5!? .i.xd5 20 lhxd5 a5
15 .i.d3 Ι5 21 ο-ο b4 22 f3 bc 23 bc e3 24 ί4
16 'ifh5 e4 deserves attentίon, with good pros-
17 .i.c2 ~7 pects for Whίte.
18 .i.b3 (D) 19 ... a5
18 ••• lhxd5 20 lhf4 .i.xb3
Α novelty. Previously one saw 21 ab 'fie7
18...Cίth819lΩf4 .i.xb3 20 ab 1i'd7 22 ο-ο b4
21 :ld 1 :lf6 22 'ife2 :lb8 23 ο-ο Α standard plan. Black begins a
:lh6 24 f3! lhg6 25 lhxg6+ :lxg6 mίnority attack, which notίceably
26 ί4 .i.h6 27 b4 with a big advan- heightens hίs bishop's inf1uence.
tage to White, Ghίnda-Boersma, 23 cb 'fie5
Lucerne 1985. Note that White 24 'fig5
80 10... J.ι:7 without 11 J.d3 - White does notfiαnchetto

After 24 ~h3 the attempt Ιο 29 'it'xf5 :ΧΙ5

encroach οη the enemy camp by 30 ~xg7 ~g7
means of 24oooab? 25 ':'xa8 ':',xa8 Now White must apply his not
26 ~g5 h6 27 .f7+ ~h8 28 .b7 insignificant forces ίη order to
.e8 29 ~Ώ+ Φg8 30 ~xd6 +- is maintain the equίlίbήum.
ηοΙ successful, but sacήficίηg two 31 %tc4 d5
pawns with 24000f4! 25 .xe5 J.xe5 32 %txb4 ':'c7 (D)


26 ba ':'fb8 27 ~g5 e3 would gίve
Black better chances.
24 00. ab

.·-.. -.-••
25 :adl ':'a2
••• Β

-. - .
26 tDh5 Ι4 (D)

• ~.ΙΒΖΒ
. -..
~ .Ι~ ~~
• • •~ ·ι ΒΔΒ Β •
u •
R u"Δ~
u •


• - • •

~. ~//- 1Wi mϊi~

. .

~Ι~ •
_ B"l.J
• • Β:=
• 33 ':'dl?!

• .:.:=
.D !?"

27 'iί'g4?

~ ~Δ~"'ί:I<
, ~ ~!?~ Such passive tactίcs could have
led White into serious unpleas-
antness. He should have quickly
provoked a cήsίs: 33 g4! fg (or
33 ....:.g5 34 f3 ':'c2 35 h4 ':'g6 36
The desire Ιο achίeve victory ηο g5 h6 37 %tb7+ =) 34 hg %tc2 35
matter what the cost ίη thίs case dίd %td4 Φf6 36 f3! Φe5 (36...ef 37 g4!
Adams ηο favours. He should have =) 37 %tfdl %txf3 38 %txd5+ Φe6
resigned hίmself to the fact that the 39 ':'5d2 ':'xg3+ 40 Φfl, with good
positίon was level. After 27 'iί'xg7+ chances to save the game.
.xg7 28 ~xg7 Φχg7 29 ':'xd6 33 000 %tc2
%txb2 30 %td4 f3 31 g3 %txb3 32 34 %tbd4 ~Ι6
%txe4 %tb8 a drawn four rooks end- 35 h3 Φe6
ing would have aήsen. 36 ':'bl ~e5
27 ':'a7! 37 ':'bdl ~e6
28 %t(1 'it'f5 38 %tbl (D)
1o. .. J.g7 without 11 J.d3 - White does notfiαnchetto 81

••_••• •-
Β • _ • 52 Φα Φd4

• _ • ΒΑ
53 Φe2
54 Φrι

.ι_l.. Ιη the next game (iη which we

sha11 discuss some move-order nu-
• ~A.
_ ~''',v • ances) Κramnik hoped to achieve a
_Δ_ • ΒΔ comfortable game by making use
• ~Δ.
u • of 13 ... lbe7, but a nasty surpήse

• .=!!.. -
~d ~
awaited him...

Game 18
38 ... Φd6?! Ivanchuk - Kramnik
And Black lets slip a generous Novgorod 1994
reply. He should have played more
decisively: 38...f3! 39 gf (if 39 g4, 1 e4 c5 2 lbf3 lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4
then 39....fl.g5 40 b4 h5, winning) lbf6 5 lbc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 J.g5
39 ....fl.xf3 40 .fl.bdl .fl.f5 41 .fl.4d2 a6 8lba3 b5 9 J.xf6 gf 10 lbd5 Ι5
.fl.xd2 42 .fl.xd2 .fl.f3 43 Φg2 .fl.xb3 11 ef J.xf5 12 c3
-+. 12 ... J.g7
39 b4 e3 13 lbc2 lbe7 (D)
Beliavsky's last chance for suc- As regards the nuances of the
cess lay ίη the move 39 ... f3. Now position, the most precise move ίη
with exact play Adams achieves a our ορίηίοη is 13...0-0, and if 14
peacefuloutcome. g3, then 14 ... J.e4. There remains
40 fe fe 14lbce3 and then g2-g3, and other
41 .fl.d3 .:.rn plans which are less popular at the
42 .fl.xe3 .fl.xg2+ present time.
43 ΦhΙ .fl.xb2 14 J.d3!
44 .fl.dl .fl.g5 White may try 14 lbxe7, for
45 .fl.d4 .fl.e5 example, 14...Φxe7 (14 ....xe7 15
46 .fl.g3! .fl.el+ .f3) 15 lbb4 Φf8 16 .f3 .c8 17
47 .fl.e4 .d5 'iWb8 18 J.d3 J.d7 19.f3 a5
48 .fl.xe4 de 20 J.e4 .fl.a7 21 J.d5 f5 22lbc6 1-0
49 .fl.g4 Φe5 Adams-SandstrDm, London 1993.
50 ΦgΙ .fl.xb4 Black played better ίη Adams-Shi-
51 .fl.h4 .fl.b7 rov, Khalkidhiki 1993: 14•..hc2
82 10... J.g 7 without 11 J.d3 - White does notfiαnchetto

(Typesetter's note: It ίδ worth

mentioning that 14...e4 is bad af-
ter 15 ~e7 'ifxe7 16 J.xb5+ axb5
17 'ifd5 and White wins a pawn.)
15 J.xf5 ~e7
15...~f6 is ηοι proιnising, as it
allows White to consolidate con-
clusively his hold οη f5, which has
ηο less (if ηοΙ more) significance
than d5, as it ίδ closer Ιο the enemy
W 16 'ifg4 ο-ο
15 'ifxc2 'ilxe7 16 J.e2 (16 a4 17 :dl d5
ο-ο!) 16...0-0 17 ο-ο d5 18 :fdl 18 ω
:fd8 19 1fb3 'iIc5 20 a4 ba 21 Αη unexpected questίon arίses:
:xa4 a5 22 g3, and White had οηlΥ how should Black caπy οη? There
a ιninίmal advantage. is the simple threat of 19 J.e4, and
Before this game White usually 18..Jla7 solves not a single prob-
reacted to Black's transpositίon lem ίη view of 19 ο-ο followed by
(13 ... ~e7 instead of 13 ...J.e6) by :d l-d2 and :f1-dl. Therefore the
means of the standard 14 lLJce3, following queen sacrifice ίδ practί­
which led to a normal poδίtίoη cally forced.
from this varίatίon: 14...J.e6 15 g3 18 ... d4
~xd5 16 ~xd5 ο-ο 17 J.g2. Of 19 J.e4
course, this narrows down his pos- Threatenίng the terrible 20 ~f5.
sibilίtίes. After 13 ...J.e6 White can 19 de
for the tίme being manage without 20 :xd8 ef+
14 ~3 and straίght away develop 21 Wxf2 :axd8
his kίngside with g2-g3 and J.f1- 22 1fe2 Ι5 (D)
g2. Black seems to havecompensa-
Ivanchuk finds a tactίcal route ιίοη, but Ivanchuk precisely and
and seeιninglyplaces Black's 14th boldly plays to extίnguish the ίη­
move ίη doubt. itiatίve, and is left with a big
14 ~xd5?! material advantage. Now for Κram­
Ofcourse,ifI4••.J.e6?!, then 15 nik there remaίns οηlΥ the hope of
J.e4, and white controls the central a ιnistake by his opponent ίη the
lίght squares. complίcatίons, and if he hadn't
lO... ~g7without 11 ~d3 - White does notfiαnchetto 83

decided upoo the sacήfice theo he

would have eoded υρ ίο a strategi-
cally worse positioo with 00 pros- ~.~
•..• .•••

- 8)
ΒΥ cootiouiog iostead 22••Jιd6
23 ':dl ':fd8 24 ':xd6 ':xd6, he
could have saved the queeoside,
••• • ••
• ••• •
but oot the game.

. . . .:
Δ~ U

~ ,!';

Why oot cootinue 27••..:8d3+?

White cao reply 28 \Wxd3! ed (or
28 ... ~e5+ 29 <ith3 +-) 29 ':xe7
':xb2 30 ~xd3, aod the eodgame,
despite the preseoce of opposite-
coloured bishops, is quite hopeless
for Black. StήctΙΥ speakiog, 28
1Iixd3 also maiotaios all White's
W defences, but this had Ιο be fore-
23 ~b7! ':d7 seen eight moves previously ίη or-
After 23•••lbg6 Black is de- der Ιο evaluate the consequeoces of
Ρήved of couoterplay 00 the d-file, the apparently threatening queeo
for example 24 ':d 1 lbf4 25 1Iic2 sacrifice!
aod his positioo becomes abso- 28 ':e2
lutely hopeless. Now all becomes clear.
24 ~xB6 ':fd8 28 ~e5+
25 'iVxb5 ':d2+ 29 Φf2 ':dl
26 ~g3 e4 (D) 30 ':el!
Black is oot helped by 26...lbg6 Α final precise move to a virtu-
27 ':f1, e.g. 27 •••lbf4 28 ':xf4 ef+ oso defence.
29 ~h3 with the idea of ~a6-b7- 30 ':8d2+
f3, or 27•••e4 28 1Iib3+! ~h8 29 31 Φf1 ':xel+
:Xf5 ~e5+ 30 ':xe5lbxe5 31 'iie6 32 <itxel hg2
+-. 33 ~c8
27 ':el! lbg6 It's time for White ιο attack...
84 10... !ιi..[:7 without 11 !ιi..d3 - White does notfiαnchetto

33 Ι4 game, which started with the ... e6

34 Jl..f5 !ιi..Ι6 move order).
35 Jl..xe4 :txh2
36 a4 l2Je5 Conclusion
37 a5 Ι3 Here as well, by choosing a precise
38 a6 ':hl+ move order, Black can look σρΙί­
39 ~d2 :th2+ mίstically Ισ the future. Ivanchuk's
ι-ο novelty is very interesting and ίη­
Ιη fact Kramnik lost ση time flicts a powerful blow ση one
(this was the 40th move ίη the branch of this varίation.
8 10... f5 11 i..d3

Game 19 Other moνes will be exarnined

Beliavsky - Shirov ίη subsequent games.
Groningen 1993 13 ~d4
Ιη this position, which is ήch
1 e4 c5 2 ~f31Oc6 3 d4 cd 4 ~xd4 with chances for both sides, the
~Ι6 5 ~c3 e5 6 ~db5 d6 7 .i.g5 following νariatίons are possible:
a6 8 ~θ3 b5 9 .i.xf6 gf 10 ~5 Ι5 a) 13...:tg5!? 14 'iί'xh7 .i.xd5
11 .i.d3 .i.e6 15 ed ~e7 (Timoshenko recom-
12 'ii'h5 :tg8 (D) mends 15 ... 'ii'a5+ 16 c3 b4 17 dc!
The latest noνelty ίη this posi- 'ii'd5 18 .i.c4 'i!ke4+ 19 Wd2 :tg7
ιίοη, although the theory is deνel­ 20 'iί'h4;t) 160-0-0 'iib6!? (but ηοΙ
oping so quickly that this one is 16 ... e4 ? ! 17 .i.e2 'iί'b6 18 'iί'h4!
beginning Ιο look quite old. Before :tg6 19 g4 f4 20 g5! f3 21 .i.n e3
this, the continuation 12 ... .i.g7 22 :td3! e2 23 .i.h3 ± 'ii'a5 24 b4
underwent all-round tests. Ιη the 'ii'a4 25 :txf3 a5 26 :tel ! ab 27 'ii'f4
1980s 12 ... f4 was also reνiνed, f6 28 ~bl 'ii'xa2 29 .i.e6 with a de-
haνing preνiously been considered cisiνe adνantage Ιο White, Τί­
unsuccessful because of 13 g3. moshenko-Rogozenko, Bucharest
1993) 17 :thf1!? (17 f4 :tg6 18
'ίWh3 e4 19 .i.e2 'ii'e3+ 20 :td2 .i.g7
+ Pyda-Zeziulkίn, Poland 1993)
17 ...:tg6 18 'ί!kh3 e4 19 .i.e2 .i.g7
20 .i.h5 :th6 21 g4 'ii'c5 22 Wbl fg
23 'ii'xg4 .i.xb2 24 Wxb2 'ii'b4+ 25
Wal 'ίi'xa3 with a draw, ·according
Ιο Zeziulkin's analysis. (Typeset-
ter's note: 22 .... b4 wins a piece).
b) Ιη the game Otsyko-Skro-
bek, Polanica 1992, Black played
13...:tc8 14 c3 :tg6!?, and follow-
W ing 15 'ji'f3! .i.xd5 16 ed e4 17
13 g3 'ii'xf5 :tg5! 18 'ίi'f4! ed 19 dc :te5+
86 10.. .j511 ~

20 ~f1 'ii'~6 21 'ii'f3 achieved a c4) 140-0-0 lLId4 (this positίon

worse position. White found an- could have arisen by transposi-
other route ΙΟ the advantage ίη ιίοη ίη Liong Zhinrang-Κinder­
Kasparov-Salov, Linares 1992, mann, USA 1983, the moves of
which contίnued l!lbc2 ':h6 16 which were 12...lDd4 130-0-0 ':c8
1fe2! .i.xd5 17 ed lΔe7 18 f3.i.g7 {if 13 ...':g6, then we find our-
19lDe3 [4 20 gf lDg6 21 O-O-O?;t selves ίη our positίon} 14 ΦbΙ fe
(21 fe lLIf4 22 'iWd2 'iWh4+ 23 'it>dl 15 .i.xe4 b4! 161Dxb4':g517'ii'xh7
±). d5 18 .i.xd5 .i.xd5 191Dxd5 'ii'xd5
But why should Black spend a 20 'iWd3 .i.xa3 21 'iWxa3 with aπ υη­
tempo οη the apparently superflu- clear game) 15 ':d2 (Black threat-
ous move 13 ...':c8? ened 15 ...':h6), and Black has
c) After 13••.:g6!? (D) White some quite daπgerous contίnu­
is at a cross-roads: atίons: 1!! 16 ed and now
16...-th60r 16...'iWa5 with the idea
of ...b5-b4 and ....a5xd5; 15 .. ':c8
is also quite possible, ίη analogy
with the game above. Thus for the
time being moving the kίng to
either flank is quite dangerous; his
opponent' s knight is concentratίng
οη d4 with great effect.
c5) 14 c3 .i.g7!? (14...:a7 is
worse) and now (D):

cl) 14 ef?? .i.xd5 15 fg hg aπd
c2) 14 1fxh7:h6 15 'iWg8 :g6
with a perpetual attack οη Black's
c3) 140-0f4!?(thequeenonh5
tums ουΙ Ιο be unoccupied, all the
more so as Black can therefore
develop aπ attack with a tempo:
14...:h6!? 15 'iWdl f4).
lO...j5 11 J.d3 87

c51) 15 lί)c2 :h6! 16 'iVe2 (16 17 ...J.xd5 18 ed e4 19 'iί'xί5 ed 20

'iVf3 J.xd5 17 ed e4 18 'iVxf5 ed dc 'iί'e7+ 21 ~f1 'ii'e2+ 22 ~g2
19 dc dc -+) 16... J.xd5 17 ed ια7 :f6, and Black wins) 17 ... J.xd5 18
with a good game for Black. ed ια7 with the idea of ...e5-e4.
c52) 15"f3 (forcing events, but c54) 15 ο-ο f4!? (the standard
Black is prepared) 15 ... J.xd5 16 15 ...:h6 16 'ii'e2/dl J.xd5 17 ed
ed lΔe7 (16 ... e4 17 'iVxf5 ed 18 dc lΔe7 is also possible; this is distin-
'iί'e7+ 19 ~f1 'iί'e2+ 20 ~g2 :f6 guished from the simίlar position
21 'iί'd7+ +-) 17 J.xf5 :f6 (ίι is with pawns οη f7, f5 and e5, which
precisely because of this variation arises after other continuations, for
that 14... J.g7 is necessary; the example: 11 ...:g8 12 c3 J.xd5 13
rook οη f6 must be defended from ed lΔe7 14 g3 e4 15 J.e2 h6 16 f4!
the threat of J.f5-d7+ and 'ίWf3xf6 with an active position for the rook,
- otherwise, οη general considera- and as a consequence, the possi-
tions one would prefer 14 ...:a7, bilίty of ηοΙ hurrying with ... e5-e4,
since ίι is unclear where the bishop although ίη this case as well after
would be best placed) 18 g4lΔxf5 16 ... b4 17 cb 'ii'b6, Black has dίs­
(18 ... ~f8!? 19 :gl J.h6 and οηlΥ tinct counterplay; besides this line,
then ... lΔe7xf5 and ...'iί'd8-d7 a1so 16... ef is worth looking at) 16 'ii'e2
deserves attention) 19 gf J.h6 20 lΔe7!? (with the ideaof 17 ...J.xd5
:gl rl;e7 21 lΔc2 'ii'd7 22 lΔb4 18 edf5) 17lΔχe7Φχe7!, andafter
'iί'xf5 23 lΔc6+ (23 'iί'xf5 :xf5 24 ... 'ii'd8-b6 and ... h7-h5 Blackhas a
lΔc6+ ~f6) 23 ... Φf8! 24 'ii'xf5 head start ίη developing an initia-
:xf5 25 a4 :e8 with the idea of tive.
... e5-e4-e3. c55) 15 0-0-0 :h6 16 'iί'e2 (16
Ιη this way, here Black has won- 'ii'f3 J.xd5 17 ed 'iί'g5+!? 18 ~bl
derful chances, while the white can be met by 18 ... e4 19 'ίWe2 ιαs,
knight remains οη a3. The assess- or alternatively 18 ... ια7; the black
ment of many lines ίη the Svesh- knight is, of course, more active οη
nikov depends οη these factors: the e5, but from e7 ίι exerts pressure οη
knight οη a3, the d5-square, and theimportantd5-pawn) 16 ...J.xd5
the possibilίty of using the extra (16 ... ~f8!?; 16...:c8!?) 17edια7,
centra1 pawn. and, as we a1ready know, Black has
c53) 15 'ii'xh7 (there's ηο ροίηι an excellent game; ίη the same
ίη 10sing two whole tempi for one manner, 13 ...:g6!? is an interest-
single pawn) 15 ... ~f8 16 'iWh5 :h6 ing move, but unfortunately ίι has
17 'iί'e2 (17 'iVf3?? is ηο good: yet Ιο undergo practica1 tests.
88 10.. .j5 11 .id3

d) 13ooJtg4 14 f4 (14 h3 fe 15 as Black, simply could ηοι hold οη

hg ed 16 ~3 d5 17 cd 'iWa5+ 18 Wt1 Ιο the means of using the weakness
'iWd2 +; 14lOe3 fe 15lL\g4 ed 16 cd of the light squares.
lL\d4! +; 14 ί3 ':g6 15 'ifh4 'iWxh4 Now we retum Ιο the position
16 gh .ixd5 17 ed lL\e7 -+ Brust- after 13 ...lL\d4 (D):
man- Κramnik, Groningen 1991)
14... ef (14 ... ..ig7 15 c3 b4 16lL\c2
bc 17 lL\xc3 ef 18 ef ':g5 was un-
clear ίη Magem Badals-I.Sok-
οlον, Barcelona 1992) 15 ο-ο-ο!?
(15 gf .ig7 160-0-0 .ixd5 17 ed
iί'f6 with initiatiνe Ιο Black; 15
lL\xf4 ':xf4!? 16 gf 'iWf6 17 c3 b4
18 lL\c2 bc 19 b3 with a slight plus
for White ίη Timoshenko-Κrasen­
koν, Voskresensk 1992) 15 ... fg?!
(15 ....ixd516edlL\e517.:hel.ig7
with an unclear game; 15 ... fe!? 16 W
.ixe4 fg 17 lbf6+ 'iWxf6 18 .ixc6+ 14 c3 fe
Φd8 19 .ixa8 :b4 20 c3 .ih6+ 21 15 .ixe4 .ig4
ΦbΙ 'iWxc3 with compensation for 16 iVxh7
the missing material) 16 ef':h4 17 16 ii'h4? is certainly wrong af-
ιbc7+Φd718fe+Wχc719'ifχf7+ ter 16 ... lL\f3+ 17 .ixf3 iVxh4 18
Φb6! 20 hg 'iVg5+ 21 ~bl ':xhl?! gh .ixf3 19 lL\f6+ 'it>d8 20 lL\xg8
(21 ...'iWxg3;1;;) 22':xhl?! (22 'iWf2+ .ixh 1 and Β lack has the better end-
'iWc5 23 'iWxc5+ dc 24 ':xh 1 ;1;;) game.
22 ... d5!? 23 ':xh7 .ie7 24 .f2+ 16 0.0 ':g7
.ic5 25 'iVf1 .ixa3 26 ba Ζοη­= 17 iVh6
takh-Manik, Bratislaνa 1994. 17 'iWh8 lL\f3+ 18 'it>e2 lL\g5+ 19
The continuation ίη the actual f3 lL\xe4 20 fg is ηοΙ clear. Beliaν­
game giνes evidence Ιο the fact that sky obviously paid attention Ιο the
Shiroν is trying Ιο make use of the paradoxical king move ίη this νaή­
weakness ofWhite 's light squares. ation giνen by Kloνans.
Ιι is interesting that preνiously they 17 .. ο lL\f3+ (D)
were thought weak for Black. As 18 'it>e2!
subsequent events show, this was lη the event of the natural con-
the couect assumption. Beliaνsky, tinuation 18 Φη ':g5 (18 ....:g6!?
10. ..f5 11 J.d3 89

22.f3 'it'xf3+
23 rj;xf3 fS
24 lbc2
24 c4!? is a1so interesting.
24 Φf7
2S lbce3 (D)


19 'ife3 ~h6 20 'ifd3 lbd2+ 21

<ϊt.>g2 lbxe4 22 "xe4, and Black
has compensation for the sacή­
ficed pawn ίη view of his bishop

~ u
• •••••• •

~ ~Φ~
~ U~
• .~

% V
pair and strong central pawns) 19
lbf6+ rj;e7 (19 ... 'ίWxf6? 20 ~c6+! α Β • .:
Φe7 21 'ifxf6+ Wxf6 22 ~xa8 +- Β
Klovans-Taborov, Kaluga 1985) 2S ••• Φe6?
20 'ifh8 lbd2+ 21 Φg2 lbxe4 22 It is ηοΙ clear whether Black has
lbxe4 :g6 23 'ifh4+ <iStd7 24 sacrificed a pawn or simply missed
'iVxd8+ :xd8 25 f3 ~e6 26 :hdl thίs. Ιn any case 2s...lbf6! was
Wc7 Black's position is also quite more reliable, followed by 26 a4
satisfactory, Magem-Zsu.Polgar, lbxd5 27lbxd5 Φe6 28 :hdl :b8
Madήd 1992. 29 b4 a5! 30 ba ba 31 :xa4 :b2
18 ••• lbg5+ with the idea after 32 a6? of con-
18••':g6 19 1i'e3 ~h6 20 'ifb6 is tinuing 32...:xh2 33 a7 e4+ 34
ηοΙ the road to happiness. Φe3 Φe5! with unavoidable mat-
19 f3 lbxe4 ing threats, as analysed by Beli-
20 fg 'iνc8! avsky.
21 'it'e3! 26 lbxfS lbg5+
21 :&f1 1!fxg4+ 22 ΦeΙ is sus- 27 rj;g4 :f7
picious, as is 21 rj;d3 .xg4 22 28 :hfi
:ael lbf2+ 23 rj;d2 .f3 with a Another, perhaps better, possi-
mighty attack. bίlity was 28 lί)de3 lί)e4 29 :hfl.
21 ••• 28 ... lbe4
90 lO.. ,J5 1 1 .td3

29 IΣadl?! (D) 38 Wg2 ':'c7

Ιι would haνe been better Ιο Ιι would haνe been worth retum-
unleash the knight a lίttle more ing Ιο the b-fίle with 38....:.b7.

.· -..•••-
quickly fίrst: 29 ll)fe3 ':'aa7 30 39 ':'bl! (D)
ciιh3 .*.h6 3 Ι ciιg2 ±.

• ••
•• ••• 8
• • •8Δ~
Ρ R_
u ~•
Δ8 • 8Φ8
.:8 8 8
Β The rest is easy.
29 ••• ':'aa7? 39 ••• ':'b7
29••.:td8! would haνe been a 40 ':'b3 ll)d2
more stubborn defence, with the 41 ':'xb7 :txb7
idea after ll)dS-e3 of replying ...d6- 42 ':'e2 ll)bl
dS and ....*.f8-c5 - Shίroν. 43 ':'c2 ll)a3
30 ll)de3 :tad7 44 m ll)bl
31 ciιf3 d5 45 ρ?!
32 g4! 45 h5 is stronger; 45 ... ll)xc3 46
With the help of tactics White h6 d4 47ll)g7+ We7 48 h7 ':'b8 49
maintains the f5-knight ίη a νery ll)f5+ We6 50 g5 ~ 51 g6 +-.
strong position. 45 ••• ll)xc3
32 ••• .*.c5 46 g6 ':'d7?
33 h4 ll)f6 The fίna1 chance for sa1νation
Otherwise he cannot carry ουΙ lay ίη 46....:.b8 47 g7ll)e4 48:tf3
...dS-d4. ll)f6 49 ciιh3 ':'bl or 46... ll)e4 47
34 .:.ιeΙ b4 g7ll)f6! straight away.
35 ':'eZ bc 47 g7 ciιf7
36 bc .*.xe3 48 h5 ciιg8
37 :txe3 ll)e4 49 h6 Wh7
10.. ./5 11 JA3 91

50 ω! 1-0 of fashion. The following altema-

Αη important game for theory. tiνes haνe been tested:
a) 13 c3 1:txg2 14 "'f3 1Ig4 15
The following game became ef .txd5 16 "'xd5 lΩe7 17 'tWb7
fundamental to the reappraisal of -*.h6 (l7 ......c8!?) and then (D):
the νalue of the νariation with 13
0-0-0. Black braνely takes the g2-
pawn, and although White uses a
νery cleνer noνelty, its refutation
is indeed thunderous.

Brodsky - Kramnik
Kherson 1991

1 e4 c5 2 lΩf3 lΩc6 3 d4 cd 4
lΩxd4lΩf6 5 ω eS 6lΩdb5 d6 7
.*.g5 a6 8 lΩa3 b5 9 '*'xf6 gf 10 W
ιαt5 fS 11 .td3 .te6 12 'ifh5 1Ig8 al) 18 Μ Wf8! 19 %:tdl (19
(D) lΩe3! -*.xe3 20 fe lΩg8 21 f6!
13 0-0-0 lΩxf6 22 :'f1 1Ib8 23 "'f3 e4 24
"'xf6 "'xf6 25 1Ixf6 ed 26 0-0-0)
19 ...:'b8! 20 "'f3 1If4 21 "'h3
-*.g5 22 lΩe3 e4 :j: Luther-Shiroν,
Germany 1992.
a2) 18 f6lΩg6 19 1IdllΩh4 20
.te2 1Ig6 21 "'c6+ Φf8 22 :'xd6
"'e8 23 _xe8+ ~xe8 24 .td3 ±
Van der Wiel-Reinderman, Brus-
sels Ζ 1993.
b) 13 ο-ο f4! 14 c4? b4 151Ωc2
-*.g4 16 _xh7 1Ig6 17 h3 -*.f3 18
_xg6 fg 19 gf 1Ia7 -+ Smagin-
W Yurtaeν, Hartberg 1991.
This moνe and 13 g3, examined 13 ••• 1:txg2!
aboνe, are the main continuations. Braνely taking υρ the challenge!
13 Ι4 and 13 c4 haνe both gone ουΙ The less energetic 13•• JΣc8 led
92 10.. ./5' 1 .td3

after 14 ~~1 h6 15 'ilt'e2 lDd4 16

"'el fe 17 JLxe4 f5 18 ':xd4 fe 19
"'xe4':g4 20 f4':c5 21 g3 rJi;f7 22
:d2 \lfa8 23 ':hdl ef 24 :e2 :g6
25 'ilt'xf4+ to a winning position
for White ίη Dνoirys-Kalinicheν,
Berlin 1992.
Black could haνe gained rea-
sonable chances for success ίη
Morgado-Miloνanoνic, cοπ 1991,
where he employed 13...h6 with
the idea of capιuring the white W
queen (14 ... fe and 15 ....tg4). The 15 lDe3
encounter continued thus: 14 h3 If15 :Jιgl, then 15 ...fe 16 ':xg2
':c8 15 f4 ':xg2 16 'ikf3 ':g8? 17 ef ed, and White has a bad position,
lDd4 18 .txb5+! ab 19 ':xd4 ed 20 while the game Κindermann-Skro­
fe ':g6 (20 ... fe 21 'ifh5+ rJi;d7 22 bek, Warsaw 1983, continued 15
'iWf7+ .te7 23lDf6+ rJi;c6 24lDxg8 c31i'a5(15 ....txd516edb4! 17cb
+-) 21lDxb5 'it'a5 22 f5 ':g5 23 h4 'iWb6 allows White a strong initia-
d3 24lDdc3!, and White won. But tive) 16 rJi;bl .txd5 17 ed b4 18
if Milovanovic had played instead lbc4 ':xb2+ 19 rJi;xb2 bc+ 20 rJi;al
16 ... ':g7!, then White's combina- 'iWa4 and then 21 ':bl? 'iWxc4! led
ιίοη, had play proceeded ίη the Ιο a winning position for Black
same way, would ηοΙ have worked (22 .txc4 walks ίηΙο 22 ... lDc2#).
because of 20... fe, for example 21 However, by playing 21 fe!? lDb3+
'ilt'e2 rJi;f7 22 ':el ':g6 with a dis- 22 rJi;bl ':b8 23 e6! lDd4+ and then
tinct advantage for Black. 24 rJi;al White, according Ιο Κiη­
14 Ι4 dermann's analysis, could have held
The capture οη g2 is considered on, but ίη the eνent of 24 rJi;cl
dangerous for Black precisely be- .th6+! 25 'iWxh6? \lfc2+! 26.txc2
cause of this continuation. After lDe2# he is mated ίη really beauti-
14 '8'f3 ':g4! 15 ef .txd5 161i'xd5 ful style.
(16 'ilt'xg4 .txh 1 17 ':xh 1 d5 is a1so The variation is ηοΙ totally con-
good for Black) 16... lDb4 18 'iWb7 vincing, but the main thing is the
':b8 White's affairs are ίη a sorry move ....tf8-h6. and the idea con-
state. nected with ίι of giνing smothered
14 ... lDd4 (D) mate had already been found!
10.. .j5 11.td3 93

There is one other interesting This is what Brodsky had pre-

ΡοίηΙ ίη Κindennann's analysis; he pared. One gets the impression that
also shows this variation: 15 lL\e3 White, who is better mobilized,
:f2 16 ef .txa2 with the idea of has seized the initiative. After the
...:a8-c8 and ... lL\d4-b3#. Now ίι natural 18•••ab 19 .txb5 lL\xb5 20
only remains Ιο unite these two :xd8+ :'xd8 21 f6 his position is
ideas, which Κramnik does bήΙ­ more promising.
liantly. Βυι why did Brodsky go 18 ••• .th6!!
ίηΙο a vaήatίοn which ended (ac- After White's noνelty comes a
cording Ιο Κindermann' s analysis) mίghty counterblow, whίch de-
with the symbol -+? The factis cides the outcome of the duel.
that he had prepared an interesting 19 :'hel
tactical blow ... thus: We already know the theme of
15 :f2 theline 19 'ίWxh6? :Xc2+ 20 lL\xc2
16 ef .txa2 lL\b3#, or 20.txc2lL\e2#.
17 fe 19 ab (D)
After 17 lL\g4 Black can carry
ουΙ hίs plan immedίately: 17 ...':'c8
and ... lL\b3#.
17 ••• de
17••..:.c8 is premature due Ιο 18
.txb5+ lL\xb5 19 lL\xb5 ab 20 ed
with an unclear game.
18 lL\xb5!? (D)

20 .txb5+
Again, not 20 'ifxh6 because of
20 ... .tc4, and misfortune reaches
Whίte from the other side.
20 ••• rJi;e7
21 'ίWh4+
21 'ίWxh6 still does ηοΙ work
Β due Ιο 21 ....:.xc2+. 21 f6+:txf6 22
94 1O.. .j5 11 ~d3

"'xeS+ :e6 23 "'c5+ 'ild6 -+ is 2! ~bl 'ila5 (D)

ΠΟ good either.
21 ••• Ι6
22 'Vxn .if7
ΑΙΙ the black pieces are taking
part ίπ the attack, and moreover the
queen and rook are doing so with-
ουΙ moving from their places.
23 ii.d3 (D)
If 23 b3, then 23 ...'iί'a5 24.ia4
'iί'c3 25 :d3 lαιb3+ 26 ~dl W+!.
The mobility of this bishop, which
creates threats ίο every comer of
the board, is amaziog. W
26 lbdS+
The abuodance of pretty mating
finales which are possible ίη the
different variations ofthis game is
simply startling. Ιη particular, if 26
lbc2, then 26 ...:al + 27 lbxal
27 .ixdS
28 'ilxd4 :al+
29 ι;ι;.c2 Jbdl
The prosaic 29•••ed 30 .ixd5+
'ilxel was also possible, but Κram­
Β nik prefers to continue the game to
23 ••• "iib6 mate.
24 .ie4 30 'ii'xdl 'ila4+
24 c3 :al+ 25 .ibl .ia2 also 31 ~c3
10ses. Ο-Ι
This is a more exact move thao Ιη general the Sveshnikov pro-
24••':al+ 25 ~d2 'iWb4+ 26 ~d3, duces a high percentage ofbeauti-
when a straightforward win is οοΙ ful games. We think that this is
ίη evidence. because conflicting play very often
24 c4 .ixc4 arises within it, and sometimes it is
10.. .j5 11 .td3 95

only possible ιο gain a conclusion 14 c4 (D)

ίη such sharp conflicts at the ex-
pense of tactical decisions. And if
one side does ηοι manage or allow
such possibilities, then retήbutiοn
will ηοΙ be slow ίη coming.
Now we will examine the moves
that were popular ίη the early days
of this vaήation - ... 0-0 and ... f5-
f4. These days they still cannot
complain of a lack of attention by
chess players.

Game21 Β
Timoshenko - ZeziuIkin The most ΡήncίΡΙed and danger-
Wαrsαw 1992 ous move ίη this vaήation. ΒΥ ηοΙ
giving away any breathing space,
1 e4 c5 2 ~f3 ~c6 3 d4 cd 4 ~xd4 White immediately strengthens his
~Ι6 5 lLJc3 e5 6 lLJdb5 d6 7 ~g5 mastery of the light squares.
a6 8lLJa3 b5 9 ~XΙ6 gf 10 lLJd5 Ι5 14 ••. bc
11 ~d3~e6 14••• b4 does ηοΙ change the as-
12 "'h5 sessment of the position, which is
Α 1994 game, G.Kuzmin-Zezi- unpromising for Black, who lacks
υΙΙάη, tested the altemative 12 c3, counterplay. Thipsay-Chowdury,
νίΖ. 12....tg7 13 lLJxb5 .txd5 14 Calcutta 1994, continued: 15lLJc2
ed lLJe7 15lLJa3 e4 16 .tc2lLJg6 17 1:tb8 16 b3 (16 1:tfdl straight away
"'h5 "'f6 18 h41:tb8 19 lα4 1:txb2 is alSO good) 16... 0-0 17 1:tfdl "'d7
20 .ta4+ ~f8 21 ο-ο lLJf4 22 "'g5 18 ~e2 f5 19 ~f3 fe 20 .txe4 .tf5
"'xg5 23 hg and the game ended 21 'ife2 f31 22 gf .txe4 23 fe 1:tf7
peacefully. 24 1:td3 1:tbf8 25 1:tn1:tf3 26 'ii'xf3
12 ••• ~g7 1:txf3 27 1:txf3 "'g4+ 28 1:tg3 +-.
13 ο-ο Ι4 15 ~xc4
After 13•• .1:tb8 14 c4 fe 15 ~xe4 It is important to keep the pieces
lLJe7161:tadllLJg617f4efl8lLJxf4 ίη control of d5, so moving the
'iVb6+ 19~hllLJxf4 201:txf4 White knight Ιο c4 is best left for a more
has the advantage, Kruppa-Mura- aΡΡrΟΡήate moment. Furthermore,
viev, Alushta 1994. after the invasion of the knight onto
96 10.. .j5 11 i.d3

d4, White"s knight route alters initiative οη the kingside; but Ιο

(llJa3-c2). be honest, we, unlike Filipenko,
IS ο-ο are ηοΙ yet convinced that Black
Maintaining all the possibili- has enough compensation for the
ties for the knight here: ... llJd4, exchange after 19 'iί'd 1.
... llJe7 or even ... llJa5. Is •••lDd4 16 ':acl (D)
has independent significance; 16 Creating the threat of 17 llJxf4,
':acl ':c8!? (D) is an interesting for example, 16....:&7 17 llJxf4 ef
idea by Filipenko: 18 ~xe6 tΔe7 19 ~c4llJg6 20 ':c2
':e7 21 ~d5 ':e5 and White has an
extra pawn, although Black does
have some counterplay, Dobsa-
Wefling, cοπ 1990-1.

a) The game Osipov-Kozyrev,
Cheliabinsk 1991, continued 17
~xθ6 .:xc 1 18 ':xc 1 ο-ο 19l1Jb5!?
llJxb5 20 ~xb5 ~xd5 21 ed f5 22 Β
~a6 'iί'f6 23 ':c8 e4 24 ':xf8+ 16
~xf8 25 h3 e3 =. Α strong passed Black eΧΡeήences greater prob-
pawn and opposite-coloured bish- lems after 16 ... llJd4 17llJc2llJxc2
ops ensure that Black will escape 18 ':xc2 ~h8 19 ':fc 1 ':c8, e.g. 20
trouble. b4 a5 21 a3 ab 22 ab ':b8 23 ~d3
b) 17llJb6!? is a stronger idea: 'iί'd7 24 b5 'iia7 25 b6 'iί'a5 26 g3
17 ....:xc4!? (17 ... ~xc4 is ηο good: fg 27 hg h6 28 g4! ':g8 29 llJe7
18 llJaxc4 ':b8 19 llJd5 ο-ο 20 'iί'xb6 30 llJxg8 ':xg8 31 ~c4 +-
~h 1 f5 21 f3 ± Arsenev-Filipenko, Ulybin-Ju.Nun, Sochi 1988, or20
Κharkov 1980) 18llJaxc4 ο-ο with ':c3 a5 21 ':d 1 h6 22 'iί'e2 ':c5 23
the idea of ... f7-f5, developing an a3 f5 24 b4 ab 25 ab ':c6 26 b5 ':c5
10.. .j5 11 i.d3 97

27 i.a2 'ika5 28 :'xc5 dc 29 lΔe7 a) 18 lΔbl 'i1i>h8 19 :'fdl! (19

i.xa2 30 lΔg6+ Wg8 31 lΔxf8 +- a3?! 'iid8! 20lΔxf4?ef21 i.xe6fe
Pedzich-Wehmeier, Miedzybrod- 22 :'xc6 f3 23 g3 :'xb3 -+ Ernst-
zie Zyw., 1991. It is obvious that Timoshchenko, Tbilisi 1988; 19
exchanging the strong d4-knight lΔbc3 f5 20 %:tfdl :'be8? 21 %:td3 fe
for the knight οη a3 is ηο good for 22lΔxe4 i.f5 23 lΔdf6! i.xf6 {or
Black, and goes against the spirit 23 ... i.g6 24 'ίWxg6 i.xf6 25 %:th3
of the variation. +-} 24 'iί'xf5 lΔd4 25 'ίi'h5 'iί'd8
17 b3 'iid7 26 :'h3 %:te7 27 i.d3 ± Marecek-
Black has tried ιο avoid moving Sturk, cοπ 1990) 19 ... lΔd4 (both
his queen and exchange straight the planned 19 ... f5 20 lΔxf4! ef
away οη d5, but without success: 21 i.xe6 lΔd4 22 i.xf5 lΔxf5 23
17•••i.xdS 18 i.xd5lΔb4 19 :'fdl lΔd2!, and 19... 'ikxa2 20 lΔbc3
± lΔxa2 (otherwise White will play 'ίi'b2 23 lΔa4 'ifa2 22lΔdc3 'iί'a3 23
the simple 20 :'d2) 20 :'c6 'ike7 lΔbl with the idea of 24 i.xe6 and
21 lΔc4 lΔb4 22 :'xd6 lΔxd5 23 25 %:txc6 are bad; a question sug-
:'6xd5 :'xb3 24 lΔd6 h6 25 h4 gests itself - why play 17 ... 'ika5,
:'fb8 26lΔf5 'ikf8 27 'iig4 :'bl 28 since one cannot take the a2-
lΔxh6+ Φh7 29lΔf5 i.f6 30 :'xbl pawn, and ίt moves the knight
:'xbl + 31 Φh2 :'b7 32 :'d6 i.g7 away more quickly from a31) 20
33 :'d8 1-0 Wolff-Bronstein, Wijk lΔbc3 f5?! (20 ... f3!? is a standard
aan Zee 1992. blow with the knight οη d4) 21
Recently 17.....aS (D) has be- tΔe7! i.xc4 22lΔg6+ Φg8 23 tΔe7+
come popular: Φh8 24 bc %:tf6 25 lΔxf5 lΔxf5 26
ef%:tg8? 27lΔe4:h6 28lΔxd6! 1-0
Vavarin-Cherniaev, Moscow 1992.
b) 18 lΔc2?! 'ikxa2!? 19 'ikdl
'it'a5 20 %:tal 'ίi'c5 21 %:txa6 Φh8 22
lΔellΔd4 23lΔd3 (White plays ιοο
many knight moves) 23 ... 'ifc8 24
%:txd6 f3! with a powerful attack for
Black, Todorovic-Timoshchenko,
Pula 1988.
c) 18 i.d3!? lΔb4 (ίη the amus-
ing Κoch-Κasparov, Evry sim 1988,
the World Champion continued
W 18 ... lΔd4 19 lΔc2 lΔb5 20 tΔe7+
98 10...j5 11 J..d3

~h8 21l2Jc6 'ί'ixa2 22l2J2b4 'ii'xb3

23 l2Jxb8 :x.b8 24l2Jxa6 'iί'xd3 25
l2Jxb8 and after 26 ... l2Jd4 he later
~ .ί..
•• ••
confused his opponent and won,
• .,
."'l.J~.,,~ _\Ulι
but had Ιο give υρ Ιοο much
material for the initiative) 19l2Jc4
1t'd8 (19 ... W'xa2 20 l2Jxb4 :xb4 ..ι.Δ.
21 :al 'iWxb3 22 :a3 ±) 20 l2Jxb4 ~Δ.
:xb4 21 :fdl :b7 (the interesting
brief skirmish after 21 ... a5!? 22
J..e2 a4 23lDxd6 ab 24 ab J..xb3 25
:d3 J..e6 26 l2Jxf7 J..xf7 27 :xd8
J..xh5 28 :xf8+ J..xf8 29 J..xh5

• •

α •W
/.!'< %!'<

a) 18 'it'g5 J..xd5!? (18 ... f6 has

:xe41ed Ιο a complete exhaustion gone ουΙ of fashion) 19 J..xd5 l2Jb4
of forces ίη Liss-Cesarsky, Tel 20 :fdl l2Jxa2 21 :c6 ιιPh8 22
Ανίν 1991) 22 J..e2 :d7 23 J..g4 l2Jc4 l2Jc3 23 :xd6 'ii'b5 24 :f1
(23 g3!?) 23 ... f5 24 J..f3 with a 'it'xb3 and now White must avoid
small advantage Ιο White, C.Hor- 25 l2Je3? 'i!i'bl! 26 h3 (there is ηο
vath-Nosko Koivisto, Haifa 1989. time for 26 l2Jf5?? because of the
Therefore, following 17 ... 'ii'a5, reply 26 ... 'ii'xf1 +! mating) 26 ... fe
White has the better prospects after 27 :xbl :xbl+ 28 <tιh2 ef29 :d8
both 18l2Jbl and 18 J..d3!? f1'it' 30 :xf8+ J..xf8 31 'iWxe5+
It is characteήstic for White, ηοΙ 0-1 Koch-Podlesnik, Manila 1992.
paying any attention Ιο the small White did ηοΙ fall ίηΙο that trap ίη
10ss οη the queenside, ιο try Ιο cre- the game Prasad-Saveen, Calcutta
ate threats against the king via the 1994. However, after 25 l2Jxe5
centre. The appearance οη the l2Jxd5 (if 25 ... 'iWbl now, then 26
kingside of perhaps one piece Ιο g3) 26 :xd5 f6 27 l2Jg6+ hg 28
aid the queen is often enough for 'iWxg6 :b5 29 'iWh5+ ιιPg8 he also
an unstoppable attack - indeed the achieved a 10st position.
lίght squares ίη the black camp are b) 18 :fdl (a more popular
ηοΙ adequately defended. continuation) 18••• Φh8 19 'it'h4
We return Ιο the main line after (Black overlooked a typical tacti-
17.....d7 (D): cal blow ίη this vaήatίοn after 19
18 'ifh4 h3l2Jd4 20 l2Jc2l2Jxc2 21 :xc2 f5
Ιη this position as well, several 22 f3 :bc8?! 23 :dcl 'iWd8? 24
continuations have been tested: l2Jxf4! ef 25 J..xe6 :xc2 26 :xc2
10.. j5 11 .i.d3 99

'ii'a5 27 :e2 ~d4+ 28 Φh2 win- c) 18 ~d3:

ning ίη Pereida-Charushin, cοπ cl) 18...tbb4!? 19 tbxb4 :xb4
Wch f 1989) 19....txd5 (19 ... f5!? 20 1!Ie2 f5 (20 ... d5!?) 21 tbc4 fe 22
20 tbxf4!? ef 21 .i.xe6 'ii'xe6 22 'ίWxe4 ~f5? (22 ... .i.h6!? {with the
:xc6 fe 23 :cxd6 'tWe8! 24 :d7 idea of 23 ...f3} 23 \i'f3 with an υη­
{24 tbc4 is possible} 24 ... e3 25 clear game) 23 "'d5+ Φh8 24 :fd 1
"ilie7 ef+ 26 ~xf2 'tWg6 with an ac- f3!? 25 'tWxd6 'ίWxd6 26 tbxd6 ±
tive position for the pawn, Blank- Kovalev-Granik, USSR 1988.
Mrkvicka, cοπ 1990) 20 ~xd5 (D): c2) Insofar as 18 ~d3 contra-
dicts the idea of control1ing d5
with pieces, ίι is probably worth
inflicting a bΙόw οη ίι: 18... ιath8
19 :rdl Ι5!? (Black is already
threatening ιο play 19 ....i.xd5) 19
ef iιxd5 20 f6 ~xf6 21 ~f5 'ilg7
22 :d5 tbe7 23 :c7 (23 :xd6?
tbxf5 24 "ii'xf5 ~e7) 23 ...:g8! 24
g3 tbxd5 25 :xg7 :.xg7 ~.
d) 18 :c3!? ~xd5 19 ~xd5
tbb4?! 20:dl tbxa2?! 21 :h3 h6
22 tbc4 Φh7 23 g4! ± Rogalewicz-
Β Rzepecki, cοπ 1993-4.
bl) 20...tbd4 21 :c4! f5 22 Now we return ιο the main line
tbc2 :bc8 (22 ... fe) 23 tbxd4 ed 24 after 181Wh4 (D):
'tWxf4 fe 25 :xc8 'ii'xc8 26 "ii'xe4,
and Black could not solve his
problems, Emst-BergstrDm, 1989.
b2) 20...tbb4 21 :d2 f5 22 tbc4
(22 'ίih3 tbxd5 23 :xd5 "ilib7 24
"ilif3 fe 25 'ίWxe4 f3! + Markovic-
Nurkic, Pula 1990) 22 ... tbxd5 23
:xd5 fe 24 :xd6 "ilif5 25 h3 h5 26
We7 e3 28 fe fe 28 :d7 ~f6 29
tbxe3 'tWe4 30 'tWc5 .i.g5 31 tbd5!
'ii'f5 32 tbe7! Wxd7 33 1!Ixe5+ ~h7
34 'iVxg5 with an attack, Renet-
Korchnoi, Lugano ορ 1988.
100 10.. β 11 ~d3

1800_ ~xd5 that 20 :Cdl allows the vaήatίon to

19 Jι.xd5 lL1b4 be determined ίη White's favour.
20 1tcdl!? 24 g3! f3
Ιί 20 :fdl, then White should Forced, as otherwise the open g-
make one more rook move after file is deadly for Black.
20 ... lL1xa2. His best bet is Ιο bring 25 lL1d2 :bc8
the knight ίηΙο the battle οη c4 26 lL1xf3 'ifb5 (D)
straίght away. After exchanging the enemy
20 lL1xa2 knight White clearly has the strate-
21 li)c4 lL1c3 gica11y won positίon for whίch he
22 :d3 (D) must strive ίη simίlar situatίons.

.... _••
Therefore Black decides to sacri-
fice the exchange.

• • .ι_ι
....- .-
ι ••
-~ ~ ••
~~ ••~

••. -Δ •• ma
~ ~
~ ~"~
~ u u
Threatening 23lL1xd6 when the
knight is hanging, and furthermore w
23 ... lL1xd5 is ηο good due Ιο 24 27 ~c4 :xc4
:xd5 :xb3 25lL1xd6 with the idea 28 bc 1i'xc4
of lL1d6-f5 (the game is remίniscent 29 :fdl lL1xf3
ofWolff-Bronstein), but Black has 30 :xf3
ηο alternatίve ... Whίte has a won positίon, but
22000 lL1e2+ now tίme trouble starts to interfere
23 ~hl lL1d4 with the battle. But a11 the same, it
Thus the bishop οη d5 remaίns is Black who will make the final
the lord and master of the lίght blunder.
squares. The lίvelίer knight does 30 d5
not threaten ίι One can establίsh 31 ed?!
10. ..j5 11 Jid3 101

The cold-blooded 31 :el would The time scramble is over, and

have left Black ηο hope whatso- Timoshenko lets ηο more chances
ever. escape.
31 'ίi'e2 41 'ίi'dl+
32 :fd3 e4 42 Iitg2 'it'f3+
33 :3d2 'it'f3+ 43 Iith3 h5
34 <itgl Jic3 44 :c3! 'iWg4+
35 'it'g5+ <ith8 45 Φg2 'it'g6
36 d6 Jixd2 46 d7 1-0
37 'it'xd2
Black has won back the ex- If we look at the statίstίcs of thίs
change, but his position remains variation, then White has a big ad-
difficult, indeed the d-pawn has vantage. Ιη this very game all the
held ουΙ visible difficulties are for Black,
37 :d8 who must seek new routes. Good
38 'iWd4+ Iitg8 (D) luck Ιο him!
Another plan involves White
beginning by castling short. One
should note that ίη this game two
Sveshnikov experts met.

Dolmatov - Chekhov
Bundesligα 1992

1 e4 c5 2 lΩf3 lΩc6 3 d4 cd 4lΩxd4

lΩΙ6 5 lΩc3 e5 6 lΩdb5 d6 7 Jig5
a6 8 lΩa3 b5 9 Jixf6 gf 10 lΩd5 Ι5
11 Jid3Jie6
39 ':cl? 12 ο-ο (D)
Of course, White could win by 12 Jixd5
39 d7. 13 ed lΩe7
39 ..• 'ifd3 14 c3
40 'it'e5 'ίi'd2? The actίve 14 c4 gives Black
Ιι is Black's turn Ιο astonish. good counterchances, for example,
Why didn't he take the d6 pawn? 14.•.e4 15 Jie2 Jig7 161Wd2 bc 17
41 :c6! lΩxc4 ο-ο 18 :adl ':b8 19 'iff4
102 10...15 11 i.d3

15•••e4 16 i.c2 ο-ο (16 ......a5? 17

':ael! ':a7 18 ΦhΙ i.xc3 19 bc
'ίWxa3 20 i.b3 'i'b2, Zso.Polgar-
Κramnik, Guarapuava 1991, could
have led Ιο a large advantage for
White after 21 'iWh6!) 17 ':ael
':c8?! 18 i.b3! ':c5 19 ~c2 'tWd7
20 ο! a5 21 a3 ef22 'iWxf3 i.e5 23
g3! is clearly ίη Whίte's favour be-
cause of the chronic weakness of
Black's kingside, Koνalev-Palac,

--1.. •_.-_--_
Β New Isenburg 1992.
':b5! with equality, Novik-Κram­
nik, Leningrad 1991, or possibly
14•••i.g7 15 cb e4 16 i.c4 i.xb2
17 ba i.xal?! (it's obviously ηοΙ •~ 8\1Uι-.ι.-.ι.

"... -•-
worth accepting the sacrifice; the
quiet 17 ... 0-0 is better) 18 ~xal,
and Black fell foul to a dangerous
• .ι..Δ • .ι. ...
attack ίη Brustman-Arakhamia,
Debrecen wom Echt 1992. ~ ~iι.
fQ;: ~ ~;t;
The even more aggressive 14 ~~:{f;
/'~ ,,~
~ ~B;:
':{f; Δ ~B':{f;
, ~ ~~
7, , ~
~xb5 is also totally harmless for
u ~ .:~
• ~
Black. After 14... i.g7 15 ~c3 e4
16 i.c4 Zsuzsa Polgar twice ίη the W
same toumament received a prom- 16 ':adl ':c8
ising position as Black against Ιη reply to 16...0-0 Dolmatov
prominentgrandmasters: 16.••'iWa5 had planned ιο continue 17,
17 ~e2 ':c8! 18 i.b3 i.xb2 19 intending ~a3-c2-e3 and play οη
':bl i.e5! Anand-Zsu.Polgar,Mu- the light squares.
nich 1991; 16•••~g6! 17 'iWh5 i.xc3 17 ~c2 (D)
18 bc 'ίi'f6 19 f4 ο-ο 20 i.b3 ':fc8 Αι the moment the plan shown
+ Nunn-Zsu.Polgar, Munich 1991. ίη the previous note does ΩΟΙ work:
14 ••. i.g7 17! ':c5 18ltJc2 ~xd5!? 19
15 'i'h5 'iWd7 (D) ~e3 (or 19 b4lLJf4 20 1t'g5 f6 +)
Chekhoν's attempt ΙΟ improνe 19 ... lLJxe3 20 fe e4 +.
the variation. The otherwise used 16...':c8 was very timely.
10.. j5 11 ~d3 103

following development of events

would have been possible: 20 tDg4
1i'f5 (20 ...0-021 tDh6+ ~xh6 22
1i'xh6 ±) 21 1i'xf5 tDxf5 22 f3! (if
22 ~xe4, then 22 ... tDe7!, and ίι
unexpectedly becomes clear that
there is ηο defence from 23 ... f5 or
23 ...h5, and one ofthe white pieces
peήshes) 22...tDe3 (22...h5 23 ω!?
tDe3 24 tDxe4 ':'c7 25 tDxd6+~f8
26 tDf5 tDxdl 27 ':'xdl ±) 23 tDxe3
Β fe 24 :fel ~h6 25 ~xe4, and after
17 ':'c5 g2-g3 and f3-f4 White's large ad-
17•••e4 would have been rash: 18 vantage is ηοΙ ίη doubt.
~e2 ο-ο 19 f3 ±, and White breaks 20 g3!
υρ his opponent's pawn centre. White's fundamental idea is Ιο
18 tDe3 e4 play f2-f3 ίη order Ιο destroy
Of course 110Ι 18•••f4? 19 tDf5, Black's pawn centre. However, this
when White dominates the light does ηοΙ work immediately: 20 f3
squares. f4 21 ~xe4 f5 +.
19 ~bl (D) 20 b4?!
Α quite natural attempt by Black
ιο organize a counterattack οη the
queenside, but his forces are Ιοο far
withdrawn from his king. How-
ever, Chekhov was facing a diffi-
cult problem. After 2O•• JΣb8 White
could have replied 21 :d2!?, so
that after 21 ... b4 22 c4, the b2-
pawn would be defended.
21 cb ':'b5
22 a3 ~xb2
23 ~hl!
Dolmatov quite justifiably sug-
gests that ίι is better Ιο caΠΥ ουΙ
the advance f2-f3 when everything
else has been covered. If 23 f3?!,
104 10.. .j5 11 J.d3

then 23 ...1Wa7 gives ήse to complί­ 26 ιtlXΙ5 ιtlXΙ5

cations. 27 e5!
23 J:tc8 (D) Α beautiful refusal to take the
black knίght. Ιη the event of 27
:xrs Black would have contίnued
27 ... f6, and after ....tb2-e5 could
have strengthened his own posi-
27 000 ιtlxg3+
28 hg .txe5
29 1Wxh7+ ~f8
30 J:tcl! (D)

24 f3!
White has finίshed hίs prepara-
tions and has finally carήed out the
'programmed' continuation.
24 ••• J:tc3
25 fe :Xa3 (D)
The knight is indirectly de-
fended: 25oooJ:txe3 261Wg5+.
Now all White's pieces are al-
ready takίng part ίη the attack. 31
J:tc8+ and 31 J:txf7+ are major
threats. Thίs continuatίon is sig-
nificantly stronger than winning
the queen for bishop and rook after
30.tg6 J:tb7 31 J:txf7+ 1Wxf7 32
.txf7 J:txf7, when Black is still
holding οη.
30 000 J:tb7
31 .tf5 1Wb5
32 .te6 1-0
10.. .j5 11 ~d3 105

Conclusion However, the plan 1inked with

Ιη this chapter we have examined 12 ...:g8 seems more promising.
games from one of the most ag- After 12... f4 and 13 ...~g7 he often
gressive variations of the Svesh- falls ίηΙο a difficult position. The
nikov. If White plays 12 "h5, a game goes οη ίη a more positional
very sharp game arises, giving ήse mood after 12 ο-ο with a small ad-
ΙΟ reasonable counterchances for vantage (as, strictly speaking, is
Black. predetermined) Ιο Whiιe.
9 Classical Sveshnikov: 11 iιxb5

Nowadays it is quite rare to see rarely seen ίη contemporary tour-

White sacrificing a piece οη b5 οη nament practice. Black opposes
move 11. Moreover, if the knight White's attack, led by his queen
sacήfice has gone completely out and two knights, with harmonious
of use, then taking with the bishop counterplay by al1 his pieces. Ιη
is wrong, as this scene shows ... spite of the ίπatίοnal character of
the struggle, fewer patches of white
Game 23 remain ίη this variation.
VitolinS - Cherniaev 12 %1a4!
Kherson 1990 The very strongest continuation
- Govelov's idea. The black rook
1 e4 c5 2 ttJf3 ttJc6 3 d4 cd 4 ttJxd4 ηοΙ οηlΥ comes ου! from behind
ttJf6 5 ttJc3 e5 6 ttJdb5 d6 7 iιg5 the lines, but also takes an active
a6 8 ttJba3 bS 9 iιxΙ6 gf 10 ttJdS part ίη the battle. There is a less
fS successful attempt Ιο pay White
11 iιxbS ab off with the exchange, 12..•%1a7.
12 ttJxbS (D) After 13 ttJxa7 ttJxa7 (D) White
has two promising possibilities at
his disposal:

The diagram position has never
been partίcularly popular, and is W
Clαssicαl Sveshnikov: 11 bb5 107

a) 14 ef! tDb5!? 15 a4 (a nov- initiative to White) 17 ....d7 18

elty) 15•••tDd4 (if 15 ... tDc7 then 'iib3 tDa6 19 tDd5 tDc5 20 lΩf6+
one may continue 16 a5 ~b7 17 c4 'ίte7 21 tDd5+, and ίη this position,
lΩxd5 18 a6!? ~a8 19 cd, and the having reρeated moves twice, Shi-
white passed pawn is very danger- rov, against Mitkov, France 1994,
ous) 16 c3 'i'a5 17 tDf6+ rJ;;e7 18 decided to take the white knight,

.... .-.-
ο-ο (D) and now: which, however, did not change the
assessment of the position as level.
B.t.. ~ ~ 13 b4
Vitolins had already used this
•• ~&8& continuation without any particu-
~%_~3~@~ ~ Β lar success ίη a game against Κish­
~ •
8,:ff!/j .Δ8 nev, Jurma1a 1981.
/",,,1'1 •
_ Β _ 13
14 tDbc7+
%f~ ~'~
"Ι';: •• _,~
15 ο-ο (D)
~ '~
D~",Ζ Δ ~~~
~ ~~
~ ~
~ ~fl'\Wι.
r~ .o.':~
a1) 18••• tDxf5? 19 b4 'i!ld8 20
lΩd5+ rJ;;e6 21 a5 ~b7 22 c4 win-
ning for White, M.Pavlovic-Todor-
ovic, Yugoslavia 1992.
a2) 18•••ΦΧΙ6 19 cd ~xf5 is
better, although here too White's
chances are somewhat preferable
because of the hopeless position of
the black king, and also thanks to Β
his advantage ίη development and Black here has various ρossibili­
passed pawns. ties. 15••.%tg8 featured ίη the afore-
b) 14 c3lΩb5 15 ef (15 a4 tDc7 mentioned game Vitolins-Κishnev,
16 a5! ± seems more promising) Jurmala 1981, when after 16lΩxb4
15 ... tDc716lΩe3~b7! 17'i!1a4+?! tDxb41700 tDxd5 18 'ifxd5 'ίte7,
(it would have been better to con- Black realized his advantage. Ob-
tinue 17 1Wb3! "'a8 18 0-0-0 ~xg2 viously, the authors of the idea
19 tDxg2 'ifxg2 20 'ίtbl with some have found an improvement for
108 Classi€:al Sveshnikov: 11 hb5

White. Ιι hasn't been ruled ουΙ that the game Meister-Κharlov, USSR
ίι is linked with the continuation 1990, White shou1d play 18lDb6+
16 'it'h5, which practically forces Wc6 19 %:tabl d5 20 'iVf6+ (20 c4!?
Black Ιο give the queen back, for also deserves attention) 20 ...•d6
example, 16 ... lDe7 17 'ii'xf7 'ilfxc7 21 'ifxh8 lDg6 22 'ifg8 .:tg7 23
18lDxc7 g;xc7, and a hugely com- 'ifxd5+, after which a complex
plicated position arises, which endgame arises.
fully cοπeSΡοnds with Vitolins's 15 'ifg5!
creative outlook. Βυι Cherniaev re- This move fu1fils several aims at
turns Ιο a well-trodden path. once. Ιι allows an attack Ιο begin,
15•• Jιxe4 deserves attention. thins ουΙ the area around the king,
Another alternative is 15.••.:tb7 and hinders an active thrust by the
16 'ii'h5 .:txc7 17 'ifxf7+ (White white queen οηΙο h5. Besides, this
could announce a perpetual check continuation allows Black Ιο avoid
by 17 'iff5+ g;e8 18lDf6+ ι:j;e7 19 the forced draw that can ensue after
lDd5+) 17 ... tΔe7 (D): 15•...:tb7.
16 lDxb4 lDxb4
17 'ifbl .:tg8
18 g3 Q;xc7

19 "iixb4 (D)

Β"'Β •

~;•• - -

~Νι ~.Δ. •
8, ••

%%, ~

... and now rather than 18 lDr6+
G;c619.:tabl (definitelythreaten-
ing mate - 20 'ii'c4#) 19...d5! 20 c4
d4! 21 c5 .:tb7 22 lDe8! .:tg8! 23
"'c4 'ifa5 24 .:tb6+ .:txb6 25 cb+
~ .
••• Ο

-.;~" ~

Αη extraordinarily sharp and


G;xb6 26 .:tbl + q;a7 when Black tense situation has arisen. Black has
repulsed the attack, preserving a two bishops for a rook and pawn,
decisive material advantage ίη plus a possible future attack οη the
Clαssicαl Sveshnikov: 11 bb5 109

king. White's hopes are also lίnked Losing a ternpo, which ίη this
with a direct attack οη the enerny situation tums ουΙ Ιο be fatal. He
king and a strong passed a-pawn. should haνe quickly set the a-pawn
Such a clash of plans prornises a off οη its way.
νery interesting struggle. 23 ~e6
19 ••• ~d7 24 a4 h5
First Cherniaeν wishes to ρυι his 25 a5 h4
own king ίηΙο safety. It's quite relί­ 26 :d3 'ii'h5
able, but probably ηοΙ the strongest 27 a6 (D)
plan. The sharp 19•••fe would haνe Both contestants are playing οη
opened υρ wide possibilities, ηοΙ 'their' flank, but all the sarne their
οηlΥ for the black lίght-squared forces will corne ίηΙο contact, and
bishop, but also for its colleagues. ίι will becorne clear that Black has
20 c4 Ι4 rnanoeuνred rnore successfully.
21 c5
νίΙοΙίη§ is trying Ιο destroy the
king's pawn shield. Natura1ly, Black
cannot take οη c5 because of 22
21 ••• Φe6
22 cd ΦΙ6 (D)
Α νery cornfortable refuge for
Black's king.

27 hg
28 fg "'e2
29 'ifc3 ~xd6
The bishop enters the garne with
great effect. 30 :ίxd6 is irnpossible
because of 30... f3 with an ineνita­
ble rnate (31 :d2 f2+).
30 :el ~c5+
W 31 'it>hl 'it'a
23 :fdl? 32 :ο ~d4
110 Clαssicαl Sveshnikov: 11 J.xb5

Now Chemiaev. who was ίη Black has reliably blocked the a-

time trouble. mίsses a chance to pawn from moving. and now tums
end the game straίght away by to decisive actίon.
32.....xh2+ 33 Φxh2 IIh8+ 34 Φg2 39 lIa5+ Φχe4
.th3+ 35 Φh2 .tf1# (D). 40 lIa4 .te2
41 IIxd4+
An attempt to tum the game into
a theoretically drawn ending leads
to a swift denouement.
41 Φχd4
42 ':xf4+ Φe3
43 ':xf7 .tf3+
44 <ifi>gl ':g8+
45 <ifi>f1 .te2+

W 12 ... .:a4 seems to be the best an-
33 IIxC2 .txc3 tidote to the bishop sacήfice οη b5.
Now Black must agaίn prove hίs The continuation 12 ....:a7 creates
SUΡeήοήtΥ· fewer pre-requisites for Black to
34 1Ib1 .td4 seize the inίtίative. although both
35 IΙΙ3 .tg4 lead to an extremely sharp battle
36 lIa3 lIa8 which demands exact knowledge
37 gf ef as well as iron nerves and a clear
3811n Φe5 sense of the fantastίc.
10 Classical Sveshnikov: 9liJab1

StήctlΥ speaking, play ίη this νaή­

ation begins οηlΥ οη move 11, be-
cause White most frequently plays
ίι with a transposition of moves: 9
lbd5 iLe7 10 .i.xf6 .i.xf6 Illbbl.
However, it's also possible for a
straίghtforward move order, whίch
begins with 9lbabl. We think the
virtues and drawbacks of the νaή­
atίon will soon become clear Ιο the
reader. White makes Ιοο many
moves with one knight, and lags Β
behind somewhat ίο development, The move 11•••.:.b8 (with the
but if Black cannot use thίs circum- idea of preventing 12 a4) has been
stance energetίcally, White will de- tested:
velop hίspieces ίη comfort. a) Hoffman-Yakovich, Munich
1992 contίnued 12 g3 ο-ο 13 .i.g2
Game24 .i.e6 14 ο-ο .i.xd5 15 ed lba5 16
CabήΙο - Beliavsky lbd2lbc4 17 lbxc4 bc 18 b3 'fic7
Lvov 1993 19 ':'el 'ila7 20 ':'e4 ':'fc8 21 .i.f1
c3 22 'Ιfd3 h5 =F.
1 e4 c5 2lbf3lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4 b) Stefansson-Schandorff, Co-
lbf6 5 lbc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 .i.g5 penhagen 1994, developed differ-
a68lba3b5 ently: 12 lbd2 .i.g5 13 .i.d3 lbe7
9 lbd5 .i.e7 14lbxe7 'fixe7 15 ο-ο ο-ο 16 'ii'e2
10 .i.xf6 .i.xf6 g6 17 a4 ba 18':'fb1 .i.d7 19 .i.xa6
11 lbb1 (D) f5 20 .i.c4+ Φh8 21 .i.d5 ':'fc8 22
With a transposition of moves, 'ild3 ':'b4 =F.
a positίon has aήsen whίch is char- 12 a4!
acteήstίc of the variatίon with 9 White does ηοΙ delay ίη begin-
lbabl. ning Ιο worry his opponent οη the
11 ••• ο-ο queenside.
112 CΙαssicαl Sveshnikov: 9liJαb1

12 .... 14 ttJbc3 ttJd4

Another plan has been tήed: It's ηοΙ worth ΡressuήΖίηg the
12••• b4, for example, 13 tbd2 (D) white knight, as ίι could occupy aπ
andnow: active position οη b5. After 14•••b4
15 ttJb5 ttJd4 16 ttJxd4 ed 17 J..c4
White has managed Ιο fioish his
development aπd his pieces are
very well placed.
15 J..d3 g6 (D)
Here 15••• b4 deserved attention,
for example, 16 ttJe2 J..g4 17 c3 bc
18 bc ttJxe2 19 J..xe2 J..e6 with

a) 13•••J..e6 14 J..c4 J..g5 15
- - -
•••• ~.i.~

-• ~ ~.~.
ttJf3! J..h616 'ifd3! a5 17 ο-ο 'ιth8
18 %ladl %lb8 19 J..b5 ttJa7 20 c4
bc 21 bc f5 22 c4 fe 231i'xe4 J..f5
24 'ii'e2 ;!; Minasiaπ-Chaπdler, Ma-
nila OL 1992.
b) 13•••.ig5 was aπ interesting
• •

u~Δ~.~ u"Δ~'~

attempt Ιο improve οη this ίο

Koshi-Barua, Isfahaπ 1993. Now W
fascioating complications would 16 0-0 .ig7
have aήsen after 14 ttJc4!?, for ex- 17 ttJa2!
ample 14.. ..:b8 15 a5 %lb5! 16 ttJdb6 CabήΙο prepares Ιο evict the
(16 ttJcb6?! %lc5! +) 16...J..e6 17 black knight from d4, aπd at the
ttJxd6 (17 'l'xd6?! ttJd4 18 ..td3 b3 same time move his own Ιο the ex-
19 cb %lxb3 20 1i'xd8 %lxd8 21 cellent square b4.
%lb4! ~; White must fight just for 17 .•• 'ifg5
equality) 17...%lxa5 18 %lxa5 ttJxa5 18 <iPhl
19 ttJd5 ttJc6 with good counter- It was worth thinking about 18
play for Black. f3!?, preparing against Black's at-
13 ab ab tack before ίι happens.
Clαssicαl Sνeshnikoν: 91Ωαbl 113

18 tlJe6

•.t.. ••
19 tlJab4 (D)

••• • .ι_ι

·• .i..---•-•-
• i.liJ~
~ ~~.Δ.
~~'%i Δ


~§1 Δ ~~~ W
t?,~ • U ~,~
α .~.:.φ 26 tlJc7?
CabήΙο misses a tactical blow.
Β The continuation 26 f3 would have
19 ... tlJf4! still allowed him Ιο preserve a
After 19•••f5 20 f3 tlJc5 21 'ife2 minimal advantage. Now the pic-
White is clearly better. ture of the battle changes sharply ίη
20 tlJxf4 ef Black's favour.
21 c3 ~e6 26 ••. :xa5
22 :a5 :fc8 27 :xa5 f3!
23 'i!t'e2 :c5! White can take the pawn neither
One of the moves which is often with the queen, due Ιο the back
seen ίη the Sveshnikov, transfer- rank mate, nor with the pawn ίη
ήng the rook Ιο the fifth rank Ιο at- view of ...~e6-h3. Απ intervening
tack the king. check changes nothing.
24 tlJa6 28 :a8+ ~f8
White had a more relίable plan: 29 'iί'f1 fg+
24 f3 and if 24 ... 'iWh6?!, then the Belίavsky energetically carήes
reply 25 'iff2 :h5 26 'iWgl! win- ουΙ the conclusive attack.
ning for White. 30 'iί'xg2 'iί'd2
24 ••• :a8 31 'ifg3 'iί'dl+
25 :fal 32 'ίt>g2 ~g4
25lbxc5 :xa5 26lΩxe6 fe 27 f3 33 tlJe8 ~f3+
was also possible, with a small ad- The finale. If 34 'ilt'xf3 then
vantage to White. 34...:g5+.
25 ο.. :e5 (D) 0-1
114 Classical Sveshnikov: 9l:Δab1

Black used an ioteresting ηον­ 14 i.h6

elty ίη the following duel, oamely 15 i.c4 0-0
11. .. i.b7. 16 0·0
Αο attempt Ιο pressUΉze the d6-
Game25 pawo with 16 'iWd3 'ίtth8 17 .:Σ.dΙ is
Shaked - Cherniaev parήed by meaos of 17 ... 'iνa5!? 18
New York 1993 ο-ο .:Σ.ad8 with a complex game.
16 'ίtth8
1 e4 c5 2l:Δf3l:Δc6 3 d4 cd 4l:Δxd4 17 'ifd3 g6
l:ΔΙ6 5 l:Δc3 e5 6 l:Δdb5 d6 7 i.g5 18 c3 (D)
a6 8l:Δa3 b5 9l:Δd5 i.e710 i.xf6 If 18 l:Δe3 then Cherniaev was
i.xf611l:Δbl going ιο play 18 ... l:Δe7 19 .:Σ.fdΙ
11 i.b7!? i.xe3!? 20 'ifxe3 'ifc7 21 i.b3 f6!
12 a4 b4 22 .:Σ.d3 a5 23 ':ad 1 ':ad8 24 h4
13 lΩd2 i.g5 l:Δc8 with the idea of organizίng
14 l:ΔΙ3 (D) couoterplay after ...l:Δc8-b6. How-
ever, 18 .:Σ.fdl deserves attentίon.

White's knight has spent seven Β
moves Ιο get ιο its 'ήghtfuΙ' place. 18 bc
This alone testίfies ιο the fact that This move was οοι forced. He
Black has already achίeved at least could have followed hίs plan more
a level game. However, he must act consistently with 18••.f5. After thίs
energetίca1ly, otherwise the penna- ίι would be a mίstake ιο take οη b4:
nent weaknesses ίη his position 19 cb fe 20 'ifxe4l:Δxb4 21 .:Σ.fdΙ
mίght make their presence felt. ':f4 22 'ii'e2 ':xc4 23 'iνxc4l:Δxd5
Clαssicαl Sveshnikov: 9lΔab1 115

24 ':xd5 "'g8 25 ':adl :Ιc8, and play overthe whole board. White's
White will peήsh because of the position is difficult, so he makes a
weakness of his back rank. deSΡaiήηg attempt to get stuck into
19 bc Ι5 complίcations.
20 ':abl 23 Ι4 ef
Shaked is trying to organize 24 lbxf4 ω
some counterplay οη the b-file, but 25 'iWh3 i.xf4
his opponent elegantly redistήb­ 26 ':ΧΙ4 lbxe4??
utes his pieces. Α fatal eποr ίη time trouble,
20 ω leading to a rapid 10ss. The cold-
21 J.a2 J.c6 blooded 26••:it'g5 27 ':h4 ':a7

... . -.
22 lbd2

.~. 8 8ι
•• .t.~ ~.~ι.~'~
~ ~
lbb7 (D) would have led to a Black win.
27 lbxe4

cisive attack.
28 ':xe4!
Black cannot be saved by 27•••fe
28 ':xf8+ 'ilVxf8 29':f1 with a de-


_ ,V

• .!Δ8Ι. 29 ':b7
30 'iWe3
Δ. .Δ. 31 'iWxe4 1-0
• B'ii'. •
.:. .:=
... ~ ~


Black's pieces are very harmo-

This variation does not present
any real danger for Black. Further-
more, the continuations 11 ... ':b8
and 11 ...i.b7 allow him to count
niously placed and are ready to οη seizing the initiative.
11 Bird-Larsen Variation: 8... i..e6

Thίs variatίon doesn't as a rule lead move is that White can swiftly
ΙΟ such complex situations as the bήng the a3 knight ίηΙο the battle.
Classical. Therefore, ίη order Ιο 9 lΩc4
play ίι, one needs Ιο know far Georgiev quickly uses the ορ­
fewer forced variations. Βυι learn- portunities he is afforded - indeed
ing them, as is well known, is ηοΙ Ιο Black should also think about do-
everybody's taste. ing this!
9 .•• 1Ic8!
Game26 'Not only a mobilizing but a1so a
Κί.Georgiev- Shirov waiting move; when White re-
Biel1992 moves the knight from c4, ....i.f8-
e7 and ... 0-0 wil1 become possible'
1 e4 cS 2lDf3lDc6 3 d4 cd 4lDxd4 - Sveshnikov.
lDf6S lDc3 eS 6lΩdbS d6 7 .i.gS 10 .i.xf6
a68lΩa3 10 lΩe3 does ηο! win White any
8 .i.e6 (D) laurels. After 1O ....i.e7 11 .i.xf6
.i.xf6 12lΩcd5 .i.g5 13 c3 (or 13
.i.d3 ο-ο 14 ο-ο g6 15 c3 'itiιh8 16
a4 ί5 = Mellado-Yakovich, Cor-
doba 1991) 13 ... 0-0 14 .i.e2 g6 15
ο-ο ~h8 16 ΦhΙ ί5 17 ef gf 18 ί4
.i.h6 19 .i.d3 e4 20 .i.c2 'ii'h4
Black equalized ίη Xie Jun-Κhar­
lον, Moscow 1992.
10 ••• gf(D)
Or 10.....xf6 11 lΩb6 1Ib8 12
lΩcd5 'ίWd8 and now 13 c3 .i.e7 14
.i.c4 ο-ο 15 a4 (Grϋnfeld-Cifuen­
W tes, Νονί Sad 1990, continued 15
The idea οί this move is rapid ο-ο .i.g5 16 a4 Φh8 17 ~hl g6 18
development and control over d5. 1We2 .i.h6 19 1:tad 1 ί5 with fair
The serious disadvantage οί the counterplay for Black) 15 ....i.g5
Bird-Lαrsen Variation: 8 ... J.e6 117

16 'ίWe2 g6 17 ο-ο is οηlΥ margin- for White's strong knight. And al-
ally better for White, Bologan-Ci- though he wil1 get doubled pawns,
fuentes, Las Palmas 1993, or 13 the pressure οη the vital f-file is
~e2 g6 14 ο-ο ~h6 15 c3 ο-ο 16 a4 stil1 a factor of greater imporιance.
~h8 17 'ίWd3 f5 with fair counter- 12 ... ~xe3
chances for Black, Reinderman- 13 fe 'ίWb6 (D)
Cifuentes, Wijk aan Zee 1994. After 13...:r.g8 14 ο-ο 'ίWb6 15
'ίi'f3 lbe7 16 lbd5 ~xd5 17 ed f5
18 J.xf5 lbxf5 19 'ίWxf5 'ίWxe3+ 20
~h 1 :r.c7 Black managed ιο hold
the position ίη Konguνel-Bhatta­
chaήa, Calcutta 1994.

11 lbe3
The continuation 11 ~d3 (with
the idea of aνoiding the immediate
attack οη the knight which occurs
after 11 lbe3 J.h6) was seen ίη the W
game Anand-Moroνic, Las Palmas 14 'ίi'cl
1993: 11 ...lbe7 12lbe3 J.h6 130-0 Α strong and natural move, al-
~xe3 14 fe 'ίWb6 15 'ίWcllbg8 16 though a pawn sacrifice was also
ΦhΙ _c5 (16 ... h5 is interesting, possible: 14 ο-ο 'iixe3+ 15 ~hl
and if 17 lbd5, then 17 ...~xd5 18 with a sharp game.
ed lbe7 19 e4 f5!, destroying the 14 ••• lbaS
white pawn centre) 17 'ίWd2 h5 18 After 14•••lbb4 White could haνe
:r.adl h4 19 h3 ~f8 20 'ίWe2;1;;. continued 15 a3lbxd3+ 16 cd d5
11 ••• J.h6 17 ed ~xd5 18 ο-ο, for example,
12 ~d3 18 ... J.b3 19'ίWd2 :r.g8 20 d4 :r.d8
Νοι hiηdeήηg Black's standard 21 d5 with a noticeable advantage.
idea of giving υρ one of his bishops IS ο-ο ~e7 (D)
118 Bird-Lαrsen Variation: 8... .t.e6

have preserved the better chances

for Georgiev. Ιι is possible that
instead of 18 b3, the move 18 a4 is
even stronger, and agaίn the black
knight starts ιο become uncomfort-
17 b3! "'cS?
Α decisive eποr. Ιι would have
been worth complicating White's
problems with an exchange sacή­
fice: 17...:xc3 18'it'xc3 'ifxe3+ 19
W ΦhΙ lL!c6 (D), although here as
16 W'el! well White faces a happy choice:
Α move which pursues two aίms
at once: moving the queen over ιο
the kingside, where Black has few
defenders, and a1so threatening Ιο
continue 17 b3, after which the a5-
knight's prosρects are altogether
16 ••• h5
Shirov has ηοΙ decided οη an ac-
tive continuation, but if 16••:ii'xb2,
then White after 17 lL!d5+ .t.xd5
18 ed e4 19 he4 would have been
given a tangible advantage. W
Thus 16...lL!c4 deserves atten- a) 20 :f3 "'c5 (20 ......g5 21
ιίοη, for example, 17 .t.xc4 ':xc4 .t.xa6!; 20......b6? 21 :afl :h622
18 Wi'f2 ':g8 19 lL!d5+ .t.xd5 20 "'d2 J:tg6 23 ':xf6!; 20...'ii'd4 21
'it'xf6+ Φd7 21 ed "'xe3+ 22 ΦhΙ "'el h4 22 c3) 21 "'xc5 dc 22 J:tafl
':f4 23 ':xf4 'ifxf4 24 'ifxf4 ef 25 ':h6 23 ':g3, and his chances are
':f1 ':e8 26 ΦgΙ ':e4, and Black clearly better.
holds οη. However, 17 lbdl h5 b) 20':aelWi'c521 Wi'd2lL!b8!
(17 ... lL!xb2 18 lL!xb2! "'xb2 19 22 ':f3 lL!d7 23 ':ef1 with a sma11
':bl 'it'xa220':xb7+.t.d7 21 "'h4 advantage.
'it'e6 22 ':xf6!) 18 b3lL!a3! 19 c4 Now Black loses by force.
'it'c5 20 1lX3 b5 21lL!d5+! would 18 lL!d5+!
Bird-Lαrsen Variation: 8 ... .te6 119

Georglev is still not satisfied by 22 .tg6! ι-ο

a quiet continuation: 18lba4 'ilc7 Α beautiful final blow! After
19 c4, although it would also have 22 ... 'ikxdlWhite can insert the le-
offered wonderful prospects. thal check 23 'ilxf6+.
18 .txd5
19 ed 'ilxd5 (D) Game27
Smagίn - Κharlov
Moscow 1991

1 e4 c5 2 lbf3 lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4

lbf6 5 lbc3 e5 6 lbdb5 d6 7 .tg5
a6 8lba3 .te6 9lbc4 Ac8
10 .txf6
If White wishes to continue οη
the next move with 11lbd5, then
it is more exact to do so iιnmedi­
ately: 10 lbd5 iLxd5 11 iLxf6 gf 12
W 10 •.. gf
20 b4 was threatened, and if 11 lbd5 .txd5
19•••'ilc3, White could have con- 12 'iWxd5 (D)
tinued 20 'ίi'h4 Ah6 21 Aadl Ag8 12 ed?! lbe7 gives White ηο ad-
22 h3, after which he doubles vantage.
rooks οη the f-file, gaining a deci-
sive advantage.
20 Adl! Acg8
Νοι 20•••e4? 21 .tc4, and after
any departure by the queen from
the fifth rank, 21 Ad5 wins the
knight. If 2O•••lbc6, then 21 'ikh4
Ah6 22 .tf5 is decisive.
21 "'12 Ah6
Other moves cannot save him:
a) 21 •••'ίi'e6 22 .tf5, and Black's
queen is trapped.
b) 21 ••• ~ 22 .tc4 'ίi'e4 23 Β
Axd6. 12 ..• b5
120 Blrd-Lar.fen Variation: 8... .J.e6

ΑfΙer 12•••~4 l3 .J.d3 'ife7 14

h4 "c6! Ι S ~3 "xd5 16 lbxd5
ll)xc2+ 17 .J.~c2 ':xc2 18 ο-ο .J.h6,
19 84 ~d7 20 ':a3 ~e6 21 ':Β
.J.g5 would have Ied ιο a smal1
advantage f()r BIack ίη BeIikov-
KharIov, Moscow 1992, but after
19 ':fdl ~d7 20 ':d3 ~e6 21 ':Β
.J.g7 22 ':g3 ":hc8 23 ':f1 .J.h6 ίη
Leko-Morovic, Lyon 1993, a IeveI
positίon arose.
13 lbe3 .J.h6 W
Here ιοο 13...lbe7 deserves at- 18 ':dl!
tentίon. Α noveIty, which underlines the
14 lbfS! lbb4 shady side of earIy activity by the
15 lbxd6+ Φd7 king.
16 'iWxf7+ 18 lbxc2+
16 bb5+ ab 17 'ifxb5+ was also BIack has nothίng eIse. 18....:c7
possibIe, with an uncIear game. is ηο good due to 19 c3! ~c2+
Βυι Smagin had something eIse ίη (19 ....:xc7Ioses Ιο 20 lbxb7+ foI-
mίnd ... Iowed by 21 lbxd8) 20 'it>e2, and
16 ... Φc6 after 20 .. .'iixd6? White executes a
17 'iWb7+ ~c5 (D) beautifuI mate with the king: 21
IfI7...~xd6, then 18 ':dι+Φe6 ':d5+ ~c4 22 ~B - mate!
19 ':xd8 lbxc2+ 20 ~e2 ':hxd8 19 'it>e2 lbd4+
21 f4 and 22 Φο with a big advan- 20 ':xd4 ed
tage to White. 21 'iWd5+ Φb6
According ΙΟ the evidence of 22 lbxc8+ 'iWxc8
eyewitnesses, ΚharIov assessed thίs 23 'iWxd4+
position as fully acceptabIe for Smagin has two extra pawns,
BIack. He was ηοΙ afraid of the per- and he steers the game preciseIy ιο
petuaI check, as after 18 'iWa7+ victory.
~c6 19 .J.xb5+ ab 20 'ii'b7 + ~xd6 23 ~a5
21 ':dl + ~e6 22 ':xd8lbxc2+ 23 24 ~f3 Ι5
~e2 ':hxd8 24 ':dl ~d4+ BIack 25 g3 ':d8
repuIses his opponent's attack. Βυι 26 b4+ ~a4
a nasty surpήse awaited hίm. 27 'ii'b6 fe+
Bird-Lαrsen Vαrίαtion: 8".~e6 121

28 Wg2 Wxb4 34 'ii'xa6 :xe2

Otherwise Black is mated, but 35 :b3+ Wc5
this loses the bishop. He could 36 :xbS+ 1-0
haνe taken his final bow by now.
29 'iWxh6 'iWc3 Conclusion
30 ~e2 :d2 Although the Bird-Larsen Variation
31 :bl+ WaS is ηοΙ considered defectiνe, all the
32 :b3 'ii'c2 same Black quite often runs ίηΙο
33 :a3+ Wb4 difficulties ίη practice.
12 711Jd5

In this varίatίon White avoids the 9 c3 is more exact, since after

sharpest of contίnuatίons ίη favour 9 ••.a6? White can reply 10 "'a4. If
of a clearer strategic route. How- 9,..lbg6, then 10 _a4 .i.d7 11 .c4
ever thίs does ηοΙ by any means .i.xb5 (11 ... ':c8 is answered by 12
signify avoiding a battle. Υου will "'b4!) 12 _xb5+ "'d7 13 a4! a6
see the kίnd of storms that can rage 14 "'xd7+ ~xd7, and by bypass-
ίη this 'quiet' varίation by lookίng ing the complex variations whίch
at the following entertaining en- are characteήstίc of the Sveshnί­
counter. kov, White gains a better endίng
(he has the bishop pair and a
Game28 queenside pawn majοήty). 9,..lbt5
Yudasin - Kramnίk keeps d6 defended, and after 10 a4
Wijk aan Zee Ct (1) 1994 a positίon aήses from the game we
are investίgatίng.
1 e4 c5 2lbf3lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4 ΒΥ using thίs move order, White
lbf6 5 ω e5 6lbdb5 d6 practically forces the knight Ιο
7 lbd5 lbxd5 occupy f5, where ίι is ηοΙ very
8 ed lbe7 (D) comfortably placed, as ίι hinders
the advance ... f7-f5. Therefore the
knight contίnues Ιο follow the
route f5-h4-g6, but this loses time.
White may a1so try 9 c4, for ex-
ample, 9 ...lbf5 10 ~d3 .i.e7 11 ο-ο
ο-ο 12 ~hl a6 13 lbc3lbh4 14 (4
(5 15 'iνc2! e4 16 .i.e2 g5 17 fg?!
(17 g3!) 17 ....i.xg5 18 b4 .i.f6 19
.i.h6 ':f7 20 ':adllbg6 = Mainka-
Sakaev, Dortmund 1991.
9 lbf5
For the reasons shown above,
W 9,..lbg6 is more promising, but
9 a4 Κramnik has decided Ιο follow a
7lΔd5 123

lίttle-used plan with ... g7-g6 and

10 c3 g6
10••..i.e7 is more prevalent, for
example,l1 .td30-0 12 ο-ο lillι4
13 Ι4 8614 ~ (D) and then:

the clever 20•••.tc2 is met by an
interesting tactical refυtation: 21
lDxc8 .txb3 22 lDxe7+ Wh7 23
1Z.e3 1Ib6 24 aS 1Ic5 25 Whl 1Ixe3
26.txe3 1Z.e8 27.tg5 f6 28 1Z.el fg
291Z.e3 g4 30 Wgl ±.
Β a2) 17••••c7!? 18 b3 (l81rb3?!
a) 14•••ef (straightforward but 1Irc5+ 19Whl11rxd5 2O:adl.c6
ηοΙ necessaήly best) 15 .txf'4 ~ 21 lDxd6 .th3! 22 1%d2 .txd6 23
16 .txg6! (White has gained noth- .txd6 .te6, and the position of the
ίηι after 16 .tg3 .th4! 17 .txh4 whίte king isn't hopefυl, Apicella-
lDxh4 18 lDc4 aS 19 1fd2 b6 20 Gagaήn, Bucharest 1993) 18....tf5
:f4lDg6 21.txg6 hg 221fe3 g5! 19 aS.te4 201Z.el f5 21 1Id21%ae8
23 1Z.d4 .ta6 24 1Ig3 .txc4 25 22 Ldl 1fd8, and the threat of the
:xc4, and Black is already some- pawn storm by ... g6-g5-g4, ...1Z.f8-
what better, Rodήgυez-Κramnik, f7, and ...h7-h5looks very danger-
Guarapuava 1991) 16•••hg 17lDc4 ous, as ίη Ye Jiangchuan-Novik,
(D)andnow: Moscow 1992. ΑΙΙ the same 23 h3
al) 17•••.tf5 18 1%el 1%c8 19 leads ιο an interestίng, double-
1Irb3 .td3 20 lDb6 is unpIeasant edgedgame.
for Black: 2O••.:c7 21 1Z.adl .tf5 b) 14...f5 15lDc4lDg6 16 g3!1
(ΜatυΙοvίό-Ν .Νίk(!evίό, YugosIa- (16 aS is ηο good: 16...lDxf4! 17
VΊa 1992) and here too 221fb4 WΊth .txf4 ef 18 Lf4 g6 19 1%n .td7
the idea of 23 :xe7 would have 20 lDb61Z.b8 21 lDxd7 1fxd7 22
given White a decisive advantage; .a4 .c7 23 1%ael .tf6 24 1Z.e6
124 7lΔd5

:bc8 25 ~hl ~e5, and Black has then after 14."b6? 15 a5! (intend-
all the chances Ιο develop a strong ing a5-a6) 15 ... a6 16 ab :b8?! 17
attack οη the enemy kίng, more- lΔa3! :xb6 18 'ii'a4! lΔe7 19l1)c4
over the presence of opposite-col- :b5 20 lΔa5 :b6 21 'ifa2 ~f5 22
oured bishops favours the attacker ~f1 ~c8 23 ~d2 lΔf5 24 Μ, hav-
ίη such situations) 16... ef (16 ... ~d7 ing made all the moves which are
17 ~e3 b5 18 ab ab 19 :xa8 'ii'xa8 standard ίη similar positions, he
20 lΔb6 'ii'b7 21 lΔxd7 1Wxd7 22 could count οη victory. Of course,
'it'b3 :b8 23 fe ± Ι. Kuznetsov-Tol- 14... b6 is a terrible mistake. Κram­
stikh, Russia 1992) 17 gf ~d7 18 nίk suggests 14_..i.d7 15 'ifb4. ~f8,
a5 ~b5 19 lΔb6 ~xd3 20 'it'xd3 or even 14••. ~Ι8 immediately, but
:b8 21 ~d2 'ilc7 22 b4 :be8 23 Black's difficulties, ίη the first
:ael :f7 24 c4, and the pawn ma- place ίη organizing counterplay,
jority οη the queenside, as well as are striking. As a result of the un-
his control over e6, predetermines happy position of the knight οη f5
White's solid advantage. and the excellent placing of his
Now we return Ιο the main line whitecounterparton b5 (if ... a7-a6,
after 1O ... g6 (D): then lΔb5-a3-c4-b6) Black will
have a passive, if stable, positίon
for a long time. Not without reason
has Kramnik's trainer, Tseshkov-
sky, called this variation a blind
11 ~g7
12 ο-ο ο-ο
13 1i'b3!? :e8
14 ifb4 e4
Ιι would have been possible Ιο
hold οη by waiting tactics: 14".h5
(14...~d7 15 g4leads Ιο a complί­
W cated game) 15 a5 ~d7 16 lΔa3
11 ~e2 WΙc7 17 lΔc4 followed by :bl,
Ιη the next chance he got, Υυ­ ~d3, b3, ~a3, and the time for ac-
dasin-Κramnik, Wijk aan Zee Ct tion by Black might ηοΙ even come.
(3) 1994, White significantly im- Therefore he uses his very first ορ­
proved his play: 11 ~d3! ~g7 12 portunity Ιο cross the line of de-
ο-ο ο-ο 13 'it'b3!? :e8 14 :el and marcation.
7lΔd5 125

15 -'.f4
Here 15 a5!? aIso deserves at-
15 -'.e5
16 -'.xe5 1Σχe5
17 1ΣadΙ (D)

20 -'.xg4
20 1ΣdeΙ -'.xe2 21 1Σχe2 a5 22
'ilxd6 1Σd8 followed by ...1Σdχd5
was scarceIy any better.
20 ••• '6'xg4
21 1ΣdeΙ
Β As before, it is ηο good to take
17 ••• lbh4?! οη d6: 21lbxd6lbf3!, or 21 '6'xd6
Α very boId, but suspect deci- 'ilh5!, threatening lbxg2 and hίη­
sion. 17...a5! 18 'ifa3 (18 'iVc4 -'.d7 deήηg 22lbd4 - the pawn οη d5 is
and ... -'.xb5) 18 ...h5 followed by hangίng.
.. :ile7 and ... -'.d7 was more reIi- 21 '6'f4 (D)
abIe. Here good pIay by both sides
18 ΦhΙ wouId have Ied fιttingIy to a peace-
18 'ii'xd6 is ηο good; 18 ...'iVg5 fuI resuIt: 21 •••lbf3! 22 gf 'ilxf3+
19 g3 -'.h3 20 1ΣfeΙ lbg2 21 1Ση 231Σg2e3! 24 fe (24 '6'g4ef251Σf1
lbf4 22 1ΣfeΙlbχe2+ 23 1Σxe2 -'.g4 1Σel 26 'iVc4 1Σae8 27lbd4 1Σχη+
with materiaI gaίns. UncIear con- 28 'ilxfl 1ΣeΙ 29lbxf3 1Σχη+, and
sequences follow 18lbxd6 a5! 19 BIack wins) 24...1Σg5 25 1ΣgΙ :xg2
'ilc5 'ii'g5 (19 ... ~h3!?; 19... b6 20 26 1Σχg2 'ildl+ with a perpetua1
'ilc6 ~d7 21 'ilb7 1Σb8 22 'ila7 check.
1Σa8 =) 20 g3 ~g4 - White must The text move is lίnked with a
avoid 21 gh?? ~f3+ 22 hg 1Σχg5#. fantastic idea, whίch, it is true, has
18 'ii'g5 a refutation. AIas, Yudasin passed
19 1ΣgΙ -'.g4 (D) it by.
126 7lJJd5

.8 • 8.8 H24fe, then 24 ...lLJg3+ 25 hxg3

%lh5#. Βυι now this idea is embod-
8'8 8'8. ied ίη another situation.
8 • • •• 24 •.• 'ilxe3!
8~8Δ_ • 25 lLJd6
~ ~. ~ Yudasin did ηοΙ wish Ιο allow
Δ_ ~' _ _
Black Ιο fulfil his plan after 25 fe
8 Ο • 8 lLJg3+ 26 hg %lh5#. However, his
u ~ u
~ ~Δ~
u position is hopeless all the same.
• W')) ~'>~
~ , '&' .. 25
26 lLJxf5
W 27 1Wd6 'ileS
22 .xd6?? 28 1Wb4 %lae8
Perhaps one should also supply 29 'iVh4 Ι6
an exclamation mark for the co- 30 h3 'ilxdS
authorship of such a beautiful piece 0-1
of work. After 22lLJxd6, Κramnik One does ηοΙ often see at such a
had intended Ιο play 22••Jlh5, high level the incarnation of such
threatening 23 ...1Wxh2+, and if 23 grandiose ideas.
%lxe4, then 23 ... lLJf3. However,just
here a shattering blow awaits him: Game29
24 %le8+! %lxe8 25 'iVxf4 winning. Yυdasin - Κharlov
He would have been forced Ιο seek USSR Ch 1991
salvation after 22•••a5 23 'i'd4 (af-
ter 23 .xb7 %lf8 Black keeps the 1 e4 c5 2m lLJc6 3 d4 cd 4lLJxd4
initiative, but 23 %lxe4 %lxe4 24 lLJf6 5 lLJc3 e5 6 lLJdbS d6 7 lLJds
'ifxe4 'ifxd6 25 'ifxh4 'ifxd5 26 b4! lLJxdS 8 ed lLJb8
is quite possible, with a small ad- 9 c4
vantage for White) 23 ... %lh5 (with Estonian Grandmaster 011 had
the threat of 24... 'it'xh2+ fo11owed an interesting idea: 9 .te3!? This
by 25 ...lLJf5#) 24 %lxe4 .xd6 25 is how ίι worked ουΙ ίη his game
%lgel!? %lf8 26 %lxh4 %lxh4 27 against Chemiaev, London 1994:
'ifxh4 'ifxd5 28 'it'd4 'it'xd4 29 cd 9 ....te7 10 'ild2 a6 I1lLJa3lLJd7 12
%lc8. lLJc4 ο-ο 13 a4 b6 14 .te2 (14 f3 f5
22 lLJf5! 15 .tf2 a5 =F Oll-Κramnik, Mos-
23 'ilc1 e3! cow 1992) 14 ... f5 15 g3 .tb7!?
24 %lxe3 (15 ...%lb8!? 16 ο-ο lLJf61eads Ιο an
7lΔd5 127

unclear game) 160-0 f4 17 gf .e8 al) 14 .td3?! b6 15 ο-ο g5 16

18 fe de 19 ~hl :d8 20 f3 .h5 21 b4 e4 (here is the problem with 14
:adl ~h8 22 .txb6!! lCJxb6 23 .td3 - if the bishop is οη e2, such a
lΩxb6 :d6 24 'tWe3 :f4 25 :f2 breakthrough can be met by the
:h6 26lΩc4! 1-0. standard f3-f4) 17 fe f4 18 .td4
9 .te7 (D) .tf6 19 .txf6 'tWxf6 with good
compensation for the pawn, thanks
to Black's possession ofthe strong
e5 square, ι.ΚUΖnetsοv-Gοlodaev,
USSR 1991.
a2) 14.te2 .th4+ 15 g3 .tf6
16 ο-ο b6 17 b4 f4!1 18.tf2 fg 19
hg .tg5 20 .c2 is better, with the
idea of strengthening the centre af-
ter ~g2, .td3, and lΩe4.
b) White's plan consists of pre-
paring the advance c4-c5, and a
question therefore arises as to why
W can't he carry it out immediately:
10 .te2 10 c5 ο-ο 11.te2 (11 cd is worse:
White may try two altemative 11. ...txd6 12lΩxd6 .xd6 13 .te2
ideas: .tfS 14 ο-ο .te4, and here the
a) 10 .te3 86 l1lίk3 ο-ο 12 passed pawn οη d5 becomes a
'tWcU fS 13 f3lΩd7 (D): weakness) and now (D):

w Β
128 7lΔd5

bl) 11 .••a6?! 12 cd .txd6 13

lbxd6 'ii'xd6 14 ο-ο (I.Kuznetsoν­
Apostoikh, Russia 1992) and now,
thanks ιο the extra tempo, White
can seize the ίnitίatίνe: 14....tf5 15
'iί'b3 or 14...1Σd8 15 .tg5 f6 16
.te3 ±.
b2) 11 ....Lf5 12 ο-ο dc!? 13 d6
.tf6 14lbc7 lbc6 15 lbxa8 'ίWxa8
with good counterplay for the sac-
ήficed exchange.
b3) 11 ...lΔa6!? leaves White W
behίnd ίη deνelopment. precautionary actίνity reason, isn't
Thus, 10 c5 looks premature. ίι better to do this straight away?
10 a6 13 a3
11 lbc3 ο-ο Let us examine the other possi-
12 ο-ο f5 bilities, the first two of which rep-
Black is afraid of the auange- resent, like the text, the plan of
ment .tcl-e3 and f2-f3, and there- ίgηοήng Black's play:
fore plays 12 ... f5 straight away, so a) 13 1ΣbΙ!? lbd7 14 b4 e4 15
that if 13 .te3 he can reply 13 ...f4. .te3.tf6 16 .td4 .te5 17 c5 'iί'f6
Ιη our ορίηίοη, the idea of ex- 18 .txe5lbxe5 (18 ...'ifxe5 19lba4)
changing the dark-squared bishop 19 c6! lbf3+ 20 gf 'ii'xc3 21 1Wc 1
doesn 't look bad: 12...lbd7 13 .te3 (21 1Σb3 'ii'e5 22 fe fe 23 a4 with an
.tg5!? - exactly now, when White unclear game) 21 ...'ii'f6 22 f4 iί'h4
has not had tίme to hίde the bishop (22 ... bc 23 dc d5 24 1ΣfdΙ .te625
οη f2 after playjng f2-f3. ~e3 ± or 25 'iί'c5 ±) 23 ..thl?! (23
Whίte has two plans ίη the posi- 1Σb3!? 1Σf6 24 a4! 1Σh6 25 h3 1Σg6+
tίoη after 12... f5 (D): 26 ~h2 ±) 23 ...1Σf6 24 'ii'e3 1Σh6 25
1) pay ηο attention to Black's 'iί'g3 'ii'xg3 26 fg bc 27 .tc4 c5 28
counterplay, and try ρersistently to bc dc 29 1ΣfcΙ, and Whίte has good
develop a queenside initίatiνe, ίη­ compensatίon for the sacrificed
volνing 13 a3. 13 1ΣbΙ Ι?, or 13 a4; pawn, as ίη Ye Jiangchuan-Chek-
2) immediately take precau- hoν, Beijing 1991.
tions: 13 f40r 13 f3 followed by b) 13a4lbd7(13 ... a5?! 14c5!?
.tcl-e3. SoonerorlaterWhίtemust dc 15lbb5 .td6 16 f4 e4 17 b3 with
defend his king, and, as fans of the rough plan of .tb2, .tc4, ΦhΙ
7liJd5 129

and g4) 14 a5 i.f6 15 b4 (15 f3 Ι?)

15 ... e4 16 :a3 i.e5 17 f4 ef 18 gf?
(18 :xf3:j:) 18 ... i.xh2+! 19 'it>xh2
'iWh4+ 20 'it>gl (20 'it>g2? .:tf6 -+)
20...'it'g3+ (20...:f621 :f2+-) 21
'it>hl :f6! 22 'i'el 'ifh3+ 23 ΦgΙ
f4! 24 "ιd3lί)e5 with a decisive at-
tack. This variation shows the dan-
gers that lie ίη wait for White ίη the
event of thoughtless play.
c) 13 Ι4 "ιf6 (13 ... liJd7 14 'it>hl
"ιf6 15 'ifc2 ef 16 "ιΧf4 "ιe5 !? 17 W
.i.d3 g6 18 :ael "ιχf4 19 :xf4 the passive 13 a3 has been played,
liJe5 20 liJe2 'ilί'g5! 21 :ffι"ιd7 22 which stops White from playing
liJf4 :ae8, and thanks Ιο his strong c5-c6 ίη comfort. If one were Ιο de-
e5-knight Black is better, Inkiov- scribe the scheme of the battle ίη
Tzermiadianos, Κhania 1993) 14 the game ίι would look something
g3!? liJd7 15 'iWc2 (or 15 'it>hl Ι?) lίke this: White's play has led him
15 ... ef 16 gf i.d4+!? 17 'it>hlliJc5 Ιο a dead end, and so as ηοΙ Ιο find
18 "ιf3 "ιd7! 19 :bl! b5!? (also himself under the threat of a direct
19 ... a5!? deserves serious study) attack οη his king, he decides with
20 b4liJe4 21liJxe4 fe 22 "ιχe4 bc the assistance of a pawn sacήfice
23 'iWxc4 'i'f6 24 :dl :ae8 25 (c5-c6) ιο open υρ the queenside.
'it'xd4 :xe4 26 'ifxe4 "ιf5 27 'iVd4 But nothing can stop the central
"ιΧbΙ 28 'ii'xf6, and very sharp black pawns now, and behind them
playin Yudasin-Κramnik, Wijkaan Black's pieces will reach the king
Zee Ct (7) 1994 led Ιο a peaceful a11 the same.
conclusion. 18 'iWd4 "ιd7
13 liJd7 19 c5 'iVf6
14 b4 e4 20 :fdl :fc8!
15 "ιe3 "ιΙ6 The a6 pawn must be defended
16 "ιd4 "ιe5 ίη case of c5-c6.
17 "ιχe5 liJxe5 (D) 21 :acl?!
The position recalls that ίη the White must already think about
game given above, Ye Jiangchuan- saving the game. Το this end the
Chekhov, with the οηlΥ difference best chance was 21 c6, for exam-
that instead of the active 13 :bl, ple, 21 ... bc 22 dc :xc6 23 liJd5
130 7lΔd5

• --
'ilf7 24 llJb6 (24 b5 I:tc2) 24 ...l:te8
25lί)xd7 'ilxd7 26 b5 :tc2 27 'ild5+

~. •~ .t.~ ~Ι
~h8 28 l:ta2 :'xa2 29 'ilxa2 ab 30
• d5 with fair drawing chances. ~ ~~
ι ~.~.1. ~.~ ~
~ ~ ~
21 I:tc7
• • 8 ••

22 h3 'ile7!? (D) ~ ΩU • ~.W;! ~.W;!

~~ ~-
v- ~
~.W;! ~~.W;! ~
~ ~
• • .tΒΔ.
~ ι ~ .Αι ~

• a:.φ.
~ ~Δ-Ι~.~
u ,.. ~ w

26 llJd5
u~ ~Ι~.
_ ~ ~.
27 I:txc6 llJxc6

~ ~.W;!
~ ~.~
~Δ 28'ii'b6 Ι4!
~~~Δ. 29~xa6
29 ~c4 gives nothing because
~.~ ~:~.~ ~
~ ~ ~ of 29 .. .'~h8 followed by 30...llJe5.
W 29 000 'ii'h5!
23 ~? Now Black's play resembles the
White is now utterly lost; losing work of a bulldozer, as he sweeps
time in this way was inadmissible, away everything ίη his path.
a11 the more so as the king is ίη a 30 I:tcl f3 (D)
worse position οη f1 than gl. He
should have played 23 c6.
True, the text move does con-
tain a trap, threatening 24 cd 'ilxd6
25 llJxe4 fe 26 I:txc7 'ilxc7 27 d6,
when Black cannot play 27 ....c2-
the bishop οη e2 is defended. But
Black is οη the alert.
23 000 l:te8!
24 c6
24llJbl does not work here - a
capture οη c5 was threatened.
24 000 bc
25 dc I:txc6 (D)
7CΔd5 131

The decisive eποr. 31 :xc6 also 37 '1txg2 j.c6+

10ses: 31. .. fg+ 32 '1txg2 j.xh3+ 33 38 Ι3 :xe3
~h2 j.g4+ 34 ci>gl j.f3 with an 0-1
inevitable mate, but 31 'A'e3 would
have allowed more stubborn resis- Conclusion
tance. Ιη the vaήatίοη with 7 tZΊd5, ίη
31 fg+ spite of the externally tranqui1 can-
32 ~ιl "g5 vas, complications frequently aήse
33 :xc6 "'xf4 which are ηο less sharp than ίη
34 :c3 "'d2 other variations of the system. At
35 :g3 e3 present, it seems to us that 8 ...tZΊb8
The second pawn makes its is the more dependable continu-
presence felt. ation, although 8 ...tZΊe7 also allows
36 :xe3 "'cl+ hopes for a playable game.

This variation also leads Ιο a game a) Black has tried by the me-
which is rich ίη content, and is chanical means of 8••• h6 Ιο hinder
founded οη a solίd positional basis. a ρίη οη the knight, but after 9 iιc4
iιe6 10 ο-ο %:tc8 11 %:tellbb4 12 b3
Game30 iιe7 13 .ib2 ο-ο 14 'iWe2 'ii'c7 15
Rublevsky - Κharlov h3 %:tfe8 16 %:tad 1 'ii'c5 17 %:td2 Φh7
Podolsk 1992 18 %:ted 1 (Radulov-Neckaf, Vratsa
1975) White firmly seized the ίο­
1 e4 cS 2lbf3 lbc6 3 d4 cd 4lbxd4 itiative.
lbf6 5 lbc3 e5 6 lbdbS d6 b) 8....ie7 solves the problem
7 a4 a6 of developing the kίngside.
8 lba3 (D)

__ b1) Ιι would seem that Black

then also makes 9 .igS difficult,

•• A~tω.~
Α..... ~ although after 9 ...lbxe4 1Ο lbxe4
(10 .ixe7lbxc3 11 .ixd8lbxdl =)
_ _Β'.'
10... .ixg5 Illbxd6+ ~e7 12&4
ι.~~ ~ .ie6 13 'iWf3! lbd4 14 'iWxb7+ 'i/ί'd7

.. • 15 'iWxd7+ (15 'i/ί'e4 f5 16 'i/ί'd3 .if6

Β Β Β with the initiative ίη return for the
ΔΒ ΒΔΒ Β sacrificed pawn) 15 ... Φχd7 16
~ ~
~ 8 •

- -
iιd3 iιe7 (Langier-Κramnik, Gua-
~~ • uRΔ uR rapuava 1991) White can sacrifice
~ ~+~1i'~ j.8 .: his knight for the initiative: 17
~ lbxf7 .ixf7 18 lbxe5+ Φe8 (or
18 .. .';tιe6 19 f4 ±) 19 0-0-0. Βυι
Ιη this situation there are two 8...iιe7 has a more profound idea,
ΡήηcίΡaΙΙΥ different possibilities. which the following variation after
With 8 ... J.e6, Black tries Ιο 9 .ig5 illustrates: 9._0-0!? 10 .ixf6
bring his pieces ίηΙο the battle (the capture is now necessary, ίη
quickly: ... %:tc8, ... lbd4, creating view of 10 ... lbxe4 being threat-
pressure 00 the c-file. Alternative ened ίη earnest) 1O...iιxf6 11 iιc4
cootinuations: .ig5 12 ο-ο Φh8 13lbd5 f5! (with
7 α4 133

the bishop οη e6 and the king οη move had ηοΙ been seen) 13lΩxc4
g8 this move is ηο good because of lΩa5! 14lΩxa5 'ifxa5 15 .*.d2 'ifc7!
lΩb6!) 14 ef (14 f3 is answered by (a queen sacήfice is also possible:
14....*.e6, when 15 lΩb6?? is im- 15 ...1Ixc3 16 1Ie3 1Ixe3 17 .*.xa5
possible because of 15 ... "i'xb6+) 1Ixe4 with some compensation),
14....*.xf5 followed by ...e4 and and Black is ΟΚ. This means that
... lΩe5. The bishop has landed οη the plan with b3 is ηοι beneficial.
f5 ίη one move. b22) White could try 12 lΩd5
The fight for an extra tempo and .*.xd5!? 13 ed lΩb8 14.*.f1 (plan-
better distribution of pieces is ίη ning ΙΟ arrange the white forces
general characteήstic ofthe minor thus: .*.e3, lΩc4 and a5, 1Ia4-b4 or
variations of the Sveshnikov, and lΩb6, c4, b4) 14...1Ic5! 15 c4 b6!
ίη this case the prophylactic move (15 ... a5!? 16.*.e3lΩfd7!? 17 .*.xc5
7 a4 gives Black too much freedom lΩxc5 with the idea of ... lΩba6.
of movement and a large choice. ... f5, ....*.f6) 16 b4 1Ic8 with a fur-
b2) Line 'a' demonstrated a ther battle for the dark squares by
very promising arrangement of the means of ... lΩfd7 and ... a5. From
white pieces, which is probably this ίι is clear that Black's opportu-
also possible after 8....*.e7, for ex- nities are much richer without the
ample, 9 .*.c4 ο-ο 10 ο-ο .*.e6 11 passive ... h6.
1Iel (11 b3lΩxe4) 11••..:c8 (D) and 8 .*.e6 (D)

W 9 .*.c4
b21) 12 b3 .*.xc4! (it's surpris- The continuation 9lΩc4? is ηοΙ
ing that until this ροίηι this simple justified; ίη Korchnoi-Morovic,
134 7 α4

Santίago (5) 1991 Black contίnued b) 10•••lDxe4 is also dangerous

9 ...:c81O~e3lDd4?! (1O ... lDb4! straight away because of 11 ~xe6
is stronger: 1 Ι lDb6 :c6 12lDbd5 lDxc3 12 ~xf7+ ~f7 13 bc d5 14
.a5 13lDxf6+ gf 14 ~d3 d5 =1=) 11 "'f3+ ~f6 15 :bl with a strong at-
~xd4 ~xc4 12 ~xc4 :Xc4 13 tack, or gaining a better ending af-
~e3 with equality. ter 11 lDxe4 d5 12 ~b3 de 13
9 ... :c8 ~xe6 _xdl (l3 ... fe 14 _h5+ g6
Due Ιο the precarious position 151!fg4) 14~xf7+~xf715:xdl.
of the king Black cannot immedi- c) 10...:cs 11 ~ι5 0-0 12 ~xf6
ately solve his problems and seize ~xf6 13 lDd5 ~g5 14 c3 ;t Rub-
the initiative by means of a stand- levsky-Chekhov, USSR Ch 1991.
ard tήck from simίlar positions: 10 ~ι5 ~e7
9...~e710 ο-ο (D) and now: 11 ~XΙ6 ~xΙ6
12 lDd5 ο-ο
13 ο-ο ~ι5
14 c3 ~h8 (D)
Ιη our ορίηίοη Black has ηοΙ
conducted the opening very accu-
rately. Some doubt exists as Ιο the
expediency of the plan with ... ~e6
and ...:c8.
Nevertheless, one of the key ρο­
sitions of the entire variatίon has
arisen, and understanding ίι is very
important for playing simίlar posi-
Β tions, which as a whole are typical
a) 10••• ~xc4 11 lDxc4 lDxe4? of the Sveshnikov.
12lDxe4 d5 131!fg4! g614:dl f5 After 14•••lDe7 15 _b3 ~xd5
15 'Wg3 fe 16~e3 d4 (16... 0-017 (15 ...lDxd516edand 17_xb7) 16
lDb6 d4 18 lΩxa8 'δ'χa8 19 ~h6 ~xdS lDxdS 171!fxdS 1!fc7 18 :fdl
:f5 20 'ikg4 :h5 21 ~d2 :h4 22 :fd8 19 lDc2 an ideal cοπelatίοn
'ii'e6+ 'iPh8 23 :el and g3 ±) 17 of pieces, with possession of dS,
lDxe5 ~d6 18 fuc6 ~xg3 19lDxd8 arises for White, which gives him a
de 20 fg :xd8 21 :xd8+ ~xd8 22 big advantage; furthermore, Black
:el Φd7 23 :xe3 with a winning is forced ιο watch passively as
rook ending for White, Rublevsky- Whiιe reinforces, and counterplay
Sveshnikov, USSR Ch 1991. with ... f5 is at this Ροίηι Ιοο laιe.
7α4 135

Clearly Black should avoid such Here, 15•••~b8 is ηο good be-

positions by every means possible. cause of 16 ~c4, but the continu-
ation ίη the game is quite sufficient
for equalίty, as the bishop οη a2 is
not best placed. In general Black
has to follow the nuances con-
stantly, and, depending οη White's
continuation, vary his game. For
example, why exactly did Black
play 14...Φh8? Evidently to pre-
pare ... f5. But the time for this plan
has not yet arrived, ίη that 15••.f5 is
met by 16 ~b6! gaίnίng mateήal.
It is possible that this blow will
W not be carried out, but it does not
15 ~B2 mean that we should hurry to con-
If 15 'ife2, then 15•••~b8!? is demn the king move as an eποr.
not bad, with the plan of transfer- The threat was created all the
ήng the knight to c5, whilst also same, and White was forced to deal
keeping an eye οη the a4-pawn and with it somehow. True, alongside
preparing ... f5. Recently thίs ma- 14 ... Φh8, 14•••~b8, with the idea
noeuvre ίη the Sicilίan Defence of bήngίng the knight to c5, de-
(the Boleslavsky System, for ίη­ served attention.
stance) has become very popular, 16 ~xe7 "'xe7
and is longer called into doubt (for 17 ~α Ι5?!
losing time?), as moving the knίght Everything is already prepared
Ιο c5 and ΡressuήΖίng e4 is Ιοο for the blow, but it was possible to
good an idea. play the stronger 17••• ~xa2 18
Οη the other hand, 15•••~e7 1Σχa2 f5 19 ef 1Σχf5 20 ~b4 e4 :ι:.
scarcely allows Black Ιο hope for From thίs we can conclude that 15
equality after 16 ~xe7 'ifxe7 17 ~a2 is weaker than the previously
1ΣadΙ 1Σfd8 (the moves ... Φh8 and seen 15 'ifb2.
... 1Σfd8 don't fit together well) 18 18 ~xe6 "'xe6
~xe6 fe 19 c4, with a slίght advan- 19 ef Jbf5
tage for White, although Black has 20 .e~ "'f71! (D)
quite a solίd position. 20••.1Σff8 is more precise, with
15 ••• ~e7 the idea of ...d5.
136 7 α4

21 lbe3! ~xe3 rook. There remain two possibilί­
Νοι 21 •••:'f6?? losing a piece ιο ties of moving ίηΙο a pawn ending.
22 'i!ί'g4, whίle after 21 ••':f4 22 Let us examine them:
:'adl :'xa4 23 :'xd6 White main- a) 26.. J:ιxf1+ 27 ι;t>xf1 ι;t>g8
tains a small advantage. (moving Ιο the left does ηοΙ help
22 fe! h6?! the king either: 27 .. .rJ;;h7 28 ι;t>e2
22•• + is better: 23 :'xf1 "d7 ι;t>g6 {or 28 ... b4 29 c4 ι;t>g6 30 'iti>d2
24 'i!ί'f3 h6 with defensive chances. ι;t>f5 31 ι;t>c3 ι;t>e5 32 a5 and Black
23 1i'g4! :'f8?? is ίη zugzwang} 29 ι;t>d3 ιj;;f5 30 a5
Black's previous move was ίη­ +-) 28 ι;t>e2 ι;t>f7 29 ι;t>d3 d5 (after
exact, but did ηοΙ yet have grave 29 ... ι;t>e6 30 Φc4 both 30 ... d5+ 31
consequences, but just created ad- <lί>c5 and 30... b6 31 e410se) 30 e4
ditional defensive complications. ι;t>e6 31 a5! <lί>d6 32 b4 ιj;;e6 33 ed+
Therefore, after 23...:.xn + 24 :Xf1 ι;t>xd5 34 c4+ ι;t>d6 35 ι;t>e4 ι;t>e6 36
'iWe8 White would be left with οηlΥ b5 <ittd6 37 b6! winning.
a slightly more pleasant position. b) 26...g6 27 e4 (27 :'xf5? gf=;
The text, allowing a transfer Ιο a 27 g4 :'xf1+ 28 Φχf1 Φg7, and
pawn ending via a rook ending, White has ηο win because of the
gives Whίte a decisive advantage. weakness ofthe kίngside) 27 ...:'f4
24 :'xf5 1i'xf5 28 :'xf4 ef 29 ι;t>f2 ι;t>g7 30 ι;t>f3 g5
25 'ii'xf5 :'ΧΙ5 31 a5! <lί>f6 (31 ... Φg6 32 ι;t>g4 and
26 :'f1! (D) then h2-h4) 32 h4 ι;t>e5 33 hg hg 34
26 ... :'f6 ι;t>g4 ι;t>xe4 35 ~xg5 <itte5 36 c4
Clearly, Black cannot leave the ι;t>e4 37 'i1i>f6 <ittd3 38 ι;t>f5 and
f-file for an invasion by the white Whίte wins.
7α4 137

27 :xf6 gf Conclusion
28 e4! b5 The move 7 a4 does ηοι cause
29 ab ab Black any special trouble; thanks
30 ~f2 ~ι' ιο the extra tempo he has good de-
31 ~e2 h5 velopment and a large choice of
31 ...~g6 32 g4 +-. plans, and he simply does ηοι need
32 ςpf3! ~g6 to force events ( ...ιt1f6xe4 is very
33 g4! h4 often premature and fails to equal-
34 ~e3 h3 ise). But adherents of quiet posi-
35 lίPf3 lίPf7 tional play (whilst indeed many
36 ~g3 ~e6 variatίons ίη the Sveshnikov are
37 Φxh3 d5 quite sharp) can boldly be advised
38 ~g3 de to play ίι as White; the precautίon­
39 ~ 1·0 ary move a2-a4 deprives Black of
Α very tense game, ίη which his actίvity οη the queenside ( ...b7-
Black did not use all his opportuni- b5), and if he succeeds ίη holding
ties, while White shone ίη techni- onto d5 with little 10ss of blood,
cal accomplίshments and played then he can expect a definite ad-
the endgame virtuously. vantage.
14 White plays 6 ~f5

Ιη this final chapter we will exam- variation choose this move? Ιη the
ine a deviation for White from the first place, he could have seen the
maίn vaήatίοn ίη the very early unnecessarily extravagant waste
stages of the battle. 6 lLIf5 is the of four tempi only to transfer the
one that deserves most attention. knight Ιο a3. But ίη the second
place, Akopian may have prepared
Game 31 something new...
Akopian - YakoVΊch 6 dS!
Rostov on Don 1992 ΟηΙΥ this advance allows Black
Ιο gaίn a level game.
1 e4 c5 2lL1f3lLJc6 3 d4 cd 4lL1xd4 7 ed ~xΙS
lDf6 5 lL!c3 e5 8 dc bc
6 lLIfS (D) Exchanging queens is somewhat
weaker: 8ooo'ifxdl+ 9 lLIxdl bc 10
lLIe3 ~e6 11 lLIc4lL1d7 12 ~e3 f6
13 0-0-0 ~c5 14lL1a5 with a mini-
mal advantage to White.
9 'iff3
9 'ifxd8+ ]hd8 is ηοΙ dangerous
for Black, for example, 10 ~e3
:'b8 11 0-0-0 ~b4 12 ~c4 a5 13 f3
ο-ο 14lL1a4 e4! with a level game.
000 'ίWd7
9ooo'ifc8 is ηο good, as ίι allows
White to seize the initίative firm1y:
Β 10 ~a6! 'ίWxa6 11 'ίWxf5 ~d6 12
6 lLIf5 is Bronstein's move, ~h6! lLId5 13lDe4 Jl.e7 14 Jl.xg7.
which ίη all theoretical reference 10 ~gS e4 (D)
works is saίd ηοΙ Ιο lead Ιο an ad- After 10ooo~b4 11 ~xf6 gf 12
vantage. The questίon then is why Jl.d3 ~xc3+ 13 bc Jl.xd3 14 cd
did a grandmaster who is experi- 'ίWe6 15 ο-ο ο-ο 16 :'ael 'itth8 17
enced ίη the finer points of the :'e4 f5 (Sax-Fedorowicz, Dubai OL
White plαys 6lLJj5 139

1986), 18 :c4 would give White 'W'xe6+ J.xe6 16 J.d2 to a position

the better chances. from the next note.
Besides that, ίη this situation
10••ie7 suggests itself.

14 fe
W And here is a surpήse, but ίι is
11 'ii'e2 J.e7 not White who has sprung ίι, but
12 :dl Black! Possibly Akopian was bas-
Winning a pawn by means of 12 ing his play οη the game Paruten-
J.x:f6 J.xf6 13 lΩxe4 ο-ο! 14 ko-Markauss, COΠ. 1988-9, which
lΩxf6+ gf 15 'ii'd2 :fe8+ 16 Wdl continued 14••ixe6 15 b3 i.b416
'fie7 led to a long-term initiative i.d2 ο-ο 17 i.e2 :fd8 ;. One
for Black ίη Τsatuήan-Μarkauss, might suggest that the Armenian
cοπ 1988-9. Grandmaster wished Ιο fight for an
12 ... 'ii'e6!? advantage by means of 17lLJa4.
13 .c4 :b8! 15 b3
13...0-014 'W'xe6 i.xe6 15lLJxe4 15lΩa4? loses ιο 15 ... e3.
lLJxe4 16 J.xe7 :fe8 17 f3! :xe7 15 lLJd5
18 fe i.d5 19 i.d3 i.xe4 20 Φf2 16 i.xe7 Φχe7
leads ΙΟ an ending that is somewhat 17 lLJa4
worse for Black. Of course, White's idea was ηοΙ
14 'ii'xe6? (D) Ιο improve Black's pawn structure.
Akopian, evidently, had ηοι After 17 lLJxd5, 17 ... ed or even
foreseen Yakovich's reply. Other- 17 ... cd would give Black an un-
wise he would have chosen 14 b3, questionable advantage.
which may lead after 14 ...J.b4 15 17 ••• e3(D)
140 White plays 6liJj5

Black is promised ηο real advan- advantage either: 22 J.f3 liJb4 23

tage after 17...lUb4 18 c3! liJc2+ 19 liJc5 a6 24 :hdl (24liJxa6? liJd3+)
~d2 e3+ 20 ~c 1 :hd8 (20 ...ef 21 24...e5 25 'iPg3.
:d2) 21 J.e2!.

W 22 liJc5 a6
18 c4! 23 :hdl!
White must defend very care- White falls into a dangerous ρο­
fully. Trying ιο bring the bishop sition after 23liJxa6 liJxa6 24 %Σxa6
into the struggle would have had :xb3 25 :xc6 :b2 26 <ite3 :a8.
unpleasantconsequences: 18 J.d3 23 ... :hd8
ef+ 19 'iPxf2 :hf8 20 'iPg3liJe3 21 24 :xd8 :xd8 (D)
:d2J.xd3. If 24...'iPxd8, then 25 g4.
18 ... ef+
19 'iPxf2 liJb4
20 J.e2!
Again Akopian defends clev-
erly. Neither 20 liJc5 :hd8 21 J.e2
liJxa2 22 %Σal :d2 23 :hdl :xe2+
24 'iPxe2liJc3+ 25 'iPelliJxdl, nor
20 liJc3 :hf8 21 ~e3 liJxa2! was
any good.
20 ... liJxa2
21 :al liJb4 (D)
21 ...:hf8 was also possible, but
ίι would not have led ιο a decisive
White plαys 6 tDf5 141

25 1Ia4 1/2·1/2 Conclusion

Attempting to play actίvely by Although the author of the system,
means of 25••• tiJc2 26 g4! J.g6 27 Evgeny Sveshnikov himself, sug-
1Ixa6 1Id2 28 ':'a7+ Φf6 29 h4 gested that Black might awaίt dίffi­
tDd4 30 tDd7+ Φe7 31 Φe3 would cultίes after 6 tDf5, this has not yet
have placed Black ίη a dίfficult ρο­ been confirmed ίη practίce. Black
sitίon, whilst 25...1Σb8 would have gaίns equality without any partίcu­
led Ιο many exchanges and a draw. lar difficultίes.
Index of Vaήatίοns

1 e4 cS 11 c4 20
2 lL)f3 lL)c6 11 g3 20
3 d4 cxd4 11lL)bl:
4 lL)xd4 lL)f6 11 ...0-0111
5 lL)c3 eS 11 ....:.b8 111
11 ...~b7 114
Α: 6lL)db5 d6 7 ..tg5 a6 8 lL)a3 11 ••• ~b7
b59lL)ds 11 ...lDe720
Β: 6lL)db5 d6 7 ..tg5 a6 8lL)a3 11•••0-0 12ltJc2:
b5 9 ~xf6 gxf6 10 lL)d5 ..tg7 12.....tg524
C: 6 lL)db5 d6 7 ..tg5 a6 8 ·lL)a3 12.....tb721
b5 9 ~xf6 gxf6 10 lL)d5 f5 12 lL)c2 lL)b8
Ο: Other lines 12••..:.b8:
13 a3 34
Α 13 'iί'd3 29
6 lL)db5 d6 13 ..td3 30
7 ~g5 a6 13 ~e229
8 lL)a3 b5 13 b4 36
9 lL)d5 13 h4 36
9lL)abl ..te7 10 ~xf6 ..txf6 11 13 a4 bxa4
l2)d5 111 14fu314
9 ... ~e7 14 ':'xa4 16
9 •• :ii'a5+ 10 ~d2 (10 c3 49)
10••:ifd8: Β
11 ~g5 - see move 9! 6 lL)db5 d6
11c444 7 ~g5 a6
11 ~d3 44 8 lL)a3 b5
11 lL)xf6+ 45 9 ..txf6 gxf6
10 ..txf6 10 lL)d5 ..tg7
10 lL)xe7 40 11 c3
10 ••• ~XΙ6 11 c463
11 c3 11 g3 74
144 lndex ο/ Variations

11 ~d3 0e7 12 tiJxe7 'ifxe7: 12 c3 95

13 c3 54 12 ο-ο 101
13 ο-ο ο-ο 14 c4 59 12 ••• :g8
11 Ι5 12... ~g7 95
12 exf5 After 12...:g8:
12 g4 63 13 g3 90
12 ~xΙ5 13 c3 91
13 tiJc2 ο-ο 13 ο-ο 91
13 ... ~e6 70 130-0-091
13 ... tiJe781
14 tiJce3 ~e6 D
14...~g6 64 6 tiJdb5
15 g3 6 tiJf5 138
15 ~d3 79 6 ... d6
After 15 g3: 7 ~g5
15 ... &Δe764 7 a4 132
15 ...b464 7 &Δd5 tiJxd5 8 exd5:
15 ....:tb865 8... &Δe7122
15 ... ~xd5 67 8... tiJb8126
7 ... a6
C 8tiJa3~e6
6 tiJdb5 d6 9 liJc4 ':'c8
7 ~g5 a6 10~xΙ6
8 tiJa3 b5 10 tiJd5 116
9 ~XΙ6 μΙ6 10 ••• μΙ6
10 tiJd5 fS 1O...'iWxf6 117
11 ~d3 After 1O... gxf6:
11 ~xb5 axb5 12 tiJxb5 106 11 tiJe3 117
11 ... ~e6 11 ~d3 117
12 'iί'hS 11 tiJd5 119

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