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§& u%,§c**ÉÉffiff *ffi* ür-**eEffi#

Wnat country are you from? Name three more countries near your country.

V. 2 Vtatch the countrles in the box with maps 1-6.

Cotombia Germany Turkey the U.S. Brazil Japan

:,:::,: :'::'::i


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3 . .5':.: Listen. Write the tetter of each speaker next to the correct map.

_1 a.-:'
:: Listen again. Write the nationatity of each country in exercise 2.
the U.S. - American

§cst {;,1 t3 ;,,.if.*r:}¿16'1.; p'ra*?:.::X: C.-'!!ir'ri'iei anCl naiionat,iies, Oage 136,

f4 "á ln pairs, look at the pictures. Where do you think the peopte are from?
* nead the conversations in exercise 5 and match them with pictures a-c.

:3 ..':ri.:; Listen and comptete the conversations

: ...: ;t

Emilia Hello. My name's Sam Oscar, this is Meiko. Jo Hi, Ali. How are you?
Emilia and this ls Sara. ' from Japan. Ali Good, thanks. And you?
Sabine Hi, Sabine. And Meiko, this is Oscar. Jo I'm fine. \Arhere are Jean and
Nice to meet You. from Brazil. Paola?
Emilia You, too. Where Oscar Nice to meet you, Meiko Ali They're not here.
irom? Meiko You, too, Oscar. at the conference center.
Sabine I'm from Germany. Oscar How do you spell your Jo \¡y'hat about Andreas?
And you? name? Ali here. His train's
Emilia ffom Meiko M-E-I-K-O late.
Colombia, from Bogotá.
sara I'm not! I'm from Cali.

ffi:: -:Haut l
:@:t=:-:: - :
i.._.:t:: ....a i
i : j..)
: i. i, .: i ) atiC,-

Y1 Choose the correct forms of be Use the conrrersatioñs in exercise 5 to hetp you
Then read the Grammar box.
'm not s 're not 'm re s not

lam = Iamnot=
i.: You / We / They are = You / We / They are not =
a He/Sheis= He / She is not =

ti:e ver*: **
t',t2 i¡t,'¡:1 :;.,i'y ¿.;¡t;,1,,-,,1
i.:- ;:::i. ir:,r, 5[t¡i:: ln,:, :::!, i i ',t'
Questions and short answers:

Sest Gc tc¡ Gv:*:r^rzar ;;rat'Zire: iile verb be, tec:' 11.2

{ ii. ,':: il: S¡6srLs§*;e§;*§:l cc.nti::clio!'l:; r¡i r,e Listen and repeat the contractions

l'm you're he's she's it's we're they're

* ,¡-; : § Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.
'¡ l'm American and they're Brazitian i You're Peruvian and we're Turkish
He's lrish. ¡, She's from Russia.

{* Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Use contractions if possibte
l Pedro Brazilian. He from Recife.
:: My parents _- from Potand
;i Dubtin in the UK. lt in the Republic of lretand.
rz " name Carlos?" "No, it-- Carlo."
5 " you from Mexico?" "No, I I
-- from Peru."
* ln pairs, look at the pictures, What countries are the peopte from? What nationatity are they?
- is... He's Arnerican. ::i Na, he's not. lle's Canadian!


,. : í:1
i i r. i t il: * t ! t i', : i.:.:.,.'. :..::. l- i::i :- ¿-.
' ¡ 't ,.,:-a't 1(,7
,L"t Write the words or numbers.
: _ twenty-five C2A

36 two hundred and eight

a thousand
*esg r,,t,a .a.. : . *,1,1.", r,i,i.(, ..,',

to each other. Say your age if you want to,

too. : You, : l'm .. , l'm ::lears old l

to meet you. I , Where are you from? How old are you?

§*Sg lmaglne that you meet a farncus person. \r'/¡'iie the conr¡ersation. lntrcduce yourselí and ask i:im/her aboui limselflherseif

§§ My su*t§??*r blog
1 Do you like sports? What's your nationat sport? What sports do peopte usuatly do in the summer?

Before you read a text. predict as much inform,ation as you can.

. Read the titte of the text. Can you guess what it means?
. Are there any pictures? What peopte, ptaces, and things can you see?
. Are there any headings for the different sections? What are the sections about?

2 Read the SkitL box. ln pairs, look at the titte, headings, and pictures in the text. Answer the
: it?
What type of iext is 3 Where is she right now?
t Who is the text about? é What is she doing there?
3 Read the text. Choose a titte for each post.
i Week I :.: Time to go home
:,1 Week 2 i: Learning Engtish
3 Week 3 : My host famity
* Week 4 d Enloying the tournament
4 Read the text again and answer the questions.
: What is María's nationality? 5 Where is Maria's Engtish teacher from?
2 Where are Heten and A[ex from? § Where are the teams in the tournament from?
3 What are MarÍa's favorite places in London? ? When are the games?
,i Who is Hitoshi?

5 Find words in the text to match to the pictures

, h -_f__ ?r

* v--
.l^ !: U--

,i,ra.:Í1.Íj;;i§::i, s¡mpl* §tat*r**rtÉs §titft *€, r

Simpte statements with be have this pattern: subject + lr§rb + cornptement:

ihts :'.':'¡ i.',-. ;

The teams *i* i¡¡;,:'¡ 'l::l::!¡: íitt;";: i*'i;ll¡:. t\:)!':¡:;;-'j li¡.¡l::,; :, lt'. ::i :,¡ :t al j,i :-; 2' j,1. ¡;;. : ¡i l.:,:: a, j i)

6 Read the Text buitder and look at the Week 1 post in the text again. Draw alEoilaround the subjects,
6lEibtf," forms of be, and undertine the complements.
7 In pairs, think of a sport you love. Tett your partner about it.
I love ... tt's really ...

.].- ,*.*,
*¡ ,,
.,i ::
*-i '1 ¡

o'w *, Hello! ['rn María Gómez. l,m 21 years old, and l,m from Cádiz in
Spain. l'm a student, and t love soccer! Bight now, l,m in the U.K.
*- ['rn at a language school to learn English, but l,m also here for
an international soccer tournament for students! This is my blog
about rny month in London.

This ls my host family. They're very nice. Heien,s Engiish

and Alex is Scottish, and thelr children are named
Jenny and Jacob. Jenny's fourleen ancl Jacob,s twelve. ?

Sometrmes I play soccer in the park with Jenny and

Jacob, and sometimes we ali go for a walk n the center I ¡,:l
of London. lt's a really interesttng clty My favorite places
are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and Tower Bridge,
§ ::

This ls my language school. There are lots of students from

drfferent countries, and we al speak English together, My
classmates are really friendly. I always sit with Hitoshi. He's
Japanese. Our English lessons are funl Our teacher,s name ls
Kerry, and she's from Australia.

l'm at the soccer tournament nor¡,r. The teams are from

Spain, BraziJ, Porlugal, Poland, Russja, EngJand, Sco|and,
and Japan. We train every morning I thlnk we,re a good
team because we're very fast. The games are in the evenrng.
They' re really excitingl

We're the championsl O i'm nappy, but I'm

aiso sad because it's the end of my month
here, Goodbve, Londorl Until nexl rimel

You and me

GRAMMAR: The verb be

,4 Match flags a-f with nationaLities 1-6'

§ Choose the correct opirons to complete

the sentences. "):: ) ,.:'
a., : : : /,.t.:,.:,:.:,a',::,
:,: a

am I ts I are nineieen Years o[d'

1, :: ,::.1i:lá
| '.,,.''.:,.'a :,:... | | :'::

: :.:a::4.:&
.. ,: :, :.
.: : ... .
:. .

2 She am I is I are a teacher' x

3 Am I ts I Are You from this countrY?
4 TheY am not I isn't laren't at home'
t-t:!il '



ffi ffi
5 We arn I is I are alt in the same class'
6 Am I ls I Are she English?
7 1'm not I isn't I aren't hungrY
8 lt am I is I are nice to meet You'
i Swedish
# Comptete the sentences with the correct 3 Chinese
form of the verb be. 3 Atrsrratian
1 "Where's Malu?" "1 don't know She 4 Argentinian
here." § Vietnamese
"Are you iwentY?" "No, I ---- S Turkish
My parents " in New York this % Complete the sentences with countries or nationalities .:ia
"No i My mom's from Japan. She's *--'-' -"-
"ls Pabio your brother?" He
á Our teacher is from - She's Canadian' *+
, mY friend '

"Where are the children?" "TheY 3 I'm from lre[and. l'm - -*--*- -'-- *- ,+'
- . at home. TheY''e at school
¡l His best friend is from --...-- . She's ltalian'

$ all here?""No, James is 5 Marta is from Portugal. She's .--'-*.----

in the classroom." § My dad's from the U.S He's
? You a teacher' You're a
? They are -,---, They're from Braztl'
student. 5 We are from SPain. We're "'-' -'- l

g '-------,-- she Russian?" "No' she's

! Mlchel's He's from France'
in Wahicl is from EgYPt. He's
V0CABUTARY: Numbers 1-1000,
PR0t{t NCIATI0N: Contractions of &e
countries, and nationalities
'ü11 Listen
ffi Underline the contractions Say the sentences
3 Write the words or numbers.
check, and rePeat.
"95 -:-----:^ 'l "Are you eighteen years oid?" 'No' l'm twenty '

: twenty-one
! "Where rs Miguel?""He's in a meeting"
3 This is the café. We're eating breakfast here'
.1. two thcusand ;í Anna is my sister. She's an English teacher'
: 1a
i They're my friends. lVe are in the sarne class
* six hundred and thiriY § I know You. You're Sasha's brother'
7 802 ? 'ls your car German?" 'No, it's ltaLian "

* eighty-flve
RH-$-B§fJS: APProae
hing a text

Hil I'm Paula, and l'rn from Portugal. i a student, but :L

l'm also in a guitar o¡'chestra for young people. Right now, l'm
on a trip with the orchestra. We're ready to play concerls in London,
Faris, and Romel Here's my blog about my month of music.

Í'::-. ü-1..!"_:.:
'ir ilEi '. ."." -i

:: ;".:: - i
These are some of my friends from the oi-chestra. They :--,--. a
lot of funl Marina 3----- nineteen, and i\4iguei is elghieen. They're
my best friends. We usually go to the park together - vive all like naiure.
\A/e're in London righi now, and there are lots of beautiful parks here.

.:;t::ta::: :-:,
': -. -::^l:?
| .;
rl : ri-r

Our guitar teacher's name is Carlos, and he's very friendly. He rs a greai
teacher - and he also cooks dinner for us every nighi. We all like his fooc
i,4 ,,^.,
YUry *. ,^L
I uur.
{atr{ I

,;'- i ; ;i'i .,, t,
r.i- -'l--i
i j---

VVe in Paris now, at a hciei ciowntown. There a¡-e a lot
of Engiish stuclents in this hotel, sa I pi'aciice iny Engiisii every day.
The orchest¡-a olays music every morning until noon. and lhen we wall<
around the city. ii's a really inieresting place, and we see and dc lots of
th ings.

1,:1't1 I :i
3: ::a:::. it:/

We're in Ro;-ne ncw. li : an e;<citrng cityl Our concei"ts

--.-- in ihe evening. at:ci we go shooping every Cay. My monih
oí music is nearly iinished. l'm hapcy because I want io see my family, bui
I m saC because rnis :r!p is greai.

Lcok at rhe title, headin_cls, ancr cictures. Choose ihe : Cornplete r:he iext with the correct icrrrs of ihe
iresi descrlpljon for ihe iext. ,rerb oe .

: Scrneone who goes io musrc schcol ever'y dav.

Are rre sentences trr-re (T), false (F), or doesn't sa;, /DS)?
; Someone r¡lho iravels r¡liih her orchesrra for íor-rr
'weeks. - ñ^ ^ - -^,- -
--ij i r,-- --^

. re¡re ,, -,o .,s ts Ro-= c¡, ,¿:? .ic' !ÉÍ '

Sc .
=-C ','a':t¿ s Scar s¡.
fhere are nrce parxs in Loncicn
-l I : t-
l¡ -^ :-:
r-tr ^^^,
T'¡¿r: ;r.
i'¿rcr sr;der.:
r,c in ihe noiei i'¡ Parts.
l' c-¿. cc¿:r : . kt D:r.s.
D:' l-- L:c )araa

!iar:rna ancl ,VigueL like shopptng .n ?orne


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