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09:00 AM – 12:00 AM - Thursday

2nd Semester 2021-2022


BSCE 1-D Date of Presentation: April 28, 2022

Presentation of Group 4: Experiment No. ___

My Learnings

In group 4’s presentation, I learned that the flow of electrical power or charge is referred to as
electricity. It is a secondary energy source, which means that it is obtained through the conversion of
primary energy sources such as coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power, and other natural sources. A
current is the flow of electricity through a circuit. A load is a device that operates on electricity (like a
buzzer of a light blub). To function, the load requires electrical energy. The electric current from the
power source flows from one location to another via a circuit wire. An electrical property of a
substance known as electric charge generates electric and magnetic forces and interactions. Energy,
like electric charges, cannot be created or destroyed. The electrical charge is determined by the proton-
electron imbalance. Electrons can be transferred from one substance to another when different
materials are rubbed together. It is important to remember that the materials influence how electrons
move through them. As a result, it has been demonstrated that any charged object emits an electric
field that can be measured.

A field transports energy and transfers it to other charged materials via electric forces. It is
expected to be near a charged object, also known as the source charge. The field lines must always be
perpendicular to the direction of the field, must always originate from positively charged objects, must
always end on negatively charged objects, and must never cross over one another. The magnitude of
the field must also increase with line density. The final section of the report introduced electrostatics
and Coulomb's law. Electrostatics is the study of electric charges at rest in physics. When using
Coulomb's equation, keep in mind that force is directly proportional to charges but inversely
proportional to distance. Understanding these fundamental electrical concepts will be very useful in
our future endeavors as aspiring civil engineers.

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