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Meise Kalembang1, Andi Suriyaman Mustari Pide2, Muhammad Ilham Arisaputra3

Hasanuddin University Master of Notary Student, 2Hasanuddin University, 3Hasanuddin
E-mail: , ,


This study aims to determine and analyze obstacles faced in the mediation process land dispute
at the Jayapura City Land Office..

The method used is empirical. Empirical research, which is a study not only looks at the positive
legal aspects, also looks application or practice in the field. Used to analyze qualitatively about
land disputes through mediation by the Jayapura City land office.

The result of the research is the legal arrangements governing the settlement of the land disputes
through mediation are carried out based on the regulation of the ministry of agrarian affairs and
spatial planning/National land agency number 21 of 2020 about handling and settlement of land
cases and also guided by decision of the head of national land agency and presidential regulation
number 48 of 2020 about national land agency. This study shows that settlement of land disputes
through mediation by the Jayapura City land office has not been carried out optimally and guided
by the decree of the head of the Jayapura City land office number 24 of 2022 about standard
operating procedures for handling and settlement of land disputes and conflicts.

Key words: Settlement; Land Disputes; Mediation; Land Office;

Introduction for land as development progresses, land

One of the primary needs that humans conflicts are increasing.2 These land
need is land. For humans, land is needed as disputes/conflicts can occur between
a place for humans to carry out their individuals and individuals, the community
survival. Without land, humans cannot carry and the private sector, the private sector and
out their normal and safe functions of life the private sector as well as the community
and life.1 Because land is an important asset
for humans and also with increasing demand
Hamidi dan Moh Abdul Latif, 2021,
Penyelesaian Sengketa Pertanahan Di Wilayah
Nurus Zaman, 2016, Politik Hukum Pengadaan Madura Secara Mediasi Oleh Badan Pertanahan
Tanah Antara Kepentingan Umum Dan Nasional, Yudisia: Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan
Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia, Bandung: Hukum Islam, Volume 12 Nomor 1, Institut
Refika Aditama, Hal.4. Agama Islam Negeri Kudus, Kudus, Hal. 58.
and the government.3 of view are not simple to solve. The
Land has developed into a symbol of emergence of legal disputes regarding land
wealth or power. By owning a large area of starts from a complaint from one party
land, a person is sociologically placed in a which contains objections and claims for
certain social status within the strata of land rights both on the status of the land or
society. Because of the importance of this the priority of ownership in the hope of
immovable property, the state-government obtaining an administrative settlement in
tries to regulate the allocation and use of accordance with the provisions of applicable
land. The Constitution of the Republic of regulations.6
Indonesia grants this authority to the State of Papua Province is one of the provinces
the Republic of Indonesia. The authority is in Indonesia that has many land disputes.
given to the State as the highest authority The solution to the land problem in Papua is
organization to implement it, namely Article very complicated. This is because the
33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of mindset of indigenous peoples is of the
the Republic of Indonesia which stipulates opinion that the lands in Papua are ulayat
that the Earth, water and natural resources lands, not state lands. This different
contained it is controlled by the state and understanding between indigenous peoples
used as much as possible for the prosperity and the government is what ultimately gives
of the people. In this article, it seems that the rise to legal pluralism in the land sector.
interests of the greatest prosperity of the Legal pluralism exists to provide new
people are the basis for the control of land understanding to legal practitioners, state
by the State.4 law makers and the wider community that in
Land conflict is a process of addition to state law there are other legal
interaction between two or groups that each systems that existed earlier in society and
fight for their interests over the same object, these legal systems interact with state law
namely land and other objects related to and even compete with each other.7
land, water, plants, mines, as well as air that The indigenous people of Port
is above the land in question. On a micro Numbay recognize the dualism of the
level, the source of conflict can arise due to government system, namely formal
differences or conflicts of values, different government and non-formal government.
interpretations of information, data, or Formal government is a government system
objective descriptions of local land that is structured in the constitutional system
conditions or differences/conflicts of of the Unitary State of the Republic of
economic interests seen in the gaps in the Indonesia which is chaired by a village head
structure of land ownership and control.5 and his apparatus. While non-formal
Land problems from a juridical point government is a system of original
government or customary government. In
3 the customary government system, the Port
Candra Irawan, 2010, Aspek Hukum Dan
Mekanisme Penyelesaian Sengketa Di Luar
Numbay customary law community is led by
Pengadilan (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Di an ondoafi and his apparatus. In this system
Indonesia, Bandung: Mandar Maju, Hal.1. what is prioritized is deliberation for
Muhammad Ilham Arisaputra, 2015, Reforma
Agraria Di Indonesia, Jakarta, Sinar Grafika,
Hal.57 Bernhard Limbong, 2012, Konflik Pertanahan,
Maharani Nurdin, 2018, Akar Konflik Jakarta: Margareta Pustaka, Hal.4.
Pertanahan Di Indonesia, Jurnal Hukum Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, 2011. “Menelusuri
Positum, Volume 3 Nomor 2, Universitas Perkembangan Kajian Pluralisme Hukum Di
Singaperbangsa, Karawang, Hal. 127. Indonesia”, Jakarta, Episterna Institute, hal. 50.
consensus and from this ondoafi practice it still be dissatisfied because in the decision-
is reflected that the democratic system is making process there are contradictions in
already part of the life praxis of the Port the rules and on the other hand the role of
Numbay indigenous people. the court is still dominant in resolving
The role of Ondoafi is very important disputes.9
in the settlement of customary disputes Settlement of land disputes by means
because it is the authority of the customary of mediation can be resolved through
leader. As a unit of customary law institutions outside the court, one of which is
community that lives and grows in the midst through the national land agency. known as
of society, they are faced with various the Basic Agrarian Law which is the
options in the dispute resolution process. implementation of Article 33 paragraph (3)
Both through litigation and non-litigation. of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Settlement of disputes through non-litigation Indonesia which states that:10 "Earth and
channels in the customary law community of water and the natural resources contained
Port Numbay is known as "Para-para Adat". therein are controlled by the State and used
That is the process of resolving disputes in a for the maximum benefit of prosperity of the
family manner so that between the parties to people".
the dispute, family relations are maintained Mediation is one of the many
and harmonious. Alternative Dispute Resolution or
The Papuan customary court is commonly known as "Alternative Dispute
regulated based on the Papua Province Resolution" which first emerged in the
Special Regulation Number 20 of 2008 United States. Mediation can be seen as a
concerning the Papuan Customary Court, form of out-of-court dispute resolution
which is the implementation of Law Number which is a form of Alternative Dispute
21 of 2001 concerning the Granting of Resolution but can also take the form of
Special Autonomy for the Papua Province.8 judicial mediation. This mediation was born
Basically, dispute resolution can be against the background of the slow process
carried out through 2 channels, namely, the of resolving disputes in court, therefore this
court route and the out-of-court route. mediation emerged as an answer to the
Article 1 number 10 of Law Number 30 of growing dissatisfaction with the justice
1999 concerning Arbitration and alternative system which led to the issue of time, cost
dispute resolution states that alternative and ability to handle complex cases. In the
dispute resolution is a dispute resolution case of the archipelago, the practice of
institution through a procedure agreed upon resolving disputes through deliberation has
by the parties, namely an out-of-court long been practiced. A special term in court
settlement by means of consultation, is called mediation.11
negotiation, mediation, consolidation or There are several factors that are the
expert judgment. reason for mediation to be one of the dispute
Although the existence of an out-of- resolutions of concern in Indonesia,
court settlement has been recognized, it is
not uncommon for the disputing parties to
Hamidi dan Moh Abdul Latif, Op. Cit, Hal, 53.
Hamidi dan Moh Abdul Latif, Op. Cit, Hal, 54.
8 11
Rae Netha Junaedy, 2015, “Peran Lembaga Revy.S.M. Korah, 2013, Mediasi Merupakan
Adat Dalam Penyelesaian Delik Adat Pada Salah Satu Alternatif Penyelesaian Masalah
Masyarakat Port Numbay Di Kota Jayapura”, Dalam Sengketa Perdagangan Internasional,
Skripsi. Hukum Pidana Fakultas Hasanuddin, Jurnal Hukum Unsrat, Volume 21 Nomor 3,
Makassar, Hal. 1-3. Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Hal. 33.
namely:12 disputes, the benefits, time and costs are
1. Economic factors, where mediation relatively light, it will give more satisfaction
as an alternative dispute resolution to the disputing community, and the
has the potential as a means to confidentiality of dispute resolution outside
resolve disputes more economically, the court is guaranteed. Then the most
both from the point of view of cost important thing is that the settlement is
and time. carried out peacefully, so that all parties to
2. Scope factor, mediation has the the dispute become winners because the
ability to discuss the problem agenda decision is made based on an agreement and
more broadly, comprehensively and adheres to the principle of win-win solution
flexibly. so that dispute resolution is complete.
3. The factor of fostering good The purpose of developing mediation
relations, where mediation that relies as an alternative dispute resolution is to
on cooperative settlement methods is provide a forum for parties to work towards
very suitable for those who voluntary agreement in making decisions
emphasize the importance of regarding the disputes they face. Thus
relationships both between humans mediation is a potential means to improve
(relationships), which have taken relations between the disputing parties. The
place and in the future. authority of the national land agency in
Then in Article 1 point 1 of the Mediation is to find solutions and carry out
Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian handling in accordance with the Regulation
Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and
National Land Agency Number 21 of 2020 Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land
concerning Handling and Settlement of Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
Land Cases, it is determined that land cases, Number 21 of 2020 concerning Handling
hereinafter referred to as cases, are disputes, and Settlement of Land Cases Article 43
conflicts, or land cases submitted to the concerning Mediation, namely:14
Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and 1) Case settlement can be resolved
Administration. Space/National Land through mediation.
Agency, Regional Office of the National 2) Mediation as referred to in paragraph
Land Agency, Land Office in accordance (1) may be carried out by and on the
with their respective authorities to obtain initiative of:
handling and settlement in accordance with a. Ministry, Regional Office, Land
the provisions of the legislation.13 Office according to their authority
The existence of mediation has and/or at the initiative of the party
provided something new in the field of concerned; or
dispute resolution. With out-of-court b. Individuals or Institutions at the
initiative of the disputing parties.
I Gusti Agung Wisudawan, 2019, Mediasi
Based on the number of land dispute
Sebagai Salah Satu Penyelesaian Sengketa mediations registered with the Jayapura City
Bisnis (Di Desa Gelogor, Kecamatan Kediri, Land Office for the last 2 years (2020 and
Kabupaten Lombok Barat), Jurnal Kompilasi 2021). The Jayapura City Land Office also
Hukum, Volume 4 Nomor 2, Universitas serves submissions for mediation for land
Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Hal. 150.
13 dispute cases in the Jayapura City area as
Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang
Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nomor 21 Tahun many as 25 mediation cases. With details in
2020 tentang Penanganan dan Penyelesaian
Kasus Pertanahan. Hal 4. Ibid Hal. 37.
2020, there were 10 mediation cases and Jayapura City Land Office and the Port
none of them succeeded in mediation, Numbay Customary Council of Jayapura
meanwhile in 2021 there were mediation City. This location was chosen because it is
cases and only 3 were successfully one of the areas that carry out mediation in
mediated.15 land dispute resolution, so it is hoped that it
Meanwhile, the number of land will be easy to find out the obstacles in the
dispute mediations registered with the ongoing dispute resolution process.
Customary Deliberation Institution for the Based on the overall data collected from
last two (2) years (2020 and 2021). The this study, then an analysis is carried out
Indigenous Deliberation Institution serves using the qualitative analysis method, which
mediation requests for land dispute cases in is an analytical method carried out by
the Jayapura City area as many as 5 describing the phenomena or facts obtained
mediation cases. With details in 2020, there from the research results, based on the data
were 2 (two) cases of mediation and obtained, both primary data and secondary
mediation success, meanwhile in 2021 there data. The final data analysis by providing
were 3 cases of mediation between 2 cases conclusions and suggestions on what should
that were successfully mediated and 1 case be done to the legal problem.
did not succeed in mediation.16
It can be seen that mediation efforts at Results and Discussion
the Jayapura City Land Office have been Obstacles in Resolving Land
carried out, but the success of the mediation Disputes Through Mediation by the
process is still relatively low. Based on the Jayapura City Land Office.
background description, the author has an Disputes that often occur in Papua are
interest in answering the existing problems, regarding customary land, which is one of
namely What are the obstacles in resolving the most complex land disputes to find a
land disputes through mediation? solution for. In this land dispute, in addition
to having an impact on economic problems,
Material and Method it can also cause wider social problems. The
This type of research is Empirical Law. form of a dispute resolution is a series of
According to Soerjono and Sri Mamudji activities carried out by the disputing parties
Empirical legal research is legal research using strategies to resolve disputes. Nader
conducted by examining primary data, and Todd explain in their book Sulastriyono
namely data obtained directly from the that parties can develop several strategies or
community.17 alternatives in resolving disputes, such as:18
This research was conducted at the a) Coercion namely one party forcing a
solution on another party, for
15 example a debt collector;
Kementerian Agraria Dan Tata Ruang Badan
Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia Kantor
b) Negotiation in which two parties
Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Jumlah face each other is the way of
Penanganan Permohonan Mediasi Pada Seksi decision making;
Pengendalian dan Penanganan Sengketa, c) Mediation is the intervention of a
Maret 2022. third party to resolve a dispute
Lembaga Musyawarah Adat Port Numbay
umlah Penanganan Permohonan Mediasi Pada
LMA, Maret 2022. Sulastriyono. 1997. Sengketa Penguasaan
Irwansyah, 2020, Penelitian Hukum (Pilihan Tanah Timbul dan Proses Penyelesaiannya.
Metode dan Praktik Penulisan Artikel), Tesis, Jakarta: Program Pacsa sarjana UI.
Yogyakarta, Topoffset. Percetakan, Hal. 43. Hal.47-49.
regardless of whether both parties to method of resolving cases through a
the dispute ask for help or not. negotiation process to obtain an agreement
People act as mediators such as carried out by the parties facilitated by the
village/camat heads, government Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
heads and judges and so on; Planning/National Land Agency, Regional
d) Arbitration, i.e. if both third parties, Office of the National Land Agency, Land
namely the arbitrator/arbitrator, are office according to their authority and/or
to settle the dispute and from the land mediator.
beginning have agreed to accept any The Jayapura City Land Office as a
decision from the arbitrator; mediator has the authority to handle disputes
e) Adjudication of a dispute to the and conflicts that occur in Jayapura City,
court, namely the intervention of a which is as regulated in Article 1 paragraph
third party (court) to resolve the (27) of the Regulation of the Minister of
dispute and the results are obeyed by Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head
the disputing parties; of the National Land Agency of the
Mediation is a simple and practical Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2020
effort in adjusting the dispute, which is concerning Handling and Settlement of
preceded by finding and bringing together a Land Cases explained that:22 The head of the
problem-solving agreement, assisted by one control and dispute handling section,
or more persons as mediators who are hereinafter referred to as the Head of
neutral and only function as facilitators. The Section V, is an official at the Land Office
final decision is in the power of the who has the task of carrying out control of
disputing parties as outlined in a joint land rights, land conversion, coastal areas,
decision.19 Disputes are a continuation of the small islands, borders and certain areas,
existence of problems. A problem will turn controlling control, ownership and use,
into a dispute if the problem cannot be utilization of land, and handling of disputes
resolved.20 and conflicts, as well as handling of land
Departing from the understanding of cases.
mediation as mandated in Article 1 According to Ferdi Alifisnura23, the
paragraph (11) of the Regulation of the head of the section for controlling and
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial handling land disputes in the City of
Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Jayapura, he explained that in order to
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of determine steps and directions in handling
2020 concerning Handling and Settlement of and resolving disputes, conflicts, and land
Land Cases explains that:21 Mediation is a cases effectively as mandated by law, the
author conducted the research. The law is
Absori dan M. Mahdi, 2016, Alternatif Dispute given the authority to register and record all
Resolution (ADR) Penyelesaian Sengketa land parcels throughout the Republic of
Pencemaran Lingkungan: Studi Kasus di
Kelurahan Wonoyoso Kabupaten Pekalongan,
Indonesia, the Jayapura City land office in
Program Pasca Sarjana Ilmu Hukum,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Hal 35. Pasal 1 ayat 27 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Rachmadi Usman, 2003, Pilihan Penyelesaian Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Sengketa Di luar Pengadilan, Bandung Citra Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan
Aditya Bakti, hal 2. Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan.
21 23
Pasal 1 ayat 11 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan Sengketa Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Tanggal 4
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan. April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura.
principle accepts documents that have been between social classes.
submitted which were previously verified in 4. Political conflict or conflict, namely
accordance with the Decree of the Head of conflict that occurs due to the
the Jayapura City Land Office Number 24 of interests or political goals of a person
2022 concerning Standard Operational or group.
Procedures for Handling and Settlement of 5. Conflicts or conflicts of an
Disputes and Land Conflict. Furthermore, international nature, namely conflicts
regarding the handling of disputes and that occur due to differences in
conflicts, it is stated in Article 6 paragraph interests which then affect the
(1) of the Regulation of the Minister of sovereignty of the state.
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head Sociologists argue that the root of the
of the National Land Agency of the emergence of conflict is the existence of
Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2020 social, economic, political relations whose
concerning Handling and Settlement of roots are the struggle for sources of
Land Cases explaining that:24 ownership, social status and power whose
(1) Dispute and Conflict Handling is availability is very limited with unequal
carried out through the following stages: distribution in society.26 In solving the
a. Case Assessment; problem or conflict studied by the author,
b. Initial Degree; namely the occurrence of personal and racial
c. Study; conflicts that occurred in Jayapura City,
d. Exposure of Research Results; where the conflict that occurred regarding
e. Coordination meetings; the conflict between the two parties together
f. Final Degree; had the same land rights base issued by
g. Case Resolution. Ondoafi / Village Head so that the parties
After describing the handling of jointly claim ownership rights to the land,
disputes through mediation that occurred in most of the land claimed is ulayat land.
the city of Jayapura, the author then linked Therefore, the Jayapura City Land
the theory of conflict. According to expert Office carries out mediation stages in
Soerjono Soekanto, divides social conflict dispute resolution including:27
into five (5) forms, including:25 1) There is a mediation application
1. Personal conflict or conflict, namely letter from the applicant to the
conflicts that occur between two or Jayapura City land office. As
more individuals due to different regulated in Article 3 paragraph (2)
views and so on. of the Regulation of the Minister of
2. Conflicts or racial conflicts, namely Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
conflicts that arise due to racial Planning/Head of the National Land
differences. Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
3. Conflicts or conflicts between social
classes, namely conflicts that occur 26
Elly M, 2011, Pengantar Sosiologi
due to differences in interests Pemahaman Fakta dan Gejala Permasalahan
Sosial: Teori, Aplikasi, dan Pemecahannya,
Pasal 6 ayat 1 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Kencana Prenada Media Group, Jakarta, hal
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional 361.
Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
Tentang Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan
Pertanahan. Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura,
Soerjono Soekanto,1992, Sosiologi Suatu Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota
Pengantar, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta, Hal 86. Jayapura.
Number 21 of 2020 concerning a. Photocopy of proof of
Handling and Settlement of Land identity; or
Cases which states that:28 The b. Power of
complaint as referred to in paragraph attorney and a
(1) is received through the reception photocopy of the
counter for the complaint letter, the identity of the giver
direct complaint reception counter and recipient of the
and the receipt of complaints through power of attorney if
online media organized by the authorized.
Ministry, Regional Office, and Land 2. Legal Entities include:
Office.” a. Photocopy of deed of
In the facts on the ground, the authors establishment/last amendment;
state that the Jayapura City Land Office still b. Power of attorney from the board of
receives complaints directly at the complaint directors; and
letter reception counter which is then c. photocopy of the identity of the giver
disposed of by the Jayapura City Land and the recipient of the power of
Office Head to the head of the dispute attorney if authorized.
handling and control sub-section for follow 3. Community groups include:
up. a. Photocopy of proof of identity of
2) The Jayapura City land office members of the community group;
collects documents and analyzes and
various information regarding the b. Power of attorney from all members
object of the dispute. There are of the community group
mediation requirements in the form accompanied by a photocopy of the
of required documents in accordance identity of the recipient of the power
with Article 3 paragraph (3) of the of attorney, if authorized.
Regulation of the Minister of 4. Government Institutions
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial include:
Planning/Head of the National Land Photocopy of proof of identity of the
Agency of the Republic of Indonesia employee or official of the agency
Number 21 of 2020 concerning concerned accompanied by a letter of
Handling and Settlement of Land assignment or power of attorney from the
Cases which states that Article 3 agency concerned.
paragraph (3):29 5. Ministries, regional offices,
(3) Complaints submitted must meet land offices include: a report
the following requirements: letter from the head of the
a. The identity/legality of the work unit or work unit
complainant which includes: concerned.
1. Individuals include: a. Photocopy of supporting data or
proof of land tenure/ownership of the
Pasal 3 ayat 2 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan complainant;
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional b. Photocopy of other supporting data
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan on the land of the object of dispute or
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan.
29 conflict; and
Pasal 3 ayat 3 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional c. Brief description of the case
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan chronology.
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan
In the facts on the ground, the author Planning/Head of the National Land
suggests that at the Jayapura City Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
Office, the documents or files from the Number 21 of 2020 concerning
mediation application will be examined Handling and Settlement of Land
through Section V (handling and controlling Cases which states that:31 The
disputes) of the Jayapura City Land Office, procedure for mediation is regulated
which then if the application documents are further with technical instructions.
appropriate, it will be followed up with Regarding the technical instructions
making a mediation invitation. for the carried out at the Jayapura City Land
parties to the dispute. Office, the author argues that:
3) The Jayapura City Land Office
issued a mediation invitation for 3 a. The opening includes introductions,
(three) mediation calls for the parties outlining the mediation schedule and
involved in the disputed land object. process, reading the mediation rules
The invitation to call for mediation 3 and presenting the chronological
(three) times at the Jayapura City problems. In this case, Sub-section V
land office, this is in line with Article or the Head of the Dispute Control
44 paragraph (3) of the Regulation of and Handling Section serves as the
the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and head of the mediator team and
Spatial Planning/Head of the presenter/presenter, and is
National Land Agency of the accompanied by the head of the right
Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of determination and registration
2020 concerning Handling and section, the head of the survey and
Settlement of Land Cases which mapping section, land administrators
states that:30 In the event that the and staff from dispute control and
parties have been properly invited 3 handling. who served as note taker;
(three) times but are not present, the b. Mediator Provide the opportunity for
mediation is declared a failure”. the parties to present the problem in
In the facts on the ground, the author order to find out the chronology of
suggests that at the land office of Jayapura the problem from the version of the
City, the Sub-division of Control and disputing parties;
Dispute Handling invited the disputing c. The mediator provides responses and
parties to mediate 3 (three) times but the inputs from the land aspect aimed at
practice that occurred between the parties, generating dispute resolution options
especially the respondent, did not heed the by encouraging the parties to be open
call, the mediation was declared failed. and and looking for alternative problem
make a report. solving solutions together;
4) The Mediator starts mediation with d. The mediator listens to explanations
the related parties, regulated in from third parties, witnesses or
Article 44 paragraph (10) of the attorneys;
Regulation of the Minister of e. The mediator throws questions and
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
Pasal 44 ayat 10 Peraturan Menteri Agraria
Pasal 44 ayat 3 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nasional Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan. Pertanahan.
answers aimed at finding out the regulated in Article 44 paragraph (8)
problems faced by the parties; of the Regulation of the Minister of
f. The mediator discusses with other Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
section heads who are present in the Planning/Head of the National Land
mediation to see the object of the Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
dispute; Number 21 of 2020 concerning
g. The mediator provides input to the Handling and Settlement of Land
parties so that it can be resolved Cases which states that:33 “The
amicably by a bargaining process results of the mediation are set forth
between the parties so that no one is in the minutes of the implementation
harmed; of the mediation containing the
5) If the first mediation meeting point agreement and follow-up to the
has not been found, (1) it will be mediation signed by the official/head
stopped and will be continued at the of the settlement team/mediator”.
next second mediation meeting (2) For this reason, the author states that
until the third mediation meeting (3), from the results of the mediation agreement,
regulated in Article 44 paragraph (3) whether it is successful or unsuccessful, an
of the Regulation of the Minister of official report will still be made by the
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Jayapura City Land Office for the parties to
Planning/Head of the Land Agency the dispute, including:
National Republic of Indonesia a. Finding the Agreement of the Parties
Number 21 of 2020 concerning A peace agreement deed is made,
Handling and Settlement of Land regulated in Article 44 paragraph (5),
Cases which states that32 In the event paragraph (6) and paragraph (9) of
that the parties have been properly the Regulation of the Minister of
invited 3 (three) times but are not Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
present, the mediation is declared a Planning/Head of the National Land
failure. Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
In the facts on the ground, the author Number 21 of 2020 concerning
suggests that mediation at the Jayapura City Handling and Settlement of Land
land office in dispute resolution was carried Cases ;34
out 3 (three) times so that the final result of b. Not finding an agreement from the
the mediation was made and an official Land office to direct the settlement
report was made, if the mediation was to Litigation (Court), regulated in
declared failed and did not find an Article 44 number (7) Regulation of
agreement between the parties to the the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and
dispute, a report was made. minutes and Spatial Planning/Head of the
continued with litigation/court dispute National Land Agency of the
6) The Jayapura City Land Office 33
Pasal 44 ayat 8 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
makes an Official Report, which is Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan
32 34
Pasal 44 ayat 3 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Pasal 44 ayat 5, ayat 6 dan ayat 9 Peraturan
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan
Nasional Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 21 Tahun 2020
Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus tentang Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus
Pertanahan. Pertanahan.
Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of is his land because he has
2020 concerning Handling and ownership documents so
Settlement of Land Cases.35 that37 the respondent does not
From the stages of mediation that feel the need to attend the
occurred at the Jayapura City Land Office in mediation. second, the
the settlement of land disputes, of course absence of the respondent is
there are inhibiting factors and supporting usually due to illness or the
factors in dispute resolution, namely mediation schedule usually
mediation. In an effort to mediate land conflicts with other interests.
dispute resolution at the Jayapura City Land 2. Not the Principal who is
Office, the author reveals that there are present, in the sense of
inhibiting factors that occur at the Jayapura people who really have an
City Land Office, including:36 interest in attending. This is
Inhibiting Factors For The not in line with the principle
Mediation Of The Jayapura City Land of mediation as regulated in
Office Article 44 paragraph (1) of
The absence of one of the parties or the Regulation of the
does not fulfill the invitation to call for Minister of Agrarian Affairs
mediation 3 (three) times, the mediation is and Spatial Planning/Head of
declared failed. This is in line with the the National Land Agency
explanation of Article 44 paragraph (3) of Number 21 of 2020
the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian concerning Handling and
and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Settlement of Land Cases. In
Land Agency Number 21 of 2020 principle38, mediation must
concerning Handling and Settlement of be attended by the
Land Cases which states that. "In this case parties/principals.
the parties who have been properly invited 3 However, in practice at the Jayapura
(three) times but are not present, the City Land Office, the author found the fact
mediation is declared failed". that the mediation process was often
1. The author suggests that there represented by a lawyer or brought a family
are 2 (two) reasons for the group that caused chaos and commotion
absence of one of the parties where mediation did not run properly and
that occurred at the Jayapura this did not apply the principle of mediation.
City land office; First, 3. Lack of human resources
absenteeism is usually carried (hereinafter referred to as
out by the respondent HR) in the sub-section of the
because the party feels that control and dispute handling
the object of the land dispute section at the Jayapura Land
Office which consists of 3
Pasal 44 ayat 7 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Pasal 44 ayat 3 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan. Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan.
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan Pasal 44 ayat 1 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan
Jayapura. Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan.
(three) employees/staff and 1 object of the dispute are their
(one) as Head of the control own, where the ownership
and dispute handling section, rights to the land referred to
so that this becomes a One of are in accordance with Article
the inhibiting factors for 9 paragraph (1) letter b of the
conducting mediation is due Regulation of the Minister of
to the large number of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
complaints requesting Planning/Head of the
mediation that are entered in National Land Agency
the control and dispute Number 21 Year 2020
handling section but with the Concerning the Handling and
lack of human resources in Settlement of Land Cases
the control and dispute which states that:41 Juridical
handling section so that data in the form of
mediation requests are documents on the subject of
postponed or have not been the dispute, documents
implemented.39 regarding the basis of rights,
4. Difficult to find the location deed/letter of land
of the disputing parties acquisition, documents
usually occurs on the showing land status, land
respondent's side, because history, court decisions
sometimes the mediation regarding the object of the
request letter does not include case, and data/documents
a clear address from the other administration that
applicant, the address given shows the administrative
usually has moved house and process for the issuance of
or one of the parties involved Legal Products on land that is
in the object of the dispute or the object of the Case.
a witness from one of the In the facts on the ground, the author
parties to the dispute has argues that at the Jayapura City Land Office,
died. So this is what makes what happened between the disputing parties
the Jayapura City Land together had a customary release letter
Office have difficulty finding issued by the ondoafi/village head which
or delivering an invitation was used as the basis for ownership rights
letter for a mediation call.40 which would be followed up by the Jayapura
5. The parties each claim that City Land Office. in terms of certificate
the ownership rights to the issuance. The explanation of Article 1865 of
the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
Civil Code) and says that Article 1865 of the
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan Civil Code:42 "Everyone who claims to have
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura,
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Pasal 9 ayat 1 huruf b Peraturan Menteri
Jayapura. Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 21 Tahun 2020
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan tentang Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Pertanahan
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Pasal 1865 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum
Jayapura. Perdata.
a right, or appoints an event to confirm his attending an invitation or participating in
right or to refute a right of another person, mediation, in good faith from the disputing
must prove the existence of that right or the parties and not opposing an attitude of the
event that is stated. parties. in the mediation process.
According to the author, this is b. Second, the Principals were present
because the parties have their own egos that so that the dispute resolution process
feel they have rights to the land object. Both that had been running at the Jayapura
parties insisted on defending their respective City defense office could run
arguments which the parties could not agree smoothly, in accordance with Article
on, making it difficult for the Jayapura City 44 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of
Land Office in the mediation process. the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial
Supporting Factors Of The Planning/Head of the National Land
Mediation Conducted At The Jayapura Agency Number 21 of 2020
City Land Office concerning Handling and Settlement
Furthermore, the data on the factors of Land Cases stated that45 in
that inhibit the mediation of the Jayapura principle mediation must be attended
City Land Office above were stated by the by the parties/principals.
author. So the author also describes the According to the author, in resolving
supporting factors of the mediation carried disputes through mediation that occurred at
out at the Jayapura City Land Office, the Jayapura City Land Office, it should be
including :43 attended directly by the parties/principals of
a. First, the cooperative attitude of the the dispute because the parties know more
disputing parties at the Jayapura City precisely and in detail about the object of
Land Office, this is in accordance land, the location of the land, the boundaries
with Article 44 paragraph (1) of the of the land that are the problem and disputes
Regulation of the Minister of over the object. the land dispute.
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial c. Third, the agreement of the parties
Planning/Head of the National Land which means that in the mediation
Agency Number 21 of 2020 process there must be a bright spot
concerning Handling and Settlement between the two parties in dispute,
of Land Cases.44 In principle, this is in line with Article 44
mediation must be attended by the paragraph (5) of the Regulation of
parties/principals. the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial
For this reason, the author states in the Planning/Head of the National Land
sense that the parties must have a Agency Number 21 of 2020
cooperative attitude by showing a good concerning Handling and Settlement
attitude of cooperation with the Jayapura of Land Cases states that:46 In the
City Land Office, one of which is by event of mediation a peace
agreement is reached, it is stated in a
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan Pasal 44 ayat 1 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan
Jayapura. Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan.
44 46
Pasal 44 ayat 1 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Pasal 44 ayat 5 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan. Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan.
peace deed and registered by the Case Title.
parties in the district court of the The author reveals that in the
jurisdiction where the land is the explanation of the article above which states
object of the case to obtain a peace the suitability of documents and evidence of
decision. the object of the land dispute, it is very
In essence, the purpose of mediation is important in resolving disputes by means of
to obtain a way out of disputes/disputes mediation at the Jayapura City Land Office
from the parties, according to the authors, which is used to provide actual facts to
mediation conducted at the Jayapura City ensure legal certainty for the disputing
Land Office is in line as it should be. parties.
d. Fourth, complete evidence or e. Fifth, experience and knowledge as
documents from the land owner can well as broad insight must be
be authentic evidence and can possessed by mediators in disputes
strengthen and facilitate the process so that they can facilitate the process
of mediation. In line with Article 7 of of mediation, regulated in Article 1
the Regulation of the Minister of paragraph (8) of the regulation of the
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Minister of Agrarian Affairs and
Planning/Head of the National Land Spatial Planning/Head of the
Agency Number 21 of 2020 National Land Agency Number 11 of
concerning Handling and Settlement 2016 which states that:48 which
of Land Cases states that:47 assists the parties in the negotiation
1) Case study as referred to in Article 6 process to seek various possible
paragraph (1) letter a is conducted to resolutions of disputes or conflicts
facilitate understanding of the case without resorting to breaking or
being handled. imposing a settlement.”
2) The Case Study as referred to in Over time, the article above has been
paragraph (1) shall be set forth in the revoked, but the fact that the author found at
form of a staff review which the Jayapura City Land Office was that the
contains: mediator received training and education in
a. Title; collaboration with Gadjah Mada university
b. Main issues that describe the subject which was accredited by the Supreme Court
of the dispute, the complainants' of the Republic of Indonesia to produce
objections or demands, the location, competent land mediators in accordance
extent and status of the object of the with the chairman's decision. Supreme Court
Case; c. Case history; (hereinafter referred to as MA) Number:
c. Available data or documents; 068/KMA/SK/V/2008 Juncto Number
d. Case Classification; and 15/KMA/SK/1/2019.49
e. Other things that are considered f. Sixth, there is no intervention from
3) The results of the case study as 48
Pasal 1 ayat 8 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
referred to in paragraph (2) serve as Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
the basis for carrying out the initial Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelesaian
Kasus Pertanahan.
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
Pasal 7 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Tata Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan
Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura,
Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Penanganan dan Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota
Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan Jayapura.
other parties, meaning that in represented, for example by the
resolving land disputes through family.
mediation there is no pressure from Based on the description above, the
any party so that the third party must authors add input that the public tends not to
be the Jayapura City Land Office have awareness of the provisions of national
which is the mediator whose job is to law as the legal basis for the authority of the
mediate between the parties in Jayapura City Land Office itself. Thus, it has
dispute. implications for the success of the State, in
The Cause Of The Failure Of this case the National Land Agency failed to
Mediation That Occurred At The resolve cases of land disputes in Jayapura
Jayapura City Land Office City. In addition, the author also considers
After describing the stages of that people tend to see figures as subjects in
mediation as well as the inhibiting and resolving land disputes. As a result, when
supporting factors in mediating land dispute the Jayapura City Land Office makes efforts
resolution efforts at the Jayapura City Land to resolve disputes, the parties who are well
Office, the author also revealed that there aware of the problem do not want to attend
were several reasons for the failure of directly, they tend to ask other parties to be
mediation that occurred at the Jayapura City represented in which the parties do not
Land Office, including:50 understand the position of the land dispute
1. First, the Parties have no case.
agreement/meeting point on the The Cause Of The Successful
disputed issue; Mediation That Took Place At The
2. Second, communication between the Jayapura City Land Office
related parties is not in line because Associated with the cause of the
they still hold their respective failure of mediation, in an effort to mediate
positions which consider the object land dispute resolution in Jayapura City, the
of the land dispute to be theirs; author also reveals the causes of successful
3. Third, that the parties feel that the mediation that occurred at the Jayapura City
documents (letters of customary Land Office, among others:51
release or letters of measurement or a. First, the Parties accept each other's
certificates) they have are strong input, solutions and suggestions
documents for ownership of the land between one party and another,
so that none of the parties wants to meaning that the parties accept the
give in to other parties. agreement proposed by the other
4. Fourth, the disputing parties party without harming both parties.
sometimes have very high egos so b. Second, the Parties see that the
they do not want to attend the solution or offer submitted by the
mediation held by the Jayapura City mediator is not detrimental but
Land Office because they consider benefits the parties for the object of
themselves to be the right parties so the dispute.
that the party chooses to be c. Third, the parties see that the offer or

50 51
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura,
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota
Jayapura. Jayapura.
solution provided by the mediator is paragraph (8) of the Regulation of the
to prevent greater losses. Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
After describing the causes of the Planning/Head of the National Land Agency
success of mediation, in an effort to mediate of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of
land dispute resolution at the Jayapura City 2020 concerning Handling and Settlement of
Land Office, the author also explains the Land Cases stating that:53 "The results of the
Mediating Output of the Jayapura City Land mediation are stated in the minutes of
Office that the number of incoming cases mediation implementation containing the
dominates unsuccessfully rather than agreement and follow-up to the mediation
successful. At the Jayapura City land office, signed by the official/head of the settlement
from reports on the handling of mediation team/mediator”.
requests at the Jayapura City Land office for After the publication of the minutes of
2 (two) years 2020 and 2021 the success rate the successful mediation, a Deed of Peace
of mediation to reach an agreement in Agreement was made in 4 (four) copies,
resolving disputes at the Jayapura City Land including:54
office is still low as for the details: 1. 1 (one) duplicate applicant,
1. In 2020 the success rate mediated by 2. Respondent in 1 (one) copy, and
the Jayapura City Land Office did 3. Jayapura City Land Office in 2 (two)
not find any cases that were copies.
successfully mediated or no According to the author, the peace
agreement was found between the deed was registered with the Jayapura City
parties from 10 (ten) mediation District Court by the parties concerned, this
cases; is based on Article 44 paragraph (5) of the
2. In 2021 the level of success mediated Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian
by the Jayapura City Land Office Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the
was 3 (three) cases that were National Land Agency of the Republic of
successfully mediated or found an Indonesia Number 21 of 2020 concerning
agreement to reconcile between the Handling and Settlement of Land Cases
parties from 15 (fifteen) mediation states that:55 "In the event that mediation is
cases. reached, a peace agreement is stated in a
Seeing this problem, of course, has a peace deed and registered by the parties in
cause as a factor constraining the failure of the district court of the land legal area which
the mediation. Furthermore, for the is the object of the case to obtain a peace
successful mediation, 4 (four) copies of the
minutes will be made, namely:52 53
Pasal 44 ayat 8 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
1. 1 (one) duplicate applicant, Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
2. Respondent in 1 (one) copy, and Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2020
3. Jayapura City Land Office in 2 (two) Tentang Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus
copies 54
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku
According to the author, the above is Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan
in accordance with the mandate of Article 44 Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura,
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota
52 55
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku Pasal 44 ayat 5 Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2020
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Tentang Penanganan dan Penyelesaian Kasus
Jayapura. Pertanahan.
decision". law.58
Meanwhile, for mediation that was not Based on the description above, the
successful, 4 (four) copies were also made, authors found in fact-finding in the field that
including:56 there were no juridical problems in resolving
1. 1 (one) duplicate applicant, dispute cases at the Land Office in Jayapura
2. Respondent in 1 (one) copy, and City. However, the problem is that the
3. Jayapura City Land Office in 2 (two) effectiveness of a regulation which basically
copies. requires the realization of success in
It's just that according to the author, if resolving land disputes in Jayapura City has
the mediation is not successful, then the not materialized as expected. This of course
mediator will direct it to the Jayapura City is more directed to the non-juridical aspect.
District Court for litigation (court) dispute
resolution, this is in line with the mandate of Conclusion
Article 44 paragraph (7) of the Regulation of From the results of the discussion that
the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial has been described previously in the Thesis
Planning/Head of the National Land Agency. entitled Settlement of Land Disputes
The Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of Through Mediation by the Jayapura City
2020 concerning Handling and Settlement of Land Office, the authors can draw the
Land Cases states that:57 "In the event that conclusion that the constraints faced in the
mediation does not result in an agreement land dispute mediation process at the
and/or fails, then the ministry, regional Jayapura City land office were not legally
office, land office in accordance with their found to be obstacles in its implementation,
authority make decisions on case but legally In non-juridical terms, it was
settlement." found that several obstacles faced in the
In order to develop the National Land mediation process at the Jayapura City land
Law, Customary Law is the main source for office, including the absence of one party or
obtaining the materials, in the form of not fulfilling the call for mediation, not the
conceptions, principles and legal principal who was present, lack of human
institutions, to be formulated into written resources in the control and dispute handling
legal norms, which are compiled according section, difficult to find the addresses of the
to the Customary Law system. The new land parties. especially the respondent, the parties
law which is formed by using materials from each claim that they have ownership rights.
customary law, in the form of legal norms as In the dispute resolution process using the
outlined in statutory regulations as written legal provisions governing land dispute
law, is a written positive National Land resolution through mediation at the Jayapura
City Land office, it is carried out based on
the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian
Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the
Wawancara dengan Ferdi Alifisnura, selaku National Land Agency Number 21 of 2020
Kepala Seksi Pengendalian dan Penanganan concerning Handling and Settlement of
Sengketa Kantor Pertanahan Kota Jayapura, Land Cases.
Tanggal 4 April 2022 Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota
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