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Grade 8 STE Students Perception towards playing Mobile

Legends:A Case Study

STE Students
In response to the demands of this era of robotics and super scientific gadgetry, the then Department of
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) now the DepED envisioned to produce technologically and
globally competitive graduates. This formulated the implementation of a Special Science Class
Curriculum for advanced and scientifically inclined students as stipulated in the Dep ed memo no. Series
of ______.A brainchild of the Science Education Institute (SEI) under the Engineering and Science
Education Project (ESEP) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the Special Science
Program had its pilot implementation during the School Year 1993-1994 at the Ilocos Norte National
High School.

To ensure that earners are qualified and truly deserving to be in the program, all prospective first year
enrollees are required to undergo rigid screening and pass a DOST prescribed selection test. Grade
requirement of enrollees is 83% in English, Science and Mathematics with a general average of 85%.
Once in the program, it is imperative for a Special Science Class (SSC) student to maintain a grade not
lower than 80% in any subject area and a general average of 85%.The Special Science Classes (SSC) are
under the BEC based Science, Math and Research oriented curriculum. ESEP scholars who attended the
Certificate/Diploma Program and other training programs are assigned to teach advance science and
mathematics subjects like Earth Science, Advanced Biology, Advanced Chemistry and Calculus.In
cognizant to scientific and technological challenges of the future, Computer Education and Research are
offered to special science classes.

At the end of their third year, students are required to turn in an experimental thesis duly approved by a
designated research panel. For fourth year students, a second thesis should be submitted as a requirement
for graduation.Intensive training via enriched materials, maximum utilization of audio-visual gadgets and
laboratory equipment plus unlimited exposure to science-related activities best describe the Special
Science Classes.As a science-oriented high school, has become a major feeder school for science and
technology degree programs at the tertiary level. INNHS Special Science Program has produced well-
trained graduates who have the motivation and the necessary preparation to meet the challenges of a fast
changing world.

The Special Curricular Program in Science, Technology and Engineering (formerly ESEP) envisions
highly responsible, morally upright, globally competitive, and work-ready learners from schools offering
relevant and innovative Science, Technology and Engineering education. Committed to this vision, the
STE High Schools shall be the centers of excellence in Science, Technology and Engineering education
in the schools divisions that shall develop the full potential of students along these areas.

DepEd Memo no. Series of _____

Online Gaming

Playing video games is often associated in our society with poor academic performance.
This anecdotal idea is supported by some research. A 2000 study found a negative correlation
between GPA and time spent playing video games (Anderson & Dill, n.d). The correlation was
relatively small. Time alone accounted for a 4% variance in GPA, yet the findings are
significant. However, several older studies contend that the results of research have been mixed.
A 1997 study suggests that “there is no clear causal relationship between video game playing and
academic performance” (Emes,nd, p. 413). It goes on to say that the research is “sparse and
contradictory” (Emes,,nd, p. 413).
The effect that interactive digital media has on the learning process is not completely
negative. It is not that the medium itself is a natural damage, but much of the information that
gets transmitted through it may be. As was noted in a 2008 study on media attention and
cognitive abilities, “content appears to be crucial” (Schmidt & Vanderwatend, nd,p. 63). If the
content being consumed is positive, then positive results can be expected. If the content is
negative, then negative results can be expected. The study examined research from many sources
in arriving at this conclusion.
Studies and research has accumulated suggesting that excessive Internet use can lead to the
development of a behavioral addiction. Internet addiction has been considered as a serious threat
to mental health and the excessive use of the Internet has been linked to a variety of negative
psychosocial consequences. This review aims to identify all existential studies to date that used
neuroimaging techniques to shed light upon the emerging mental health problem of Internet and
gaming addiction from a neuroscientific perspective.
Neuroimaging studies offer an advantage over traditional survey and behavioral research because
with this method, it is possible to distinguish particular brain areas that are involved in the
development and maintenance of addiction. A systematic literature search was conducted,
identifying 18 studies. These studies provide convincing evidence for the similarities between
different types of addictions, notably substance-related addictions and Internet and gaming
addiction, on a variety of levels. On the molecular level, Internet addiction is characterized by an
overall reward failure that entails decreased dopaminergic activity.
On the level of neural circuitry, Internet and gaming addiction led to neuroadaptation and
structural changes that occur as a consequence of prolonged increased activity in brain areas
associated with addiction. On a behavioral level, Internet and gaming addicts appear to be
constricted with regards to their cognitive functioning in various domains. The paper shows that
understanding the neuronal correlates associated with the development of Internet and gaming
addiction will promote future research and will pave the way for the development of addiction
treatment approaches.(Griffiths and Kuss ,2015).
In order to adequately define the terms, “online game” has first to be broken down into its
basic components: online and game. At its very basic situation the term online can be referred to
any activity that is taking place via use of the Internet. Game on the other hand according to the
Oxford dictionaries(n.d) is defined as an activity or pastime that generates amusement. As an
amusement, online game generates activity that is played over some form of connection or
computer network.Using IT systems for extensive amounts of time can have negative affects on
one’s life. In particular, online video games have received recent attention for their potential
addictive nature. While most scholarly works in this domain have been performed by
psychologists and psychiatrists, this manuscript posits an idea that there is a great opportunity for
information systems researchers to provide a unique contribution in understanding this
phenomenon. A selective literature review is conducted to develop an information systems-based
framework that maps extant video game research and identifies research gaps.(Sepehr and
Head ,nd).
Technological advances have provided educational institutions the capability to explore various online
teaching strategies such as digital games in the classroom. Though games can be used to engage various
learning styles and behaviors, the platform is mainly practiced at the secondary educational grade level
with traditional-aged students. Little research literature exists that explores the influence of digital game
based learning on the academic achievement of nontraditional undergraduate students.3

Perception is the capability to apprehend ,process and understand a certain stimuli. It is a cognitive
process that necessary for us to understand and interpret our surrounding.( _____).There are five types of
perception. The visual perception that deals with the ability to perceive and understand light information
through the visible spectrum that arrives to our eyes. Hearing or auditory perception is the capability to
accept and comprehend messages that arrives in our ears by audible frequency waves that travels within
the air or other medium. The ability to apprehend the message of pressure and vibration delivered in the
upper layers of the skin is the touch perception otherwise known as the somatosensory or haptic
perception. Smell or olfactory perception is the potentiality to understand the information of the chemical
substance mixed in the air. The last is the taste perception which is the capacity to comprehend
information from a chemical substance mixed in saliva according to ______.

Perception is the handling of messages received by the senses. The Central nervous system works to
recognize, sort out and understand sensory information to interpret you surrounding. This process
happens outside of your consciousness and it is” individualized” which means that people who
encountered the same situation may perceive that situation in a complete different way.

There are two processes involve in perception the bottom-up and the top-down processing .The Bottom-
up processing is the building of information from the sensory input while how we understand those
sensations is guided by our stock knowledge, our awareness or observations and our ideas,this called the
top-down processing.(

The understanding of stimulus is known as perception. In perception there are two processes involve
these are sensation and interpretation. Stimuli are being received by our sensory organ and then covert it
into sensation, the sensation is sent into the specific parts of the brain and then the brains will interpret it.
But in order to understand a stimuli , past experience is needed. For example a child who have not yet
seen an elephant either in picture or real cannot identify the animal in their first encounter while a child
who have seen the animal earlier can identify it. So, perception can be also defined as“ a process of
interpretation of a present stimulus on the basis of past experience.” William James an American
psychologist said that if we interpret the world as what we see it will be a “big booming-buzzing
confusion.” For this reason , we perceive things not as what they appear but as what we want( Aman
Sharma n.d.)

Perception happens or occurs as a conscious experience. The Perceptual process happens through
experience and action subdivided into perception, recognition and action. There are also different ways to
study perception; One is called Psychological Approach which presents the stimulus and gt subjects
response of perception and he other one is called Physiological Approach tries to scan the brain through
technology and present which part is recessive or which one is most active. (Stemberg R. “Cognitive
Psychology. 6th Ed. Chap.3 2015)

Perception represent a unique source of how to experience something at all and it all starts with cognition
which is usually divided into externalism and internalism. The main approaches of getting perception is
Bottom-up and the Top-down approach. According to Gibson’s Theory of Direct Perception, we had
learned to extract or perceive in the necessity to survive, thus, perception may be determined through
optical flows, However,it has been debated by another similar but confusing theory by Gregory which
states that we are the one who’s been calling the importance of vagueness of sensory data(Perception
Theories, Demuth, 2015)

Demuth, A.(2015). “Perception Theories.” Edicia Kognitive Studia. Fftu. Retrieved on:
January 18, 2019. Retrieved from:

Griffrins, M. And D. Kuss(2015). Brain Sciences. “Internet and Gaming Addiction: A

Systematic Literature Review of Neuroimaging Studies”. Nottingham: International Gaming
Research Unit, Nottingham Trent University. Retrieved on: January 20, 2019. Retrieved

Gomes, T. and M. Teixeira.(n.d.). “Computer Game Studies: Research and Educational

Designs.” Brazil: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Retrieved on: January 20, 2019.
Retrieved from:

Head M. and S. Sepandar (n.d.). “Online Video Game Addiction: A review and an
Information Systems Research Agenda.” MCMaster University. Retrieved on: January
20,2019. Retrieved from:

McClarty K. and A. Orr, etc. (2015). “Ä Literature Review of Gaming in

Education.”Pearson: Always Learning. Retrieved on: January 20,2019. Reyrieved from:

Stemberg R.(2015). Cognitive Psychology. “Visual Psychology” 6th Ed. Chap.3. Ted
talk:beau lotto: optical illusions.
Johnston E. and P. Turner Et al. (2018). Cogent Education. “Influence of Online
Computer Games on the Academic Achievement of Non Traditional Undergraduate
Students.” USA: Student Support Service, Helena College-University of Montana, 1115
North Roberts Drive. Retrieved on: January 20, 2019. Retrieved from:

Wang, L. and S. Zhu(2015). Akademin for Halsa Och Arbersliv. “Online Game
Addiction among University Students.” International-Degree Project, 15HEC’s. Chap. 1, pp.

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