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How to take off a contact lens is a really important skill to have for anybody who’s wearing

contact lenses basically because if you have contact lens on the eye and something seems to
be going wrong like maybe an infection.

Sometimes it seems like those lenses just seem to slip away even sometimes the lenses do
get stuck underneath the eyelid but rest assured the lens cannot go behind the eye
physiologically it’s impossible. Now the fist thing whenever you’re gonna touch or handle
contact lenses make sure you wash your hands. I know you’re taken the lenses out but still
you want to wash your hands get any sort of bacteria or debris off of your hands because
you are gonna be touching in the contact lenses on your eye and if you miss once or twice
that could end up getting in the eye and you just don’t want that once you’re done washing
your hands you need to dry your hand and dry them very well this is going to be okay! You
want your hands to be bone-dry not a little but slippery, if it’s bone dry you’ll actually be
able to grip the contact lens otherwise it’s just gonna slide around and you won’t really have
much of a chance. Now the next big step is being able to control your eyelids. I personality
like to use my non-dominant hand to hold the upper eyelid with my middle finger and then I
actually use the middle finger of my dominant hand to hold the lower eyelid that allows me
to really grip and hold things open so that don’t just instinctively kind of react and close my
eye that also leaves my pointer finger and my thumb free so I can actually grip the lens you
actually want to hold the pads of fingers together and make kind of like this little kissing
tweezer motion that’s actually part of your fingers that you’re going to touch the contact
lenses with and then just because your fingers are so dry eye when you make that little
kissing tweezer motion you’ll actually grab onto the lens and you can easily lifted off the

Now when I’m prepared to take out my contact lenses you can do it looking straight ahead
into something like a mirror I personally look upward just a little bit just because when
you’re gripping the contact lens you can go straight on if you want but I prefer to grab the
lower 1/3 or ½ of the lens because it just tends to kind of flute and grab on a little bit better
one more time you hold the upper eyelid hold the lower eyelid I look slighty up and then
you go ahead and just pinch and the lens comes right off yeah I know I made that look easy
otherwise let me show you this method one more time and then I’m gonna actually show
you another method of how to remove these contacts lenses but first I got to put this lens
back in all right there we go contact lens back in I again I want to show you this I’m gonna
hold my upper eyelid then I’m gonna hold the lower eyelid use my little kissing fingers here
touching the lower 1/3 gripping and remove it I’m just gonna put this back in, so alright now
the next method some people prefer mainly because they don’t like actually seeing anything
come toward their eye so the method is actually taking the contact lens and dragging it over
to the white part of the eye onto the sclera and then they actually still use the same little
pinching motion to grab the contact lens and lift it off so I’m gonna try and do this it’s not
the method that I prefer but again, basically you kind of look away from your fingers drag
the lens (I got it out) but it fell that’s ok if your lens does fall out you’re just gonna have to
rinse it and clean it now, every once in a while even the contact lens veteran will have this
issue where the contact lens could perharps slide and get stuck underneath your upper
eyelid and no it does not feel very good you probably know exactly what I’m talking about
but usually when this happens the best way to do it is honestly just to look straight down
and keeping blinking your eye keep blinking keep blinking oftentimes that process the lid
will grab the lens and slide it down back toward the front of your eye sometimes the lens
will find itself right in the position right on your cornea where it needs to be sometimes the
lens will fold on it and it will just fall out of the eye another method though is that if you
really having a hard time just look down you can sometimes kind of feel it and then you just
have to kind of push on your eyelid with your finger and kind of encourage the lens to kind
of move itself down aother method is that look in the mirror try to see if you can figure out
where it’s at or if maybe one of your friends can actually take a look at it and they can point
out where it’s actually stuck that way you know exactly where to touch on the eyelid and
kind of encourage it downward, I don’t recommend using a q-tip or anything else to try and
fishing it out of the eye that’s something that is best left for a professional to do because
you could end up scratching your eye if you do get your lens stuck in the eye and you cannot
get it out then make sure you contact your local eye care professional because we can
actually see you we can have you in the exam room I can actually put some type of yellow
dye on the eye that we call fluorescence sodium this yellow dye actually gets absorbed into
the contact lens and makes it highlight bright yellow under a blue filter and that way we can
tell exactly where that contact lens is , we can see if you have any sort of scratches or any
sort of abrasion on the surface of the eye and then we can treat I accordingly, now a couple
of safety tips for contact lenses is that these lenses are actually a medical device and
anytime you feel like your eyes are red scratchy yet you’re painful or that your vision starts
to get blurry please take them out and if your vision or your eyes not getting better call your
eye doctor right away please remember you only get two eyes so please take care of them
hopefully you found this video helpful and you’re able to get your contact lenses out on
your own if you continue to have any difficulties removing contact lenses it is best not to
sleep in them unless they are designed for sleeping in otherwise contact your local eye care
professionals so they can help you remove it.
Cara melepas lensa kontak adalah keterampilan yang sangat penting untuk dimiliki oleh
siapa saja yang memakai lensa kontak pada dasarnya karena jika Anda memiliki lensa kontak
pada mata dan jika terjadi suatu kesalahan akan menyebabkan infeksi.

Terkadang lensa didalam mata hilang begitu saja bahkan biasanya terjebak di bawah
kelopak mata, tetapi yakinlah bahwa lensa tidak dapat pergi ke belakang mata secara
fisiologis itu tidak mungkin.

Langkah pertama kali yang harus kalian lakukan pada saat menyentuh atau menangani lensa
kontak adalah pastikan Anda mencuci tangan dengan baik dan benar, pastikan bahwa tidak
ada lagi jenis kotoran atau bakteri yang menempel ditangan Anda. Dan pada saat Anda
selesai cuci tangan pastikan Anda mengeringkan terlebih dahulu tangan Anda menggunakan

Langkah berikutnya adalah mengendalikan kelopak mata Anda. Saya sendiri suka
menggunakan tangan non-dominan saya untuk memegang kelopak mata atas dengan jari
tengah saya, dan kemudian saya menggunakan jari tengah tangan dominan saya untuk
memegang kelopak mata bawah yang memungkinkan saya untuk benar-benar dapat
menahan kelopak mata saya , dan jari telunjuk saya dan jempol saya untuk mengambil
kontak lensa dari mata saya sehingga lensa dengan mudah diambil. Bantalan jari telunjuk
dan jempol saya saling bertemu seperti alat penjepit softlens sehingga dengan mudah
meraih dan mengangkat kontak lensa pada mata.

Sekarang ketika saya siap untuk mengambil lensa kontak saya, Anda dapat melakukannya
dengan menatap lurus ke depan ke sesuatu, kalau saya biasanya menghadap ke cermin.
Saya pribadi melihat ke atas hanya sedikit karena hal tersebut membuat saya mudah
mengambil lensa kontak pada mata saya, tapi saya lebih suka mengambil 1/3 atau ½ lensa
yang lebih rendah karena hanya cenderung agak seruling dan sedikit lebih mudah
mengambilnya. Sekali lagi Anda memegang kelopak mata atas dan memegang kelopak mata
bawah, dan kemudian Anda hanya mencubit lensa kontak tersebut dan membawanya
keluar dari mata Anda.

Langkah terakhir adalah pada saat kalian mengeluarkan lensa kontak dari mata Anda,
pastikan menyimpannya kembali kedalam wadah yang sudah terdapat air softlens, lensa
kontak yang keluar dari mata kanan Anda simpan ketempat softlens bagian kanan juga
(seperti ini) begitupun sebaliknya kontak lensa yang keluar dari mata kiri Anda simpan
ditempat softlens sebelah kiri. Dengan begitu jika ingin menggunakannya kembali softlens
Anda tidak kering dan lebih mudah dipasang.

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