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Nero Angelo

How To Get Hunter Eyes

Facial Attractiveness
May 28, 2023

Introduction :
I get questioned a lot by people reaching out to me on instagram or clients i
have worked with how to achieve a hunter-eyed look or how to change my
eye shape making it more compact and man it's not an easy question to
answer because i'm about to debunk a lot of myths about this eye shape
changing exercises alongside with other methods because i don't want men
out there to waste their time doing these exercises without any results i
care and i would rather have them do other realistic methods that will
actually improve the eyes in general.

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What Gives The Eyes Their Shape :

it comes as no surprise that everyone and their mothers want hunter

because they are rare highly attractive and desirable i think people who
practice these facial exercises genuinely do not know what gives the eyes
their shape and size so for any new viewers who might not know i'm gonna
explain it in a simple manner the eyes are determined by many factors first
of all the eye orbits you know the bone which sockets the eye for people
who have compact to hunt your eyes or not they usually have strong
compact and squared orbits this plays a big role if your orbitals are bigger
rounder and shallower then you are most likely to have prey eyes keep in
mind that there are some people out there with relatively large orbits but
they still have hunter eyes it goes to show you that it's not as simple as it
another big factor that plays a role on how your eye looks is your maxilla if
you have a flat and underdeveloped maxilla then there is no support for the
eye area resulting in scleral show

which can make you look tired all the time so a forwardly grown maxilla is
necessary to provide the support that the eye need and the final factor that
determines what your eyes look like are genetics no-brainer the genetics
will determine the canthal tilt the eye color and the eye shape so it's a mix
of the big three now let's move on to the actual hunter eyes what makes
hunter eye what they are.

What Are Hunter Eyes :

first things first they are deeper set into the skull they don't protrude
there's barely any amounts of upper eyelid showing cause hunter eyes are
hooded they have an extra layer of skin that droops down over the crease
they are vertically wide and horizontally narrow with a positive canthal tilt a
positive canthal tilt occur when the lateral canthus sits higher than the
medial canthus and another thing i noticed is that hunter eyes have a down
turned medial canthus this is the pink part in the corner of your eye closest
to your nose this tilts downwards slightly so now you understand what
determines your eye shape and what hunter eyes are what makes you think
that pinching the skin around your eye massaging it or whatever facial
exercises they are doing is gonna change anything it's not gonna change
the size of the arbitral bone and you're not gonna change the development
of your maxilla by massaging the skin or the muscle of the face around it
again i care for you guys i don't want you wasting your time with this i would
rather you spend it improving other aspects of your appearance.

How To Get Hunter Eyes :

Mewing :
so what can you do realistically to improve the eyes well many people in the
comments section keep mentioning bone smashing to me to improve their
bone structure making it stronger and more protruding and i keep shooting
down their requests every single time because of the risk accompanied with
this method what even is bone smashing you might ask well bone smashing
also known as bone smashing theory is a controversial theory based on the
principle of wolf's law this rule asserts that congenital pressure or repetitive
severe trauma to the bone can result in the formation of a type of a bone
callus that increases the size and density of the bone due to the formation
of microcracks and the regeneration of the bone reasons why i believe this
won't work for the majority of the people because they don't apply enough
consistent strain to their faces to improve bone density that light chapping
you do with the hammer or rock will simply not be enough and if you take it
far and start hammering yourself seriously around the

eye area then you might end up blinding yourself or doing serious damage to
the eyes our hunter is really that important to you to the point where you
are willing to put your gift of sight at risk add to this the risk of screwing up
and ending up with asymmetrical bone densities so this only leaves us with
and ending up with asymmetrical bone densities so this only leaves us with
two viable options you can either stick to mewing or go for plastic surgery so
what is mewing and how to do it while mewing is essentially a simple and
proper tongue posture and body posture this is something that we lost in
our way from a normatic outdoor lifestyle to living in houses allergens such
as dust and mites have impaired our abilities to breathe through our noses
at an early age also the poor posture that is common in today's society
worsens poor tongue posture slouching your head forward to look at the
phone or computer causes your mouth to hang open so all you need to do is
be aware of it and correct your posture the technique is simple strengthen
your back and neck stop hunching close your lips and prevent mouth

keep your teeth touching but do not clench your lower jaw should be
supporting your maxilla next rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth
keep a small gap between the tip of the tongue and your front teeth press
your tongue against the roof of your mouth since the roof of the mouth is
curved you won't be able to get your tongue completely flat so just contour
it to cover as much surface area as possible of the roof of your mouth you
can contract your muscles under your chin to help force your tongue onto
the roof of your mouth always try to rest your tongue in this position make
sure to keep your match closed and breathe through your nose as you press
your tongue against the roof of your mouth and have your teeth touching
this exerts a constant force on your maxilla this force pushes the maxilla up
and helps create more eye support focus more on the back third of your
tongue as this will have a direct impact on your orbital bone but don't forget
to have consistent coverage of your whole mouth changing the shape of a
bone can't happen overnight years of consistent dedication to mewing is
one of the few things that can help you improve your eye area.

Surgery :
so let's say you don't want to spend years committing to mewing well your
next option will be plastic surgery and when it comes to plastic surgery you
have to figure out first which weaknesses does your eyes have for example
excessive scleral show resulting in droopy eyes or excessive amounts of
upper eyelid exposure making you look sleepy or you have round eyes and
you are not satisfied with them there are many surgeries that fixes many
issues and i found that almond eye surgery is probably the best option
almond eye surgery is a set of different surgeries performed together
typically it involves canthoplasty ptosis repair and lower eyelid retraction
but then again this is at the discretion of the surgeon the results of almond
eye surgery are generally remarkable as we can see from the before and
after here it fixes drooping of the upper eyelids sagging of the lower eyelid
and canthal tilt all combined but just to let you know the surgery won't
result in you having deeper set eyes if you have a flat bridge then you can
get a broad ridge filler this might help with giving the illusion of deeper set
eyes anyways i'm not your plastic surgeon if you are serious about
considering surgery then contact a professional because it's a serious
decision and i don't recommend you waste your time doing eye exercises at
least that is my opinion.
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