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Cambridge for IELTS 8

A. Test 1

A. Air traffic control in the USA (24/07)

Revising vocabulary
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Date 08/08 09/08 10/08 12/08 19/08 02/09

Air traffic control in the USA

1 Result in (v) /rɪˈzʌlt/ - to make something happen
Eg: the heavy frost could result in loss of crop.
2 Loss (n) /lɒs/ - the state of no longer having something or as
much of something; the process that leads to this
3 Lose (v) /luːz/ - to have something/somebody taken away from
you, especially as a result of an accident, dying,
Eg: she lost a leg in a car crash
- loser (n)
4 The FAA - the Federal Aviation Administration ( cục hàng
không liên bang)
- the US government organization that controls air
transport. This includes air traffic, aircraft safety
and noise, and standards for pilots and airports.
The FAA is part of the US Department of
Transportation. It was established in 1958.

5 Regulate (v) /ˈreɡjuleɪt/ - to control an activity or process by rules or a

6 Regulation (a/n) /ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/ - (a) that must be worn or used according to the
official rules
Eg: in regulation uniform
- (n) an official rule made by a government or
some other authority
- strict/ harsh/safety regulation; against
- under the regulation: Under the new
regulations, spending on office equipment will be
strictly controlled( Theo quy định mới về chi tiêu
cho thiết bị văn phòng…)

7 Oversee (v) -to watch or organize a job or an activity to make

= Supervise (v) certain that it is being done correctly:
Eg: As a marketing manager, her job is to oversee
all the company's advertising.
8 Operation (n) /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ - medical: the process of cutting open a part of a
person’s body in order to remove or repair a
damaged part.
- organized activity
9 Congested (a) /kənˈdʒestɪd/ - congested (with something) crowded; full of
Congestion (n) traffic
Eg: congested city streets
- (medical) (of a part of the body) blocked with
blood or mucus.
-(n) the state of being crowded and full of traffic
Eg: traffic congestion and pollution
10 Procedure (n) /prəˈsiːdʒə(r)/ - an order or method of doing something:
- normal/standard/the proper procedure
- emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures
- an established or official way of doing
Eg: the police are now reviewing procedures
11 Rudimentary (a) ˌruːdɪˈmentri/ = basic ( thô sơ )
Manually (adv) /ˈmæn.ju.ə.li/ -by hand
12 Eg: A few of the machines are operated manually.
Manual jobs
13 Guide (n/v) /ɡaɪd/ - show the way
14 Beacon (n) /ˈbiːkən/ - a light that is placed somewhere to guide
vehicles and warn them of danger
Eg: a navigation beacon
15 Vicinity (n) /vəˈsɪnəti/ - the area around a particular place ( vùng lân
cận )
16 Cross-country route - tuyến đường xuyên quốc gia
17 Pure (a) /pjʊə(r)/ - not mixed Eg: These shirts are 100% pure
- clean Eg: this T-shirt is 100% cotton
- complete and total Eg: They met by pure
18 Come into - (money) If someone comes into money,
property, or a title, they receive it as a result of the
death of a relation.
Eg: She came into a bit of money when her
grandfather died.
- (INFLUENCE) If a particular emotion or quality
comes into a situation, it influences that situation:
Eg: She married for money - love didn't come into
19 Region (n) /ˈriːdʒən/
20 Metropolitan (a) /ˌmet.rəˈpɒl.ɪ.tən/ - relating to large city
Eg: metropolitan areas: khu vực đô thị.
21 Radar (n) /ˈreɪdɑː(r)/
22 Remain (v) - to stay in the same place or in the same
remain silent, remain calm/confident
- to continue to exist when other parts or other
things no longer exist:
Eg: After the flood, nothing remained of the
23 Full-scale (a) - that is as complete and careful as possible.
Eg: a full-scale attack/ regulation
24 Fortuitous (a) /fɔːˈtjuːɪtəs/ -happening by chance, especially a lucky chance
that brings a good result
Eg: His success depended on a fortuitous
combination /ˌkɑːmbɪˈneɪʃn/ of circumstances.
25 Advent (n) /ˈædvent/ - the beginning of an event, the invention of
something, or the arrival of a person
26 Jet (n) - a jet plane: máy bay phản lực, jet engine
- a thin stream of something, such as water or gas,
that is forced out of a small hole:
Eg: She turned on the hose and a jet of water
sprayed across the yard.
27 Margin of error /ˌmɑːrdʒɪn əv ˈerər/ - an amount that you allow when you calculate
something, for the possibility that a number is not
completely accurate /ˈækjərət/
Eg: The survey has a margin of error of 2.5
- margin (n) the empty space to the side of the text
on a page, sometimes separated from the rest of
the page by a vertical line.
28 Row (n) /rəʊ/ - a number of people standing or sitting next to
each other in a line; a number of objects arranged
in a line
Eg: A row of somebody/something There is a
row of trees in front of the house.
29 Depart (v) /dɪˈpɑːt/ Eg: arriving and departing traffic.
30 Incomplete (a) /ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt/
31 Accommodate (v) - accommodate somebody to provide somebody
with a room or place to sleep, live or sit
Eg: The aircraft is capable of accommodating 28
32 Meet this challenge

33 Blanket (v) /ˈblæŋkɪt/ - blanket something to cover something

completely with a thick layer
Eg: the entire country is blanketed by controlled
34 Bound (v) /baʊnd/ - to form the edge or limit of an area
be bounded by something The field was
bounded on the left by a wood.
35 Elsewhere
36 Recreational (a) /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/ - connected with activities that people do for
pleasure when they are not working
recreational activities/facilities
Eg: a recreation pilot who simply wishes to go
flying for a while
38 Impose (v) Eg: impose /rɪˈstrɪkʃn/ restriction/ rule/
= introduce ..
39 Meteorological (a) /ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ - relating to weather conditions
- meteorological conditions/data
40 Reliance (n) = Dependence
41 Cue (n) /kjuː/ - cue card/ visual cues
42 Visibility (n) /ˌvɪz.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ - how clearly objects can be seen, or how far you
can see clearly, usually because of the weather
- good/poor/bad/zero visibility
Eg: Visibility was down to about 100 meters in
the fog.
43 Necessitate (v) /nəˈsesɪteɪt/
44 Altitude (n) /ˈæltɪtjuːd/ - the height above sea level
at an altitude of something We are flying at an
altitude of 6 000 meters.
45 Navigational - thông tin hàng hải.
46 accommodate (n) accommodation
47 Possess (v) /pəˈzes/ - possess something (formal) to have or own
Eg: I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.
- possess something (formal) to have a particular
quality or feature
Eg: I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humor
- possess somebody (literary) (of a feeling, an
emotion, etc.) to have a powerful effect on
somebody and control the way that they think,
behave, etc.
Eg: A terrible fear possessed her.
- possess somebody to do something
(used in negative sentences and questions)
to make somebody do something that seems
strange or unreasonable
Eg; What possessed him to say such a thing?
48 Instrument (n) /ˈɪn.strə.mənt/
49 Alphabet (n) /ˈæl.fə.bet/
50 Division (n) - the process or result of dividing into separate
parts; the process or result of dividing something
or sharing it out.
-The organism begins as a single cell and grows
by cell division.
division of something We need to ensure a fair
division of time and resources.
division (of something) between A and B the
division of labour between the sexes
51 Stem from (phrasal) /stem/ -to be the result of something
Eg: Most people’s insecurities /ˌɪnsɪ
ˈkjʊərəti/ stem from something that
happened in their childhood.

52 Aviation (n) /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/ - the designing, building and flying of

- civil/military aviation
- the aviation business/industry
- aviation aircraft
53 Instrumentation (n) /ˌɪnstrəmenˈteɪʃn/ - the particular combination of musical
instruments that are used to play a piece of
Eg: the standard pop instrumentation of two
guitars, bass and drums
- the set of instruments that are used to
operate a machine.
Eg: the aircraft’s instrumentation ( thiết bị
đo đạc của máy bay)
54 Govern (v) - govern (something) to legally control a
country or its people and be responsible for
introducing new laws, organizing public
services, etc.
Eg: The country is governed by elected
representatives of the people. ( đại biểu
dân cử)
- govern something to control or influence
somebody/something or how something
happens, functions, etc.
We need changes in the law governing
school attendance.
55 Municipal (a) /mjuːˈnɪsɪpl/ - connected with or belonging to a town,
city, or district that has its own local
-municipal elections/councils
-municipal workers
56 Rigorous (a) /ˈrɪɡərəs/ - done carefully and with a lot of attention
to detail= thorough / /ˈθɜːrəʊ/
- demanding that particular rules, processes,
etc. are strictly followed =strict
Eg: The work failed to meet its rigorous
57 Explicit (a) /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/ - (of a statement or piece of writing) clear
and easy to understand, so that you have no
doubt what is meant
Eg: He gave me very explicit directions on
how to get there.
Eg: The reasons for the decision should be
made explicit.
58 Cruise (n) /kruːz/ - a journey by sea, visiting different places,
especially as a holiday
59 Clearance (n) /ˈklɪərəns/ - the process of removing things that are not
forest clearances
slum clearance (= the process of removing
houses that are in very bad condition in an
area of a town) ( giải tỏa khu ổ chuột)
60 Prompt (v) /prɒmpt/ - to make somebody decide to do
Persuade (v) /pə something; to cause something to happen=
ˈsweɪd/ provoke /prəˈvəʊk/
Eg: prompt somebody to do something
The thought of her daughter's wedding day
prompted her to lose some weight.
61 Oversimplify (v) Đơn giản hóa.
62 Category (n) /ˈkætəɡəri/ - a group of people or things with particular
features in common= class
-in a category, He competed in the
youngest age category. ( hạng mục)
Catalog (n)
63 Calculate (v) /ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/ - to judge the number or amount of
something by using the information that you
already have, and adding, taking away,
multiplying, or dividing numbers.
64 Assure (v) /əˈʃʊə(r)/ - to tell somebody that something is
definitely true or is definitely going to
happen, especially when they have doubts
about it
B. A chronicle of timekeeping.
Revising vocabulary
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Date 08/08 09/08 10/09 12/09 19/08 02/09

0 Chronicle (n) /ˈkrɒnɪkl/ - a written record of events in the order in

which they happened

1 Archaeological (adj) /ˌɑːkiəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ Archaeological evidence

Archaeologist (n) /ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒɪst/
2 Empire (n) /ˈempaɪə(r)/ - a group of countries or states that are
controlled by one leader or government
Eg: These invasions almost led to the collapse
of the Roman Empire. ( đế chế La Mã)
3 Coordinate (v) /kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt/ - to make many different things work
effectively as a whole
Eg: coordinate something They appointed a
new manager to coordinate the work of the
We need to develop a coordinated approach to
the problem.
4 Communal (adj) /kəˈmjuː.nəl/ - belonging to or used by a group of people
rather than one single person.
- communal facilities/food/property
- communal activities
5 Shipment (n) - goods transported together, or the act of
transporting them
Eg: the shipment of urgent medical supplies is
expected to arrive very soon.
6 Plant (n/v) /plɑːnt/ Regulate planting and harvesting.
7 Axis (n) /ˈæksiːz/ - an imaginary line through the center of an
object, around which the object turns ( trục
tưởng tượng )
Eg: they based their calendars on three natural
cycles: the solar day, marked by the
successive periods of light and darkness as the
earth rotates on its axis…
8 Centre= center
9 Lunar (adj) /ˈluːnə(r)/ - connected with the moon
Lunar year >< solar year
10 Orbit (n) /ˈɔː.bɪt/ - quỹ đạo
11 Revolution (n) - a complete circular movement around a
Eg: the disk rotates at up to 500 revolutions
per minute.
- cuộc cách mạng, cuôc trỗi dậy.
12 Accompany (v) /əˈkʌm.pə.ni/ - to show someone how to get to somewhere:
Would you like me to accompany you to your
- to go with someone or to be provided or
exist at the same time as something
13 Artificial (a) Artificial light = man- made light
14 Equator (n) /ɪˈkweɪ.tər/ - đường xích đạo
15 Wane (v) /weɪn/ - to become weaker in strength or influence
( tàn lụi, hết thời)
By the late 70s, the band’s popularity was
beginning to wane.
16 Conspicuous (adj) /kənˈspɪkjuəs/ - easy to see or notice; likely to attract
Eg: Mary's red hair always made her
conspicuous at school
Eg: And for those living near the equator, its
waxing and waning were more conspicuous
than the passing of the seasons.
17 Latitude (n) - Vĩ độ
Longtitude (n) - kinh độ
18 Clime (n) - a place where the weather is different in a
particular way ( vùng khí hậu )
19 Climate (n) = weather
20 Seasonal (a) Eg: where seasonal agriculture was
practiced, the solar year became more crucial.
21 Formulate (v) - to create or prepare something carefully,
giving particular attention to the details
Eg: The compost is specially formulated for
pot plants. ( hình thành)
22 Municipal (a) /mjuːˈnɪsɪpl/ - connected with or belonging to a town, city,
or district that has its own local government
Eg: municipal elections/councils
23 Span (v) /spæn/ - to last all through a period of time or to
cover the whole of it
Eg: His acting career spanned 55 years.
24 Cosmic (a) - very great and important
- connected with the whole universe.
25 Interval (n) /ˈɪntəvl/ - a period of time between two events
26 Temporal (a) - connected with or limited by time.
Eg: Temporal hours
27 Duration (n) - time something happens, from_its beginning
to the end.
Eg: the duration varies.
28 Equinox (n) /ˈek.wɪ.nɒks/ - either of the two occasions in the year when
the centre of the sun is directly above the
Equator and day and night are approximately
equal in length
- the vernal equinox = the spring equinox
- the autumn equinox ( ngày thu phân ).
29 Adopt (v) /əˈdɒpt/ - (child) to take somebody else’s child into
your family and become its legal parent(s)
Eg: a campaign to encourage childless couples
to adopt
- adopt something to start to use a particular
method or to show a particular attitude
towards somebody/something
Eg: all three teams adopted different
approaches to the problem ( áp dụng )
30 Disseminate (v) /dɪˈsemɪneɪt/ - disseminate something to spread
information, knowledge, etc. so that it reaches
many people
Eg: the Romans disseminated the temporal
hours throughout Europe. (người La Mã đã
phổ biến các giờ thời gian trên khắp châu Âu.)
31 Track (v) - to find somebody/something by following
the marks, signs, information, etc., that they
have left behind them
Eg: track somebody/something hunters
tracking and shooting bears
32 Sundial (n) /ˈsʌndaɪəl/ - đồng hồ mặt trời

33 Basin (n)= sink /ˈbeɪsn/

34 Denote (v)
= represent (v)
Or = indicate
35 Dip (n/v) - to put something into a liquid for a short
time ( nhúng, chần )
Eg: Dip the fish in batter /ˈbætə(r)/ then drop
it into the hot oil.
36 Inscribe (v) on /ɪnˈskraɪb/ - to write words in a book or carve (= cut)
them on an object:
Eg: The prize winners each receive a book
with their names inscribed on the first page.
37 Mechanical (a) /məˈkæn.ɪ.kəl/ - operated by a machine, or connected with
machines or their parts
Eg: mechanical device, mechanical clock
( đồng hồ cơ học ).
38 Adjust (v) /əˈdʒʌst/ - to change something slightly to make it more
suitable for a new set of conditions or to make
it work better
Eg: the advent of the mechanical clock meant
that it could be adjusted to maintain temporal
39 Arose the question of - nảy sinh câu hỏi về…
40 Evolve from (v) st into /ɪˈvɒlv/ - to develop gradually, especially from a
st simple to a more complicated form; to
develop something in this way.
- evolve (from something) (into something)
The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered
in the attic.
- to develop over time, often many
generations, into forms that are better adapted
to survive changes in their environment
Eg: The dolphin has evolved a highly
developed jaw.
41 Scheme (n) /skiːm/ - a plan or system for doing or organizing
scheme for doing something a local scheme
for recycling newspapers ( chương trình)
- scheme to do something to
introduce/operate a scheme to improve links
between schools and industry ( kế hoạch)
- under a scheme
-introduce/launch/run a scheme
42 Supersede (v) /ˌsuːpəˈsiːd/ - to take the place of something/somebody
that is considered to be old-fashioned or no
longer the best available
be superseded (by something) The theory
has been superseded by more recent research.
43 Commence (v) /kəˈmens/ - to happening, to beginning= start.
- commence with something The day
commenced with a welcome from the
- The company commenced operations in
44 Timekeeper - Idioms
be a good/bad timekeeper
to be regularly on time/late for work
45 Revolutionary (adj ) /ˌrevəˈluːʃənəri/ - connected with political revolution
Eg: a revolutionary leader
- involving a great or complete change
Eg: a revolutionary idea
46 Motive (n/a) - (n) motive (for something) a reason for
doing something
Eg: There seemed to be no motive for the
- (a) causing movement or action
- motive power/force (=
the energy (in the form of steam, electricity,
etc.) used to drive machinery. For example,
electricity to operate machinery)

47 Gear (n) /ɡɪə(r)/ - bánh răng cưa ( in vehical ).

Eg: gear wheel.
48 Coiled spring - lò xo
49 Pendulum (n) /ˈpendʒələm/ Con lắc ( trong đồng hồ)
Pendulum clock
50 Swing ( singular ) - cái xích đu
Swung ( plural ) - con lắc đồ hồ
51 Variation (n) /ˌveəriˈeɪʃn/ - variation (in/of something) a change,
especially in the amount or level of
Eg: Currency exchange rates ( tỉ giá hối đoái
)are always subject to variation.
- a thing that is different from other things in
the same general group
52 Anchor (n) /ˈæŋkə(r)/ - cái mỏ leo ( thuyền )
53 Precise (a) /prɪˈsaɪs/ = exact
- clear and accurate
Precision (n) /prɪˈsɪʒn/ = accuracy
54 Arc (n) /ɑːk/ - hình cung

55 Beam (n) /biːm/ - a line of light, electromagnetic waves or

 narrow beams of light/sunlight
 the beam of a torch/flashlight
 a laser/electron beam
56 Beam(v) (ST) at SB /biːm/ - to have a big happy smile on your face
 beam (at somebody) He beamed at the
journalists. ( cười rạng rỡ )
 beam (with something) She was
positively beaming with pleasure.
 beam something (at somebody) The
barman beamed a warm smile at her.
 His broad face beamed a hearty
57 Stock-trading
58 Satellite (n) /ˈsætəlaɪt/ - vệ tinh
59 Nationwide (adj) /ˌneɪ.ʃənˈwaɪd/ - trên toàn quốc
60 Grid (n) - lưới
Eg: cattle grid = metal grid
Eg: nationwide power-distribution grids
( mạng lưới điện trên toàn quốc )
61 Recognise (v) = acknowledge
62 Demonstrate (v) /ˈdemənstreɪt/ - to show something clearly by giving proof
or evidence
Eg: demonstrate that… New research
convincingly demonstrates that age-related
memory loss is not inevitable.
C. Telepathy

Revising vocabulary
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Date 12/08

1 Telepathy (n) /təˈlepəθi/ - the direct communication of thoughts or feelings

from one person to another without using speech,
writing, or any other normal method ( thần giao
cách cảm).
2 Spark (v) /spɑːk/ - to cause something to start or develop, especially
Eg: The proposal would spark a storm of protest
around the country.
3 Bitter (a) /ˈbɪtər/ - having a strong, unpleasant taste; not sweet
Eg: Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
- very serious and unpleasant, with a lot of anger
and hate involved
a long and bitter dispute
4 Parapsychology (n) /ˌpærəsaɪˈkɒlədʒi/ - the study of mental powers that seem to exist but
Parapsychologist that cannot be explained by scientific knowledge
(tâm ly học).
5 Institute (n) /ˈɪnstɪtuːt/ - an organization that has a particular purpose,
especially one that is connected with education or
a particular profession; the building used by this
Eg: The report was compiled by Germany's five
leading economic research institutes.
6 Derision (n) /dɪˈrɪʒn/ - sự chế nhạo
7 Sceptical (a)
= skeptical (a)
8 Rigorous (a) /ˈrɪɡərəs/ = thorough
9 Implication (n) /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn/ - a possible effect or result of an action or a
Eg: They failed to consider the wider implications
of their actions. ( tác động)
EG: Now they realized the full implications of the
new system. ( ý nghĩa)
10 Constitute (v) /ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt/ - Climate change constitutes a major threat to
life. ( post)
11 Genuine (a) /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ = authentic
12 Brink (n) /brɪŋk/ - the brink (of something) if you are on the brink
of something, you are almost in a very new,
dangerous, or exciting situation.
= on the edge of
- on the brink of collapse/war/death/disaster
13 Collapse (v) /kəˈlæps/ - to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after
breaking apart
SYNONYM give way
Eg: The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
14 Definitive (a) /dɪˈfɪnətɪv/ - final; not able to be changed.
Eg: a definitive agreement/answer/statement
The definitive version of the text is ready to be
- considered to be the best of its kind and almost
impossible to improve
Eg: definitive scientific proof
15 Advocate (n) /ˈædvəkət/ ANTONYM: skeptic
16 Alike (adv) - in a very similar way
Eg: They tried to treat all their children alike.
- used after you have referred to two people or
groups, to mean ‘both’ or ‘equally’
Eg: Good management benefits employers and
employees alike.
You benefited me and I alike.
17 Concur (v) /kənˈkɜːr/ - to agree
concur (with somebody) (in something)
Historians have concurred with each other in this
18 Field (n) /fiːld/ - cánh đồng
Eg: in a field We camped in a field near the
- an area of land used for the purpose mentioned
a landing field
- In sport: an area of land used for playing a sport
a football/soccer/sports field.
- subject/ activity: a particular subject or activity
that somebody works in or is interested in
SYNONYM area (4)
Eg: Child development is such an interesting

B. Test 2:
A. Sheet glass manufacture: the float process
Revising vocabulary
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Date 08/08 09/08 10/08 12/09 18/08 20/08 02/09

- Alistair Pilkington: the inventor who introduced flat glass.

1 Sheet (n) /ʃiːt/ - B1: a flat thin piece of any material, normally
square or rectangular
- sheet of something a sheet of
sheet metal (= metal that has been made into
thin sheets) sheet glass
2 Process (n) /ˈprɑːses/
3 Float (v) /fləʊt/ - to stay on or near the surface of a liquid and
not sink
 Wood floats.
 Much of the bay is covered by floating
sea ice.
4 Mesopotamian - người Lưỡng Hà.
5 Egyptian (n/a) /iˈdʒɪpʃn/ - (a person) from Egypt ( Người Ai Cập)
6 Ash (n) - the grey or black powder that is left after
something, especially tobacco, wood or coal, has
- tobacco ash, black volcanic ash
- the powder that is left after a dead person’s
body has been cremated (= burned)
7 Lime (n) /laɪm/ - a white substance obtained by heating
limestone, used in building materials and to help
plants grow
She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
8 °C Degree Celsius
9 Molten (adj) /ˈməʊltən/ - (of metal, rock or glass) heated to a very high
temperature so that it becomes liquid
- molten lead ( chì nóng chảy)
10 Mountain (n) /ˈmaʊntən/
11 Harden (v) /ˈhɑːrdn/ - to become or make something become solid
Hard (a) Eg: Leave the icing to harden in the fridge.
Eg; When the paint /peɪnt/ has hardened
thoroughly, you can apply the next coat.
12 Unblemished /ʌnˈblemɪʃt/ - not spoiled, damaged or marked in any way
Eg: He had an unblemished reputation.
- without any marks that spoil its appearance:
Eg: Her complexion is flawless, her skin
unblemished. ( không tỳ vết )
13 Labour (n) /ˈleɪbə(r)/ - [uncountable] work, especially physical work
Labor (n) manual labour (= work using your hands)
Label (n) /ˈleɪbl/
14 Intensive (a) - complete and extremely detailed; done with a
lot of care
Eg: His disappearance has been the subject of
intensive investigation.
- involving a lot of effort or activity in a short
period of time:
Eg: two weeks of intensive training
15 Nevertheless /ˌnevərðəˈles/ - despite something that you have just mentioned
= nonetheless
16 Ribbon (n) /ˈrɪbən/ - cái ruy băng
17 Squeeze (v) /skwiːz/ - squeeze (something) to press something,
especially with your fingers
Eg: to squeeze a tube of toothpaste
Eg: to squeeze the trigger of a gun (= to fire it)
18 Roller (n) - trục lăn
- roller coaster : tàu lượn siêu tốc
19 Virtual (a)
20 Virtually (adv) /ˈvɜːrtʃuəli/ - almost or very nearly, so that any slight
difference is not important
Eg: to be virtually impossible
Eg: This year's results are virtually the same as
last year's. = nearly
- by the use of computer software that makes
something appear to exist; using virtual reality
21 Rub (v) /rʌb/ - to move your hand, a cloth, etc., backward and
forwards over a surface while pressing it
22 Tinted (adj) /ˈtɪntɪd/ - having a small amount of color added
Eg: tinted glasses ( kính màu)
23 Tin (n) - Thiếc (metal)
24 Horizontal (a) /ˌhɔːrɪˈzɑːntl/ - flat and level; going across and parallel to the
ground rather than going up and down
25 Pour (v) onto /pɔː(r)/ - when pouring molten glass onto the molten tin,
the underside of the glass would also be perfectly
26 Millimeter /ˈmɪlimiːtər/ mm
27 Tension (n) - [uncountable, countable, usually plural] a
situation in which people do not trust each other,
or feel unfriendly towards each other, and that
may cause them to attack each other
- international/racial /ˈreɪʃl/ /political tensions
Tension between A and B
Eg: surface tension interactions between the
glass and the tin
28 Coincidence (n) /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ - the fact of two things happening at the same
time by chance, in a surprising way
a strange/an extraordinary/a remarkable
29 Convince (v) /kənˈvɪns/ - make somebody/yourself believe that
something is true
- to try/manage/fail to convince
She has managed to convince even the sceptics.
- convince somebody to do something to
persuade somebody to do something
Eg: I've been trying to convince him to see a
30 Usable (a)
31 Marketable (a) /ˈmɑːkɪtəbl/ - easy to sell; attractive to customers or
- marketable products/skills/qualifications
32 Optical (a) /ˈɑːptɪkl/ - connected with the sense of sight or the
/ˈɒptɪkl/ relationship between light and sight
- optical effects (hiệu ứng quang học)
- used to help you see something more clearly
 optical aids
 optical instruments such as
microscopes and telescopes
33 Furnace (n) /ˈfɜːnɪs/ - a space surrounded on all sides by walls and a
roof for heating metal or glass to very high
Eg: It likes a furnace (= very hot) in here!
34 Coat (v) - to cover something with a layer of a substance
Eg: The cookies were thickly coated with
35 Relieve (v) - relieve something to remove or reduce an
unpleasant feeling or pain
to relieve the symptoms of a cold
to relieve anxiety/guilt/stress
36 Principal (a) /ˈprɪnsəpl/ - most important; main
Eg: The principal reason for this omission is lack
of time.
37 Principal (n) /ˈprɪnsəpl/ - the person who is in charge of a college or (in
Scotland and Canada) a university= dean
38 Principle (n) /ˈprɪnsəpl/ - a moral rule or a strong belief that influences
your actions
Eg: He has high moral principles.
 Eg: Stick to your principles and tell him
you won't do it.
  against your principles I refuse to lie
about it; it's against my principles.
  on principle He doesn't invest in the
arms industry on principle.

39 Homophone (n) /ˈhɑːməfəʊn/ -a word that is pronounced like another word but
/ˈhəʊməfəʊn/ has a different spelling or meaning, for example
plain, plane /pleɪn/
- từ đồng âm.
40 Mar (v) /mɑː(r)/ - to damage something or make something less
good or successful
SYNONYM blight, ruin
Eg: The game was marred by the behaviour of
drunken fans.
41 Bubble (n) /ˈbʌbl/ - a ball of air or gas in a liquid, or a ball of air
inside a solid substance such as glass.
Eg: He blew bubbles into the water through a
Purple (n)
42 Inspection (n) /ɪnˈspekʃn/ - the act of looking closely at
something/somebody, especially to check that
everything is as it should be
SYNONYM examination.
Eg: Engineers carried out a thorough /ˈθɜːrəʊ/
inspection of the track.
- an official visit to a school, factory, etc. in
order to check that rules are being obeyed and
that standards are acceptable
Eg: Regular inspections are carried out at the
43 Upstream (adv) - along a river, in the opposite direction to the
way in which the water flows

44 Downstream
45 Unaided (a) /ʌnˈeɪdɪd/ - without help from anyone or anything
Eg: unaided eye ( mắt thường)

46 Steer (v) /stɪr/ - steer (something/somebody) (+ adv./prep.) to

control the direction in which a boat, car, etc.
moves ( chỉ đạo, lèo lái)
Eg: He steered the boat into the harbour.
47 Square meter

B. The meaning and power of smell.

Revising vocabulary
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Date 13/08 15/08 18/08 20/08 21/08 02/09

1 Olfaction (n) /ɒlˈfæk.ʃən/ The sense of smell ( khứu giác)

Olfactory (adj)
2 Odour/odor (n) /ˈəʊdər/ - smell, especially one that is unpleasant
Odourless (a) - body odour
không mùi
3 Aroma (n) /əˈrəʊmə/ - a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
Eg: the aroma of fresh coffee
4 Consciously (adv) /ˈkɒnʃəsli/ - in a way that shows that you are aware of
something or noticing something. ( có ý thức, nhận
Eg: Sound has more profound effects on us than
we consciously realize.
- in a way that is deliberate or careful.
Eg: consciously or unconsciously, you made a
choice. ( có ý thức hay vô thức)
5 Faculty (n) /ˈfæklti/ - a department or group of related departments in a
college or university
Eg: the Faculty of Law ( khoa)
- any of the physical or mental abilities that a
person is born with
the faculty of sight
She retained her mental faculties (= the ability to
think and understand) until the day she died.
to be in full possession of your faculties (= be
able to speak, hear, see, understand, etc.)
intellectual/critical/artistic faculties
6 Impair (v) /ɪmˈper/ = damage
7 Sense of well-
8 Evoke (v) ɪˈvəʊk/ - evoke something to bring a feeling, a memory or
an image into your mind= activate ( memory)
Eg: The music evoked memories of her youth.
9 Scent (n) /sent/ - the pleasant smell that something has
Eg: The air was filled with the scent of wild
10 Rush (n) /rʌʃ/ - (fast movement) [singular] a sudden strong
movement or action.
rush for something Shoppers made a rush for the
in the rush to do something
rush of st
11 Foul (a) faʊl/ - dirty and smelling bad ( hôi)
foul air/breath/odour
12 Grimace (v) /ˈɡrɪməs/ - grimace (at somebody/something) to make an
Grimace (n) /ɡrɪˈmeɪs/ ugly expression with your face to show pain,
dislike, etc.
Eg: He grimaced at the bitter taste.
Grimace with disgust
13 Fragrance (n) /ˈfreɪɡrəns/ - a pleasant smell
Eg: The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
14 Fragrant (adj) /ˈfreɪɡrənt/
Pregnant (a) /ˈpreɡnənt/
15 Sensation (n) /senˈseɪʃn/ - a feeling that you get when something affects
your body
Eg: a tingling/burning sensation
17 Bone (n) /bəʊn/
18 Bond (v/n) /bɒnd/ - develop relationship
[intransitive, transitive] bond (with somebody) to
develop or create a relationship of trust with
Eg: Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to
bond with their children.
Social bonding
19 Respondent (n) /rɪˈspɒndənt/ - a person who answers questions, especially in a
Eg: 60 percent of the respondents agreed with the
20 Infant (n) - very young child or baby ( 1-12 months old)
21 Spouse (n) /spaʊs/, /spaʊz/ - a husband or wife
Fill in your spouse’s name here.
22 Distinguish (v) /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ - to recognize the difference between two people
or things.
SYNONYM differentiate /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/
distinguish between A and B At what age are
children able to distinguish between right and
distinguish A from B It was hard to distinguish
one twin from the other.
23 Register (v) /ˈredʒɪstə(r)/ - to put information, especially your name, into an
official list or record ( ghi danh, đăng ký)
Eg:I registered the car in my name.
Eg: with expensive properties such as car or
house, their owners have to register them in their
- how feeling
[transitive, no passive, intransitive] register
(something) (formal) to show or express a feeling
Eg: Her face registered disapproval. (biểu lộ)
24 Sensory (a) /ˈsensəri/ - connected with your physical senses
sensory organs
25 Comparison (n)
26 Feeble (a) /ˈfiːbl/ - very weak
He looked feeble and confused.
- not effective; not showing energy or effort
a feeble argument/excuse/joke
She made a feeble attempt to explain what had
27 Acute (a) /əˈkjuːt/ - very serious or severe/ səˈvir/
Eg: There is an acute shortage of water.
acute pain
the world’s acute environmental problems
- an acute illness is one that has quickly become
severe and dangerous
acute appendicitis
OPPOSITE chronic >< acute disease ( bệnh cấp
tính: Bệnh cấp tính dùng để chỉ những bệnh khởi
phát đột ngột, xảy ra trong một khoảng thời gian
giới hạn và thường nặng.)
28 Perceive (v) /pəˈsiːv/ - to understand or think of somebody/something in
a particular way
perceive somebody/something/yourself (as
something) This discovery was perceived as a
major breakthrough.
Eg: I do not perceive myself as an expert.
- to notice or become aware of something
perceive something I perceived a change in his
behavior. ( nhận thức, nhận thấy)
29 Elusive (a) - difficult to find, define or achieve
Eg: Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be
Eg: elusive phenomenon ( khó nắm bắt)
Elusive women
30 Make do with st idiom - make do (with something)
to manage with something that is not really good
Eg: We were in a hurry so we had to make do with
a quick snack.
31 Recollection (n) /ˌrekəˈlekʃn/ - the ability to remember something; the act of
remembering something
SYNONYM memory
- recollection (of doing something) I have no
recollection of meeting her before.
- recollection (of something) My recollection of
events differs from his.
- to have a clear/vivid/dim/vague recollection of
32 Implication (n) /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn/ - a possible effect or result of an action or a
Eg: They failed to consider the wider implications
of their actions.
implication (of something) for something The
development of the site will have implications for
the surrounding countryside.
33 Realm (n) /relm/ = kingdom
Eg: in the realm of olfaction.
34 Nature (n) /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ - character
[countable, uncountable] the usual way that a
person or an animal behaves that is part of their
character ( bản chất)
by nature She is very sensitive by nature.
it is not in somebody's nature to do something
It's not in his nature to be unkind.
Physical scientific nature.
35 Component (n) /kəmˈpəʊnənt/ - one of several parts of which something is made
( thành phần ).
Eg: Our software is becoming a standard
component of many computer systems.
- an essential/important component of
a major/principal/critical component of

36 Inevitably (adv) /ɪnˈevɪtəbli/ - as is certain to happen.

- as you would expect
Inevitably, it rained on the day of the wedding.
( đúng như dự đoán, không thể tránh khỏi).
37 Offensive (a) - rude in a way that causes somebody to feel upset
or annoyed because it shows a lack of respect
Eg: His comments were deeply offensive to a
large number of single mothers.
38 Intimate (a) /ˈɪntɪmət/ - very close
an intimate connection between class and
educational success
39 linguistic (a) lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ - connected with language or the scientific study
of language
linguistic and cultural barriers
certain linguistic groups.

Revising vocabulary
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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