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Track 28

1. studio flat (n) = studio apartment:

- a small flat/apartment with one main room for living and sleeping in,
and usually a kitchen and a bathroom.

2. jot down (phrasal verb):

- to write sth quickly.
- SYN: make a note of sth, take note of sth
- Ex: I’ll jot down the address for you.

3. feature /ɑfiətʃər/ (n):

- sth important, interesting or typical of a place or thing.
- Ex: The most distinctive feature of the dinosaurs was their size.

4. energetic /ɕenərɑdȢetǺk/ (adj.):

- having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
- Ex: an energetic man.

5. terrace /ɑterəs/ (n):

- a flat outdoor area next to a building or on a roof, where you can sit
outside to eat, relax etc and enjoy the sun.
6. balcony /ɑbælkəni/ (n):
- a structure that you can stand on, that is attached to the outside wall of
a building, above ground level.

7. barbecue /ɑbɑərbǺkjuə/ (n) = BBQ:

- a metal frame for cooking food on over an open fire outdoors.
- Ex: I put another steak on the barbecue.

8. facility /fəɑsǺləti/ (n):

- buildings, services, equipment, etc that are provided for a particular
- Ex: medical/recreational/sports facilities

9. keen (adj.):
- liking sb/sth very much.
- Ex: He’s particularly keen on football.

10. water-skiing /ɑwǤətərskiəǺŋ/ (n):

- the sport or activity of skiing on water while being pulled by a fast boat.
11. kite-surfing /ɑkaǺtsǬərfǺŋ/ (n):
- the sport of riding on water while standing on a short wide board and
being pulled along by wind power, using a large kite.

12. keen (adj.):

- liking sb/sth very much.
- Ex: He’s particularly keen on football.

13. satellite /ɑsætəlaǺt/ (n):

- an electronic device that is sent into space and moves around the earth
or another planet.

14. budget /ɑbȜdȢǺt/ (n):

- the money that is available to a person/an organization, or a plan of
how it will be spent over a period of time.
- Ex: The project was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost
more money that was planned).

15. unfortunately /ȜnɑfǤərtʃənətli/ (adv.):

- used when mentioning the fact that you wish was not true.
- SYN: regrettably, unluckily, sadly
- Ex: Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the meeting.
16. disco /ɑdǺskoʊ/ (n):
- a club, party or event where people dance to recorded pop music.
- Ex: I feel like a dance. Shall we go to the disco?

Track 29
1. policy /ɑpɑələsi/ (n):
- a way of doing sth that has been officially agreed and chosen by a
political party, a business, or another organization.
- Ex: The company has adopted a strict no-smoking policy.

2. post /poʊst/ (n):

- the official system used for sending and delivering letters, packages etc.
- Ex: I’ll send the original to you by post.

3. claim /kleǺm/ (v):

- to ask for money from the government or a company because you have
a right to it.
- Ex: You can claim on your insurance for that coat left on the train.

4. sensible /ɑsensəbl/ (adj.):

- reasonable, practical and showing good judgment.
- Ex: It’s sensible to keep a note of your passport number.

5. cover /ɑkȜvər/ (n):

- the protection that an insurance company provides by promising to pay
you money if a particular event happens.
- SYN: coverage
- Ex: cover against fire and theft

6. relative /ɑrelətǺv/ (n):

- a person who is in the same family as sb else.
- Ex: a close/distant relative

7. departure /dǺɑpɑərtʃər/ (n):

- an act of leaving a place.
- OPP: arrival
- Ex: Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure.
8. belongings /bǺɑlǤəŋǺŋz/ (n):
- the things that you own, especially things that you can carry with you.
- SYN: possessions
- Ex: Please make sure you have all your personal belongings with you
when leaving the plane!

9. insure /Ǻnɑʃʊr/ (v):

- to provide insurance for sb/sth.
- Ex: The car is insured against fire and theft.

10. separate /ɑseprət/ (adj.):

- not joined to sth else.
- Ex: They have begun to sleep in separate rooms.

11. get back to sb (phrasal verb):

- to write/speak to sb again later, especially in order to give a reply.
- Ex: I’ll find out the price and get back to you soon.

12. switchboard /ɑswǺtʃbǤərd/ (n):

- the central part of a phone system used by a company, where phone
calls are answered and connected to the appropriate person/department.
- Ex: Call the switchboard and ask for extension 410.

Track 30
1. register /ɑredȢǺstər/ (v):
- to put your name on an official list.
- Ex: How many students have registered for English classes?

2. clinic /ɑklǺnǺk/ (n):

- a private hospital or one that treats health problems of a particular
- Ex: He is being treated at the London clinic.

3. run /rȜn/ (v):

- to be in charge of a business, campaign, etc.
- Ex: to run a hotel/store/school/company
4. practice /ɑpræktǺs/ (n):
- the work or business of doctors, dentists or lawyers; the place where
they work.
- Ex: the practice of medicine

5. reputation /ɕrepjuɑteǺʃn/ (n):

- the opinion that people have about sb/sth, based on what has happened
in the past.
- Ex: He has the reputation of being a hard worker.
Track 31
1. pilot /ɑpaǺlət/ (adj.):
- done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do
on a large scale.
- Ex: A pilot project is being carried out in Manchester University.

2. scheme /skiəm/ (n):

- a plan or system for doing or organizing sth.
- SYN: program
- Ex: The money will be used for teacher training schemes.

3. patient /ɑpeǺʃnt/ (n):

- a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in a hospital.
- Ex: Hospitals are treating more patients than ever before.

4. stress /stres/ (v):

- to emphasize a fact, idea, etc.
- Ex: He stressed the importance of a good education.

5. asthma /ɑæzmə/ (n):

- a medical condition that causes difficulties in breathing.
- Ex: We have thousands of asthma cases a year.

6. pupil /ɑpjuəpl/ (n):

- a person who is being taught, especially a child in a school.
- Ex: How many pupils does the school have?

7. injury /ɑǺndȢəri/ (n):

- harm done to a person’s or an animal’s body, for example in an accident.
- Ex: She was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
Track 32
1. enquire /ǺnɑkwaǺər/ (v) = inquire:
- to ask sb for information.
- Ex: I’m writing to enquire about the advertisement in the newspaper.

2. raise /reǺz/ (v):

- to bring or collect money or people together.
- Ex: We’re raising money for charity.

3. deposit /dǺɑpɑəzǺt/ (n):

- a part of the cost of sth you are buying that you pay some time before
you pay the rest of it.
- SYN: down payment
- Ex: We’ve put down a 5% deposit on the house.

4. insist /ǺnɑsǺst/ (v):

- to demand that sth should happen.
- Ex: They insisted that everyone should come to the party.

5. entry /ɑentri/ (n):

- an act of going into a place.
- OPP: exit
- Ex: The students were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher.

6. charge /tʃɑərdȢ/ (n):

- to amount of money that you have to pay for goods or services.
- Ex: There is a charge for the use of the swimming pool.

7. licence /ɑlaǺsns/ (n) = license:

- an official document giving you permission to own or do sth for a
period of time
- SYN: permit
- Ex: a driving licence

8. straightforward /ɕstreǺtɑfǤərwərd/ (adj.):

- easy and simple to understand
- OPP: complicated
- Ex: Installing the program is relatively/quite straightforward.
9. caretaker /ɑkerteǺkər/ (n):
- a person such as a teacher, parent, nurse, etc. who takes care of other

10. sort sth out (phrasal verb):

- to deal with a problem successfully.
- Ex: If you can wait for a moment, I’ll sort that out for you.

Track 33
1. council /ɑkaʊnsl/ (n):
- a group of people that are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions.
- Ex: the United Nations Security Council

2. election /Ǻɑlekʃn/ (n):

- when people vote to choose sb for an official position.
- Ex: How many candidates are standing for election?

3. administrator /ədɑmǺnǺstreǺtər/ (n):

- a person whose job involves managing the work of a company or organization.
- Ex: Nadine works as a hospital administrator.

4. chair /tʃer/ (n):

- the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee; the person
who holds this position.
- Ex: Who is the chair today?

5. courier /ɑkʊriər/ (n):

- a person or company whose job is to take packages or important
papers somewhere.
- Ex: We sent the document by courier.
6. short-term /ɕʃǤərt ɑtǬərm/ (adj.):
- continuing for only a short time, or relating only to the period that is
not very far into the future.
- OPP: long-term
- Ex: She’s suffering from short-term memory loss.

7. manage /ɑmænǺdȢ/ (v):

- to succeed in doing sth, especially sth difficult.
- Ex: We managed to get to the airport in time.

8. ambition /æmɑbǺʃn/ (n):

- sth that you want to do or achieve very much.
- SYN: desire, dream
- Ex: She had fulfilled her lifelong ambition.

9. parliament /ɑpɑərləmənt/ (n):

- the group of people who are elected to make a country’s laws and
discuss important national affairs.
- Ex: She was elected to parliament in 1997.

10. eventually /Ǻɑventʃuəli/ (adv.):

- after a long time, or after a lot of things have happened.
- Ex: He eventually escaped and made his way back to England.

11. politics /ɑpɑələtǺks/ (n):

- the activities relating to gaining and using power in a country, city etc.
- Ex: Have you considered going into politics (= trying to become a
member of parliament, congress, etc.).

12. minor /ɑmaǺnər/ (adj.):

- small and not very important or serious.
- OPP: major
- Ex: The passengers only suffered minor injuries.

13. fit sb/sth in (phrasal verb):

- to see sb or do sth, even though you have a lot of other things to do.
- Ex: The doctor said he can fit me in at 4:30.

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