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Admin group: 11
Tushar: 51
Urmika: 52
Vasudev: 53
Yashika: 54
Ziya: 55
Pragya: 56

It is an aspiring women empowered small scale business. It provides eco-friendly and
sustainable outdoor and garden products such as vegetables, grow bags and other gardening
products which help grow vegetables and fruits in an easy way. The products are available on
the top online shopping platforms like amazon and flipkart. The women empowered business
has been equipped with a precise catalogue on the online platforms which has helped it
generate shoppers and revenue because of the clarity in their products quality and usefulness.
This business has gone from selling in the locally in the colonies to having a nation-wide
reach and sales after introducing their products online. The women empowered business has
witnessed a boost in their growth during the pandemic. Their ERP has been productive in
keeping track of all the orders, payments, inventories etc. These business help promote
women empowerment in the industry.

Ms. Sireesha Marella is in a small-scale retail business for outdoor and garden products. She
said it would’ve been highly impossible to find her customers without technology. She sells
her products through Amazon and Flipkart. She uploads the pictures of her various products
like grow bags etc. which come in various sizes. By uploading the product catalogs, it makes
it easier for her to communicate about the information about her product to the customers.
She is able to sell her products all across India through these sites and able to reach a wide
customer base. According to her, this kind of virtual presence is really important, with just a
click of a button people can order products which is an extremely good for her business. She
is able to provide a good experience and people are able to order hassle-free and make online
payments. She doesn’t need extra employees to help the customers or a physical store which
makes the overall business more profitable and helps in revenue maximization.
The main motto of the company is to provide outdoor products which could be used in
gardens and other kinds of outdoor places. It is a small-scale business and company found its
customers through online platforms and other sources. The company gets it orders from all
over India and not just from the locality where she lives. We got to know that the company’s
products are easily findable on online platforms and it could be easily purchased through
online payment.
During the interview we also go to know that during the pandemic all the payments of the
company became cashless and the payments were made through online mode such as Google
pay, Paytm and Phone Pay. The company experienced that the online payments were hassle
free. She said that it is easier to do business through new tools and technology because they
don’t need to show their products and explain about them briefly from person to person and
because of the online shopping platforms the company is able to generate a better amount of
revenue. Also, since the begin of the pandemic, when processes started taking place online, it
was easier to carry out the functions of the enterprise. For example, meetings took place
online and the advertising of the products also happened through social media and websites
which increased employee efficiency and product reach among the potential consumers.
According to Ms. Sireesha, pandemic has played a huge part in accelerating cashless payment
modes. Earlier, they used to ship the order first and then receive the payments in cash which
was sometimes problematic and required a lot of credibility and trust from the business
owner’s side. The pandemic kind of forced a lot of people to switch to apps like Google pay
and Phonepe, which has made it much more convenient and hassle-free for both the
customers and the businesses to make payment transactions.
Siri enterprises uses ‘Quickbooks’ software tool to manage inventory and Accounts
Receivables and Payables. It also stores her manufacturer’s details. The order details and
payments are also tracked using it.

Products that Siri Enterprises sell are related to home garden and plantation. The bags they
sell are eco-friendly and sustainable. Some people like to consume home grown vegetables
and eat healthy meals as a part of being more health conscious. The products that this
business sells help them by providing necessary items to do that. Ms. Sireesha also provides
instructions and advice on how to use the products and for what to use them for.
The company sells products that are related to home or garden plantations which are needed
in households because it is important for everyone to eat healthy and fresh. The company
sells bag which are safe to store vegetables and it makes a big contribution to the
environment. These, according to the owner, are sustainable to the environment and a step
towards moving towards using biodegradable materials in packaging.
Initially, Ms. Sireesha struggled to find the customers. She didn’t know how to find them or
which customers will actually buy the products. She also had concerns about whether the
customers will like her product or not. Understanding the customers was the biggest
challenge for her. She started by giving away samples of her products in her locality and
asking the people if they liked the product and whether it was useful to them or not. The
people who liked her products also recommended it to family and friends which helped to
grow the business by word-of-mouth. This helped her understand her customer base as well.
The online commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart opened up the door for her to
reach a wider customer base. At first, it was a little tough for her to understand technology
and e-commerce but then she overcame it and finds e-commerce much better.
Now as technology has advanced the company uses online platforms such as Amazon and
Flipkart to sell the products and because of this the reach of the company is much wider
across the country. The entrepreneur also seeks to expand product range and diversify
throughout the country by making the product available to customers at various locations.

 Online stores vs. Physical stores - Online commerce has really helped business
owners in terms of profitability and revenue maximization. It cuts down various costs
of having a physical store and of resources required to attend to a customer. It also
helps to reach out a wider customer base as it is not just restricted to the locality it is

 Sustainability Model – Siri Enterprises sells eco-friendly and sustainable products.

With growing number of people leaning into sustainable and eco-friendly way of
living, there is a growing market for these kinds of products which makes it a good
business for the upcoming years.

 Business Challenges – Every business gets many opportunities and equal challenges.
One of the challenges this business faced was knowing their customers. Since, it’s
such a niche category of product, it is harder to find the right kind of customers.
Through trial and error and reaching out to as many people you can, you can
understand your customers and their likings.

 Convenience of Technology – Technology has made it easier than ever for businesses
to operate. In global crisis like pandemic, technology helped e-commerce business
like Siri Enterprises immensely and made it convenient for both the buyers and the
sellers. Technology does not only help in running the operations smoothly but also
helps in growing the business because of wider customer reach and convenience of
shopping from home.

From this interview we get to know that the business is about green bags and gardens. It is
small-medium enterprise. It is women empower business which means it encourages woman
participation in the organisation and provides women key roles in the departments they work
at. We get to know that they get help from using technology enabling systems in the company
to create optimised customer experiences that precisely match customers satisfaction and
products that generate maximum level in profit. They sell their products on platforms such as
amazon and flipkart to attract more customers. Through this, they can not only attract more
customers but also induce more brand satisfaction in their customers. They follow sustainable
goals and also use lesser plastic products so that it is beneficial for both their customers and
the environment. Before pandemic, they were already functioning online. So, during
pandemic, they were able to sell their products hassle-free and payment was done through the
online modes as it done through various payment gateway. They were able to sustain in
during the pandemic time and able to run business in profit. Online platforms and ERP
System helped their business more than what they did before online mode. There main
marketing promotion is done through the use word of mouth. Ma’am told us she basically
sells it through word of mouth in her society/colony and is able to get customers as her
product is good enough to attract the customers. We infer from the interview that, online
mode with combination of offline is best. It is tougher for the offline mode to survive as in
coming years, technology will become a very important factor as more users are using
android apps and websites. So, it is good to have retail enterprise in online mode.

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