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Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Community Helpers
Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten

Content Standard Addressed:

SSKE1: Describe the work that people do such as: police officer, fire fighter, soldier, mail
carrier, farmer, doctor, teacher, etc.

Technology Standard Addressed: 1: Empowered Learner- Students leverage technology to take an active
role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning

Selected Technology Tool:
☐ Socrative ☐ iRespond ☐ Quizlet ☒ Plickers ☐ Kahoot! ☐ Office365 Forms

☐ Other:
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Technology that student will use to respond to questions/prompts:
☐ Computer ☒ Hand-held student response system (like iRespond) ☐ Phone ☐ Tablet (such as iPad)
☐ Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Type of session:
☒ Teacher-Paced ☐ Student-Paced

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
Students from a different country may be uninformed about the common community helpers in American,
so to support all students, they will watch a Brainpop video about community helpers. The activities
included also support every student by providing them with voice and choice. Students who have
difficulties reading, writing or filling in bubbles will also be supported during the formative assessment.

Describe the instructional activities that will occur PRIOR to the SRT activity and how you will introduce
the SRT activity.

To begin this lesson, the teacher will open the lesson by showing the students a BrainPOP video about
community helpers. This video will supply the students with the definition for community and government.
It talks about different community helps such police officers, fire fighters, mail carriers, farmers, teachers,
doctors, and a few more. The video also provides tips for helping students become community helpers,
such as volunteer work and picking up trash. After the video, the teacher will conduct a class discussion
about the community helpers mentioned in the video. Students can share their thoughts and ask questions.
Once the discussion is over, the students will apply their knowledge about community helpers by using the
game Moby’s Match on BrainPOP, the sort and classify mats or the community helpers puzzle. Students are
encouraged to use all three resources if they have time.

Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
Describe the purpose of the SRT activity (check all that apply):
☒ Assess prior knowledge ☐ Anticipatory set (Create interest in a topic) ☐ To illuminate common
misconceptions ☒ Formative assessment of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) ☐ Summative assessment of content knowledge ☐ Test preparation
☐ Survey/Poll ☐ Discussion starter ☐ “Homework” collection ☐ Other (please explain):

Briefly describe what will happen DURING the SRT activity:

After the students are done with these activities, the teacher will assess the student’s knowledge using the
app Plickeres. The teacher will provide each student with a Plickers QR code and discuss how to use them.
Then, the students will answer the eight questions using their QR code. The teacher will read the questions
and answers aloud for all the students. The assessment is teacher-paced, so students don’t get left behind.

Type of questions/prompts used in this activity (check all that apply):
☒ Multiple choice ☐ Multiple select ☐ True/False ☐ Yes/No
☐ Short open-ended response or fill-in the blank ☐ Longer open-ended response

If you are unable to provide a working sample of your questions, please list them below (8-10):

Right/Wrong answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?
☒ Yes ☐ No
☐ Mixed (Some will have correct answers, other will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback: Will you pre-select correct answers to some of all of the questions and
display correct response to the class after the SRT activity?
☒ Yes
☐ No
Why or why not? I will not reveal the answers until the end of the assessment because I don’t want the
students’ main focus to be on how many answers they have gotten correct or incorrect. After each student
has completed the assessment, the teacher will go over the correct answers.

Describe what will happen AFTER the SRT activity?

After the SRT activity, the students will discuss with their group different community helpers that weren’t
mentioned in class.

How will the data be used?

Student data will be provided for the teacher after the students complete the assessment. The teacher will
use the data to determine if the students understand the content. The data will also be used to
differentiate future activities about community helpers. Each student will be provided with oral and
written feedback on their performance and given the opportunity to correct any incorrect answers. The
assessment and the feedback will be sent home for parents to review.

Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.

My personal learning goal for this activity is to inform the students about community helpers and how to
use QR codes. During this lesson, it is also my goal to provide the students with worthwhile tasks that are

Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
engaging and promote discussion among students. I have never used Plickers before, but they appear to be
effective for students who have difficulties writing or filling in bubbles.

Spring 2018_SJB

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