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SUBJECT LEVEL: Mathematics


TEACHER: Sir Raniel Ian DC. Remojo


WEEK TOPIC/ Content Performance Competencies/ Assessment Activities Resources Core

#3 content Standard Standard Skills values

Day 1 One- to Two- The learner The learners Use models to Written Entry Card Worktext Engaged
Digit Divisors Demonstrates shall be able divide a two-digit Exercises (E-Math
an to check their number by a one- Response pp. 58-63) Supported
understanding own solution digit number and Mathematics Cards
of rounding off by means of record the Journal
the divisor tp multiplying quotient and the
the nearest the quotient remainder
ten can help in and the
estimating the divisor Partition the
quotients dividend in
multiple ways and
choose the
method they find
Day Dividing by The learner The learners Understand how Google Form Three Worktext Engaged
2-3 10, 100, 1000 Demonstrates shall be able the place value of Quiz Column (E-Math
an to cancel out each digit Chart pp. 64-68) Supported
understanding the same changes when Mathematics
on how to number of dividing by 10,100 Journal Thumbs Challenged
divide zeros in both or 1,000, Up/Sideway
numbers the dividend s/Down
having and the Divide whole
terminal zeros divisor then numbers up to 6 Extended
divide the digits by Task
nonzero 10,100,or 1,000
digits when there is a
whole number

Divide whole
numbers up to 6
digits by
10,100,or 1,000
when there is a
decimal quotient,

Solve word
problems by
dividing by
10,100,or 1,000 .
Day Estimating The learner The learners Estimate Anchor Task Anticipation Worktext Engaged
4-5 Quotients Demonstrates shall be able quotients when /Reaction (E-Math
an to perform dividing up to a Mathematics Guide pp. 69-72) Supported
understanding checking four-digit number Journal
to the estimated by a one-digit Incomplete Challenged
concepts of quotient is number using Sentences
compatible reasonable, compatible
numbers compare it numbers, Kahoot
with the
actual Use basic facts to
quotient find two values
that the quotient
is between,

Use basic facts to

estimate the
quotient when
dividing up to a
four-digit number
by a one-digit

Discuss the
accuracy of
estimate to solve
word problems.

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