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1) Identify the specimen

- Sickle
- Inner edge is serrated and
concave, outer edge is blunt and
2) Type of injuries produced
- Incised, cut, stab wounds.
Abrasions/ contusions by the hilt
3) Write its MLI
- Accidental in farmers
- Homicidal – when injuries
produced on non accessible
parts of the body
- Suicidal when injuries are seen
on the accessible parts of the
1) Identify the specimen
- Lathi/ stick
- Light, blunt object made of thin
wood or bamboo
2) Type of injuries produced
- Patterned abrasions, contusions,
lacerations, fracture of bones
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal – may cause simple or
grievous hurt
- May be used for criminal abortion
1) Identify the specimen
- Butcher’s Knife
- Heavy cutting weapon with one
sharp edge and an elongated
2) Type of injuries produced
- Chop wounds, cut lacerations
3) Write its MLI
- Mostly homicidal
- Accidental in butchers
1) Identify the specimen
- Axe
- Heavy cutting weapon with one sharp
edge attached to a wooden handle
2) Type of injuries produced
- Incised, cut, chop wounds by the blade
- Abrasions, contusions, lacerations,
fracture of BONES by the handle
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal – when injuries produced on
non accessible parts of the body
- Rarely suicidal when injuries are seen on
the accessible parts of the body
1) Identify the specimen
- Hammer
- Heavy, hard blunt weapon with a head
made of metal attached to a handle
2) Type of injuries produced
- Contusions, lacerations, fracture of
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal – when injuries produced
on non accessible parts of the body
- Rarely accidental
- Rarely suicidal in mentally ill
1) Identify the specimen
- Hockey stick
- Light, blunt object with one end
2) Type of injuries produced
- Patterned abrasions, contusions,
lacerations, fracture of bones
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal – may cause simple or
grievous hurt
- Accidental – while playing
1) Identify the specimen
- Iron rod
- Heavy blunt object made of metal
2) Type of injuries produced
- Patterned abrasions, contusions,
lacerations, fracture of bones
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal – may cause simple or
grievous hurt
1) Identify the specimen
- Rope
- Strong, thick cord
2) Type of injuries produced
- Patterned abrasions
3) Write its MLI
- Suicidal – in Hanging
- Homicidal – in Ligature
Strangulation, in lynching
1) Identify the specimen
- Cycle chain
- Roller chain made of metal
2) Type of injuries produced
- Patterned abrasions and
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal – In ligature
1) Identify the specimen
- Dagger
- Light sharp cutting weapon, with
metal blade having 2 edges, 2
surfaces and a tip
2) Type of injuries produced
- Incised wounds by the sharp edge
- Punctured, penetrating wound by
the tip
- Abrasions/ contusions by the hilt
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal
- Suicidal/ Accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Kitchen knife
- Light sharp cutting weapon, with metal
blade having 1 sharp edge and the other
blunt with a pointed tip
2) Type of injuries produced
- Incised wounds by the sharp edge
- Punctured, penetrating wound by the tip
- Abrasions/ contusions by the handle
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal
- Suicidal – may produce hesitation cuts on
accessible parts of the body
- Rarely Accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Saw
- Light sharp cutting weapon, with
metal blade having 1 sharp
serrated edge
2) Type of injuries produced
- Chop wounds, cut lacerations
- Abrasions/ contusions by the
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal
- Rarely Accidental/ Suicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Stone
- Irregular shape
2) Type of injuries produced
- Crush Injuries
- Fracture of bone
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal
- Rarely Accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Sword
- Sharp cutting weapon, with metal
blade having 1 sharp edge
2) Type of injuries produced
- Chop wounds, cut lacerations, stab
- Abrasions/ contusions by the handle
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal
- Rarely Accidental/ Suicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Wheel saw
- Circular in shape with
serrated circumference
2) Type of injuries produced
- Cut lacerations
3) Write its MLI
- Homicidal
- Rarely Accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Cobra
- Has a hood with large scales, 3rd labial
touches the eye and nose shield
2) Signs and symptoms of bite
- Neurotoxic
- Local symptoms-reddish wheal at the
site of bite with oozing of blood stained
fluid, pain and burning at bite site
- Systemic- Ptosis, ophthalmoplegia,
excessive salivation, vomiting, paralysis
of larynx, facial and neck muscles,
respiratory arrest, coma, death
3) Treatment
- First Aid
1) Identify the specimen
- Russels Viper
- Has a flat triangular head.3 rows
of diamond shaped spots
2) Signs and symptoms of bite
- Hemotoxic
- Local symptoms-bite is red and
painful, swelling and persistent
bleeding from site, blister
formation seen
- Systemic- epistaxis,
haemoptysis, ecchymosis, GI,
GU, intracranial, subconjunctival
haemorrhages, hemoglobinuria,
renal failure. Death due to shock
and haemorrhage
3) Treatment
- First Aid
1) Identify the specimen
- Common Krait
- Has an enlarged hexagonal central
row of scales on back, 4th
infralabial is the largest
2) Signs and symptoms of bite
- Neurotoxic
- Local symptoms-reddish wheal at
the site of bite with oozing of
blood stained fluid
- Systemic- Ptosis, ophthalmoplegia,
excessive salivation, vomiting,
paralysis of larynx, facial and neck
muscles, intense feeling of
drowsiness and intoxication,
respiratory arrest, coma, death
3) Treatment
- First Aid
1) Medico legal importance
- Always accidental, cattle poisoning, rarely homicidal
2) First Aid
- Assure the patient
- Apply a broad firm bandage (not for viper bites)
- Immobilisation of limb
- Avoid local incision, suction, application of chemicals,
medicine, etc.
3) What is dry bite
- Venomous snake bite without envenoming
1) Identify the specimen
- Shotgun Cartridge
2) Draw a diagram and label its
1) Identify the specimen
- Gastric lavage tube/ ewalds tube
2) Draw and label its parts
Wooden mouth gag

Suction bulb
Lateral opening

Rubber tube
100 cm mark
3) Mention its contraindications
- Corrosive poisoning except
carbolic acid, oxalic, acetic acids
- Convulsant poisoning -
- Comatose patients
1) Identify the specimen
Lateral openings
- Ryles tube/Nasogastric tube – 105cm
2) Draw and label its parts
1st mark - 40cm – cardia of stomach
2nd mark - 50cm – body of stomach
3rd mark - 55cm – pylorus of stomach
4th mark - 65cm – duodenum
3) Mention its indications
- For stomach wash in poisoning
- Aspiration of gastric contents for
- For nasogastric feeding and
4) Mention its contraindications
- Acid poisoning
- meningitis
1) Identify the specimen
- Infant feeding tube- 52cm
2) Mention its indications
- For stomach wash in
- Aspiration of gastric contents
for analysis
- For nasogastric feeding and
3) Mention its contraindications
- Acid poisoning
- Meningitis
1) Identify the specimen
- Activated charcoal
2) Write its uses
- mechanical/physical antidote for
following poisoning:
Barbiturates, BZD, antidepressants,
antiepileptics, theophylline,
tetracycline, beta blockers
3) Mention its contraindications
- Intestinal obstruction
- GI Perforation
- Haemorrhage
- Pesticides
- Aspiration risk
1) Identify the specimen
- Organophosphorus compound
2) Signs and Symptoms
- SLUDGE- Salivation, lacrimation,
urination, defecation, GI distress,
3) Treatment
- Atropine
- Oximes-pralidoxime
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Suicidal – in farmers
- Accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Abrus
- Active principle - abrin
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhoea, weakness, tremors, rectal
3) Treatment
- Inj. antiabrin
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Arrow poison
- Cattle poisoning
- Seed dust is used by malingerers to
produce conjunctivitis
1) Identify the specimen
- Ricinus communis
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Burning pain in throat, abdominal
pain, vomiting, diarrhoea,
hypotension and muscle cramps
3) Treatment
- Gastric lavage
- Demulcents
- Symptomatic treatment
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Abortifacient
- Accidental poisoning in children
- Rarely homicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Lathyrus sativus
- Active principle :
Signs and Symptoms
- neurolathyrism-Pain in the back,
weakness of legs, difficulty in
sitting down and getting up, gait
is affected, spastic paraplegia
- GI distress, urinary frequency,
3) Treatment/Prevention
- Exclusion of pulse from diet
- If used, it must be parboiled
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Usually accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Capsicum seeds
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Difficulty in swallowing, pain in
stomach, inflammation of
oesophagus and stomach
3) Treatment
- Bathe affected skin in vinegar
and ice cold water
- If ingested – sucking of ice
cubes/sips of ice cold water
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Powder thrown in eyes – form of
1) Identify the specimen
- Nux Vomica
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Bitter taste in mouth, restlessness,
convulsions, opisthotonus,
pleurosthotonus, emprosthotonus
3) Treatment
- For convulsions – IV Diazepam
- Short acting barbiturates
- Stomach wash with potassium
- Activated charcoal
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Cattle poison
- Arrow poison
- Aphrodisiac
- Rarely homicidal, suicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Marking Nut
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Irritation, painful blisters, itching, GI
irritation, dyspnoea, tachycardia,
hypotension, cyanosis
3) Treatment
- Gastric Lavage
- Demulcents
- When applied externally-wash with
lukewarm water containing
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Accidental poisoning
- Criminal abortion
- To produce artificial bruise
1) Identify the specimen
- Nitric Acid
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Corrosion of the mucous membranes of
mouth, throat, oesophagus, immediate
burning pain, dysphagia, pharyngeal
pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation
3) Treatment
- Demulcents
- Neutralised by – milk of
magnesia/lime water/1/4th litre of
- Oesophageal strictures - prednisolone
4) Medico legal Importance
- Mostly suicidal, occasionally
- Abortifacient
1) Identify the specimen
- Mercury sulphide/vermillion
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Constriction in the throat,
hoarseness, burning pain in the
mouth, nausea, vomiting, glossitis,
gingivitis, polyuria
3) Treatment
- BAL – chelating agent of choice
- Penicillamine
- Milk, egg white
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Abortifacient
- Rarely homicidal, suicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Potassium Dichromate
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Irritation in throat, oesophagus, pain
abdomen, nausea and vomiting,
dysphagia, dysarthria, GI bleeding and
perforation, liver and renal failure
3) Treatment
- Symptomatic treatment
- Early and repeated high i/v doses of
ascorbic acid
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Mostly accidental or suicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Potassium Permanganate
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Burning pain in GI, intense thirst,
difficulty in speaking and
swallowing, dyspnoea, stridor
3) Treatment
- Gastric lavage
- Activated charcoal
- Demulcents
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Suicidal agent
1) Identify the specimen
- Copper sulphate
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Increased salivation, burning pain in the
stomach, thirst, nausea, vomiting,
eructation, oliguria, haematuria, jaundice
and convulsions
3) Treatment
- Stomach wash with potassium
- N-penicillamine, EDTA, BAL
- Demulcents
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Mostly suicidal
- Accidental from cooking in copper
1) Identify the specimen
- Iodine
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Glottic and pulmonary oedema,
Urine output reduced, reddish
brown in colour, acts as acid
corrosive poison
3) Treatment
- Emetics
- Gastric wash with warm water
containing soluble starch and
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Alcohol
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Dizziness, headache, confusion, vertigo,
dyspnoea, cyanosis
3) Treatment
- Gastric Lavage
- Activated charcoal
- 4-methyl pyrazole
- Hemodialysis
- IV sodium bicarbonate
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Brawls, assaults, homicides, suicides
commonly associated with intoxication
- Punishable for crimes committed under
1) Identify the specimen
- Nicotine
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Burning sensation in GI, salivation,
nausea, vomiting, sweating, tremors,
weakness, dyspnoea, arrhythmias,
3) Treatment
- Stomach wash with tanin/potassium
- Purge and colonic wash
- Symptomatic treatment
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Accidental
- Malingering
1) Identify the specimen
- Glass
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Sharp burning pain in GI, nausea,
vomiting, constipation, stomach
3) Treatment
- Bulky food
- Emetics and purgatives
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Accidentally - taken in
powdered form mixed with
some particles of food
- Occasionally cattle poison
- Rarely suicidal and homicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Pins
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Sharp burning pain in GI,
nausea, vomiting, constipation,
stomach perforation.
3) Treatment
- Bulky food
- Emetics and purgatives
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Accidental
- Occasionally cattle poison
- Rarely suicidal and homicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Naphthalene Balls
2) Signs and Symptoms
- Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea,
fever, convulsions
- Pallor, weakness, jaundice, cyanosis
- Chronic exposure – causes aplastic
anaemia, hepatic necrosis.
3) Treatment
- Emesis
- Stomach wash
- Treat haemolysis with transfusion
4) Medicolegal Importance
- Mostly accidental
1) Identify the specimen
- Liver
2) Mention the underlying
condition. What are the
- Fatty liver
- Causes:
i) Alcoholism
ii) obesity
iii) hyperlipidemia, or high
levels of fats in the blood
iv) diabetes
v) genetic inheritance
vi) rapid weight loss
vii) side effect of certain
medications aspirin, steroids,
1) Identify the specimen
- Liver
2) Mention the underlying
condition. What are the
- Cirrhosis of liver
- Causes:
i) Alcoholism
ii) viral hepatitis B and C
iii) fatty liver disease
iv) toxic metals
v) genetic diseases
1) Identify the specimen
- Brain
2) Mention the underlying
condition. What are the
- Subdural Haemorrhage
- Causes:
i) Head injury
ii) Bleeding disorder
iii) Elderly people because
brain shrinkage
1) Identify the specimen
- Heart
2) Mention the underlying
condition. What are the
- Cardiomegaly
- Causes:
i. High blood pressure
ii. Heart valve disease
iii. Cardiomyopathy
iv. Pulmonary hypertension
v. Pericardial effusion
1) Identify the specimen
- Hyoid Bone
2) Mention the underlying
condition. What are the
- Fracture of Hyoid bone
- Causes:
i. Strangulation
ii. Hanging
iii. Gunshot injury
iv. Car accident
1) Identify the specimen
- Fetus
2) Mention the underlying
condition. What are the causes?
- Anencephaly
- Cause:
- lack of folic acid (vitamin B9)
before and during pregnancy
- Changes in genes related to
folate processing (MTHFR)
and genes involved in the
development of the neural
1) Identify the specimen
- Finger print
2) What are the types?
- Whorls
- Loops
- Arches
- Composite
3) Write its MLI
- For identification
- For maintenance of identity
- Prevention of impersonation
- For documentation in
1) Identify the specimen
- Tattoo mark
2) Methods of removal
- Surgical removal by excision
and skin grafting
- Laser
- Corrosives-formic acid, tannic
- Electrolysis
3) Write its MLI
- Drug addicts – to mask needle
puncture marks
- HIV transmission
- Identification
- Medical tattoo – to show
illnesses/allergic reactions
1) Identify the specimen
- Scar
2) Write its MLI
- Identification
- Nature of weapon used
- Disfiguration of face is
grievous injury
1) Identify the specimen
- Calotropis
- Large leaves with purple
2) Active Principles
- uscharin, calotoxin,
calactin, calotropin
3) Medicolegal importance
- Criminal Abortion
- cattle poison
- produce artificial bruise
1) Identify the specimen
- Nerium odorum
- Lanceolate leaves with
pink flowers
2) Active Principles
- oleandrin, nerin- cardiac
3) Medicolegal importance
- Criminal Abortion, cattle
- Suicidal, rarely homicidal
1) Identify the specimen
- Datura
2) Active Principles
- hyoscine, hyosugamine
3) Medicolegal importance
- Used as stupefying agent
- Criminal Abortion, cattle
poison, produce artificial
- Accidental , occasionally
1) Identify the specimen
- Ricinus communis
2) Active Principles
- toxalbumen, recin
3) Medicolegal importance
- Abortifacient
- Accidental poisoning in
- Rarely homicidal

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