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Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.

(Formerly Luzonian Academy)

Sampaloc, Quezon
(042) 555-8215

Name: Princess Edelyn Mae Principe Score: / 50

Grade 11 - Hestia Mrs. Nerissa B. Buri
Personal Development Worksheet 2
Third Quarter
TOPIC: Developing the Whole Person
NEEDED TO COMPLETE: January 10 – 15, 2022

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 discuss the relationship among physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and social development to
understand his/her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors;
 evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and
 show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations.

Activity 1: Pre – Assessment: Page 12
Identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. (1-4)
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
Activity 2: Assessment Page 22
Complete the table to summarize Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. (2 pts. each)


The adolescent explores the world through
hypothetical thinking and scientific thinking. On this
Formal Operational 12 years – Adult stage individuals can think abstractly and apply these in
multiple situations.

The child explores the world by thinking logically and

Concrete Operational 7 – 12 years old categories about concrete objects and conversations.
Also, the children begin to process other individual's
perceptions, thoughts, and feelings and realize that they
themselves have their distinct opinions, feelings and
The child explores the world with the use of symbols
including language, words, and mental images. Also,
Preoperational 2 – 6 years old the child has the ability to pretend and consider as
egocentric which means they are focusing on
themselves on what they want, demand, and need.
An infant explores the world through our senses and
Sensorimotor 0 – 2 years old actions, we develop the basic ability of being able to
attach words to what object, person, or any
environmental factor we perceive.

12 @Manuel S. Enverga Acade

Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.
(Formerly Luzonian Academy)
Sampaloc, Quezon
(042) 555-8215
I. Multiple Choice: Read the following items carefully. Identify the following development of adolescents, whether it is
physiological, cognitive, psychosocial, spiritual, or social. Write the letter of your answer.
C. 1. The peer group, which is typically same-sex, is often idealized and has a strong influence on the adolescent’s
A. Physiological C. Psychosocial
B. Social D. Cognitive
A. 2. From being concrete thinkers, they become abstract thinkers, who can imagine things not seen
A. Cognitive C. Spiritual
B. Social D. Psychosocial
B. 3. The time for the adolescents to search rather than to reach.
A. Spiritual C. Social
B. Cognitive D. Physiological
C. 4. Males experience their first emission of semen usually in the form of “wet dreams,” and menstruation occurs in the
A. Psychosocial C. Physiological
B. Social D. Spiritual
A. 5. They are now able to explore a full range of possibilities inherent in a situation, think hypothetically, and use a
logical thought process.
A. Cognitive C. Psychosocial
B. Social D. Physiological
A. 6.Adolescents have developed a separate identity from parents. They may move away from their peer group and
strive to achieve adult status.
A. Psychosocial C. Physiological
B. Spiritual D. Social
A. 7.The social networks of adolescents greatly expand to include many more people, and many different types of
A. Social C. Spiritual
B. Cognitive D. Psychosocial
C. 8.Youths may begin to question their sexual orientation and gender identity.
A. Social C. Psychological
B. Cognitive D. Physiological
C. 9. Adolescents become skeptical with regards to religious standard.
A. Cognitive C. Spiritual
B. Social D. Psychosocial
B. 10. Adolescents begin to differentiate friends from acquaintances.
A. Psychosocial C. Spiritual
B. Social D. Cognitive
1.Journal Writing
Direction: Make aresearch on the relationship among physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social aspects of
development, to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Make a skit or report about your research.

On this lesson, I conclude the different stages among adolescent development. Adolescence is a big part of nurture
among individuals which critically link between our childhood and adulthood, characterized the relationship among
physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social aspects of development. By understanding the relationship
among this, we can deeply understand the thoughts, feelings, behaviors and on where and how does it starts and came
from. The relationship among these different development of adolescent is that it revolves throughout our body, mind,
emotion, and spirit aspects that affects our thoughts, feelings, and behavior which is normal based on the significant
situations. In the aspects of physiological and cognitive, our brain and informs our thoughts and our emotions wherein the
signals from our senses and current thoughts and feelings are combining for us to be concious in our decision- making.
Then, the results of the decision of we made whether it is voluntary or involuntary it will result a action which is our behavior,
so for this is connected to each other and the overt behaviors that it produce will cycle repeat constantly. In the aspect of
social, we know that we are in the environment where there are social interaction and as we grow old, our brain matures in a
healthy depending on the environment we live on. Wherein we develop socially to work, school, house, and even outside of
it, we adhere to the values of our culture and within the confines of our environmental limitations which we learn about over
our repeated actions. So all of these aspects leads our feelings and thoughts through chemical impulses that amplify them

12 @Manuel S. Enverga Acade

Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.
(Formerly Luzonian Academy)
Sampaloc, Quezon
so they are noticeable experiences. It helps us to better understand our reactive, behavioral patterns and maladaptive
(042) 555-8215
strategies as means to work through them. While we are under of these aspects we will further understand more the
feelings, thoughts, and the behavior we do in every situation, and woth that we will able to control and nurture it for a very
long time.

12 @Manuel S. Enverga Acade

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