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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

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Copyright © 2021-present – Evelyn Levenson and Distinct Solutions, LLC.
dba Human Design for Success. All rights are reserved worldwide.

The information and suggestions in this report are of a general nature and
for the benefit of individuals from all walks of life. They are based on my
training and experience in the area of Human Design and are not intended
to imply that you should follow these guidelines without the benefit of a
deeper understanding of your personal Human Design information.

©2021-present Evelyn Levenson and Distinct Solutions, LLC All rights reserved worldwide
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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

The #1 Secret to Making Better Decisions

in Your Life, Your Career,
and Your Relationships

Would you love to have a reliable way to make all of your decisions?

 A way that ensures that the choices you

make are specifically right for YOU?

 A way that consistently puts you in the

right place at the right time, doing the
right things, meeting the right people,
and attracting the “right” next opportunities to you?

 A way that keeps you on your personal path to success, fulfillment,

honoring your soul’s purpose, and living a live you LOVE?

 A way that brings out the best in you, and in your relationships?

And would you also like for this “way” to be systematized, predictable,
and easily applied to all areas of your life?

This Special Report introduces you to a SYSTEM that does all of that…
and much more! With this system, you get a decision making and action

©2021-present Evelyn Levenson and Distinct Solutions, LLC All rights reserved worldwide
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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

taking strategy that is uniquely correct for YOU. Plus, this system
shows you in detail:

 Your role in life (every part of your life works better when you work
with who you are designed to be... rather than against it)
 How to find and follow YOUR right career path and life path
 Your strengths and your vulnerabilities
 Your areas of deep wisdom and potential pain (and how to maximize
the wisdom and avoid the pain)
 The energetic “blueprint” you were born with—which shows how YOU
process energy—and how that blueprint affects your everyday life
 The way you learn (and why that is SO important to know)
 Your soul’s purpose—why you’re here!
 How you uniquely interact in relationship to others, and how to
improve your relationships (no matter how good or how bad they are
right now)
 How to choose a mate (or business partner) who is compatible with
you, and how to work out any issues between you

This enhanced self-knowledge and clarity about decisions is life changing

and can lead to greater ease, more success, solid self-confidence, and
a sense of fulfillment in every area of your life. Forget struggle,
uncertainty, stress, frustration, and self-doubt. With this system, you’ll
finally step into your power, your effectiveness, and your natural ability
to attract what you want into your life!

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

This may sound too good to be true, but my clients will attest to it. And
I’m very excited about sharing this amazing system with you, but first…

… Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?

Despite several college degrees (including an MBA)

and much business success, I struggled for years to
find my true calling. I knew there was more I could
do—and really wanted to do—I just didn’t know what it
was or how to find it.

After many years of seeking, learning and

experimenting, I finally found a system that reliably and profoundly fills in
the missing pieces of information about our personalities and our life

That system is Human Design. It helped me find what I was looking for
and improved my life in profoundly unexpected ways. It gave me clarity, a
sense of purpose, self-confidence, and a new direction. (You’ll learn more
about it in the next section of this Special Report.)

I was so impressed with Human Design that I studied it and became a

Certified Specialist so I can help others to discover their key personality
traits, their purpose, and their unique self-empowerment.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

As I continue to study advanced Human Design courses and work with

hundreds of people and their Human Design Charts, I am constantly
astounded at the accuracy, profound insights, and practical solutions it
provides for living a fulfilling and successful life.

My private, one-on-one Human Design Readings are changing my clients’

lives in amazing ways. (A Full Reading is a profound and enlightening
three-and-three-quarter-hour exploration of the specific energetic
configuration that YOU were born with, and how you can use that
knowledge to improve your life. Other Reading options are also available.)

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

The #1 Secret to Making Better Decisions

The secret to making better decisions—decisions that are right for YOU—is
understanding the Human Design STRATEGY that is specifically correct
for YOU.

Human Design is a cutting-edge personality

assessment and personal growth system that shows
you your best decision making strategy, your unique
gifts and talents, where you carry your pain, where
you have the potential for great wisdom, and so much
more. Understanding your unique Human Design will improve your self-
confidence, your relationships, your career and business success,
and even your health!

At this point you may be thinking that this sounds too good to be true! If this
system is so great, why haven’t you heard of it before? It was brought forth
by one man in 1987 and he has been helping others with it and teaching it
since. Though he passed away in the spring of 2011, his work continues
through many others. Wide-spread adoption of a new system takes time…
and now you can be part of the process of using and sharing this “secret.”

There are five* Types in the Human Design system. Each Type has a
specific Strategy for making powerful decisions and taking correct action in
life. Strategy is the most important knowledge offered by your Human

©2021-present Evelyn Levenson and Distinct Solutions, LLC All rights reserved worldwide
For more information, visit Page 7
#1 Secret to Better Decisions

Design Chart. It gives you key information about how to operate your
human vehicle in the world, how to make the right decisions for you, and
how to recognize when you are on the right path in life.

* In early Human Design teachings there were only four original Types. Generators and Manifesting
Generators were considered to be one Type. However, many current teachers and practitioners now
consider the Manifesting Generator as a separate Type because they are such a unique hybrid of
Generators and Manifestors.

By understanding your Type, you can avoid behaving in

ways that may not be correct or healthy for you. By
living your Strategy, you can live the unique and
magnificent life you were designed to live, with ease and
confidence—a life that you LOVE… and that fits you like
a glove!

This system truly is still a “secret” as relatively few people in the world know
about it and use it in their lives. This means you have an opportunity here
to have a serious advantage—an “edge”—that almost no one else has!
Are you excited yet? 

The first thing you need to know from Human Design is YOUR TYPE. This
is the part that gives you the decision making and action taking strategy we
have been talking about.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

One of the things you will also learn along with your TYPE is the SPECIFIC
ROLE you are here to play in this life. Your ROLE tells you how you are
designed to use: your energy, your unique gifts, and your Strategy.

There is SO MUCH you can learn from understanding the five Types in
Human Design, so let’s dive right in.

As you may not have received your Human Design Chart yet (and that’s
perfectly okay for right now), read the descriptions below of each of the five
Human Design Types and see if there is one that really resonates with you.
If you requested your Chart from me recently, you should receive it by
email in a few days.

If you haven’t requested your chart from me yet, click here. You’ll want to
have your Chart soon so you can begin applying this powerful knowledge
to improve your life.

If you already know your Type, then you are about to learn the specific
Role and Strategy that YOU were born for!

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions


If you are a Manifestor, your role in life is to get the ball rolling… then let
others complete the work and all the details while you move on to the next

You are among only 8% of the population. You

are the only type designed to initiate action
and start projects without waiting for any
outside confirmation. Manifestors can truly "just
do it" although you meet with a lot of resistance
and anger when you don’t inform people about what you are doing.

The correct decision making and action taking strategy for you is to
decide what and when you want to do something, then inform those
around you (in your “impact field”) before you take action.

You don’t have a separate or specific decision making process like the
other Types. You may not actually know whether something is correct for
you until you try it. If you’re not keeping people informed, they may assume
you are flighty and changeable—but trial and error is a normal part of your
process (and not a character flaw!) so keeping people informed about your
process and your projects will help you with your success.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

Famous Manifestors
Some famous Manifestors are Adolph Hitler, Johnny Depp, George W.
Bush, Al Gore, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Bruce Springsteen, and Paul

If you are a Generator, your role in life is to
work and raise a family. This doesn’t mean
that you must have children if you don’t want
them. But you are designed with
sustainable life force and work force
energy—so you are the workforce of the
world. Plus, you have the consistent energy required to raise and support
children into adulthood.

You are designed to do work that you love and to find the right
partner in life. You (and Manifesting Generators, the next Type) are
potentially the most powerful of all Types once you understand your design
and find the right work for YOU.

You are among approximately 37% of the population. Unlike Manifestors,

you have a powerful internal guidance mechanism for knowing the right
choices for you, before you make them!

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

The correct decision making and action taking strategy for you is to
wait to respond (to specific opportunities or anything in your outer reality)
and then take action based on your internal response. You can respond to
things, people, and events around you and to yes/no questions.

As a Generator, you are designed to be in an interactive, responsive

dance with the world. When you raise this to the conscious level and use
your Sacral sounds to guide you (all of which I teach you in a Full Human
Design Reading), then you can begin making the correct choices for you
and your life starts to flow much more easily and with greater success. It is
simple to do yet very profound.

Some frustration is a normal and valuable part of your learning process.

With awareness of your Strategy and the use of your Sacral energy as
guidance, you can minimize any unnecessary frustration and maximize
your learning curve and your correct decision making in all areas of your

Famous Generators
Some famous Generators are Mozart, The Dalai Lama, Prince Charles, Bill
Clinton, Madonna, John Lennon, and Oprah Winfrey.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions


If you are a Manifesting Generator, you are very similar to Generators but
there are a few important differences. In early Human Design teachings,
these two were considered to be one Type (called Generators). However,
many current practitioners now consider the Manifesting Generator a
separate type because they are such a unique hybrid of the Generator and
Manifestor Types.

You are among the fastest “processors” of the five

Types, meaning you think fast, move fast, speak
fast, etc. Nothing seems to move fast enough for
you, and you don’t understand why the rest of the
world can’t keep up with you. They are not
designed to! But don’t let them tell you to slow
down—you are supposed to be fast.

Your role in life as a Manifesting Generator is to find the fastest way

through things, which means you often skip steps and take shortcuts. You
are also here, like the Generators, to work and raise a family, but that
doesn’t mean that you must have children if you don’t want them. You have
sustainable life force and work force energy—to be the workforce of the
world and have the consistent energy needed for raising and supporting
children into adulthood.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

You are designed to do work that you love and find the right partner
in life. You (along with Generators) are potentially the most powerful of all
Types once you understand your design and align your actions with your

You are among approximately 33% of the population. Like Generators, you
have a powerful internal guidance mechanism for knowing the right choices
for you, before you make them!

That mechanism is waiting to respond (to specific opportunities or

anything in your outer reality) and then taking action based on your internal
response. You can respond to things, people, and events around you and
also to yes/no questions. But like the Manifestor, you must also inform
those in your “impact field” before you take action. This combination
is the correct decision making and action taking strategy for you.

As a Manifesting Generator, you are always in an interactive, responsive

dance with the world. When you raise this to the conscious level and use
your Sacral sounds to guide you (all of which I teach you in a Full Human
Design Reading), then you then know how to make the correct choices for
you and your life begins to flow much more easily and with greater
success. It is simple to do yet very profound.

Some frustration, anger, and impatience are a normal and valuable part
of your learning process. With the use of your Sacral energy as guidance

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

and the important step of informing others before you act, you can minimize
unnecessary frustration and anger and maximize your correct decision
making in all areas of your life.

Famous Manifesting Generators

Some famous Manifesting Generators are Hillary Clinton, Mahatma
Gandhi, Richard Nixon, Yoko Ono, Jacqueline Onassis, Mother Theresa,
and Vincent Van Gogh.

If you are a Projector, your role in life is to manage,
guide and direct others. You are NOT designed with
sustainable life force and work force energy—which
means you are NOT here to work a typical 9-5
corporate or labor-intensive job. And you do not have
the consistent energy required to raise and support
children. You can work a steady job and raise kids, but
that will take a toll on you (and your body) and you risk burning out in your
40’s or earlier… unless you learn to manage your energy correctly.

You are among about 21% of the population. You are designed to work
with and guide the energy and activities of others. You alone
understand and can manage the energy of the Manifestors, Generators,
and Manifesting Generators of the world.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

Projectors must be invited into action in order to activate their power. If you
wait to be invited, you will have many delicious opportunities. The keys
that unlock your inherent power and wisdom are recognition and

The correct decision making and action taking strategy for you is to
wait to be invited into the big choices in life: marriage, career, business
opportunities, and where you live. Only accept those invitations that delight
you, then take all the action you need.

You also need to be asked or recognized before offering your advice,

guidance, wisdom, etc., or else your words won’t be heard or valued.

Because sometimes Projectors can wait a long time for an invitation that is
right for them, they can become bitter and feel that they are not being
valued for their gifts and for their genuine desire to help others. When
properly recognized and invited, Projectors make great leaders and can be
incredibly wise.

Famous Projectors
Some famous Projectors include John F. Kennedy, Karl Marx, Elizabeth
Taylor, Stephen Spielberg, Princess Diana, Lance Armstrong, Ringo Starr,
Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

If you are a Reflector, your role in life is to be a mirror that helps others to
see themselves and their communities more clearly. You reflect the relative
health of whatever groups you are part of—family, team, community,
business place, etc.
If you are doing well and feeling happy, then your
“community” is in good shape and it is the right
place for you to be. But if you are not doing well
or not happy, then there are issues that need to
be addressed. You are like an early warning
signal—you sense when things are not right.

You are among the rarest of the five Types—Reflectors are less than 1% of
the population. You are designed to take in and experience the energies of
everyone around you. Therefore, you get to actually experience the whole
range of human potential and can become the wisest people among us.

The correct decision making and action taking strategy for you is to
wait 29 days (a full moon cycle) before making important decisions. During
this period, you need to talk with others about your decision and wait for the
clarity that comes with time.

Once you have reached a decision, then you can take all the action you
need without any further waiting.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

As a Reflector, you experience people on a very deep level and can know a
person in a way that most of us cannot. Reflectors who do not understand
how their Design works can feel deeply lost and overwhelmed by life.

Famous Reflectors
Some famous Reflectors are Dostoevsky, Richard Burton, Roselyn Carter,
and Sandra Bullock.

 Now, What’s Your Next Step for Using

This Information to Improve Your Life?

You may think you are one of the Types above, but the only way to be
certain is to get your personal Human Design Chart. (Click here to request
a Chart for yourself or a loved one.)

Your Type and Strategy will be clearly shown on the bottom half of your
Chart. This really is the key—THE SECRET—to making better decisions in
everything you do. When you know and USE the correct decision making
and action taking strategy, your life begins to flow better, gets easier,
makes more sense, and becomes more productive (and did I mention
more enjoyable!) in ways that are specifically correct for YOU.

Your Type and Strategy allow you to understand yourself at a deep

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

level, to know how you operate, and to know how you can best work
with others.

Most people don’t spend enough time on understanding these aspects of

themselves. They think it’s fluffy information that won’t get them results, but
the contrary is true. This information can bring you SIGNIFICANT and truly
amazing results in your life. In fact, it can completely turn your life around!

So, what’s next for you now? Here are three possible next
steps for you to take. Choose the ones right for YOU!

1. Be sure to read and use the other free gifts included in your Decision
Maker’s Kit. Click the titles below to open or download them. In
addition to the Special Report you are reading right now, your Kit

 “Your Journey of Transformation: An Introduction to

Understanding Your Human Design Chart”
a short Ebook that describes the parts of the Chart so you start to
get familiar with them

 “The Five Types, Roles, and Strategies of Human Design”

a handy one-page Reference Guide to help you use this
information to know yourself and others

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

2. If you want more FREE information, visit my website and especially

visit my blog where you’ll find over 100 articles, tips, resources, and
Celebrity Chart Reviews to help you learn and apply Human Design
in your life and relationships.

3. If you are ready to learn much more about yourself and dive deeply
into how this information can help you, a basic Human Design
Reading is your best next step.

Knowing the decision making Strategy for your Type is only the first
part of the picture. You also need to be able to apply this Strategy in:

 your business
 your personal life
 your relationships
 and all of your decisions.

To do this effectively, most people need individual interpretation of their

Chart and a personalized explanation of how all the “parts” fit together into
the full picture of YOU. This is where my training as a Certified Human
Design Specialist Level 4 comes in. (Level 4 is the highest level currently
offered in Karen Curry Parker’s Quantum Human Design Training.)

A private Reading with me is an intimate journey into the truth of Who You
Are and Why You’re Here! You’ll gain clarity, confirmation, and confidence.

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

You’ll know how to make decisions, take actions, and align your energy
with your personal blueprint (your Chart!).

You can choose from an Initial Reading (1 session) or a Full Reading (3

sessions) to get you started. Click the above links to do directly to those
descriptions or click here to learn about all my Readings.

If you’ve already had a basic reading with a qualified practitioner, you may
be interested in the many Specialty Readings I offer.

If you are really ready… if you saw yourself in what you’ve read so far and
you know you want help making your life better… I urge you to take your
next steps TODAY. It only takes a few minutes to begin applying this
knowledge and wisdom in your life, and you can soon be further along on
your path to making better decisions in your life, your career, and your

I look forward to helping you on your journey,

Evelyn Levenson
Certified Human Design Specialist Level 4

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#1 Secret to Better Decisions

P.S. If you don’t do this today, what are you going to do? Do you have a
plan for making a better life for yourself, or having a better career, or
improving your relationships? If you don’t have a plan, then I invite you to
simply start here with your free Human Design Chart, or visit my website for
more information.

If you’re not ready to take any action right now, no worries. You will receive
my occasional emails filled with great information for helping you live an
awesome life and use the wisdom of Human Design.

If you already have your personal Human Design Chart and Decision
Maker’s Kit from me and you’ve explored my website, you may be
uncertain about which Reading would be perfect for YOU. I invite you to a
complimentary 30-minute “Decision Breakthrough” Session with me by
Zoom, to help you choose which Reading or Reading Package would be
your best next step. If you’re interested, send me an email at

In the meantime, I hope you received value from this Special Report and all
my free materials. I am dedicated to helping you know yourself and love
yourself. Let me know how I can help you.

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