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Reading Comprehension 3 form

Variant 1

Text I

Super Park.

     In the school holidays Jim and Joe visit Super Park with their dad. There are lots of
interesting things in Super Park. There is a big roller coaster. It is very high and fast.
Joe likes the roller coaster, but Jim doesn’t like it. The roller coaster is opposite the
snack bar.    There are swings in Super Park. The swings are next to the restaurant.
Jim likes to go on the swings. There is a big swimming pool. Jim, Joe and their dad
love swimming. The swimming pool is behind the zoo. The boys like the zoo. There
are hippos, tigers and monkeys. There are also elephants. Jim and Joe like the
elephants best. They like stroking the elephants’ trunks.

      Then it is nearly time to go home. Dad and the boys go to the restaurant. Dad has
a cup of tea. Joe has an ice cream and Jim has a fruit salad.

   Read the text and choose the  right prepositions. Прочитай текст та вибери

правильний прийменник.

1. _____( in / on) __   the school holidays Jim and Joe visit Super Park with their
2. There are lots of interesting things (in/ into) Super Park.
3. The roller coaster is (opposite/ behind) the snack bar.
4. The swings are (near/ next to) the restaurant.
5. The swimming pool is (in front of/ behind) the zoo.
6. Dad and the boys go (to/ at) the restaurant.

Text II


There are 12 months in a year. March, April and May are spring months. June, July
and August are summer months. September, October and November are autumn
months. December, January and February are winter months.

Children like winter because they have great fun. Children like spring because
everything is joyful and gay. Children like autumn because it is beautiful. All trees
have leaves of red, yellow and brown colours. Children like summer because they
don’t go school.

Read the text and circle the correct word.  Прочитай текст та обвели правильне
1. A year has ( 3/4)  seasons.

2. A season has (3 / 12)  months.

3. There are (3 / 4) months in summer.

4. There are (30 / 31) days in December

5. (December / March) is a winter month.

6. Children like summer because they ( don’t go to school / don’t go to the sea) .
Дата ______________________________________________________ ( повністю)
Reading Comprehension
Variant 1

Text I

Super Park.

Read the text and choose the  right prepositions. Прочитай текст та вибери

правильний прийменник.

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

Text II


Read the text and circle the correct word.  Прочитай текст та обвели правильне

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________

Прізвище та ім’я учня / учениці ____________________________________

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