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Marketing problems associated with auto genie’s failure:

Auto genie aimed to provide car maintenance services at customers door steps being Pakistan’s
first virtual automotive maintenance portal. The portal became known among the upper-class
people in a short time but failed to diversify in other markets. With little investment in marketing
the company failed to widen its collaboration with other auto part companies and garages.
There are several reasons of failure of auto genie out of which one of the main reasons is
inadequate marketing and not promoting the company and services in cities other than Lahore.
Let’s take a look at the Integrated Marketing Communication of Auto genie to discover where it
failed and how it could revive by following these marketing strategies.
1. Advertising strategy of Auto genie:
When auto genie was initially launched it was able to gather attention of elite class and was also
successful in raising 10,000 funding from pakwheels. But we didn’t see much advertisement of
auto genie whether it was in TV, radio, print, outdoor or social media. Due to this reason, brand
awareness of auto genie was quite less leading to its ultimate failure. Our consumer gets attracted
to fancy visuals and graphics. A public message that can change the perception of the consumer
and lead to a change in his behavior is the most suitable way to advertise. However, auto genie
wasn’t able to remain consistent in doing efficient marketing campaigns hence a large number of
populations remained unknown of the genie ready to solve their problems.
2. Sales promotion of auto genie:
Initially auto genie offered two membership plans including promotional membership and
discounts to attract customers and aimed at expanding their services in major cities of Pakistan
other than Lahore and collaborate with different corporates but it wasn’t able to achieve this aim
because of being not able to communicate to the right audience.
At the time of launch of auto genie social media marketing wasn’t a popular marketing platform
but now a days auto genie can use social media marketing to be known everywhere and offer
sales promotion at different occasions.
3. Direct marketing:
Texting Campaigns, Mails, Messages, and Emails are the way through which a company does its
direct marketing. Although, Direct Marketing is a cost-effective way of integrated marketing
which doesn’t cost much of your budget. Auto genie, yet again, wasn’t able to communicate with
the audience because of lack of an efficient direct marketing campaigns.
To revive the company, direct marketing would be an efficient marketing technique
because not all people use social media and direct messaging or emailing would create awareness
about the services.
4. Personal selling:
Initially the startup managed to raise 100,000 dollars of investment from Pakwheels , Pakistan’s
number 1 automobile platform. This partnership could have provided growth opportunities,
resources and access to the network. However, they remained unable to on board corporate
clients which could have led to stable revenue streams.
Therefore, Auto genie wasn’t able to reach the potential customers so improvements are
required to enhance personal selling as a communication medium between buyers and sellers.
5. Public relations of auto genie:
To build credibility of an organization, public relations play an important role. Auto genie did
not work on building a good image among the public communities and groups. To take the
desired action, the message of auto genie should have boomed among the serving group. So that,
the target audience could build a perception leading to an increase in the sales.

Ps of branding:
Auto genie needs to add these 3ps to its service to build credibility and brand image.

Brand perception is what customers believe a service represents or provide not what the
company says it does. Auto genie needs to build credibility and trust by providing quality
services in a cost-effective way that would lead to positive customer reviews, word of mouth
marketing, reputation on social media channels as well as face to face.
Auto genie claims to be one stop solution for all your motoring needs. Auto genie is initiated
with the vision to cut down the mental burden of car owners to deal with car repair and
maintenance Get your car fixed and maintained at your doorstep (Home or Office) through easy
online bookings.
Auto genie needs to fulfil all these promises by assuring quality services, timely response and
availability and CRM.
Auto genie can develop brand image by making catchy tag line, brand colors, logo signature tone
that makes the company unique and distinct.

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