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Lesson 2: What Is Media and Information Literacy?

Jump Start

Divide the board into three columns and write these key ideas namely media, information and
communication. Challenge the students to pick a word and write a metaphor for it on the board or in
their notebook.

I Media I Information I Communication I

What is the common theme among your answers?

-Media ang Information.,Communication.

Do you see any relationships among these three? -Yes.

Let’s Evaluate!

How similar or different are your ideas from does in the discission?
-from some reason it’s not similar yet not different.

Check Your Understanding

A. What are the different types of literacy?

-The different types of literacy is Information Literacy,Media Literacy,Technology
Literacy,and Information and Information Literacy.

B. Application.

1. Choose a graphic organizer to illustrate the relationship between and among media literacy,
information literacy, and media and information literacy. Why did you choose this graphic organizer?
What relationship exists among these literacies?



-I choose this graphic organization because it’s so simple.

2. How does Media and Information Literacy subject support and promote the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights?
-The relationship that exist among literacy is that literacy helps individuals to lead a
better quality of life as they have the necessary skills and knowledge that can be use examples to
support their opinion.

C. Synthesis.

1. Cite an example in your classroom activity aside from this subject or in your community or in the
country that creates a program promoting directly or indirectly the importance of media and information
literacy. -
Making an example when doing group work or individual work,like a supporting opinion.

2. What is your short-term and long-term expectations for this course?

-My short-term and long-term expectation for this course is that can contribute my ideas
and gain knowledge and experience.

Explore and Create!

Imagine you want to submit an entry in a newspaper column writing contest for students. Based on the
contest guidelines, any significant topic that people must understand nowadays will be one of the key
criteria. You decided to write an informative article about the role and importance of being media and
information literate. Develop your ideas with a main point followed by an explanation and example.
Remember to check the clarity and organization of your ideas to achieve your purpose.

A media and Information literacy requires certain skills such as critical thinking.We must always
know and take a look if the idea that we are transmitting is actually informative or educational.
Media and Information Literacy consist of the knowledge,the attitudes,and the sum of
the skills needed to know when and what information is needed. The example of Media and Information
Literacy is planning,searching and evaluating.


UNIT 2:The Evolution of Traditional to New

Essential Questions

What are the earliest forms of communication and how did they evolve based on the technology during
that time?

-The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings, smoke signals, symbols, carrier
pigeons, and telegraph. Communication evolves into more convenient and efficient like Cellphone,
Internet, Tv, etc.

What are the roles and importance of media in the society?

- Media has been one of the methods of controlling, people and leisure. The media, both print, and
broadcast are expected to inform the mass audience, educate them to entertain the people and
mobilize them towards the desired goal.

What is the current media trend today and how is it changing the everyday lives of the members of the

-The current media trend today is the AR and VR Technology. Social media, digital advertising,
and increased access to the internet through various devices have all shaped trends in

What is the most efficient media for communication and how can it be continuously improved?

- To communicate effectively about your continuous improvement process while staying focused on
value creation. For communication to remain focused on value creation, it should always relate to the
foundations of the continuous improvement process and make all observable results available to

LESSON 1:Traditional and New Media

Jump Start

Discuss the following questions based on the activity above:

1. Which of the two methods used by each group is the better means of transferring the message?
-Explaining it by words and if they start to drawing they have to draw the important or the drawing
that could guess immedietly

2. What techniques can further be applied so that the accuracy can be improved?

-Gestures like hand gesture

3. What could be the best way to correctly convey the title of the movie to the last member of the
-By observing it carefully and think carefully of what movie it is.

Lets Analyze!

A new school year has started and the teacher wishes to engaged the students to be regularly updated
with their tasks and assignments.How can the teacher utilize new media in order to reach out to the
students as often as possible?

Check Your Understanding

A. Determine the period or age when the forms of media/device/platform existed by marking the
corresponding cell with an ‘X’ mark. Do remember that an item might be applicable to more than one

Medium/Device/ Pre- Industrial Electronic Information

Platform industria Age Age Age
l Age
Printing Press X
Typewriter X
Twitter X
Telephone X X
Stone/Clay Tablets X

B. Application.

1. What is the importance of choosing the correct medium of communication in conveying a message or

-the importance of choosing the correct medium of communication in conveying a message or

information the medium you use to communicate your message is just as important as the message

2. How do you use the new media platforms in your everyday life?

- I use it for my online class, I use it to call my friends that far from me, to interact with some friends thru
call because of pandemics we won't see each other face to face, and I use it when I'm feeling bored.

C. Synthesis and Analysis.

1. Compare the four periods of the evolution of traditional to new media. What are the catalyst for
change from each period towards the next?

-Prehistoric Age-Prehistoric refers to the time before the existence of written or recorded history. As the
tools were relatively crude, archeologists believe that a system of writing had not yet existed during this

2. Do you think there will be another period after the information age? If yes, how do you think it will
-Yes, It's because we people are upgrading or evolving like how we start in the pre-industrial age to the
information age.

Explore and Create!

Pre-industrial Age (Pre- 1700’s)

Through the Pre-Industrial Age (Before the 1700s), people discovered fire, developed paper from plants,
and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper, and iron.

Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)

Cave paintings (35,000 BC)

Printing press using wood blocks

(220 AD)

Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)

Industrial Age (1700’s to 1930’s)

-The Industrial Age is a period of history that encompasses the changes in economic and social
organization that began around 1760 in Great Britain and later in other countries, characterized chiefly
by the replacement of hand tools with power-driven machines such as the power loom and the steam
engine, and by the concentration of industry in large establishments



Electronic Age (1930’s to 1980’s)

The invention of the transistor ushered in the Electronic Age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to
the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long distance communication became
more efficient.


Information Age (1900’s to 2000’s)

The internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network. People
advanced the use of microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sound, and data are digitized. We are now living in the
information age.

TWITTER (2006)

YOUTUBE (2005)




UNIT 2:The Evolution of Traditional to New

LESSON 2: The Role of Media in the Society
Jump Start

Who are your sources?

Ask the students to form a group of five people and rank their sources of information by marking them,
with 1 as being the primary source and so on. Let each group tally the results to determine which type of
media they consider their primary source of information



3.News Programs

4.Social Media Websites




8.News Paper

1.why the media source was ranked the highest?

Television is in the highest ranked because lately many people watching tv and they also using it as a
resources to know what’s happening in the world.

2.what its greatest influences are on them as a student and as a member of the society?

It influence everyone to understand the importance of the source of the information.

Let’s evaluate!
How often do you use digital media? What digital media platform do you use the most and what
are your primary goals in using it?
I always use digital media. One of the media platform that I use is Facebook because I always
talk to my friends and I always watch anime there.

Check Your Understanding

A. Determine whether the following media platforms belong to traditional media, social media, or e-
governance by marking the corresponding cell with an ‘X’ mark.

B. Application.

1. Which celebrity, politician, or social group do you “follow” the most and in which aspect of your life is
highly influenced by this?

-I follow most the Korean boygroup BTS,They inspired everyone to their lyrics.

2. Are you a member of a an online community like a Facebook group? If yes, what are your reasons for
joining and how does it affect you as a person?

-Yes,my reason to join Facebook it is because I want to get updated about my friends and to connect to

C. Synthesis and Analysis.

1. What e-government project do you think is needed in the Philippines in order to provide better and
higher quality public service to the community?

- I give some projects in a government that is needed, like School building Transportation,
communication and others project that important during the pandemic.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new media in the modern society and provide real-life
examples of each.

-The advantage of new media in modern society is we can community to our family and friends that far
while the disadvantages of this are people use media to ruin someone’s image, uploading scandals that
might affect children who are using social media.

Explore and Create!

Using the Internet, search for a person, group, organization, or movement that aims to promote the
empowerment of marginalized sectors or ideologies.

1. How do they use digital media in order to influence the members of society?
- They use digital media to influence the members of society by enabling unprecedented levels of
communication, social interaction, and community building across boundaries of time, place, and
social context.

2. Are there similarities in the way they use digital media in order to gain followers, and is there evidence
that they really influence how society acts or reacts?

- Yes, there are similarities in the way they use digital media to gain followers, and is there evidence that
they influence how society acts or reacts.

3. What are your personal guidelines or principles when it comes to following a person or group on social
media? How are these guidelines helping you to have better judgement?

- My guidelines or principles when it comes to following a person or group on social media are that each
person has some privacy, respects each other, Knows what action to take, etc. It will help you to protect


UNIT 2:The Evolution of Traditional to New

Lesson 3: The Internet of Things

Jump Start How connected is your home? Interview at least five classmates. Through this the interview,
you should gather answers to the following questions:

1. Do you have an Internet-capable home?


2. What devices and how many are usually connected to the Internet at any given time?

-Laptop and cellphone , atleast 6 gadget is connected to the internet.

3. Aside from typical Internet browsing, does your family members use the Internet for any other

-Yes, my family members use the Internet for any other purpose like watching some news, online class,
and using it for research,etc.

4. What is the most unique device connected to your Internet-capable home? Present your findings in
front of the class and compare if there are similarities on how each home utilizes the Internet.


Let’s evaluate!

Aside from you computers and smartphones, do you have any IoT devices in your home? How often do
you use them and what are your favorite features and functions?

-Aside from computers and smartphones we don’t have any IoT devices in our home.

Let’s Analyze!

A courier service operator wishes to monitor the locations of all its delivery vehicles anytime and
anywhere. Which Internet od things solution do you think would best fit the needs of the business?
What would be the advantages and disadvantages if the said implementation were to push through?

-For me I think a Tracker would be best fit that needed in this, This IoT devices can maybe manage,
monitor and alert staff of changes in processes or productivity, helping them make smarter decisions
about work. And for the disadvantage this may cost a lot and the service operator might be confused.

Check Your Understanding

A. Determine the category to which the following IoT devices belong by marking the corresponding cell
with an ‘X’ mark.

Smart Light Bulbs - Home Automation

GPS Tracking - Business Automation
Body Activity Tracker - Fitness and Health care
Point of sale Devices - Business Automation
Smart Locks - Home Automation
B. Application.

1. What are the benefits of having a smart home?

- One of the benefits of having a smart house is that it will make your work easier.

2. What are the challenges and major concerns when it comes to having IoT-ready devices?

- The challenges and major concerns when it comes to having IoT-ready devices might be Lack of User
Knowledge & Awareness, IoT Security Problems in Device Update Management, etc.

C. Synthesis and Analysis.

1. A homeowner installed a smart lock into his home. Considering that it can be accessed wirelessly,
what steps should he take in order to ensure that only authorized persons will be able to control the
smart lock?

- to ensure that only authorized persons will be able to control the smart lock is to make sure they are
the only ones who can access it and also let it check to a professional who knows about it to make sure
that it is not being hacked or anything that will make everyone in danger.

2. What should business organizations and companies consider in the implementation of IoT devices?
Should factors such as cost of implementation and the corresponding benefits be weighed in a
significantly strict manner?

-Business organizations and companies should consider the implementation of IoT devices because IoT
devices record and transfer data to monitor important processes, give us new insights, boost efficiency,
and allow companies to make more informed decisions. For me Yes it should factors such as cost of
implementation and the corresponding benefits be weighed in a significantly strict manner.

Explore and Create! Form a group of five students each. The goal of this activity is to design an Internet
of Things device (this can be any common appliance found in a typical house or office) that will feature
capabilities that may or may not exist as of this time. You will have full liberty as to what you want to
include in their proposed device, but be guided by these questions.

1. What type of device are you going to propose and which major area or category does it belong to?

-For me the Body Activity Tracker it belongs to Fitness and Health care
2. How do you plan to promote your device so that people would actually want to use it?

-By letting them know how it can be good for us and also how it really works.

3. What are the major features and capabilities of your device against the other existing IoT devices in
the market?

-how it useful to our health.

4. What could be its disadvantages or pitfalls that the consumer needs to know? How would you
address these concerns in the future iteration of your device?

-one of the disadvantage might be the cost so to address these concern in the future iteration of the
device we should carefully think and plan it carefully.


I understand what media is and how it continues to evolve based on the available technology.

- I have a minimal understanding of it.

I am able to comprehend the major roles and influences of traditional and new media to the society.

- I have a minimal understanding of it.

I am able to grasp the concept behind the Internet of Things and I am able to distinguish its different
advantages and disadvantages.

- I have a minimal understanding of it.



Unit 3: Information Literacy

Essential Question

What questions do we ask ourselves when we are in a new environment ?

-How can I improve my surroundings and lifestyle.

How do we get those information?

-by reading a various statements, reports, etc.

How can we know if those answers are correct and valid?

-if it is already got the approval of an expert.

Who and where do we go to in order to get these answers?

-by finding a way to get the answers.

What can we do with these kinds of information after?

-we can already know and share it.

Lesson 1: Information Literacy

Let’s Analyze!

Why do we need information?

-we need information because we can make a decision and we know what is wrong and right.

Where do we search for information?

-we can search an information in the internet.

How do we acquire and store these information?

-We can use the Human Memory

How can we determine the quality and accuracy of the information gathered?

-when the information that we gathered is trustable.

How do you use the information that you have?

- to confirm or verify something that they know, to predict what may happen, and to develop or
maintain personal relationships.

How will you communicate these information?

-By expressing it in a careful way.

Let’s evaluate!
Knowing the definition of information literacy, does this mean we have the freedom to post and share
good information we know online in social media?

-For me we can post and share good information that we know online in social media but we have to
confirm if it is a reliable information.

Check Your Understanding

Answer the following questions.

A. Arrange the statements into its correct order. Write numbers 1-5 on the left side of the table.- (5

5.Use information in an ethical, efficient, and effective way

3.Cite or research for information

4.Analyze and evaluate the quality of information

1.Identify and recognize the need for information

2.Determine different sources of information

B. Application

1. Give two forms that information is presented in multimedia.

-text, images

2. Share or cite an experience outside the classroom context in which you have to use multiple sources.
What did you use and why did use these? How did these several sources help you achieve your

-while doing a research report, we use internet to research some part that we di not understand, these
resources help us to understand some words or research that we don’t know.

C. Write your answer in no more than two sentences.

1. Why is information literacy considered a life skill?

-information literacy is considered a life skill because Information literacy helps students recognize
misleading, out-of-date, or false information. It also helps us sort through the data and interpret it
intelligently. information literacy as abilities that enable a person to “recognize when information is
needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”1

2. How can you consider information as good ?

Good information is relevant for its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its purpose, complete enough for the
problem, reliable and targeted to the right person. A good Information is also used to communicate new
knowledge and help us in decision-making. This also helps us in learning new things in general.

Explore and Create!

“Know Your Limits” Having known the different elements of information literacy, list down your ideas
and give three examples to the following questions:

● What qualities should we look for in our sources of information to make sure they are credible and

-We should look for the source's authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and coverage to
make sure the information is credible and reliable.

● When is it an appropriate time to share information in social media? When is it a bad time? Be specific
as possible and explain why.

When the information that we will share is already credible and reliable we can already share the
information on social media, But if it is not completed or it still has many wrong sentences or
information also is not accurate in the information it will be a bad time to share it in social media.



Unit 3: Information Literacy

Lesson 2: Ethical Uses of Information

Jump Start

“Knowledge is Power”

Do you agree to this phrase? Group yourselves according to who responded “yes” and “no”. In your
groups, discuss the following questions: How would you define the meaning of this phrase? Why do you
agree or disagree with this phrase? Justify your answer by giving examples.

-YES, Because Knowledge can be your weapon in the future. I agree in this phrase because we can always
use the knowledge.

Let’s Analyze!

We just learned about what plagiarism is. Suppose you are tasked to research on the health benefits of
jogging, how can you make sure that the paper you are writing is not plagiarized work?

- We should have a clear understanding of Plagiarism and its consequences so that we cannot perform it

Let’s evaluate!

We learned about the legal consequences of plagiarism. Why is it ethically important to give a proper
credit when using someone else’s work?

- Ethically is important to give proper credit when using someone else’s work because it
gives credit to the original author and their work for the ideas you found to be useful and
giving them credit helps you avoid unintentionally plagiarizing their work.
Check Your Understanding

Answer the following questions.

A. Give the correct term being described in the sentence. (5 items)


1. Plagiarism
2. Paraphrase
3. Ethics
4. Common Knowledge
5. Fair Use Policy

B. Application
1. Give one fact that is considered common knowledge.

-Common knowledge includes information that appears across many sources

without a clear origin
2.What is an important step done when directly quoting your source of information?
- An important step done when directly quoting your source of information is when directly quoting
a source, We must include the page number where the quote appears in the work being cited.

C. Write your answer in no more than two sentences.

1. How is information literacy connected to the ethical use of information?

-Information literacy is connected to the ethical use of information because both deal with giving credit
where credit is due and using other people's work correctly.

2. How is the Copyright law in the Philippines different from that of the US?

-Because for me, The Philippine copyright law also protects trademarks, patents, and even various forms
of intellectual property.

Explore and Create!

“Citations Done Right”

Choose an editorial piece in the newspaper today. Gather all important information needed to give a
brief analysis of the issue at hand. Practice the use of direct quotations and paraphrasing by citing parts
of the newspaper article. Write a short opinion regarding the chosen topic.

Bentahan ng mga bulaklak

sa Dangwa matumal

Posted at Oct 26 2021 11:37 AM | Updated as of Oct 26 2021 11:52 AM

Naging matumal ang bentahan ng mga bulaklak sa Dangwa ngayong Martes.

Hindi tulad noong nakaraang linggo na marami ang namili dahil maagang
nagpunta sa mga sementeryo, mas kakaunti ang mga nagtungo ngayon sa
Dangwa para mamili ng bulaklak, ayon sa mga nagtitinda.

Wala namang ipinagbago sa presyo ng mga bulaklak maliban sa ilang klase

tulad ng Chrysanthemum, Gerbera at Carnation na medyo bumaba ang presyo
ngayong Martes.
Nasa P600 naman ang presyo ng orchids kada bungkos, ang red roses naman ay
nasa P200 per dozen, at P150 naman para sa white roses.

Hindi pa masabi sa ngayon ng mga nagtitinda kung tataas pa o bababa ang

presyo ng mga bulaklak.

Anila, sa ngayon ay stable pa ang supply ng mga bulaklak.

Isasara sa publiko ang lahat ng pribado at pampublikong sementeryo sa bansa

mula Oktubre 29 hanggang Nob. 2 para maiwasan ang posibleng pagkalat ng

- TeleRadyo 26 Oktubre 2021

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