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Name : Moshaddeq Freudy Nurudin

No. : 28
Class : XII IPA 1

Instruction : Find a text about Tourism Destination. You can browse in the tourism website. Pretend that
you have visited the place. Then, you give your tips / suggestion to your friend. Don’t forget to include
‘If Clause + imperative/suggestion.”

The Great Wall of China

Like a writhing dragon’s tail, the Great Wall of China snakes its way across China’s northern
border. As its name suggests, the Great Wall is an imposing architectural marvel, and it’s often hailed as
one of the greatest man-made wonders of the world.

The Great Wall of China’s history stretches back more than 2,000 years, to a time before China was
even a unified country. But the Great Wall of China isn’t really a single great wall. “The first thing to
note,” travel expert Stan Godwyn told Travel + Leisure, “is that it’s actually a series of walls and
Godwyn typically arranges for clients to visit one of
four main sections — Badaling (the most well-
known and accessible for travelers of varying
mobility), Mutianyu (well-restored but much less
crowded), Simatai (a crumbling, rugged stretch of
wall), and Jinshanling (for serious hikers). Despite
its cultural and historic importance, it wasn’t until
1987 that the Great Wall of China was listed as a
World Heritage site by UNESCO.

Here are some tips if you want to visit this place

1. If you want to enjoy the peace atmosphere, visit this place during summer or fall season.
Don’t visit the great wall of China during winter season (November until February). The
snow rain will cover the stairs and you can easily get slipped. Beside the low temperature is really
2. If you get thirsty easily, you should bring much water and use hat to cover your head.
During the summer, the temperature can up to 31C. The steep stairs could make you
exhausted. Take rest regularly and keep yourself hydrated. There are shops selling water or drink
for you. I suggest to bring at least 2 Litter of water
3. If you want to save more money, you had better take bus from Beijing and not using tour
guide service.
The well organized public transportation in China is a benefit for tourist like us. Cost for a
bus ticket only ¥2 (Rp 5.000 or $0,35) and it’s really cheap. Sometimes if you are using travel
agent, it can cost you up to ¥20 for a taxi. Meanwhile, you can learn the history of the great wall of
China by yourself, we don’t need tour guide anymore.

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