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Chapter 11: In Hongkong and Macao, 1888

1. When was Rizal forced to leave his own country the 2nd time? February 1888
2. What was his age when he was a practicing physician and a recognized man of letters?
27 years old
3. When and what was his age when he first went abroad? June 1882, 21 years old
4. How many months did he stay at Calamba, Rizal when he came back home from
abroad? 6 months
5. When was his trip to Hongkong? February 3, 1888
6. What are the three reasons why he did not get off his ship when it made a brief stopover
at Amoy on February 7?
- He was not feeling well
- It was raining hard
- He heard the city was dirty
7. When did he arrive in Hongkong? February 8
8. When did he write a letter to Bleumentritt expressing his bitterness? February 16, 1888
9. Who was the Spaniard and a former secretary of Governor General Terrero that
shadowed Rizal’s movement in Hong Kong? Jose, Sainz de Varanda
10. Boarded the ferry steamer Kiu-kung for Macao on February 18, who accompanied
Rizal? Basa
11. Where was his next destination when Rizal left Hongkong on board the Oceanic,
American steamer on February 22, 1888? Japan
12. Who called Rizal a “good man'' who had lived in China for 27 years, and knew the
Chinese language very well? His cabin mate, a British Protestant Missionary
13. How many weeks did he visit or experience Hongkong? 2 weeks
14. What were Rizal’s observations in Chinese dramatic art?
- A man astride a stick means a man riding a horseback
- An actor raising his legs means his entering a house
- A red dress indicates a wedding
- A girl about to be married coyly covers her face with a fan even in the
presence of her fiance
- A man raising whip signifies his about to ride a horse
15. What was the richest order in Hongkong? Dominican order (owned more than 700
houses for rent)
16. Hong Kong cemeteries belonging to Protestants, Muslims, and Catholics, who has the
most beautiful? Protestants
Chapter 12 Romantic Interlude in Japan (1888)

1. For one month and a half (February 28-April 13, 1888), where were the happiest
interludes in the life of Rizal? Land of the Cherry Blossoms
2. Who was the Japanese girl he fell in love with and what was her real name? O-Sei-San,
real name: Seiko Usui
3. When did Rizal arrive in Yokohama? Tuesday morning, February 28, 1888
4. Who visited him at the Tokyo hotel? Juan Perez Caballero, secretary of the Spanish
5. Rizal accepted the invitation to live at the Spanish legislation for two reasons
- He could economize his living expenses by staying at the legation
- He had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities
6. What were the things that Rizal favorably impressed in Japan?
- The beauty of the country
- The cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the japanese people
- The picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women
- There were few thieves in Japan
- Beggars were rarely seen in the streets unlike in Manila
7. What was the one thing that he did not like in Japan?
Mode of transportation (rickshaws drawn by men), humans being working like
8. What were the two languages Rizal and Usui conversed with? English and French
9. Where did Usui and Rizal visit interesting spots in the city? The Imperial Art Gallery,
universities, Shokubutsu-en (Botanical Garden), Hibiya park , picturesque shrine
10. When did Rizal board the Belgic, an English steamer at Yokohama? April 13, 1888
11. Rizal was the first to capture Usui’s heart, she mourned for a long time after the loss of
her lover.
12. In the trans-Pacific voyage to the United States, who were the semi family he met on
board? Mr. Reinaldo Turner, his wife Emma Jackson, maid servant of Pangasinan
13. Richal is Rizal, a famous man in Manila who wrote Noli me Tangere, a boy asked Rizal.
14. Who was the fighting Japanese, journalist, novelist, and champion of human rights that
befriended Rizal on board the Belgic? Tetcho Suehiro
15. Eight months (April 13-December 1, 1888), the intimate acquaintanceship of Rizal and
16. In 1889, after his return to Japan Tetcho published a travel diary containing his
impressions of Rizal.
17. What was Tetcho’s political novel (1891) that resembles Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere?
Nankai-no-Daiharan (Storm over the South Sea)
18. 3 years later (1894), what was another novel that is similar to El Fili? O-unabara (The
Big Ocean)

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