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pH and temperature of high precision with an

acquisition data card.

Arnulfo Lara Eliosa(1), Jaime Cid Monjaraz(2), Fernando Reyes Cortes(2),Javier Méndez
Mendoza(2), Ignacio Becerra(1).
Laboratorio de Tecnología del Agua, Instituto de Ciencias.
Facultad de Ciencias de la Electrónica.
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
14 sur y San Claudio, Col, San Manuel, Ciudad Universitaria.
Edif.103 D CP. 72590, Puebla, México. Tel: (222) 2 295500 Ext. 7857, 5536.

Summary.-This work shows the use of a pH and temperature its physical counterpart would do.Since 90s many
meter using discreet components with the DAQ CARD 6024E institutions and people have increased the interest in the
of National Instruments through the software LAB VIEW V8. application of the control by instrumentation due to the
This has different characteristics and very portable ones that incorporation of the 16 and 32 bits, getting high speeds and
permit the obtaining of signal through the Data Acquisition
great memory capacity.
Card, which permits the computer to monitor for registering
the measures that entails to an industrial development The advantages of the control by virtual instrumentation let
process. Here, important results are observed with decimal collect and visualize the data in “real time” and unable the
precision for temperature and hundredths for pH with system control through the local networks Internet and it
samples of every 0.001s and frequency values of 1khz from integrates the system studied within systems of higher rank.
what it is observed that the pH value is a dependant variable The pH measure is required in lots of industrial processes,
on the temperature. This system make us possible the control especially those that include food and beverage production.
strategiesdesign and the automation in a very short time, by The universal method more known of pH measuring is the
scroll systems on the screen besides the application is acidity prove with paper or something like that. The
minimized in a virtual instrument, this designed device does
indication of chemical substance which changes its color
not require recalibration every time that it is used for
measuring any solution, besides, it makes possible to register according to the pH value.[5]
and observe the collected data and update it for each Unfortunately this method does not give a much
measuring. approximated indication of pH unless it is used under very
strict laboratory conditions.[3] It is undisputable that the
Key words.-- DAQ CARD E data acquisition card National electrode that indicates the hydrogen ions more important
Instruments and more common in sensor lines which has almost
Software LAB VIEW programming pack of the Windows replaced completely to all the other kinds of electrodes and
environment (LM35A) integrated circuit of work. methods that already exist for the pH determination.
Due to this; it has a comfortable management and it is
subjected to little interference that affect to the remaining
I.INTRODUCTION electrodes. The propose of this work is to design and built a
Since the year of 1992 the programming LAB VIEW was pH and temperature meter that at the same time be
introduced to the market about the Windows environment, registered by a personal computer supporting on a
software used for the instrumentation control, with which commercial card, the 6024 E that is a multiple function card
we get to develop measure equipment supporting on of data acquisition and a compatible one. The specifications
elements with Hardware accessible by computer of this card make ideal the wide rate of application in the
(acquisition cards, DSP cards, accessible instruments by industry and laboratory environments. These applications
GPIB, VXI, RS-232) executing a series of measures in real include data acquisition, processes control, automatic
time [1], [2],[15]. proves and automation factory.
The graphic program LAB VIEW contains libraries that let
build any kind of virtual instrument (VI). The user watches II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
on the screen a panel whose function is identical to the Because its versatile properties the integrated circuit has
physic instrument; it facilitates the visualization and control been used, (LM35A). [13]. which is linear in its operation
of the device. Based on the reflected data on the frontal rate and as temperature sensor is of very high precision
panel the (VI) functions collecting or generating signals like because the voltage output is linearly proportionalto the

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temperature in degrees centigrade.[4], [11] the integrated The systems data acquisition.— Basically these are used for
circuit offers excellent using possibilities, though it measuring and register the obtained signals and they are
increases its own temperature in some hundredths of degree used in a large number of applications, in a variety of
centigrade.Also it is used universally for the pH measure. It industrial and scientific areas as the biomedical industry,
measures the difference of the potential through a the aerospace or the telemetry. The kind of system of data
membrane of glass that separates the analysis solution from acquisition is analogical or digital, depending on the data
a reference solution of fixe acidity. use.
In order to measure the temperature a repair with the
integrated circuit is used LM35 being a sensor that produces Development of the application of the sensor LM 35 and
a variation that is proportional to the temperature in degrees LAB VIEW
centigrade which will get in contact with the solution to The sensor of the temperature LM 35 was connected to the
measure, and this signal is carried to the entrance of the connection module SCB-69 at the same time it is connected
DAQ CARD too, in its respective analogical, then it is to the DAQ CARD 6024E, in one of its ends and in the
monitored on the PC screen with LAB VIEW V. 8 other one is connected to the PC through the BUS
For measuring the pH which works for measuring the PCMCIA. Which for observing the sensor information it
acidity or alkalinity of a solution, where the pH value is was used the LABVIEW V.8.[8], [9], [10],[15].
defined as the logarithmic decimal of the hydrogen ions
concentration multiplied by minus one. We use an electrode Each program done in LABVIEW is called Virtual
for measuring the electromotive force of the solution (in Instrument (VI)
mili volts), this potential is detected by an amplification The VI components or structure are:
stage and another of comparison that is done by two The “interactive user interface” is called frontal panel,
amplifier circuits of the serie LMC and LMC6041;[16], because it simulate the panel of a physic instrument. The
[17]. This signal is carried to the DAQ CARD 6024E frontal panel contains the independent and dependent
entrance and as the same as the temperature it was worked variables of the system, it means, the controls and
with LAB VIEW V. 8. [11], {12], [15].Both devices have indicators.
as operation characteristics measuring temperature and The VIs receive instructions from a block diagram in which
measure mili volts.[8], [9], [10]. all the system components are linked (elements and sub-
routine) in a graphic way.
Theorical specifications of the operation. The VIsarehierarchy and modular, it means that they can
pH FUNCTION work as superior level programs or inferior ones in an
pH rate 2.00 a 10.00 independent way. The sub-programs contained within a
Solution % 0.01 hierarchy structure are known as sub-routine or subVI. The
Relative precision % 0.01 icon and the connector of a VI do the tasks of passing the
,QSXWLPSHGDQFHIRUWKHS+Ÿ data flow from a subVI to another subVI and each subVI
TEMPERATURE FUNCTION corresponds to a module. From what the modular
Temperature rate 0 a 90 o programming helps us to divide an application into a series
Solution % 1 of tasks until is it possible to complete the system. Each
Linearity % 0.5 o C subVI could be separated from the others Vis and worked
on it in an independent way.
The noisy of a measure could be seen as a useful property
for the maintenance and the quality guarantees. For The frontal panel or control panel
example if a sensor system of pH indicates exactly the same Essentially the frontal panel is a combination of controls
numeric value for a time (for example: a minute) it means, and indicators. The controls simulate the devices that can be
if the standard deviation of the measure would be zero (or found in a common instrument; they are virtual devices that
very low) it could be deducted that the sensor system is not permit get the input data or the parameters of a systems.
working and the electrode should be replaced or the The indicators visualize the information of the acquired
amplifier of the case. data or the generated ones into the system, the ones that are
This notion permits to develop a precise strategy of processed through the virtual circuitry. For adding the
vigilance of the quality of the sensor systems in a plant by controls and indicators on the frontal panel we have a
memorizing the characteristics of the noise in a computer. control palette.
Design of the experimentation modules.
Power source.- the power source was designed for a group The programming panel
of circuits that are going to provide the tensions of In order to prove different measures of temperature the
continuing power and regulated to the system. Taking into measure of a control panel was done and visualizing it (on
account that it should transform the entrance tension gotten the thermometer, on the graphic and on the display.) [6].
from the network to the necessary levels considering that The pH measure through the DAQ CARD 6024E with the
has to attend the leak stage, regulate the tension and PC and LA VIEW V. 8 we think it is satisfactory due to an
transform the continuing tension regulated to the necessary average of 100 samples is took by second; this permits to
levels.[3], [4]. obtain high precision besides that the solution can be
measured in “real” and fast way.[14].

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III RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS and starts in .73 and it ends in 36.13°C and there was a
For the last measures we proceed to done an variation in the pH 7 Buffer solution, which becomes stable
executablefile with LAB VIEW V8. With data measured in 30°C.
with two files; one for pH and other for temperature which
indicate us the number of samples with very short time Table III. Buffer solution of pH 10.
indicators, we can upload it to a USB for processing from
any PC. Three Buffer samples were worked (pH 4, pH 7 y
pH 10) to 0° C which were placed on ice bags for 30 Temp. pH 10 Temp. pH 10
minutes for these acquire the wanted temperature for 0.73 8.154 36.13 9.814
starting the measures: getting the following tables.
0.97 7.885 37.10 9.887
Table I. values and temperature of pH 4 2.19 8.178 38.08 9.91
3.17 8.203 39.06 9.960
Temp. pH 4 Temp pH 4 4.15 8.740 40.28 10.009
1.22 3.442 12.20 3.808 5.12 8.496 41.01 10.107
1.95 3.588 13.18 4.052 6.10 8.349 42.23 10.107
2.19 3.564 14.16 3.955 7.08 8.105 43.21 10.205
3.41 3.564 15.13 3.955
7.08 8.105 44.18 10.180
4.15 3.613 16.11 4.003
8.05 8.007 45.16 10.156
5.12 3.662 17.33 4.052
6.10 3.540 18.06 4.101 9.03 8.056
7.08 3.588 19.04 4.150 10.00 8.032
8.05 3.613 20.01 4.248
9.03 3.662 21.56 4.199 Finally we proceed to measure the Buffer solution of pH 10
10.00 3.686 22.21 4.467 as the same as the patron samples before, this also was
11.23 3.588 23.19 4.443 immersed into the container with ice and it was placed into
the bottle the temperature sensor and the electrode of glass.
The wanted value of pH 10 should had been registered from
the temperature of 25°C to 30°C, which indicates that there
These are the values of the data files which are was contamination in the environment where the proves
generated with the executable one that generates were done and the buffer pH 10suffered alterationin its
each graphic. component to cool and heat it to increasingthe temperature
to 40°C it registers a value of pH 10. It shows the initial
Table II. Values and temperature of pH 7 temperature of .73°C with pH of 8.15
The table 6.3 shows the initial temperature of 0.73 and it
Temp. pH 7 Temp. pH 7 ends in 45°C with a pH of 8.15 and 10.15 respectively. It
0.73 5.712 24.16 6.884 becomes stable with a value of temperature of 40°C
From the obtained results by this system we can say that:
1.22 5.810 26.12 6.982
the tables that are represented are the ones that were
2.19 5.834 27.09 7.080 obtained by taking the measure to different values of pH
3.17 5.786 28.07 7.128 and temperature indicating that the value of pH is a
4.15 5.859 29.05 7.177 dependent variable on the temperature as the buffer pH 4,
5.12 5.883 30.02 7.226 pH 7 and pH 10 solutions are, which should not be
6.10 5.834 31.00 7.275 subjected to the changes of temperature (0 o C to 45 o C)
7.08 5.908 32.22 7.324 because they alter their properties. Another factor that could
affect the measure is the environment that gets
8.05 5.859 33.20 7.348
contaminated since the sample solution is empty out into a
9.03 5.908 34.17 7.348 bottle for its measure until the time that lasts in measuring
10.00 6.079 35.15 7.373 the solution in the bottle. It is recommended that the
11.23 6.176 36.13 7.373 solutions are in a laboratory which permits them to being
measured in temperature conditions of 25°C.

With the complete module of measurement of temperature IV. CONCLUTIONS

and pH, we proceed to measure the pH Buffer solution 7
which varies to increasing the temperature to 5° C, After an analysis of results about the characteristics of the
increasing the temperature to 27° C the pH value is 7, it is design, obtaining, interface, and data presentation on the
the rate in which the Buffer solution with pH7 is computer through the DAQ CARD 6024 E the software
measurable, it becomes stable from 30.03° C to 36.13°C. LABVIEW V.8 and the measured values it is concluded
The table 2 shows the minimum value of the temperature that:

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The design of the signal conditioners (temperature and pH) „ Decalcification (reducing the water hardness)
fulfill the planned objectives the rate and operation for the „ Calcareous deacidification (corrosion treatment of
system works. It permits the systems give us a precision in piping)
decimals in the case of the temperature and hundredths in „ Base exchanging
the case of the pH. „ Chlorine treatment
„ Waters purification (murky water treatment). In
The integrated circuits CMOS LMC 6001 and the LMC
nuclear reactors electric power.
6041 were chosen because their characteristics and they
„ Natural waters preparation.
were adequated to the project as the same as the sensor of
„ Waters of boilers and condensers
temperature LM35.
In tanning industry:
For controlling the values of the sensor of temperature and „ Softening leather
pH high values of frequency were took to 1K Hz. It permits „ Varnishing, tanning and dyeing
to sample the date every .001 second that is done by the In electric techniques:
software LAB VIEW V. 8 an average of the data taking for „ Electronic condensers
the temperature meter as for the measure of pH. „ Precipitation galvanic platings
„ Sewage waters
The program designing through the software LAB VIEW
In sugar factories:
V. 8 responds in a effective way about the management of
„ Washing and purification of juice.
the input signals with the DAQ CARD 6024E, which are
from each design, the temperature sensor and the pH meter,
from what the interfaces of the DAA CARD 6024 E and Bibliografy
the software LAB VIEW V.8 are compatible for the [1.] Fluorescence Based Optical Sensors, en Advances in
presentation on the PC screen, achieving favorable results. Biosensors, vol. 2, JAI Lübbers, D. W.,
A compatible program covered with the software LAB Press LTD., London (United Kindom), 1992; pp. 215-260.
VIEW V.8 is done, which is a very efficient tool. It [2].- Sensor y acondicionadores de señal.3a
permitted the design of control and automation strategies in Edición.Ramón Pallas ArenyAlfa omega marcombo. .
a very short time through scroll systems on screen. [3]-Guia para Mediciones Electrónicas y Prácticas de
Laboratorio.StanleyWolfPrentice Hall.p.412.
For the temperature and pH process the application is [4].- Métodos Instrumentales de análisis.Hobart H.
minimized in order to just one virtual instrument (VI) the WillardEdit. Continental S.A. México. Pp.721-22.
programming panel and the control panel were connected; [5]. -
optimizing the application development. alcalinidad.htm
Advantages of the project with Hanna and Conductronic [6]. -
pH meters. [7].- Introducción a la Química Analítica.Douglas A.
Skoog. Donald M. West.Centro Regional de Ayuda
The designed device does not require of Técnica para el Desarrollo Internacional. Buenos Aires –
recalibration every time it is used for measuring any México.Reverte Argentina SRL.
solution, while the Hanna and Conductrodic pH meters do. [8]. - LabsenScientific Co. Information de electrodes.
The data is stored in a register that permits the visualization Tester.
of them besides it permits the actualization for each [9]. - Electrochemistry of Cation-Sensivite Glas
measure took. Electrodes.GeorgeEisenman. P.p. 316
[10]. -
The monitoring for the temperature and pH measure is instrumentacion.html
visualized on the computer while the other pH meter does [11].-Amplificadores Operacionales y Circuitos Integrados
not. Lineales.
The card acquisition sample frequency is established, it is Robert F. Coughling, Frederick F. Driscoll.Prentice
of 1K Hz, from what the design takes this sample into 1000 Hall.p.p. 454.
and presents the date every second on the screen. [12].- Instrument6acion ElectrónicaModerna y Técnicas de
Medición.William D: Cooper, Albert D.
An executable file was obtained done in LAB VIEW V.87, Helfrick.Prentice Hall. 1991. p.p. 381.
because of its size characteristics it is very portable. [13].National Semiconductor LM35.
[15].LAB VIEW de National Instruments.
The use of the Ph and temperature meter is applied [16].National Semiconductor LMC6001AIN.
in different areas as industrial and research for example: [17].National Semiconductor LMC6041AIN.

In water treatment with application in:

„ Sewage water sedimentation and precipitation

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