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Good evening everyone, my name is Laurynn and instead of introducing myself today, I

have the pleasure of introducing you all to Moya. I recently became acquainted with Moya
myself, during the first week of school. Along with some casual conversations we’ve had, Moya
and I were able to discuss different values that are most significant to us. We also have spoken
briefly about what morals are and what influences individuals to believe in their morals.
People’s morals are influenced by their background or where they grow up. Moya was
born in Germany due to her father's military services. Her family has moved around from time
to time, but Moya considers Raleigh, NC her hometown. Moya was raised by her father, who
serves as a pastor in the military, and her mother, who is a doctor. While growing up, Moya
stated that her father gave her the best advice in different situations. Now, Moya defines her
relationship with her father as the closet relationship she has compared to anyone else. I
believe as a pastor and father, Moya’s father has been a role model to her and has also greatly
impacted her faith, values, and character.
While discussing what people define as morally correct or wrong, Moya and I spoke
about how religious aspects are crucial to how people form their opinion. When I first asked
Moya about what values are important to her, she stated that she is Christian. In Christianity,
there are several values and descriptions that a Christian possesses. Of those values, Moya
favors virtue, love, forgiveness, caring for others, and unselfishness the most. From our
discussions in class, I think that Moya is a very unselfish person by the way she expresses how
important it is to give back to people. She also seems generous and she genuinely cares for
others. Her favorite scripture in the Bible is Romans 8:38, which reads “if God is for us, who
can be against us.” This scripture indicates that with God on your side, you can do anything
because nothing or no one can stop you. It makes sense that this scripture is Moya’s favorite
because she stated that she was a huge believer in manifestation. She restated the quote, “If
you think you can do it, do it.”
Outside of Moya’s values from religious aspects, she has other standards about living a
morally good life. During our conversation, Moya stressed how important it is to her to maintain
a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising. Continuing to have good grades and
striving for better ones is also something that is crucial to her. While talking, Moya and I asked
one another about simple core values that mean something to us. To Moya, it is key to stay
motivated, be consistent, and be responsible.
Today, Moya is a freshman on the pre-dental track. She has hopes to one day give her
patients confidence in their smiles. Her inspiration to become a dentist comes from her own
dentist who helped Moya practice better dental hygiene and boost her confidence, when kids in
middle school bullied her about her teeth. Moya mentioned to me that she wishes she was
more optimistic than pessimistic, however, I think her goal to become a dentist makes her an
All in all, from sharing Moya and my own values I realize that we have similar values. I
have a real respect for her morals. Honestly, I believe that Moya’s morals in life have already
made her the kind and honest person that she is today and will someday make her a
phenomenal dentist.

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