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W elcome
Congratulations on taking the first step toward experiencing more
spiritual balance and alignment in your life!

In this challenge, you’ve learned about the 7 Sacred Energies that

course through each of us – representing seven universal themes or
stories of life. Throughout history, many cultures and philosophies
have recognized these energies and the importance of bringing
awareness and healing to each throughout our lives.

The ability to do this kind of spiritual evaluation on yourself and your

life whenever something feels out of alignment is an incredible gift.
Each energy has its own wisdom and role in our lives. When these
centers are activated & balanced, you can feel a sense of wholeness,
integration, and connection to the Universe. But when any one of
the energies is out of balance, you might find yourself feeling ‘off’ –
exhausted, anxious, isolated, stressed, or disconnected.

The practices you’ve learned in this challenge can help you feel more
connected with yourself, bring your energy back into balance, and
experience a more refreshed, rejuvenated, and spiritually grounded

This is true spiritual self-care.

Now that you’ve completed the 7 Energies Challenge, you can use
this guide to balance any of the 7 Energies whenever you need it.
This is a guide to help you stay in touch with your spiritual well-being
and bring yourself back into alignment throughout the natural ups &
downs of life.

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Energy 1
The first energy is about the themes of family, safety & security,
earth, our bodies, and our relationship to money & the material
world. This energy is represented by the color red and it is the
energetic foundation on which everything else in our lives is built.

When the first energy is out of alignment, you might feel anxious,
fearful, threatened, unsafe, or ungrounded. This can show up in
stories or feelings of scarcity, fear, lack, or threats.

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will feel a sense
of groundedness, safety, and trust in the flow of life. This stable
foundation allows you to welcome change, adventure, and the

unknown – trusting that whatever life brings your way, you will be
held & supported by Spirit.

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy One:

Complete the “I Am Like An Ancient Tree,” visual journey that I taught
you in the 7 Energies Challenge

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and experience

with Energy One:
• What makes you feel most grounded and rooted in the physical world?
• What makes you feel disconnected? Now, reframe this.
• What makes you feel connected? Why? How did this experience feel?

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Energy 2
The second energy is about the themes of connection, intimacy,
desire, pleasure, and feelings. Your second energy is represented by
the color orange and is the seat of our personal boundaries.

When this energy is out of alignment, you might have a hard time
saying “No.” Or when you do set a boundary and say “No” to
what doesn’t serve you, you end up feeling guilty. This can lead to
people pleasing or breakdowns and issues in intimacy & personal

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will feel empowered
to own your desires, and will have a deep trust that setting

clear boundaries is a form of self-respect, NOT selfishness.

This relationship with your own boundaries & desires will set the
foundation for healthy, loving relationships.

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy Two:

Meditate while thinking about the second Energy

If you want individual Energy Meditations, here are the Oracle of the
7 Energies Meditations

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and

experience with Energy Two:
• What does the word BOUNDARIES mean to you?
• If it brings up difficulties or guilt, journal about that.
• If it doesn’t make you feel those things, journal about what it
makes you feel.
• What does, “I have the right to feel, to have desires, and to set\
boundaries in my world,” feel like for you?
• Reflect on being hopeful and grounded around this truth.

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Energy 3
The third energy is about the themes of self identity, personal power,
will, assertiveness and vitality. This is represented by the color
yellow and is related to our feelings of self-worth and the way we
show up in the world.

When this energy is out of alignment, you might feel that you can’t
be yourself in your life, that you must conform to fit in, or that who
you are simply isn’t acceptable. This can lead to feelings of anger,
loneliness, exclusion, or unworthiness.

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will be able to

embrace your identity with ease. You’ll experience a sense of joy &
D AY 3

worthiness as you bring your own unique essence & contributions

to your life, community, and the world.

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy Three:

Meditate while thinking about the third Energy

If you’d like to listen to a meditation for Energy three, the Oracle of the
7 Energies Meditations are perfect for you!

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and

experience with Energy Three:
• What does the word WORTHY mean to you?
• If the word “worthy” brings up a story that still comes up for you often,
write down your thoughts on it.
• If not, how does the word make you feel?
• What does “I have the right to be myself, to make choices, and to move
forward in my world” feel like for you?
• Reflect on being hopeful and grounded around this truth.
• What does “I am a mighty Co-creator” mean to you now?

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Energy 4
The fourth energy is about the themes of love, compassion,
community, forgiveness, and wholeness. This is represented by the
color green and is the energy of healing.

When this energy is out of alignment, you might feel that you are
unlovable or that you aren’t deserving of love. You might struggle
to feel connected to others or have a hard time releasing the pains
of your past. This can lead to feelings of isolation, depression &
sadness, resentment, and shyness.

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will feel a sense of

loving acceptance for yourself and others – finding forgiveness &

compassion for the mistakes of the past. This will ripple out into a
feeling of connectedness and community in your life.

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy Four:

Meditate while thinking about the fourth Energy

Connect with your fourth Energy with the Oracle of the 7 Energies

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and

experience with Energy Four:
• How does the concept of self-forgiveness move you?
• How did loving your child self make you feel?
• How do you feel when you connect to this truth, “I have a right to love
and be loved?”

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Energy 5
The fifth energy is about the themes of communication, creativity,
listening, sharing, and being heard. This is represented by the color
blue and is connected to our ability to be heard & our capacity to listen.

When this energy is out of alignment, you might struggle with

expressing yourself or feel that you don’t have the right to do so. This
can lead to fears about speaking & owning your personal truth, or
communicating your authentic self.

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will trust that your
unique voice & message is a direct expression of the Divine. You’ll
share your authentic self freely, will communicate easily about yourself,
and will find you have a greater capacity to listen deeply to others.
D AY 5

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy Five:

Complete this musical exercise:
• Music is often the best way to say what we can’t in conversation or
when we can’t find the words.
• Choose a song that makes you feel energized and alive and think about
WHY it makes you feel that way?
• How does it help you express yourself?
• How does it capture what you want to say about yourself today?

Meditate while thinking about the fifth Energy

Tap into your fifth Energy with the Oracle of the 7 Energies Meditations

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and experience with
Energy Five:
• How did it make you feel to know you have a right to self-expression
and right to hear truth?
• How can you express yourself with joy today?

© C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 2 1 C O L E T T E B A R O N R E I D.COM 7
Energy 6
The sixth energy is about the themes of intuition, vision,
imagination, knowing, and perceiving. This center is represented by
the color purple and is related to your own trust (or lack of trust) in
your divine inner-knowing.

When this energy is out of alignment, you might find yourself in a

constant loop of imaging all of the things that could go wrong. Or
you might be stuck in indecision – always second guessing yourself
and worrying about possible threats, or whether you’re making the
right decisions.

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will feel connected
D AY 6

to your imagination, creativity, and sense of possibility. You will be

able to easily recognize and trust the nudges of your intuition and
engage them in imagining & creating your desires.

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy Six:

Pull a card from my Oracle of the 7 Energies Deck for free online here!
• Pick THE card that calls out to you while asking the question, “What do
I need to reflect on today, to stay in alignment, and trust my right to see
a beautiful vision for my life to unfold?”

Meditate while thinking about the sixth Energy

Choose to use the Oracle of the 7 Energies Meditations if you’d like!

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and experience with
Energy Six:
• Write down your reflection on the card you pulled.
• Journal about how the card’s artwork made you feel.

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Energy 7
The seventh energy is about the themes of spirituality, liberation,
God consciousness, understanding, and wisdom. This is
represented by a golden-white color and is about your unique,
personal connection with Spirit or the Universe.

When this energy is out of alignment, you might find yourself

feeling disconnected from God, Spirit, the Divine, or whatever you
choose to call it. You might find yourself feeling like a victim of
your circumstances – leading to a sense of disconnection & lack of

When this energy is balanced and aligned, you will feel a deep
D AY 7

sense of spiritual balance and connection to the Universe. You will

understand yourself as the Divine co-creator of your reality and trust
deeply in your own magic.

Daily Exercise for Balancing Energy Seven:

Meditate while thinking about the seventh Energy

Relax with the Oracle of the 7 Energies Meditations

Use these journal prompts to explore your connection and experience with
Energy Seven:
• Reflect on today’s prayer and meditation.
• Journal about what you need to be in alignment.
• How will you use the tools you’ve learned throughout this 7-day journey
to continue to keep your #7Energies aligned?

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There is so much to be discovered through working with the 7

Energies and the themes that arise in your life as you heal and
balance each one. When you gain a deep understanding of these
energies, you have the opportunity to release old stories that hold
you back from claiming the life you want, discover practical steps to
tap into your intuition and to trust your relationship with the Universe,
and celebrate the sacred vision for your life!

This is what we do in OraclePalooza – our three day virtual

experience and meeting of heart-centered, spiritual seekers
ready to transform into the highest versions of themselves.
Join us, and experience card readings, mediumship sessions like
Spirit Jam, guided meditations to raise your vibe, breakout groups to
form connections with other participants and talk about the cards…
there will even be a virtual dance party!

OraclePalooza isn’t just another zoom meeting, it’s truly the coming
together of thousands of like-hearted, spiritual individuals engaging
in personal growth and deepening our connection to Spirit. This is
a chance to take your inner work even deeper and integrate these
practices into your daily life. The Universe is here to support you in
your healing and growth – we hope you join us for the magic!

Much love,


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