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Final Exam

Intermediate 6
Basic 03
Student’s Name: Teacher’s Name


I. INSTRUCTIONS: You are going to hear a radio programme about a job fair. You will hear the
programme in several parts. After each part you will hear some questions. For each
question choose the correct answer.

a. It’s cheaper.
| b. People do everything online these days.
c. They will know if they have the job or not in less time.

a. Fewer people are needed.
b. Everything is done online.
c. Both a and b.

a. She found the website while surfing the Net.
b. She created it.
c. A friend told her about it.

a. After she hired more people, it went out of business.
b. After she hired more people, it expanded.
c. All the employees went to work for

a. She helps to organise fairs.
b. She trains the staff for the fairs.
c. She hires the employees for the fairs.

a. by offering higher salaries
b. by offering promotional tools like coupons and giveaways
c. by staying open longer

a. by minimising travel time
b. by helping them hire someone faster
c. by cutting down the time spent interviewing people they aren’t interested in
Final Exam
Intermediate 6
Basic 03
a. a few hours
b. a few days
c. however long the employers want

a. there isn’t one
b. business casual
c. it’s formal

a. that they will soon be a thing of the past
b. that they will become more popular
c. that we need more feedback from applicants
score 10

II. INSTRUCTIONS: You will hear an interview with a chemist who works for a cosmetics
company. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. Who was the previous week’s guest on ‘Jobs in Science’?

a. a Biology teacher
b. an astronaut
c. a chemist
2. According to Peter Jackson, when creating colours in cosmetics,
a. you may be required to use garlic.
b. you may work with people in the car industry.
c. it is important that you can see the colour in the dark.
3. Roman women used the cream Peter refers to
a. to make their face glow.
b. to lighten their skin.
c. to clean their teeth.
4. The cream found in London by archaeologists was
a. thick.
b. brightly coloured.
c. light and smooth.
5. What does Peter Jackson consider to be the most important stage in creating cosmetics?
a. developing an original product
b. doing research
c. testing the product 15


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