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Vocabulary 5


Electromagnetic waves



Readi ng
Heat transfer (Radiation) Heat Transfer
Radiation is how energy is transferred through
electro magnetic waves, which means it is
transferred through light. When something shines it
is transferring heat. When the sun shines the light
transfers thermal energy to what the light touches.
Therefore, when you leave something in the sun it
gets hotter. But it is not only the Sun. When you turn
on your lightbulb in your room the lightbulb creates
heat through radiation and conduction.
The Sun:
The Sun is a star in the center of our solar system. It is made of burning gasses, is very
bright and hot. The Sun is 150.000.000km away from the Earth, so when we look at it,
the sun seems small, but it is the biggest object in our solar system. It takes around 8
minutes for the suns light to go to Earth. When this light hits something it transfers
heat to that thing

The heating of the Earth by the Sun is an example of transfer of energy by radiation.
The heating of a room by an open fireplace is another example. The flames radiate
heat directly from the light to the objects in the room with little of this heat being
absorbed by the air.


Conduction: Convection: Radiation:

The transfer of heat through The movement of gases and The transfer of heat through
touch. liquids, through density. light.
Touch Movement Light

How does the Sun give us heat energy?


Name the three terms we have worked with in the heat unit.

________________ ________________ ________________

Draw an example of radiation in your daily life.

Conduction is the transfer of Safety
thermal energy between particles of objects that
are touching. Thermal conduction happens when
particles of a warmer object bump into particles
of a cooler object and transfer some of their
thermal energy to the cooler particles.
Conduction is usually faster in certain solids and
liquids than in gases.

Hypothesis: Circle the cup you believe will be the hottest

after 10 minutes
Obser vation
Which cup was hottest after 10 minutes?


Why do you think that cup was the hottest?


Observation: Draw why the cups got hotter.

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