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Hurtado 1

Jessica Hurtado

Kevin Bates

OGL 260

April 11, 2021

Assignment Paper

Throughout this course, I have been giving the information to find companies that I want

to invest in. I am not referring to a financial investment; I am more interested in a company's

values that benefit human, natural, and societal systems. I believe that many things in the world

have a significant impact on people and our society, but it is important to give attention to those

who are leading a positive example so that others follow. When powerful companies make it a

priority to promote recycled materials or environmentally friendly business habits small

companies will be encouraged to start their businesses that way. I am more attracted to

companies that make it their priority to help others and the environment rather than focus on

their revenue. And I can see how we can change the way our society and the business world

function if all their social capitals revolved around positivity. In addition to this idea, it is our

human nature to want to compete and win. Therefore, when major companies are seeing their

competitors reach for higher goals than money, they will want to adjust their business model to

support similar values.

As members of society, we spend a majority of our time at our workplace. With that said,

a company's social capital has a great impact on the health and happiness of the people in our

lives. I believe that when a company is aware of the power, they have over their employees they

can promote happiness and health. If more people are happier at their workplaces due to the

accommodations and value they are given, they will bring that same positivity energy to their

personal lives and additionally benefit society. Also, there is a difference in a company's success
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who supports their employees and a business that does not. From my experience, when I feel like

I am valued and supported in a work environment, I am more likely to go beyond the goals that

were given to me. In opposition, I have had several dominant supervisors; I felt all I was to the

business I worked for was number. I can tell the difference these work environments have on my

ability to maintain positive habits in my personal life. I am aware of the material benefits that are

involved with working for a big company, however, I try to focus on companies that can offer

more than just money and luxuries.

As I previously mentioned, everything is a domino effect. Businesses must have a well-

functioning internal business model to successfully influence the external values. Stakeholders

are independent parties who are invested in the process and beliefs of a company. When I think

about stakeholders, my mind goes directly to two parties: the investor and the consumer. In a

business, investors are crucial because while they provide financial support to a business, they

also impact a company's reputation. We have seen this a lot, especially during the election. If a

business is being supported by a powerful figure in society or a social idol, others in a similar

social or economic class will be motivated to do the same therefore increasing the turnaround of

the company. Similarly, if a business is not functioning as it promised, stakeholders will question

its legitimacy and cut ties. The reason I believe that the consumer is a popular stakeholder is that

they are who keeps the cash flow of a business in progress. If a business is unable to serve as a

necessity to society, its product is useless. But, at the core of every successful business, is its

social capital. Stakeholders will not be attracted to a business unless the business can prove how

they will grow as a company but also impact society, economy, and nature. I believe that

Starbucks has managed to create an empire because they have set their social capitals and have

made every effort to demonstrate those capitals in everything that they do. One example is how

they are continuously offering training to partners so that every employee can deliver the same
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experience across the board. Additionally, Starbucks has kept up with the social changes and will

openly make adjustments to demonstrate their dedication to the needs of their community.

From the modules, I have learned that symbolism within a company is essential for

organizing and defining a workplace. Like everything, companies start with an idea. Therefore,

all the things that follow that business idea will be the pillars of the company. The reason why

this sparked my attention is that it encouraged me to think of the way we choose the businesses

we support compare to the way we choose relationships we choose to invest in. For example, I

have a preference for companies that symbolize positivity and demonstrate awareness of the

social and natural issues that are occurring. Similarly, I like to invest in people who have a

positive influence on the people around them. However, this does not mean that a company with

different values than me can’t be successful. When a company is establishing their symbolic

capitals, they need to decide which market or audience they are trying to attract. Once this is

decided, they can develop a business model that is influenced by these symbols and acquire the

resources they need to be successful. Again, when we are making connections with others, we

put our best foot forward and focus on making a good impression to hopefully attract people that

will develop our lives and personalities. When I am asked why I enjoy working for Starbucks, I

always say the same thing. Starbucks has done an excellent job at creating an environment that

offers the opportunity to be successful. As a partner, you have more options than just advance in

the company; you also have access to a free college education to follow your personal goals.

Another valuable resource that Starbucks offers is medical and dental benefits and more

importantly financial plans to retire. Starbucks is continuously developing ways to benefit its

partners and it motivates partners to stay involved in the company because they feel valued.

While there are many tangible benefits that I appreciate, they also have made a reputation for

themselves that makes working for their company feel honorable.

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I grew up in a very traditional Hispanic household. With that said, I have realized that my

perspectives are very different from many people. Among all the things that are a priority in my

life, I always go back to the root of it all of my values. Everything you do as a respectful

Hispanic family member goes back to the family. While I am very grateful for my family’s

loyalty and endless support in my life, I can see how valuing family has impacted my life in

positive and negative ways. On one hand, because my parents worked so hard to allow me to go

to college and earn an education. I use that as motivation to get me through two jobs and school.

It’s motivation because I know the happiness it will bring them to see me reach my full potential.

I can see how this genuine love and support extends to my friendships and relationships because

I view their accomplishment as my own too. Having such a strong bond between myself and my

family encourages me to make friendships that become family too. In addition to my

relationships with others, I am very selective with the people I choose to be in my life. I am very

passionate about reaching my goals and developing my character on my way to success so, I

want people in my life who will help me do that. I learned from a very young age that people

attract the energy they put out into the world. With that said, I try to add people to my life that

add to the positivity and support that I am willing to provide for them. When I make connections

with other people, I do not look for any physical qualities; I like to get a feel for their

authenticity. It is easy to make friends for going out and be reckless with, but it is difficult to find

people who can challenge your beliefs and force you to grow.

While I did not complete the intellectual analysis for the company I selected, I understand

how intellectual capital is a crucial part of Starbucks. From my understanding, intellectual capital

consists of three subcategories: human, customer, and structural capital. As a partner, I am

fortunate to see the entire picture of how Starbucks has successfully demonstrated intellectual

capital. Starbucks establishes human capital by continuously developing training and support for
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their partners to ensure that they can be confident and motivated in their work. Secondly,

customer capital, I believe that Starbucks has stayed relevant because they are constantly

updating their products to accommodate the needs of their customers. Lastly, Starbucks has

developed its structural capital by building its clientele through the products that they offer and

expanding its business to make it available to more than just one social class. I believe that

Starbucks has managed to grow their business because they have made it a priority to take into

consideration what their partners and consumers have to say. But mostly, their partners. One

example is how they recently updated their policies to give power to their employees. Employees

are now encouraged to speak up and stand up for themselves when they are feeling threatened by

a customer. I believe this encourgaed more partner to stay because they felt like Starbucks values

their safety and commitment to the company.

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